sim808_gprs&lsy201&mpu9150 without gps change and BT

Dependencies:   MPU9150 Nucleo_printf_gps mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jun 21 03:30:31 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+// I2Cdev and MPU9150 must be installed as libraries, or else the .cpp/.h files
+// for both classes must be in the include path of your project
+#include "I2Cdev.h"  //MPU9150's I2C (I2C_SDA D14,I2C_SCL D15)
+#include "MPU9150.h"
+#include "helper_3dmath.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "JPEGCamera.h"
+#include "MPU9150_raw.h"
+#include <cstring>
+#include "string.h"
+#define buf_max 200
+Serial control(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
+JPEGCamera camera(PA_9, PA_10);//D8,D2
+//Serial gps(PA_11, PA_12);
+Serial sim808(PA_11, PA_12);                // arduino pin right seven(PA_11) , six(PA_12)
+Timer timer;
+int16_t ax, ay, az;
+int16_t gx, gy, gz;
+int16_t mx, my, mz;
+int16_t buf9150[10];
+char buffer1[256];
+//volatile int sig=0;
+//volatile int i=0;
+int First_Int = 0;                         //receive count
+char sim_buf[buf_max];                     //receive buffer data
+char *content="HELLO,This is a test";      //message content
+char CtrlZ = 0x1a;                         //send direction
+void SIM808_IRQHandler(void);              //interrupt
+void CLR_Buf(void);                        //clear buffer                                         
+bool Judge_SIM808();                       //judge AT
+void Wait_CREG(void);
+//void getline();
+//void callback(){         
+//    getline();
+//    }
+int main()
+    int message = 0;
+    control.baud(115200);
+    //Camera Initialization and picture sizing
+    timer.start();
+    camera.setPictureSize(JPEGCamera::SIZE160x120);
+    wait(3);
+    //Continuously wait for commands
+    while(1) 
+    {
+//        if(control.readable()) 
+//        {
+            control.readable();
+            message=control.getc();    
+            //Take a picture (note that this takes a while to complete and will only only work for 999 pictures
+            if (message==210){                         //send D2 for taking a picture
+                camera.isReady();
+                camera.takePicture();
+                int image_size = camera.getImageSize();
+                    while (camera.isProcessing()) 
+                        {
+                            camera.processPicture(control);
+                        }
+                    }
+            else if (message==212){                    //send D4 for getting datas of MPU9150
+                MPU9150raw::setup();    
+                MPU9150raw::loop();
+                control.printf("ax=%d\n",buf9150[0]);
+                control.printf("ay=%d\n",buf9150[1]);
+                control.printf("az=%d\n",buf9150[2]);
+                control.printf("gx=%d\n",buf9150[3]);
+                control.printf("gy=%d\n",buf9150[4]);
+                control.printf("gz=%d\n",buf9150[5]);
+                control.printf("mx=%d\n",buf9150[6]);
+                control.printf("my=%d\n",buf9150[7]);
+                control.printf("mz=%d\n",buf9150[8]);
+            }
+            else if (message==214){                   //send D6 for GPRS
+                sim808.attach(&SIM808_IRQHandler,SerialBase::RxIrq);    //serial interrupt attach
+                wait(5);
+                sim808.printf("AT\r\n");
+                wait(3);                                       //判断Serial sim808通信是否正常
+                if(Judge_SIM808()){
+                control.printf("sim808 uart success\n");
+                  }
+                else{
+                control.printf("sim808 uart fail\n");
+                  }
+                CLR_Buf();
+                sim808.printf("ATE0\r\n");                     //关闭回显 
+                wait(3);
+                if(Judge_SIM808()){
+                control.printf("sim808 ATEO turn off success\n");
+                  }
+                else{
+                control.printf("sim808 ATEO turn off fail\n");
+                  }                                                 
+                CLR_Buf(); 
+                sim808.printf("AT+CREG?\r\n");                 //判断SIM卡是否注册成功
+                wait(3);
+                if(Judge_SIM808()){
+                control.printf("sim808 register success\n");
+                 }
+                else{
+                control.printf("sim808 register fail\n");
+                 }                                                  
+                CLR_Buf();        
+      sim808.printf("AT+CMGF=1\r\n");                //Text mode短信发送模式
+      wait(3);
+      if(Judge_SIM808()){
+        control.printf("sim808 TEXT set success\n");
+          }
+      else{
+        control.printf("sim808 TEXT set fail\n");
+          }                                                
+      CLR_Buf(); 
+      sim808.printf("AT+CSCS=\"GSM\"\r\n");           //设置GSM模式
+      wait(3);
+      ret=Judge_SIM808();
+      if(ret){
+        control.printf("sim808 GSM set success\n");
+          }
+      else{
+        control.printf("sim808 GSM set fail\n");
+          }                                                
+      CLR_Buf();
+      sim808.printf("AT+CSMP=17,167,0,0\r\n");      //Text parameter set
+      wait(3);
+      ret=Judge_SIM808();
+      if(ret){
+        control.printf("sim808 Text parameter set success\n");
+          }
+      else{
+        control.printf("sim808 Text parameter set fail\n");
+          }
+      CLR_Buf();
+      sim808.printf("AT+CMGS=\"+8618766569612\"\r\n");      //receiver's phone number
+       wait(3);
+      ret=Judge_SIM808();
+      if(ret==true){
+        control.printf("%s",sim_buf);
+          }
+      else{
+        control.printf("sim808 receive number fail\n");
+          }
+      CLR_Buf();
+      sim808.printf("%s",(char*)content);           //短信内容
+      sim808.printf("%c",CtrlZ);   
+      wait(3);                
+      control.printf("%s\n",sim_buf);
+      CLR_Buf();
+      sim808.printf("AT+CPIN?\r\n");
+      wait(3);
+      if(Judge_SIM808()){
+        control.printf("sim808 SIM card success\n");          //SIM状态
+          }
+      else{
+        control.printf("sim808 SIM card set fail\n");
+          }
+      CLR_Buf();
+      sim808.printf("AT+CGATT?\r\n");                  //GPRS附着状态
+      wait(3);
+      if(Judge_SIM808()){
+        control.printf("sim808 GPRS success\n");
+          }
+      else{
+        control.printf("sim808 GPRS set fail\n");
+          }
+      CLR_Buf();
+      sim808.printf("AT+CSTT=\"CMNET\"\r\n");         //set APN
+      wait(3);
+      if(Judge_SIM808()){
+        control.printf("sim808 APN set success\n");
+          }
+      else{
+        control.printf("sim808 APN set fail\n");
+          }
+      CLR_Buf();
+      sim808.printf("AT+CIICR\r\n");                    //wireless link
+      wait(3);
+      if(Judge_SIM808()){
+        control.printf("sim808 wireless link success\n");
+          }
+      else{
+        control.printf("sim808 wireless link fail\n");
+          }
+      CLR_Buf();
+      sim808.printf("AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"\",\"9970\"\r\n");       //TCP set
+      wait(3);
+      if(Judge_SIM808()){
+        control.printf("sim808 TCP set success\n");
+          }
+      else{
+        control.printf("sim808 TCP set fail\n");
+          }
+      CLR_Buf();
+      sim808.printf("AT+CIPSEND\r\n");               //send direction
+      wait(3);
+      CLR_Buf();
+      sim808.printf("%s\n",(char*)content);           //发送内容
+      sim808.printf("%c",CtrlZ);
+      }
+   }
+        control.printf("start test!\r\n");         //GPS without change
+        gps.attach(&callback);
+            hal_sleep();
+            if(sig == 7)
+            {
+                sig=0;
+                i=0;
+            control.printf("%s",buffer1);
+          memset(buffer1,0,sizeof(buffer1));              
+            }
+           wait(5);                            
+        }
+void getline() 
+    {
+     buffer1[i] = gps.getc();
+     if(buffer1[i] == 0x0a)
+              {
+               sig++;    
+      }
+            i++;
+    }
+void SIM808_IRQHandler(void)                    
+    if(First_Int>=buf_max)First_Int=0;
+    sim_buf[First_Int] = sim808.getc();
+    First_Int++; 
+void CLR_Buf(void)
+    uint16_t k;
+    for(k=0;k<buf_max;k++)      
+    {
+        sim_buf[k] = 0x00;
+    }
+    First_Int = 0;              
+bool Judge_SIM808()
+    int j;
+    for(j=0;j<buf_max;j++)                  
+    {
+            if((sim_buf[j] == 'O')&&(sim_buf[j+1] == 'K'))
+                {
+                    CLR_Buf();
+                    return true;    
+                }
+    }
+    CLR_Buf();
+    return false;
+namespace MPU9150raw {
+// class default I2C address is 0x68
+// specific I2C addresses may be passed as a parameter here
+// AD0 low = 0x68 (default for InvenSense evaluation board)
+// AD0 high = 0x69
+    MPU9150 accelGyroMag;
+    void setup() {
+      //control.baud(115200);
+      accelGyroMag.initialize();
+      }
+    void loop() {
+    // read raw accel/gyro/mag measurements from device
+      accelGyroMag.getMotion9(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz, &mx, &my, &mz);
+      buf9150[0]=ax;buf9150[1]=ay;buf9150[2]=az;
+      buf9150[3]=gx;buf9150[4]=gy;buf9150[5]=gz;
+      buf9150[6]=mx;buf9150[7]=my;buf9150[8]=mz;
+      wait_ms(50);
+      }
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