Use LoRaWAN on mDot with IKS01A1 sensor board plugged into UDK board.

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 mbed LoRaWAN-lib SX1272Lib

Fork of LoRaWAN-demo-72 by Semtech

This project uses IKS01A1 driver library with pin definitions for mDot UDK arduino headers.
The mDot platform doesnt define arduino header pins, so they must be defined in the IKS01A1 driver library header.

Thu Jan 07 15:11:08 2016 +0000
Initial commit

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 1 /*
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 2 / _____) _ | |
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 3 ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 4 \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 5 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 6 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 7 (C)2013 Semtech
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 8
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 9 Description: Timer objects and scheduling management
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 10
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 11 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 12
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 13 Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 14 */
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 15 #ifndef __TIMER_H__
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 16 #define __TIMER_H__
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 17
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 18 #include "mbed.h"
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 19
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 20 /*!
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 21 * \brief Timer object description
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 22 */
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 23 typedef struct TimerEvent_s
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 24 {
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 25 uint32_t value;
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 26 void ( *Callback )( void );
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 27 Ticker Timer;
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 28 }TimerEvent_t;
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 29
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 30 /*!
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 31 * \brief Timer time variable definition
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 32 */
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 33 #ifndef TimerTime_t
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 34 typedef uint32_t TimerTime_t;
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 35 #endif
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 36
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 37 /*!
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 38 * \brief Inializes the timer used to get current time.
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 39 *
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 40 * \remark Current time corresponds to the time since system startup
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 41 */
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 42 void TimerTimeCounterInit( void );
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 43
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 44 /*!
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 45 * \brief Initializes the timer object
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 46 *
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 47 * \remark TimerSetValue function must be called before starting the timer.
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 48 * this function initializes timestamp and reload value at 0.
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 49 *
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 50 * \param [IN] obj Structure containing the timer object parameters
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 51 * \param [IN] callback Function callback called at the end of the timeout
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 52 */
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 53 void TimerInit( TimerEvent_t *obj, void ( *callback )( void ) );
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 54
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 55 /*!
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 56 * \brief Starts and adds the timer object to the list of timer events
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 57 *
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 58 * \param [IN] obj Structure containing the timer object parameters
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 59 */
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 60 void TimerStart( TimerEvent_t *obj );
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 61
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 62 /*!
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 63 * \brief Stops and removes the timer object from the list of timer events
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 64 *
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 65 * \param [IN] obj Structure containing the timer object parameters
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 66 */
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 67 void TimerStop( TimerEvent_t *obj );
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 68
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 69 /*!
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 70 * \brief Resets the timer object
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 71 *
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 72 * \param [IN] obj Structure containing the timer object parameters
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 73 */
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 74 void TimerReset( TimerEvent_t *obj );
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 75
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 76 /*!
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 77 * \brief Set timer new timeout value
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 78 *
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 79 * \param [IN] obj Structure containing the timer object parameters
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 80 * \param [IN] value New timer timeout value
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 81 */
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 82 void TimerSetValue( TimerEvent_t *obj, uint32_t value );
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 83
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 84 /*!
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 85 * \brief Read the current time
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 86 *
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 87 * \retval time returns current time
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 88 */
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 89 TimerTime_t TimerGetCurrentTime( void );
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 90
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 91
mluis 0:45496a70a8a5 92 #endif // __TIMER_H__