application layer with: button, LED, pot, tempSense

Dependencies:   mbed SX1272Lib

Fork of LoRaWAN-demo-72-bootcamp by Semtech

Use with sx1272 shield with grove peripherals connected:

D8 D9: ButtonRX TXA3 A4: TempSense
D6 D7:SCL SDA : LEDA1 A2: Pot


Sends to different payloads: short press (under 1 sec)
long press: held down > 1 sec.

serial console keys

115200bps, 8N1
Enter key not used
Keys '0' to '3': cayenne channel number
'0': pot (rotary sensor)
'1': temperature
' 2': digital out
'3': analog out

app/Commissioning.h/shortlog@f8c7c85fc8e8: not found in manifest