Dependencies: fsl_phy_mcr20a fsl_smac mbed-rtos mbed
Fork of mcr20_connectivity_test_FRDMk64f by
- Committer:
- phy_sam
- Date:
- 2016-08-18
- Revision:
- 8:c37e57032093
- Parent:
- 0:4eb2240dbd22
File content as of revision 8:c37e57032093:
/*! * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * \file Application_Interface.h * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * o Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * o Neither the name of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __SMAC_APPLICATION_CONF_H__ #define __SMAC_APPLICATION_CONF_H__ #include "MemManager.h" #include "ConnectivityMenus.h" /*Defines the Application menus*/ #include "SMAC_Interface.h" /*@CMA Conn Test*/ #include "FunctionLib.h" #include "AspInterface.h" #ifdef gPHY_802_15_4g_d #include "PhyTime.h" #endif #include "mbed.h" #include "rtos.h" /* BEGIN Configuration Parameters Definition */ typedef enum ConnectivityStates_tag { gConnInitState_c, gConnIdleState_c, gConnSelectTest_c, gConnContinuousTxRxState_c, gConnPerState_c, gConnRangeState_c, gConnRegEditState_c, gConnSetChannelState_c, gConnSetPowerState_c, gConnSetTxTestState_c, gConnSetRxTestState_c, gConnSetTrimCoarseState_c, gConnSetTrimFineState_c, gConnContinuousTxState_c, gConnPerTxState_c, gConnRangeTxState_c, gConnContinuousRxState_c, gConnPerRxState_c, gConnRangeRxState_c, gConnBitrateSelectState_c, gConnCSenseAndTCtrl_c, gConnEDMeasCalib_c, gConnMaxState_c }ConnectivityStates_t; typedef enum ContinuousTxRxTestStates_tag { gCTxRxStateInit_c, gCTxRxStateIdle_c, gCTxRxStateSelectTest_c, gCTxRxStateRunnigEdTest_c, gCTxRxStateRunningEdTestGotResult_c, gCTxRxStateRunningPRBS9Test_c, gCTxRxStateRunnigScanTest_c, gCTxRxStateRunnigRxTest_c, gCTxRxStateRunningTXModSelectOpt, gCTxRxStateRunnigCcaTest_c, gCTxRxMaxState_c }ContinuousTxRxTestStates_t; typedef enum PerTxStates_tag { gPerTxStateInit_c = 0, gPerTxStateIdle_c, gPerTxStateSelectPacketNum_c, gPerTxStateInputPacketDelay_c, gPerTxStateStartTest_c, gPerTxStateRunningTest_c, gPerTxStateSendingLastFrames_c, gPerTxStateMaxState_c }PerTxStates_t; typedef enum PerRxStates_tag { gPerRxStateInit_c = 0, gPerRxStateIdle_c, gPerRxWaitStartTest_c, gPerRxStateStartTest_c, gPerRxStateRunningTest_c, gPerRxStateReceivingLastFrames_c, gPerrxStateMaxState_c }PerRxStates_t; typedef enum RangeTxStates_tag { gRangeTxStateInit_c = 0, gRangeTxStateIdle_c, gRangeTxWaitStartTest_c, gRangeTxStateStartTest_c, gRangeTxStateRunningTest_c, gRangeTxStatePrintTestResults_c, gRangeTxStateMaxState_c }RangeTxStates_t; typedef enum RangeRxStates_tag { gRangeRxStateInit_c = 0, gRangeRxStateIdle_c, gRangeRxWaitStartTest_c, gRangeRxStateStartTest_c, gRangeRxStateRunningTest_c, gRangeRxStatePrintTestResults_c, gRangeRxStateMaxState_c }RangeRxStates_t; typedef enum CSenseTCtrlStates_tag { gCsTcStateInit_c = 0, gCsTcStateSelectTest_c, gCsTcStateCarrierSenseStart_c, gCsTcStateCarrierSenseSelectType_c, gCsTcStateCarrierSensePerformingTest_c, gCsTcStateCarrierSenseEndTest_c, gCsTcStateTransmissionControlStart_c, gCsTcStateTransmissionControlSelectNumOfPackets_c, gCsTcStateTransmissionControlSelectInterpacketDelay_c, gCsTcStateTransmissionControlPerformingTest_c, gCsTcStateTransmissionControlEndTest_c, gCsTcStateMaxState_c }CSenseTCtrlStates_t; typedef enum overrideRegistersStates_tag { gORStateInit_c = 0, gORStateStart_c, gORWaitForTheAddress_c, gORWaitForTheValue_c, gORStateIdle_c, gORStateMaxState_c }oRStates_t; typedef enum readRegistersStates_tag { gRRStateInit_c = 0, gRRStateStart_c, gRRWaitForTheAddress_c, gRRStateMaxState_c }rRStates_t; typedef enum EditRegsStates_tag { gERStateInit_c = 0, gERWaitSelection_c, gERStateOverrideReg_c, gERStateReadReg_c, gERStateDumpAllRegs_c, gERStateOverrideRadioSpiReg_c, gERStateReadRadioSpiReg_c, gERStateMaxState_c }EditRegsStates_t; typedef enum dumpRegistersStates_t { gDRStateInit_c = 0, gDRStateDumpRegs_c }dRStates_t; /* END Configuration Parameters Definition */ #define gDefaultOperationMode_c mTxOperation_c #define gDefaultPayload_c 20 #define mTotalFinalFrames_c 25 #ifdef gPHY_802_15_4g_d #define gMaxChannel_c ((channels_t)(gTotalChannels - 1)) #define gMinChannel_c (gChannel0_c) #else #define gMaxChannel_c ((channels_t)gTotalChannels) #define gMinChannel_c (gChannel11_c) #endif extern smacErrors_t smacToAppMlmeSap(smacToAppMlmeMessage_t* pMsg, instanceId_t instance); extern smacErrors_t smacToAppMcpsSap(smacToAppDataMessage_t* pMsg, instanceId_t instance); extern void InitApp(); #endif /* __SMAC_APP_CONFIG_H__ */