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Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 9e95a5ef2659 Start/Start.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Start/Start.cpp	Mon Apr 27 06:14:34 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+#include "Start.h"
+bool ifnotstop = true;
+void Start::init(int me_width,int me_height,int attacker_size,int speed)
+    // initialise the game parameters
+    _me_width = me_width;            //3
+    _me_height = me_height;          //3  
+    _attacker_size = attacker_size;  //2
+    _speed = speed;                  //1
+    _me.init(_mex,_mey,_me_height,_me_width);
+    _attacker1.init1(_attacker_size,_speed);
+    _attacker2.init2(_attacker_size,_speed);
+    _attacker3.init3(_attacker_size,_speed);
+    _attacker4.init4(_attacker_size,_speed);
+    _attacker5.init5(_attacker_size,_speed);
+    _attacker6.init6(_attacker_size,_speed);
+    _attacker7.init7(_attacker_size,_speed);
+    _attacker8.init8(_attacker_size,_speed);
+void Start::read_input(Gamepad &pad)
+    _d = pad.get_direction();
+    _mag = pad.get_mag();
+void Start::draw(N5110 &lcd)
+    lcd.drawRect(0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT,FILL_TRANSPARENT);    //draw the turrets
+    lcd.drawRect(10,10,64,28,FILL_TRANSPARENT);    //map
+    lcd.drawCircle(5,17,4,FILL_TRANSPARENT);
+    lcd.drawCircle(5,31,4,FILL_TRANSPARENT);      //the two in left
+    lcd.drawCircle(78,17,4,FILL_TRANSPARENT);
+    lcd.drawCircle(78,31,4,FILL_TRANSPARENT);     //right
+    lcd.drawCircle(30,5,4,FILL_TRANSPARENT);
+    lcd.drawCircle(54,5,4,FILL_TRANSPARENT);      //up
+    lcd.drawCircle(30,42,4,FILL_TRANSPARENT);
+    lcd.drawCircle(54,42,4,FILL_TRANSPARENT);     //down
+    _me.draw(lcd);
+    _attacker1.draw(lcd);
+    _attacker2.draw(lcd);
+    _attacker3.draw(lcd);
+    _attacker4.draw(lcd);
+    _attacker5.draw(lcd);
+    _attacker6.draw(lcd);
+    _attacker7.draw(lcd);
+    _attacker8.draw(lcd);
+void Start::update(Gamepad &pad)
+    _me.update(_d);
+    _attacker1.update();
+    _attacker2.update();
+    _attacker3.update();
+    _attacker4.update();
+    _attacker5.update();
+    _attacker6.update();
+    _attacker7.update();
+    _attacker8.update();
+    check_wall_collision(pad);         
+    check_body_collisions(pad);
+void Start::check_wall_collision(Gamepad &pad)
+    Vector2D attacker11_pos = _attacker1.get_pos();
+    Vector2D attacker22_pos = _attacker2.get_pos();
+    Vector2D attacker33_pos = _attacker3.get_pos();
+    Vector2D attacker44_pos = _attacker4.get_pos();
+    Vector2D attacker55_pos = _attacker5.get_pos();
+    Vector2D attacker66_pos = _attacker6.get_pos();
+    Vector2D attacker77_pos = _attacker7.get_pos();
+    Vector2D attacker88_pos = _attacker8.get_pos();
+    if(attacker11_pos.y < 10)     //if collision,
+     {  
+       attacker11_pos.x=30;        // position restore.
+       attacker11_pos.y=11;        //every attacker ,totally  8 times.
+     }
+    else if(attacker11_pos.y > 36)
+    {  
+       attacker11_pos.x=30;
+       attacker11_pos.y=11;
+    }
+    else if(attacker11_pos.x < 10)
+    {
+       attacker11_pos.x=30;
+       attacker11_pos.y=11;
+    }
+    else if(attacker11_pos.x > 72)
+    {
+       attacker11_pos.x=30;
+       attacker11_pos.y=11;
+    }
+    if(attacker22_pos.y < 10)
+     {  
+       attacker22_pos.x=54;
+       attacker22_pos.y=10;
+     }
+    else if(attacker22_pos.y > 36)
+    {  
+       attacker22_pos.x=54;
+       attacker22_pos.y=10;
+    }
+    else if(attacker22_pos.x < 10)
+    {
+       attacker22_pos.x=54;
+       attacker22_pos.y=10;
+    }
+    else if(attacker22_pos.x > 72)
+    {
+       attacker22_pos.x=54;
+       attacker22_pos.y=10;
+    }
+    if(attacker33_pos.y < 10)
+     {  
+       attacker33_pos.x=10;
+       attacker33_pos.y=17;
+     }
+    else if(attacker33_pos.y > 36)
+    {  
+       attacker33_pos.x=10;
+       attacker33_pos.y=17;
+    }
+    else if(attacker33_pos.x < 10)
+    {
+       attacker33_pos.x=10;
+       attacker33_pos.y=17;
+    }
+    else if(attacker33_pos.x > 72)
+    {
+       attacker33_pos.x=10;
+       attacker33_pos.y=17;
+    }
+    if(attacker44_pos.y < 10)
+     {  
+       attacker44_pos.x=10;
+       attacker44_pos.y=31;
+     }
+    else if(attacker44_pos.y > 36)
+    {  
+       attacker44_pos.x=10;
+       attacker44_pos.y=31;
+    }
+    else if(attacker11_pos.x < 10)
+    {
+       attacker44_pos.x=10;
+       attacker44_pos.y=31;
+    }
+    else if(attacker44_pos.x > 72)
+    {
+       attacker44_pos.x=10;
+       attacker44_pos.y=31;
+    }
+    if(attacker55_pos.y < 10)
+     {  
+       attacker55_pos.x=30;
+       attacker55_pos.y=36;
+     }
+    else if(attacker55_pos.y > 36)
+    {  
+       attacker55_pos.x=30;
+       attacker55_pos.y=36;
+    }
+    else if(attacker55_pos.x < 10)
+    {
+       attacker55_pos.x=30;
+       attacker55_pos.y=36;
+    }
+    else if(attacker55_pos.x > 72)
+    {
+       attacker55_pos.x=30;
+       attacker55_pos.y=36;
+    }
+    if(attacker66_pos.y < 10)
+     {  
+       attacker66_pos.x=54;
+       attacker66_pos.y=36;
+     }
+    else if(attacker66_pos.y > 36)
+    {  
+       attacker66_pos.x=54;
+       attacker66_pos.y=36;
+    }
+    else if(attacker66_pos.x < 10)
+    {
+       attacker66_pos.x=54;
+       attacker66_pos.y=36;
+    }
+    else if(attacker66_pos.x > 72)
+    {
+       attacker66_pos.x=54;
+       attacker66_pos.y=36;
+    }
+    if(attacker77_pos.y < 10)
+     {  
+       attacker77_pos.x=71;
+       attacker77_pos.y=31;
+     }
+    else if(attacker77_pos.y > 36)
+    {  
+       attacker77_pos.x=71;
+       attacker77_pos.y=31;
+    }
+    else if(attacker77_pos.x < 10)
+    {
+       attacker77_pos.x=71;
+       attacker77_pos.y=31;
+    }
+    else if(attacker77_pos.x > 72)
+    {
+       attacker77_pos.x=71;
+       attacker77_pos.y=31;
+    }
+    if(attacker88_pos.y < 10)
+     {  
+       attacker88_pos.x=71;
+       attacker88_pos.y=17;
+     }
+    else if(attacker88_pos.y > 36)
+    {  
+       attacker88_pos.x=71;
+       attacker88_pos.y=17;
+    }
+    else if(attacker88_pos.x < 10)
+    {
+       attacker88_pos.x=71;
+       attacker88_pos.y=17;
+    }
+    else if(attacker88_pos.x > 72)
+    {
+       attacker88_pos.x=71;
+       attacker88_pos.y=17;
+    }
+    _attacker1.set_pos(attacker11_pos);
+    _attacker2.set_pos(attacker22_pos);
+    _attacker3.set_pos(attacker33_pos);
+    _attacker4.set_pos(attacker44_pos);
+    _attacker5.set_pos(attacker55_pos);
+    _attacker6.set_pos(attacker66_pos);
+    _attacker7.set_pos(attacker77_pos);
+    _attacker8.set_pos(attacker88_pos);
+  void Start::check_body_collisions(Gamepad &pad)
+        Vector2D attacker11_pos = _attacker1.get_pos();
+        Vector2D attacker22_pos = _attacker2.get_pos();
+        Vector2D attacker33_pos = _attacker3.get_pos();
+        Vector2D attacker44_pos = _attacker4.get_pos();
+        Vector2D attacker55_pos = _attacker5.get_pos();
+        Vector2D attacker66_pos = _attacker6.get_pos();
+        Vector2D attacker77_pos = _attacker7.get_pos();
+        Vector2D attacker88_pos = _attacker8.get_pos();
+        Vector2D me_pos = _me.get_pos();
+    if ((attacker11_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker11_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker11_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker11_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker11_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker11_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker11_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker11_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //if attacker collides me from left
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker11_pos.x=30;                                                        //attacker back to initial position
+       attacker11_pos.y=11;                
+      }
+    if ((attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker11_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker11_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker11_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker11_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //right
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker11_pos.x=30;
+       attacker11_pos.y=11;
+      }
+    if ((attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker11_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker11_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker11_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||  
+        (attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker11_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)        //up
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker11_pos.x=30;
+       attacker11_pos.y=11;
+      }
+    if ((attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker11_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker11_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker11_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||  
+        (attacker11_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker11_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)        //down
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker11_pos.x=30;
+       attacker11_pos.y=11;
+      }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     
+    if ((attacker22_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker22_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker22_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker22_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker22_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker22_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker22_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker22_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //left
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker22_pos.x=54;
+       attacker22_pos.y=10;
+      }
+    if ((attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker22_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker22_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker22_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker22_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //right
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker22_pos.x=54;
+       attacker22_pos.y=10;
+      }
+    if ((attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker22_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker22_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker22_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||  
+        (attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker22_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)        //up
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker22_pos.x=54;
+       attacker22_pos.y=10;
+      }
+    if ((attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker22_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker22_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker22_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||  
+        (attacker22_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker22_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)        //down
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker22_pos.x=54;
+       attacker22_pos.y=10;
+      }
+      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if ((attacker33_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker33_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker33_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker33_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker33_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker33_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker33_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker33_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //left
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker33_pos.x=10;
+       attacker33_pos.y=17;
+      }
+    if ((attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker33_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker33_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker33_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker33_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //right
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker33_pos.x=10;
+       attacker33_pos.y=17;
+      }
+    if ((attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker33_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker33_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker33_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||  
+        (attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker33_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)        //up
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker33_pos.x=10;
+       attacker33_pos.y=17;
+      }
+    if ((attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker33_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker33_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker33_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||  
+        (attacker33_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker33_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)        //down
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker33_pos.x=10;
+       attacker33_pos.y=17;
+      }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     
+    if ((attacker44_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker44_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker44_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker44_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker44_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker44_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker44_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker44_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //left
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker44_pos.x=10;
+       attacker44_pos.y=31;
+      }
+    if ((attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker44_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker44_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker44_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker44_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //right
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker44_pos.x=10;
+       attacker44_pos.y=31;
+      }
+    if ((attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker44_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker44_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker44_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||  
+        (attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker44_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)        //up
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker44_pos.x=10;
+       attacker44_pos.y=31;
+      }
+    if ((attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker44_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker44_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker44_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||  
+        (attacker44_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker44_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)        //down
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker44_pos.x=10;
+       attacker44_pos.y=31;
+      }
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if ((attacker55_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker55_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker55_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker55_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker55_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker55_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker55_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker55_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //left
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker55_pos.x=30;
+       attacker55_pos.y=38;
+      }
+    if ((attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker55_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker55_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker55_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker55_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //right
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker11_pos.x=30;
+       attacker11_pos.y=38;
+      }
+    if ((attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker55_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker55_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker55_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||  
+        (attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker55_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)        //up
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker55_pos.x=30;
+       attacker55_pos.y=38;
+      }
+    if ((attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker55_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker55_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker55_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||  
+        (attacker55_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker55_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)        //down
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker55_pos.x=30;
+       attacker55_pos.y=38;
+      }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     
+    if ((attacker66_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker66_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker66_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker66_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker66_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker66_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker66_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker66_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //left
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker66_pos.x=54;
+       attacker66_pos.y=38;
+      }
+    if ((attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker66_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker66_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker66_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker66_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //right
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker66_pos.x=54;
+       attacker66_pos.y=38;
+      }
+    if ((attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker66_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker66_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker66_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||  
+        (attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker66_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)        //up
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker66_pos.x=54;
+       attacker66_pos.y=38;
+      }
+    if ((attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker66_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker66_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker66_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||  
+        (attacker66_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker66_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)        //down
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker66_pos.x=54;
+       attacker66_pos.y=38;
+      }
+      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    if ((attacker77_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker77_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker77_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker77_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker77_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker77_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker77_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker77_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //left
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker77_pos.x=74;
+       attacker77_pos.y=31;
+      }
+    if ((attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker77_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker77_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker77_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker77_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //right
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker77_pos.x=74;
+       attacker77_pos.y=31;
+      }
+    if ((attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker77_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker77_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker77_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||  
+        (attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker77_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)        //up
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker77_pos.x=74;
+       attacker77_pos.y=31;
+      }
+    if ((attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker77_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker77_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker77_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||  
+        (attacker77_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker77_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)        //down
+       )
+      {
+       ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker77_pos.x=74;
+       attacker77_pos.y=31;
+      }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     
+    if ((attacker88_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker88_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker88_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker88_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker88_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker88_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker88_pos.x+1 == me_pos.x) &&(attacker88_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //left
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker88_pos.x=74;
+       attacker88_pos.y=17;
+      }
+    if ((attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker88_pos.y+1 == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker88_pos.y   == me_pos.y)||
+        (attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker88_pos.y-1 == me_pos.y)||  
+        (attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker88_pos.y-2 == me_pos.y)        //right
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker88_pos.x=74;
+       attacker88_pos.y=17;
+      }
+    if ((attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker88_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker88_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||
+        (attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker88_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)||  
+        (attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker88_pos.y+2 == me_pos.y+1)        //up
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker88_pos.x=74;
+       attacker88_pos.y=17;
+      }
+    if ((attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x-1) &&(attacker88_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x  ) &&(attacker88_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||
+        (attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x+1) &&(attacker88_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)||  
+        (attacker88_pos.x == me_pos.x+2) &&(attacker88_pos.y == me_pos.y+2)        //down
+       )
+      {
+        ifnotstop = false;
+       attacker88_pos.x=74;
+       attacker88_pos.y=17;
+      }
+    _attacker1.set_pos(attacker11_pos);
+    _attacker2.set_pos(attacker22_pos);
+    _attacker3.set_pos(attacker33_pos);
+    _attacker4.set_pos(attacker44_pos);
+    _attacker5.set_pos(attacker55_pos);
+    _attacker6.set_pos(attacker66_pos);
+    _attacker7.set_pos(attacker77_pos);
+    _attacker8.set_pos(attacker88_pos);