Lib for FTDI FT800 Graphic Controller EVE Support up to 512 x 512 pixel resolution. Resistive touch sense Mono audio output SPI Interface

Dependents:   FT800_touch_track FT800_JPG

Library for the FT800 Display,Audio and Touch Controller from FTDI. The Code is based on the sample code from FTDI.

FT800 is a graphics chip with added features such as audio playback and touch capabilities. FT800 graphics consist of a rich set of graphics objects (primitive and widgets) that can be used for displaying various menus and screen shots.

The mbed is talking thru the SPI interface with the graphic engine. We have to set up a list of Commands and send them to the FT800 to get graphics.


1. VM800C development modules from FTDI :

The modules come with different size lcd. 3.5", 4.3" or 5" or without. /media/uploads/dreschpe/ftdi_eve.jpg The picture shows a modified board, because my lcd had a different pinout. The mbed is connected to the pin header on the bottom.

2. EVBEVE-FT800 board from GLYN:

The module has a 40 pin flex cable connector to connect a display out of the EDT series.


The mbed is connected via the pin header on the left. If you use this board with a EDT display you have to uncomment the #define Inv_Backlite in FT_LCD_Type.h, because the backlight dimming is inverted.

3. ConnectEVE board from MikroElektronika The board has also a pin header to connect the mbed. - not tested, but it looks like the other boards.


We need 5 signals to connect to the mbed. SCK, MOSI and MISO are connected to a SPI channel. SS is the chip select signal and PD work as powerdown. The additional INT signal is not used at the moment. It is possible to generate a interrupt signal, but at the moment you have to poll the status register of the FT800 to see if a command is finished.


This lib is based on the demo code from FTDI. If you want to use it, you have to read the programming manual :

See my demo :

or the demo code from FTDI :

diff -r 000000000000 -r 5e013296b353 FT_Gpu_Hal.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FT_Gpu_Hal.cpp	Fri Jan 03 15:26:10 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+#include "FT_Platform.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "FT_LCD_Type.h"
+FT800::FT800(PinName mosi,
+			PinName miso,
+			PinName sck,
+			PinName ss,
+			PinName intr,
+			PinName pd)
+	:_spi(mosi, miso, sck),
+	 _ss(ss),
+	 _f800_isr(InterruptIn(intr)),
+	 _pd(pd)
+	 {
+	 	 _spi.format(8,0);                  // 8 bit spi mode 0
+    	 _spi.frequency(10000000);          // start with 10 Mhz SPI clock
+    	 _ss = 1;                           // cs high
+    	 _pd = 1;                           // PD high 
+		 Bootup();   	
+	 }
+ft_bool_t FT800::Bootup(void){
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Open();
+	BootupConfig();
+	return(1);
+	}
+ft_void_t FT800::BootupConfig(void){
+	ft_uint8_t chipid;
+	/* Do a power cycle for safer side */
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Powercycle( FT_TRUE);
+	/* Access address 0 to wake up the FT800 */
+	Ft_Gpu_HostCommand( FT_GPU_ACTIVE_M);  
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Sleep(20);
+	/* Set the clk to external clock */
+	Ft_Gpu_HostCommand( FT_GPU_EXTERNAL_OSC);  
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Sleep(10);
+	/* Switch PLL output to 48MHz */
+	Ft_Gpu_HostCommand( FT_GPU_PLL_48M);  
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Sleep(10);
+	/* Do a core reset for safer side */
+	Ft_Gpu_HostCommand( FT_GPU_CORE_RESET);     
+	//Read Register ID to check if FT800 is ready. 
+	chipid = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd8(  REG_ID);
+	while(chipid != 0x7C)
+		chipid = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd8(  REG_ID);
+	// Speed up 
+	_spi.frequency(30000000);           // 30 Mhz SPI clock
+	/* Configuration of LCD display */
+    FT_DispHCycle = my_DispHCycle;
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_HCYCLE, FT_DispHCycle);
+    FT_DispHOffset = my_DispHOffset;
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_HOFFSET, FT_DispHOffset);
+    FT_DispWidth = my_DispWidth;
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_HSIZE, FT_DispWidth);
+    FT_DispHSync0 = my_DispHSync0;
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_HSYNC0, FT_DispHSync0);
+    FT_DispHSync1 = my_DispHSync1;
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_HSYNC1, FT_DispHSync1);
+    FT_DispVCycle = my_DispVCycle;
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_VCYCLE, FT_DispVCycle);
+    FT_DispVOffset = my_DispVOffset;
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_VOFFSET, FT_DispVOffset);
+    FT_DispHeight = my_DispHeight;
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_VSIZE, FT_DispHeight);
+    FT_DispVSync0 = my_DispVSync0;
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_VSYNC0, FT_DispVSync0);
+    FT_DispVSync1 = my_DispVSync1;
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_VSYNC1, FT_DispVSync1);
+    FT_DispSwizzle = my_DispSwizzle;
+    //Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr8(  REG_SWIZZLE, FT_DispSwizzle);
+    FT_DispPCLKPol = my_DispPCLKPol;
+    //Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr8(  REG_PCLK_POL, FT_DispPCLKPol);
+    FT_DispPCLK = my_DispPCLK;
+    //Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr8(  REG_PCLK,FT_DispPCLK);//after this display is visible on the LCD
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_PWM_HZ, 1000);
+#ifdef Inv_Backlite	
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_PWM_DUTY, 0);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_PWM_DUTY, 100);
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr8(  REG_GPIO_DIR,0x80);  //| Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd8( REG_GPIO_DIR));
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr8(  REG_GPIO,0x080);     //| Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd8( REG_GPIO));
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr32(  RAM_DL, CLEAR(1,1,1));
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr32(  RAM_DL+4, DISPLAY());
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr32(  REG_DLSWAP,1);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_PCLK, FT_DispPCLK);
+    /* Touch configuration - configure the resistance value to 1200 - this value is specific to customer requirement and derived by experiment */
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16(  REG_TOUCH_RZTHRESH,1200);
+/* API to initialize the SPI interface */
+ft_bool_t  FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Init()
+	// is done in constructor
+	return 1;
+ft_bool_t  FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Open()
+	ft_cmd_fifo_wp = ft_dl_buff_wp = 0;
+	status = FT_GPU_HAL_OPENED;
+	return 1;
+ft_void_t  FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Close( )
+	status = FT_GPU_HAL_CLOSED;
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_DeInit()
+/*The APIs for reading/writing transfer continuously only with small buffer system*/
+ft_void_t  FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( FT_GPU_TRANSFERDIR_T rw,ft_uint32_t addr)
+	if (FT_GPU_READ == rw){
+		_ss = 0;       // cs low
+		_spi.write(addr >> 16);
+		_spi.write(addr >> 8);
+		_spi.write(addr & 0xff);
+		_spi.write(0); //Dummy Read Byte
+		status = FT_GPU_HAL_READING;
+	}else{
+		_ss = 0;       // cs low
+		_spi.write(0x80 | (addr >> 16));
+		_spi.write(addr >> 8);
+		_spi.write(addr & 0xff);
+		status = FT_GPU_HAL_WRITING;
+	}
+/*The APIs for writing transfer continuously only*/
+ft_void_t  FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartCmdTransfer( FT_GPU_TRANSFERDIR_T rw, ft_uint16_t count)
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( rw, ft_cmd_fifo_wp + RAM_CMD);
+ft_uint8_t  FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_TransferString( const ft_char8_t *string)
+    ft_uint16_t length = strlen(string);
+    while(length --){
+       Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( *string);
+       string ++;
+    }
+    //Append one null as ending flag
+    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( 0);
+ft_uint8_t  FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( ft_uint8_t value)
+        return _spi.write(value);	
+ft_uint16_t  FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer16( ft_uint16_t value)
+	ft_uint16_t retVal = 0;
+        if (status == FT_GPU_HAL_WRITING){
+		Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( value & 0xFF);//LSB first
+		Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( (value >> 8) & 0xFF);
+	}else{
+		retVal = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( 0);
+		retVal |= (ft_uint16_t)Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( 0) << 8;
+	}
+	return retVal;
+ft_uint32_t  FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer32( ft_uint32_t value)
+	ft_uint32_t retVal = 0;
+	if (status == FT_GPU_HAL_WRITING){
+		Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer16( value & 0xFFFF);//LSB first
+		Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer16( (value >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
+	}else{
+		retVal = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer16( 0);
+		retVal |= (ft_uint32_t)Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer16( 0) << 16;
+	}
+	return retVal;
+ft_void_t   FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( )
+	_ss = 1; 
+	status = FT_GPU_HAL_OPENED;
+ft_uint8_t  FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd8( ft_uint32_t addr)
+	ft_uint8_t value;
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( FT_GPU_READ,addr);
+	value = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( 0);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+	return value;
+ft_uint16_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd16( ft_uint32_t addr)
+	ft_uint16_t value;
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( FT_GPU_READ,addr);
+	value = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer16( 0);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+	return value;
+ft_uint32_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd32( ft_uint32_t addr)
+	ft_uint32_t value;
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( FT_GPU_READ,addr);
+	value = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer32( 0);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+	return value;
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr8( ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint8_t v)
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,addr);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( v);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16( ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint16_t v)
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,addr);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer16( v);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr32( ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint32_t v)
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,addr);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer32( v);
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_HostCommand( ft_uint8_t cmd)
+  _ss = 0;
+  _spi.write(cmd);
+  _spi.write(0);
+  _spi.write(0);
+  _ss = 1;
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_ClockSelect( FT_GPU_PLL_SOURCE_T pllsource)
+   Ft_Gpu_HostCommand( pllsource);
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_PLL_FreqSelect( FT_GPU_PLL_FREQ_T freq)
+   Ft_Gpu_HostCommand( freq);
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_PowerModeSwitch( FT_GPU_POWER_MODE_T pwrmode)
+   Ft_Gpu_HostCommand( pwrmode);
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_CoreReset( )
+   Ft_Gpu_HostCommand( 0x68);
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Updatecmdfifo( ft_uint16_t count)
+	 ft_cmd_fifo_wp  = ( ft_cmd_fifo_wp + count) & 4095;
+	//4 byte alignment
+	 ft_cmd_fifo_wp = ( ft_cmd_fifo_wp + 3) & 0xffc;
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr16( REG_CMD_WRITE, ft_cmd_fifo_wp);
+ft_uint16_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Cmdfifo_Freespace( )
+	ft_uint16_t fullness,retval;
+	fullness = ( ft_cmd_fifo_wp - Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd16( REG_CMD_READ)) & 4095;
+	retval = (FT_CMD_FIFO_SIZE - 4) - fullness;
+	return (retval);
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_WrCmdBuf( ft_uint8_t *buffer,ft_uint16_t count)
+	ft_uint32_t length =0, SizeTransfered = 0;   
+#define MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER   Ft_Gpu_Cmdfifo_Freespace( )  
+	do {                
+		length = count;
+		if (length > MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER){
+		    length = MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER;
+		}
+      	        Ft_Gpu_Hal_CheckCmdBuffer( length);
+                Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartCmdTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,length);
+                SizeTransfered = 0;
+		while (length--) {
+                    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( *buffer);
+		    		buffer++;
+                    SizeTransfered ++;
+		}
+                length = SizeTransfered;
+		Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+		Ft_Gpu_Hal_Updatecmdfifo( length);
+		Ft_Gpu_Hal_WaitCmdfifo_empty( );
+		count -= length;
+	}while (count > 0);
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_WrCmdBufFromFlash( FT_PROGMEM ft_prog_uchar8_t *buffer,ft_uint16_t count)
+	ft_uint32_t length =0, SizeTransfered = 0;   
+#define MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER   Ft_Gpu_Cmdfifo_Freespace( )  
+	do {                
+		length = count;
+		if (length > MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER){
+		    length = MAX_CMD_FIFO_TRANSFER;
+		}
+      	        Ft_Gpu_Hal_CheckCmdBuffer( length);
+                Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartCmdTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,length);
+                SizeTransfered = 0;
+		while (length--) {
+                    Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( ft_pgm_read_byte_near(buffer));
+		    buffer++;
+                    SizeTransfered ++;
+		}
+                length = SizeTransfered;
+    	        Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+		Ft_Gpu_Hal_Updatecmdfifo( length);
+		Ft_Gpu_Hal_WaitCmdfifo_empty( );
+		count -= length;
+	}while (count > 0);
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_CheckCmdBuffer( ft_uint16_t count)
+   ft_uint16_t getfreespace;
+   do{
+        getfreespace = Ft_Gpu_Cmdfifo_Freespace( );
+   }while(getfreespace < count);
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_WaitCmdfifo_empty( )
+   while(Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd16( REG_CMD_READ) != Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd16( REG_CMD_WRITE));
+    ft_cmd_fifo_wp = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd16( REG_CMD_WRITE);
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_WaitLogo_Finish( )
+    ft_int16_t cmdrdptr,cmdwrptr;
+    do{
+         cmdrdptr = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd16( REG_CMD_READ);
+         cmdwrptr = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Rd16( REG_CMD_WRITE);
+    }while ((cmdwrptr != cmdrdptr) || (cmdrdptr != 0));
+     ft_cmd_fifo_wp = 0;
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_ResetCmdFifo( )
+    ft_cmd_fifo_wp = 0;
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_WrCmd32( ft_uint32_t cmd)
+         Ft_Gpu_Hal_CheckCmdBuffer( sizeof(cmd));
+         Ft_Gpu_Hal_Wr32( RAM_CMD +  ft_cmd_fifo_wp,cmd);
+         Ft_Gpu_Hal_Updatecmdfifo( sizeof(cmd));
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_ResetDLBuffer( )
+            ft_dl_buff_wp = 0;
+/* Toggle PD_N pin of FT800 board for a power cycle*/
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Powercycle(  ft_bool_t up)
+	if (up)
+	{
+             //Toggle PD_N from low to high for power up switch  
+            _pd = 0; 
+            Ft_Gpu_Hal_Sleep(20);
+            _pd = 1;
+            Ft_Gpu_Hal_Sleep(20);
+	}else
+	{
+             //Toggle PD_N from high to low for power down switch
+            _pd = 1;
+            Ft_Gpu_Hal_Sleep(20);
+            _pd = 0;
+            Ft_Gpu_Hal_Sleep(20);
+	}
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_WrMemFromFlash( ft_uint32_t addr,const ft_prog_uchar8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length)
+	ft_uint32_t SizeTransfered = 0;      
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,addr);
+	while (length--) {
+            Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( ft_pgm_read_byte_near(buffer));
+	    buffer++;
+	}
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_WrMem( ft_uint32_t addr,const ft_uint8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length)
+	ft_uint32_t SizeTransfered = 0;      
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( FT_GPU_WRITE,addr);
+	while (length--) {
+            Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( *buffer);
+	    buffer++;
+	}
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_RdMem( ft_uint32_t addr, ft_uint8_t *buffer, ft_uint32_t length)
+	ft_uint32_t SizeTransfered = 0;      
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_StartTransfer( FT_GPU_READ,addr);
+	while (length--) {
+	   *buffer = Ft_Gpu_Hal_Transfer8( 0);
+	   buffer++;
+	}
+	Ft_Gpu_Hal_EndTransfer( );
+ft_int32_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Dec2Ascii(ft_char8_t *pSrc,ft_int32_t value)
+	ft_int16_t Length;
+	ft_char8_t *pdst,charval;
+	ft_int32_t CurrVal = value,tmpval,i;
+	ft_char8_t tmparray[16],idx = 0;
+	Length = strlen(pSrc);
+	pdst = pSrc + Length;
+	if(0 == value)
+	{
+		*pdst++ = '0';
+		*pdst++ = '\0';
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if(CurrVal < 0)
+	{
+		*pdst++ = '-';
+		CurrVal = - CurrVal;
+	}
+	/* insert the value */
+	while(CurrVal > 0){
+		tmpval = CurrVal;
+		CurrVal /= 10;
+		tmpval = tmpval - CurrVal*10;
+		charval = '0' + tmpval;
+		tmparray[idx++] = charval;
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<idx;i++)
+	{
+		*pdst++ = tmparray[idx - i - 1];
+	}
+	*pdst++ = '\0';
+	return 0;
+ft_void_t FT800::Ft_Gpu_Hal_Sleep(ft_uint16_t ms)
+	wait_ms(ms);