Initial rough start to the BQ76PL536A (or BQ76PL536A-Q1) code. Free to use as long as you make any changes/improvements publicly available. Please notify me of any improvements.

--- a/bq76pl536a.cpp	Sun May 14 20:40:36 2017 +0000
+++ b/bq76pl536a.cpp	Wed Jul 29 03:11:51 2020 +0000
@@ -3,16 +3,25 @@
 // Default constructor. Setup spi interface and run init functions
 BQ76PL536A::BQ76PL536A(SPI _spi, PinName _cs, u8t _numDev,  u16t _cov, u16t _cuv, u8t _balanceTimeout, bool _balanceEnabled)
-:   spi(_spi),
-    cs(_cs),
-    numDev(_numDev),
-    cov(_cov),
-    cuv(_cuv),
-    balanceTimeout(_balanceTimeout),
-    balanceEnabled(_balanceEnabled)
+    :   spi(_spi),
+        cs(_cs),
+        numDev(_numDev),
+        cov(_cov),
+        cuv(_cuv),
+        balanceTimeout(_balanceTimeout),
+        balanceEnabled(_balanceEnabled)
+    DigitalOut cs(_cs);
     cs = 1;
-    softReset();
+    spi.format(8,1);
+    spi.frequency(500000);
+    cs=0;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    cs=1;
+    wait_ms(1);
+    //softReset();
@@ -28,13 +37,23 @@
+// Reset all devices in stack
+void BQ76PL536A::softReset()
 // Address devices
 void BQ76PL536A::setAddresses()
     // Address devices
-    for(u8t i=1; i<numDev; i++)    {
-        write(DISCOVERY_ADDR, ADDRESS_CONTROL_REG, i); //Write address to first discovered address
+    for(u8t i=0; i<numDev; i++)    {
+        write(i, ADDRESS_CONTROL_REG, i+1); //Write address to device 1 (for testing only)
+        //write(DISCOVERY_ADDR, ADDRESS_CONTROL_REG, i); //Write address to first discovered address
         // write 1 then 0 to Alert Status Reg to remove alert
         //write(i, ALERT_STATUS_REG, 0b10000000); //Write 1 to address bit of alert register
         //write(i, ALERT_STATUS_REG, 0b00000000); //Write 0 to address bit of alert register to clear alert
@@ -42,12 +61,17 @@
-// Reset all devices in stack
-void BQ76PL536A::softReset()
+// Device status
+u8t BQ76PL536A::devStatus()
+    //update to use numDev
+    u8t currentStatus[1];
+    read(1,DEVICE_STATUS_REG,1,currentStatus);
+    return currentStatus[0];
 // Read one or more bytes from the BQ76 device stack. Count does not include CRC byte.
@@ -58,50 +82,56 @@
     u8t logicalAddress = (deviceAddress << 1 | 0); // Shift address left 1 bit
     //static u8t receivedData[length];
     //memset(receivedData, 0, length);
-    static u8t crcInput[3] = {logicalAddress,regAddress,count};
+    u8t crcInput[3+count];
+    crcInput[0] = logicalAddress;
+    crcInput[1] = regAddress;
+    crcInput[2] = count;
     cs = 0;
-    spi.write(logicalAddress);
+    spi.write(deviceAddress);
     //Read data. Last byte is CRC data.
     for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
         pRegisterValue[i] = spi.write(0x00);
+        if (i != count) {
+            crcInput[3+i] = pRegisterValue[i];
+        }
         if (i == count) {
-            if (pec(crcInput) != pRegisterValue[i])
+            if (pec(crcInput,3+count) != pRegisterValue[i])
                 error = 1;
     cs = 1; //End of transmission, slave select high
     return false;
-// Write one byte to the BQ76 device stack
+// Write one byte to the BQ76 device stack. Should add code to read back written register and compare...
 void BQ76PL536A::write(u8t deviceAddress, u8t regAddress, u8t regData)
-    u8t logicalAddress = ((deviceAddress << 1) | 1); // Shift address left one bit and set LSB
+    u8t logicalAddress = (deviceAddress << 1 | 1); // Shift address left one bit and set LSB
     u8t crcInput[3] = {logicalAddress, regAddress, regData};
-    cs = 1;
+    cs = 0;
-    spi.write(pec(crcInput));
+    spi.write(pec(crcInput, sizeof(crcInput)/sizeof(crcInput[0])));
     cs = 1;
 // Calculate CRC byte to verify data integrity
-u8t BQ76PL536A::pec(u8t crcBuffer[])
+u8t BQ76PL536A::pec(u8t crcBuffer[], u8t crcLength)
+    //u8t crcTestInput[3] = {0x01,0x3b,0x01}; // should return 0x02
     u8t crc = 0;
-    int temp = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(crcBuffer)/sizeof(crcBuffer[0]) + 1; i++) {
+    u8t temp = 0;
+    for (u8t i = 0; i < crcLength; i++) {
         temp = crc ^ crcBuffer[i];
         crc = crcTable[temp];