Change to wifi AP mode. SSID "GR-PEACH_1", PSK "12345"

Dependencies:   DhcpServer EthernetInterface FATFileSystem GR-PEACH_WlanBP3595AP GR-PEACH_video GraphicsFramework HttpServer_snapshot R_BSP mbed-rpc mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of GR-Boards_WebCamera by Renesas

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Aug 21 02:15:59 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "DisplayBace.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "JPEG_Converter.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "HTTPServer.h"
+#include "mbed_rpc.h"
+#include "RomRamFileSystem.h"
+#include "file_table.h"        //Binary data of web pages
+RomRamFileSystem romramfs("romram");
+EthernetInterface eth;
+#define VIDEO_CVBS             (0)                 /* Analog  Video Signal */
+#define VIDEO_CMOS_CAMERA      (1)                 /* Digital Video Signal */
+#define VIDEO_YCBCR422         (0)
+#define VIDEO_RGB888           (1)
+#define VIDEO_RGB565           (2)
+/**** User Selection *********/
+#define VIDEO_INPUT_METHOD     (VIDEO_CMOS_CAMERA) /* Select  VIDEO_CVBS or VIDEO_CMOS_CAMERA                       */
+#define VIDEO_INPUT_FORMAT     (VIDEO_YCBCR422)    /* Select  VIDEO_YCBCR422 or VIDEO_RGB888 or VIDEO_RGB565        */
+#define USE_VIDEO_CH           (0)                 /* Select  0 or 1            If selecting VIDEO_CMOS_CAMERA, should be 0.)               */
+#define VIDEO_PAL              (0)                 /* Select  0(NTSC) or 1(PAL) If selecting VIDEO_CVBS, this parameter is not referenced.) */
+#if USE_VIDEO_CH == (0)
+#define VIDEO_INPUT_CH         (DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_0)
+#define VIDEO_INT_TYPE         (DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_VFIELD)
+#define VIDEO_INPUT_CH         (DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_1)
+#define VIDEO_INT_TYPE         (DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S1_VFIELD)
+#define DATA_SIZE_PER_PIC      (2u)
+#define DATA_SIZE_PER_PIC      (4u)
+/*! Frame buffer stride: Frame buffer stride should be set to a multiple of 32 or 128
+    in accordance with the frame buffer burst transfer mode. */
+#define PIXEL_HW               (320u)  /* QVGA */
+#define PIXEL_VW               (240u)  /* QVGA */
+#define VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE    (((PIXEL_HW * DATA_SIZE_PER_PIC) + 31u) & ~31u)
+DigitalIn  button(USER_BUTTON0);
+static uint8_t FrameBuffer_Video[VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE * VIDEO_BUFFER_HEIGHT]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(16)));  //16 bytes aligned!;
+static volatile int32_t vsync_count = 0;
+static volatile int32_t vfield_count = 1;
+static uint8_t JpegBuffer[1024 * 20]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(8)));  //8 bytes aligned!;
+static int image_change = 0;
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vfield(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type) {
+    //Interrupt callback function
+    if (vfield_count != 0) {
+        vfield_count = 0;
+    } else {
+        vfield_count = 1;
+        image_change = 1;
+    }
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vsync(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type) {
+    //Interrupt callback function for Vsync interruption
+    if (vsync_count > 0) {
+        vsync_count--;
+    }
+static void WaitVsync(const int32_t wait_count) {
+    //Wait for the specified number of times Vsync occurs
+    vsync_count = wait_count;
+    while (vsync_count > 0) {
+        /* Do nothing */
+    }
+static void camera_start(void) {
+    DisplayBase::graphics_error_t error;
+    DisplayBase::video_ext_in_config_t ext_in_config;
+    PinName cmos_camera_pin[11] = {
+        /* data pin */
+        P2_7, P2_6, P2_5, P2_4, P2_3, P2_2, P2_1, P2_0,
+        /* control pin */
+        P10_0,      /* DV0_CLK   */
+        P1_0,       /* DV0_Vsync */
+        P1_1        /* DV0_Hsync */
+    };
+    /* Create DisplayBase object */
+    DisplayBase Display;
+    /* Graphics initialization process */
+    error = Display.Graphics_init(NULL);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    error = Display.Graphics_Video_init( DisplayBase::INPUT_SEL_VDEC, NULL);
+    if( error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK ) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while(1);
+    }
+    /* MT9V111 camera input config */
+    ext_in_config.inp_format     = DisplayBase::VIDEO_EXTIN_FORMAT_BT601; /* BT601 8bit YCbCr format */
+    ext_in_config.inp_pxd_edge   = DisplayBase::EDGE_RISING;              /* Clock edge select for capturing data          */
+    ext_in_config.inp_vs_edge    = DisplayBase::EDGE_RISING;              /* Clock edge select for capturing Vsync signals */
+    ext_in_config.inp_hs_edge    = DisplayBase::EDGE_RISING;              /* Clock edge select for capturing Hsync signals */
+    ext_in_config.inp_endian_on  = DisplayBase::OFF;                      /* External input bit endian change on/off       */
+    ext_in_config.inp_swap_on    = DisplayBase::OFF;                      /* External input B/R signal swap on/off         */
+    ext_in_config.inp_vs_inv     = DisplayBase::SIG_POL_NOT_INVERTED;     /* External input DV_VSYNC inversion control     */
+    ext_in_config.inp_hs_inv     = DisplayBase::SIG_POL_INVERTED;         /* External input DV_HSYNC inversion control     */
+    ext_in_config.inp_f525_625   = DisplayBase::EXTIN_LINE_525;           /* Number of lines for BT.656 external input */
+    ext_in_config.inp_h_pos      = DisplayBase::EXTIN_H_POS_CRYCBY;       /* Y/Cb/Y/Cr data string start timing to Hsync reference */
+    ext_in_config.cap_vs_pos     = 6;                                     /* Capture start position from Vsync */
+    ext_in_config.cap_hs_pos     = 150;                                   /* Capture start position form Hsync */
+    ext_in_config.cap_width      = 640;                                   /* Capture width  */
+    ext_in_config.cap_height     = 468u;                                  /* Capture height Max 468[line]
+                                                                             Due to CMOS(MT9V111) output signal timing and VDC5 specification */
+    error = Display.Graphics_Video_init( DisplayBase::INPUT_SEL_EXT, &ext_in_config);
+    if( error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK ) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while(1);
+    }
+    /* MT9V111 camera input port setting */
+    error = Display.Graphics_Dvinput_Port_Init(cmos_camera_pin, 11);
+    if( error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK ) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Interrupt callback function setting (Vsync signal input to scaler 0) */
+    error = Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_VI_VSYNC, 0, IntCallbackFunc_Vsync);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video capture setting (progressive form fixed) */
+    error = Display.Video_Write_Setting(
+                VIDEO_INPUT_CH,
+#if VIDEO_PAL == 0
+                DisplayBase::COL_SYS_NTSC_358,
+                DisplayBase::COL_SYS_PAL_443,
+                FrameBuffer_Video,
+                VIDEO_BUFFER_STRIDE,
+                DisplayBase::VIDEO_FORMAT_YCBCR422,
+                DisplayBase::WR_RD_WRSWA_NON,
+                DisplayBase::VIDEO_FORMAT_RGB565,
+                DisplayBase::WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16BIT,
+                DisplayBase::VIDEO_FORMAT_RGB888,
+                DisplayBase::WR_RD_WRSWA_32BIT,
+                PIXEL_VW,
+                PIXEL_HW
+            );
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Interrupt callback function setting (Field end signal for recording function in scaler 0) */
+    error = Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(VIDEO_INT_TYPE, 0, IntCallbackFunc_Vfield);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video write process start */
+    error = Display.Video_Start (VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video write process stop */
+    error = Display.Video_Stop (VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Video write process start */
+    error = Display.Video_Start (VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
+    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
+        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
+        while (1);
+    }
+    /* Wait vsync to update resister */
+    WaitVsync(1);
+static int snapshot_req(const char ** pp_data) {
+    JPEG_Converter                     Jcu;
+    size_t                             encode_size;
+    JPEG_Converter::bitmap_buff_info_t bitmap_buff_info;
+    JPEG_Converter::encode_options_t   encode_options;
+    while ((vfield_count == 0) || (image_change == 0)) {
+        Thread::wait(1);
+    }
+    image_change = 0;
+    bitmap_buff_info.width          = PIXEL_HW;
+    bitmap_buff_info.height         = PIXEL_VW;
+    bitmap_buff_info.format         = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_YCbCr422;
+    bitmap_buff_info.buffer_address = (void *)FrameBuffer_Video;
+    encode_options.encode_buff_size = sizeof(JpegBuffer);
+    if (Jcu.encode(&bitmap_buff_info, JpegBuffer, &encode_size, &encode_options) == JPEG_Converter::JPEG_CONV_OK) {
+        *pp_data = (const char *)JpegBuffer;
+    } else {
+        *pp_data = NULL;
+        encode_size = 0;
+    }
+    return (int)encode_size;
+static void TerminalWrite(Arguments* arg, Reply* r) {
+    printf("%s\n",arg->argv[0]);
+static void mount_romramfs(void) {
+    FILE * fp;
+    romramfs.format();
+    //camera.js
+    fp = fopen("/romram/camera.js", "w");
+    fwrite(camaera_js_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(camaera_js_tbl), fp);
+    fclose(fp);
+    //camera.htm
+    fp = fopen("/romram/camera.htm", "w");
+    fwrite(camera_htm_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(camera_htm_tbl), fp);
+    fclose(fp);
+    //mbedrpc.js
+    fp = fopen("/romram/mbedrpc.js", "w");
+    fwrite(mbedrpc_js_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(mbedrpc_js_tbl), fp);
+    fclose(fp);
+    //led.htm
+    fp = fopen("/romram/led.htm", "w");
+    fwrite(led_htm_tbl, sizeof(char), sizeof(led_htm_tbl), fp);
+    fclose(fp);
+int main(void) {
+    printf("********* PROGRAM START ***********\r\n");
+    mount_romramfs();   //RomRamFileSystem Mount
+    camera_start();     //Camera Start
+    RPC::add_rpc_class<RpcDigitalOut>();
+    RPC::construct<RpcDigitalOut, PinName, const char*>(LED1, "led1");
+    RPC::construct<RpcDigitalOut, PinName, const char*>(LED2, "led2");
+    RPC::construct<RpcDigitalOut, PinName, const char*>(LED3, "led3");
+    RPCFunction rpcFunc(TerminalWrite, "TerminalWrite");
+    printf("EthernetInterface Setting up...\r\n");
+    if (eth.init() != 0) {                             //for DHCP Server
+//    if (eth.init("","","") != 0) { //for Static IP Address (IPAddress, NetMasks, Gateway)
+        printf("EthernetInterface Initialize Error \r\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (eth.connect() != 0) {
+        printf("EthernetInterface Connect Error \r\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    printf("IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());
+    printf("NetMask is %s\r\n", eth.getNetworkMask());
+    printf("Gateway Address is %s\r\n", eth.getGateway());
+    printf("Ethernet Setup OK\r\n");
+    SnapshotHandler::attach_req(&snapshot_req);
+    HTTPServerAddHandler<SnapshotHandler>("/camera"); //Camera
+    FSHandler::mount("/romram", "/");
+    HTTPServerAddHandler<FSHandler>("/");
+    HTTPServerAddHandler<RPCHandler>("/rpc");
+    HTTPServerStart(80);