web server load-drive and reading sensors based on LPC1768

Dependencies:   DHT22 EthernetNetIf HTTPServer mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Leituras/Leitura.cpp	Mon Dec 07 14:06:24 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#include "Leitura.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "DHT22.h"
+#include "TextLCD.h"
+#include "SensorHandler.h"
+AnalogIn   sensCur(p15);
+AnalogIn   sensCur2(p16);
+AnalogIn   sensCur3(p17);
+AnalogIn   sensCC (p18);
+DigitalIn   sensAC (p27);
+DHT22 sensor(p11);
+DigitalOut dout(LED1);
+DigitalOut myled(LED4);
+int AC;
+int err;
+int szTemp;
+int szUmid;
+char szTemp2[10];   //utilizado no sensorhandler
+char szUmid2[10];   //utilizado no sensorhandler
+char Corrente[50];
+char Corrente2[50];
+char Corrente3[50];
+//char Tensao[10];
+char TensCC[10];
+unsigned char k = 0;
+unsigned char h = 0;
+float sensorValue;
+float sensorValue_aux;
+float sensorValue2;
+float sensorValue_aux2;
+float sensorValue3;
+float sensorValue_aux3;
+float getValor;
+float Tcc;
+float TensAC;
+float media = 0;                                //para media movel 
+float filtro[10];                               //para media movel
+float media2 = 0;                                //para media movel 
+float filtro2[10];                               //para media movel
+float       voltsporUnidade = 0.0008056640625;  //  3.3/4096
+float       Vref = 3.3;
+float       Vref2 = 3.11;
+float       Offset = 2.3;                       //6.7;  //Tensão CC
+float       salto = 0.01559;                    //0.01563;
+float       DHT = 62;                           //Taxa de amostragem DHT
+int         chute=0;
+void Leituras::clima()
+    sensor.sample() ;
+    szTemp = (sensor.getTemperature()/10.0);
+    szUmid = (sensor.getHumidity()/10.0);
+void Leituras::corrente()
+    sensorValue_aux = 0;
+    for (int a=0; a<10; a++) {
+        sensorValue_aux += sensCur.read();
+    }
+    sensorValue_aux = sensorValue_aux / 10;
+    sensorValue = ((((sensorValue_aux * Vref2) / voltsporUnidade)-1650)/DHT) - 12.56;
+    sprintf( Corrente, "%0.2f", sensorValue);
+void Leituras::corrente2()
+    sensorValue_aux2 = 0;
+    for (int b=0; b<10; b++) {
+        sensorValue_aux2 += sensCur2.read();
+    }
+    sensorValue_aux2 = (sensorValue_aux2 / 10);
+    sensorValue2 = ((((sensorValue_aux2 * Vref2) / voltsporUnidade)-1650)/DHT) - 12.36;
+    sprintf( Corrente2, "%0.2f", sensorValue2);
+void Leituras::corrente3()
+    sensorValue_aux3 = 0;
+    for (int c=0; c<10; c++) {
+        sensorValue_aux3 += sensCur3.read();
+    }
+    sensorValue_aux3 = sensorValue_aux3 / 10;
+    sensorValue3 = ((((sensorValue_aux3 * Vref2) / voltsporUnidade)-1650)/DHT) - 12.10;
+    sprintf( Corrente3, "%0.2f", sensorValue3);
+void Leituras::TensaoCC()
+    Tcc = 0;
+    if (chute ==0){
+        Tcc= sensCC.read();
+        Tcc = ((Tcc * salto) + Offset);
+        chute =1;
+        }
+//media movel
+    unsigned char j;
+    filtro[k] = sensCC.read();
+    k++;
+    if(k==10) {
+        k=0;
+    }
+    for(j=0; j<10; j++) {
+        getValor += filtro[j];
+    }
+    getValor = getValor/10;
+    Tcc = ((getValor * 4094) - 2048);
+    Tcc = ((Tcc * salto) + Offset);
+    if (Tcc < 12.1) {
+        Tcc = Tcc + 0.18;
+    }
+    if (Tcc>= 13) {
+        Tcc = Tcc - 0.06;
+    }
+    if (Tcc < 11.7) {
+        Tcc = Tcc + 0.09;
+    }
+    sprintf(TensCC, "%2.2f", Tcc);
+void Leituras::TensaoAC()
+    float TAC = 0.0;
+    TensAC = 0;
+    unsigned char l;
+    for (int w=0; w<30; w++) {
+        TAC += sensAC.read();
+    }
+        TAC = (TAC / 30);
+    filtro2[h] = TAC;
+    h++;
+    if(h==10) {
+        h=0;
+    }
+    for(l=0; l<=10; l++) {
+        TensAC += filtro2[l];
+    }
+  TensAC = TensAC * Vref;  
+ //   TensAC = (TAC / 100) * Vref;
+    if (TensAC != 33.0) {
+        AC = 1;
+    } else AC = 0 ;
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