
Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 17e9016529cf main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue May 08 02:13:50 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#include "main.h"
+Fun.:Desc.:whattime/where runing
+Auth. Date.:2017.7.2
+int main()
+    tm *tim;
+    string strx,stry, strz;
+    int n,f;
+    f401Act::init();                          //映射平台初始化
+    maiAct::init_scorp();                    //增强硬件初始化
+    f401Act::put_rwdg();                       //Refresh iwdg
+    maiAct::init_dat();                       //data initialization 
+    maiAct::init_star();                       //start initialization 
+    while(1){ 
+        if(know::polSta[16]=="1"){                                        //state of tick2S
+            time_t seconds=time(NULL);
+            tim=localtime(&seconds);
+            strx=know::task[0];
+            stry=strx.substr(13,12);                  //提取时间,从索引13开始12个字符
+            //strz="yymmddhh"+to_string(tim->tm_min)+"ss";
+            if(stry == strz){                               //bc95动作
+                know::polDat[1]= tim->tm_hour;
+                know::polDat[2]= tim->tm_min;
+                know::polDat[3]= tim->tm_sec;
+                bc95Act:: put();
+            }
+            if(know::polSta[3]=="1"&& know::polSta[4]=="0") bc95Act::get_knw();   // puts, getknwS
+            //if(know::polSta[4]=="1"&& know::polSta[15]=="0") bc95Act::setrtc();     // setrtcS私有
+            if(know::polSta[15]=="1"&& know::polSta[2]=="0") knowAct::buildtsk();   // buildtskS 
+            n=0;
+            f=1;
+            while(f==1){
+                n++;
+                strx=know::task[n];
+                stry= strx. substr(13,12);                  //提取时间,从索引13开始12个字符
+                //strz= "yymmdd"+ to_string (tim->tm_hour)+to_string (tim->tm_min)+"ss";
+                if(stry == strz){
+                    stry= strx. substr(12,2);                    //提取语音编号
+                    //播放
+                    f=0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+         //f401Act::sys_sleepy();                    //cpu sleep                                  
+    }
+Fun.: initialization of scorp。
+Auth. Vesion:2017.7.2
+void maiAct::init_scorp(void)
+    bc95Act::init();                        //基础初始化
+    cloDAct::init();
+    cloSAct::init();
+Fun.: initialization. of data
+Auth. Vesion:2017.7.2
+void maiAct::init_dat(void)
+    bc95Act::data();                        //基础初始化
+Fun.: initialization of ready。
+Auth. Vesion:2017.7.2
+void maiAct::init_ready(void)
+    set_time(1514806505);//自1970年1月1日0时0分0秒到2018年1月1日11时35分05秒
+    f401Act::ready();
+    //cloDAct::ready(); 
+    cloSAct::ready();  
+Fun.: initialization of start。
+Auth. Vesion:2017.7.2
+void maiAct::init_star(void)
+Fun.: Seep judge。
+Auth. Vesion:2017.7.2
+void maiAct::judg_sleep(void)
+    //if(all Flag==0) deepsleep();