Library for using SI1141 sensor
Fork of SI1143 by
- Committer:
- GAT27
- Date:
- 2013-10-17
- Revision:
- 0:18ebb7348150
- Child:
- 1:28beeb2f209b
File content as of revision 0:18ebb7348150:
#include "SI1143.h" SI1143::SI1143(PinName sda, PinName scl) { wait_ms(30); i2c_ = new I2C(sda, scl); //3.4MHz, as specified by the datasheet. i2c_->frequency(3400000); command(RESET); wait_ms(30); //bias1=0; //bias2=0; //bias3=0; //PS1=0; //PS2=0; //PS3=0; write_reg(HW_KEY,HW_KEY_VAL0); // Setting up LED Power to full //write_reg(PS_LED21,0xFF); write_reg(PS_LED21,0xAA); //write_reg(PS_LED3, 0x0F); write_reg(PS_LED3,0x0A); //param_set(CHLIST,0b00010111); //param_set(CHLIST,0x17); //write_reg(PARAM_WR, 0x17); write_reg(PARAM_WR, ALS_IR_TASK + ALS_VIS_TASK + PS1_TASK + PS2_TASK + PS3_TASK); //write_reg(COMMAND, 0xA0|CHLIST); command(PARAM_SET + (CHLIST & 0x1F)); write_reg(INT_CFG,0); write_reg(IRQ_ENABLE,0); write_reg(IRQ_MODE1,0); write_reg(IRQ_MODE2,0); //void write_reg(byte address, byte val) { // Write a resigter //Wire.beginTransmission(IR_ADDRESS); //Wire.write(address); //Wire.write(val); //Wire.endTransmission(); //} //char parameter = read_reg(PARAM_RD,1); // Serial.print("CHLIST = "); // Serial.println(parameter,BIN); //delay(1000); //wait(2); /* for (int i=0; i<20; i++) { //write_reg(COMMAND,0b00000101); write_reg(COMMAND,0x05); //delay(50); //wait(0.05); //char LowB = read_reg(PS1_DATA0,1); //char HighB = read_reg(PS1_DATA1,1); LowB = read_reg(PS1_DATA0,1); HighB = read_reg(PS1_DATA1,1); bias1 = bias1 + (((HighB * 255) + LowB) / 20); LowB = read_reg(PS2_DATA0,1); HighB = read_reg(PS2_DATA1,1); bias2 = bias2 + (((HighB * 255) + LowB) / 20); LowB = read_reg(PS3_DATA0,1); HighB = read_reg(PS3_DATA1,1); bias3 = bias3 + (((HighB * 255) + LowB) / 20); }*/ } void SI1143::command(char cmd) { int val; val = read_reg(RESPONSE,1); while(val!=0) { write_reg(COMMAND,NOP); val = read_reg(RESPONSE,1); printf("%d\r\n",val); } do{ write_reg(COMMAND,cmd); if(cmd==RESET) break; val = read_reg(RESPONSE,1); //printf("%d\r\n",val); }while(val==0); } char SI1143::read_reg(/*unsigned*/ char address, int num_data) // Read a Register { // //unsigned char data; //char cmd[2]={address,num_data}; //int data; //i2c_->start(); //data = i2c_->read(IR_ADDRESS,cmd,2); //wait(0.05); //i2c_->stop(); //return data; char tx[1]; char rx[1]; i2c_->start(); tx[0] = address; i2c_->write((IR_ADDRESS << 1) & 0xFE, tx, num_data); wait_ms(1); i2c_->stop(); i2c_->start(); i2c_->read((IR_ADDRESS << 1) | 0x01, rx, num_data); wait_ms(1); i2c_->stop(); return rx[0]; //Wire.beginTransmission(IR_ADDRESS); //Wire.write(address); //Wire.endTransmission(); //Wire.requestFrom(IR_ADDRESS, num_data); //while(Wire.available() < num_data); //return; } void SI1143::write_reg(char address, char num_data) { // Write a resigter //char cmd[2]={address,val}; //i2c_->start(); //i2c_->write(IR_ADDRESS,cmd,1); //wait(0.05); //i2c_->stop(); char tx[2]; tx[0] = address; tx[1] = num_data; //tx[2] = data; i2c_->start(); i2c_->write((IR_ADDRESS << 1) & 0xFE, tx, 2); wait_ms(1); i2c_->stop(); //Wire.beginTransmission(IR_ADDRESS); //Wire.write(address); //Wire.write(val); //Wire.endTransmission(); } void SI1143::bias() { //command(PSALS_FORCE); sample(0); bias1 = PS1; bias2 = PS2; bias3 = PS3; } int SI1143::sample(int point) { //int data[5]; command(PSALS_FORCE); //write_reg(COMMAND,0x05); // Get a reading //delay(5); //wait(0.5); LowB = read_reg(ALS_VIS_DATA0,1); // Read the data for the first LED HighB = read_reg(ALS_VIS_DATA1,1); VIS = (HighB * 256) + LowB; LowB = read_reg(ALS_IR_DATA0,1); // Read the data for the first LED HighB = read_reg(ALS_IR_DATA1,1); IR = (HighB * 256) + LowB; LowB = read_reg(PS1_DATA0,1); // Read the data for the first LED HighB = read_reg(PS1_DATA1,1); PS1 = (HighB * 256) + LowB; LowB = read_reg(PS2_DATA0,1); // Read the data for the first LED HighB = read_reg(PS2_DATA1,1); PS2 = (HighB * 256) + LowB; LowB = read_reg(PS3_DATA0,1); // Read the data for the first LED HighB = read_reg(PS3_DATA1,1); PS3 = (HighB * 256) + LowB; if(PS1 > bias1) PS1 = PS1 - bias1; else PS1 = 0; if(PS2 > bias2) PS2 = PS2 - bias2; else PS2 = 0; if(PS3 > bias3) PS3 = PS3 - bias3; else PS3 = 0; switch(point) { case 1: return VIS; case 2: return IR; case 3: return PS1; case 4: return PS2; case 5: return PS3; default: return 0; } //data[0] = VIS; //data[1] = IR; //data[2] = PS1; //data[3] = PS2; //data[4] = PS3; //return data; //return PS1; } /* int SI1143::read1() { write_reg(COMMAND,0x05); // Get a reading //delay(5); //wait(0.5); LowB = read_reg(PS1_DATA0,1); // Read the data for the first LED HighB = read_reg(PS1_DATA1,1); PS1 = ((HighB * 255) + LowB) - bias1; return PS1; } int SI1143::read2() { write_reg(COMMAND,0x05); // Get a reading //delay(5); //wait(0.5); LowB = read_reg(PS2_DATA0,1); // Read the data for the second LED HighB = read_reg(PS2_DATA1,1); PS2 = (HighB * 255) + LowB - bias2; return PS2; } int SI1143::read3() { write_reg(COMMAND,0x05); // Get a reading //delay(5); //wait(0.5); LowB = read_reg(PS3_DATA0,1); // Read the data for the third LED HighB = read_reg(PS3_DATA1,1); PS3 = (HighB * 255) + LowB - bias3; return PS3; }*/