Sprint game for GR-PEACH.

Dependencies:   GR-PEACH_video GraphicsFramework LCD_shield_config R_BSP

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00001 #include<stdio.h>
00002 #include<stdlib.h>
00003 #include<time.h>
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "DisplayBace.h"
00006 #include "RGA.h"
00007 #include "rtos.h"
00008 #include "BinaryImage_RZ_A1H.h"
00009 #include "LCD_shield_config_4_3inch.h"
00011 #define GRAPHICS_FORMAT      (DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_FORMAT_RGB565)
00012 #define WR_RD_WRSWA          (DisplayBase::WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16BIT)
00014 /* FRAME BUFFER Parameter */
00015 #define FRAME_BUFFER_BYTE_PER_PIXEL   (2)
00016 #define FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE           (((LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH * FRAME_BUFFER_BYTE_PER_PIXEL) + 31u) & ~31u)
00018 #define GOAL_POINT                    (15000)
00019 #define NO_IMAGE                      (0xFFFFFFFF)
00020 #define LANGUAGE_NUM                  (2)
00022 typedef struct {
00023     int now_pos;
00024     int tutorial_seq;
00025     int total_time;
00026     int record_time;
00027     int result_seq;
00028     int hito_ofs;
00029     int max_speed;
00030     int goal_seq;
00031     int hosi_seq;
00032     int speed;
00033     uint32_t hito_no;
00034     uint32_t comment_no;
00035     uint32_t ready_set_go;
00036     const graphics_image_t * p_hito;
00037     bool tutorial;
00038     bool swipe_on;
00039     bool goal_on;
00040     bool result_on;
00041     bool new_record;
00042     bool hosi;
00043     bool first_record;
00044     bool time_and_speed;
00045 } disp_func_t;
00047 static DisplayBase Display;
00048 static Canvas2D_ContextClass canvas2d;
00049 static DigitalOut lcd_pwon(P7_15);
00050 static DigitalOut lcd_blon(P8_1);
00051 static PwmOut     lcd_cntrst(P8_15);
00052 static Serial     pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00053 static Semaphore  sem_touch_int(0);
00054 static TouckKey_LCD_shield touch(P4_0, P2_13, I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
00055 static Timer  stop_watch;
00056 static InterruptIn button(USER_BUTTON0);
00057 static disp_func_t disp_info;
00058 static bool  touch_click = false;
00059 static bool touch_start = false;
00060 static bool race_start = false;
00061 static int total_move_x = 0;
00062 static int wk_wait = 0;
00063 static int pic_idx = 0;
00064 static int tukare = 0;
00065 static int table_no = 0;
00066 static int language = 0;  /* 0:English */
00068 #if defined(__ICCARM__)
00069 #pragma data_alignment=32
00070 static uint8_t user_frame_buffer1[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT];
00071 #pragma data_alignment=32
00072 static uint8_t user_frame_buffer2[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT];
00073 #else
00074 static uint8_t user_frame_buffer1[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT]__attribute((aligned(32))); /* 32 bytes aligned */
00075 static uint8_t user_frame_buffer2[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT]__attribute((aligned(32))); /* 32 bytes aligned */
00076 #endif
00077 static frame_buffer_t frame_buffer_info;
00078 static volatile int32_t vsync_count = 0;
00080 static const graphics_image_t * hito_tukare[]  = {tukare1_File, tukare2_File};
00081 static const graphics_image_t * hito_speed_1[] = {run1_File, run2_File, run3_File, run4_File, run5_File, run6_File, run7_File, run6_File, run5_File, run4_File, run3_File, run2_File};
00082 static const graphics_image_t * hito_speed_2[] = {dash1_File, dash2_File, dash3_File, dash4_File, dash3_File, dash2_File};
00083 static const graphics_image_t * hito_speed_3[] = {sdash1_File, sdash2_File, sdash3_File, sdash2_File};
00084 static const graphics_image_t * comment_tbl[LANGUAGE_NUM][5]  = {
00085   {comment1_en_File, comment2_en_File, comment3_en_File, comment4_en_File, comment5_en_File},  /* English */
00086   {comment1_jp_File, comment2_jp_File, comment3_jp_File, comment4_jp_File, comment5_jp_File}   /* Japanese */
00087 };
00088 static const graphics_image_t * ready_set_go_tbl[] = {go_File, start1_File, start2_File, start3_File};
00089 static const graphics_image_t * num_tbl[]      = {num_0_File, num_1_File, num_2_File, num_3_File, num_4_File, num_5_File, num_6_File, num_7_File, num_8_File, num_9_File};
00091 static void IntCallbackFunc_LoVsync(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type) {
00092     /* Interrupt callback function for Vsync interruption */
00093     if (vsync_count > 0) {
00094         vsync_count--;
00095     }
00096 }
00098 static void Wait_Vsync(const int32_t wait_count) {
00099     /* Wait for the specified number of times Vsync occurs */
00100     vsync_count = wait_count;
00101     while (vsync_count > 0) {
00102         /* Do nothing */
00103     }
00104 }
00106 static void Init_LCD_Display(void) {
00107     DisplayBase::graphics_error_t error;
00108     DisplayBase::lcd_config_t lcd_config;
00109     PinName lvds_pin[8] = {
00110         /* data pin */
00111         P5_7, P5_6, P5_5, P5_4, P5_3, P5_2, P5_1, P5_0
00112     };
00114     lcd_pwon = 0;
00115     lcd_blon = 0;
00116     Thread::wait(100);
00117     lcd_pwon = 1;
00118     lcd_blon = 1;
00120     Display.Graphics_Lvds_Port_Init(lvds_pin, 8);
00122     /* Graphics initialization process */
00123     lcd_config = LcdCfgTbl_LCD_shield;
00124     error = Display.Graphics_init(&lcd_config);
00125     if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
00126         printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
00127         mbed_die();
00128     }
00130 #if(1) /* When needing LCD Vsync interrupt, please make it effective. */
00131     /* Interrupt callback function setting (Vsync signal output from scaler 0) */
00132     error = Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_LO_VSYNC, 0, IntCallbackFunc_LoVsync);
00133     if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
00134         printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
00135         mbed_die();
00136     }
00137 #endif
00138 }
00140 static void Start_LCD_Display(uint8_t * p_buf) {
00141     DisplayBase::rect_t rect;
00143     rect.vs = 0;
00144     rect.vw = LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT;
00145     rect.hs = 0;
00146     rect.hw = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH;
00147     Display.Graphics_Read_Setting(
00148         DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_LAYER_0,
00149         (void *)p_buf,
00150         FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE,
00151         GRAPHICS_FORMAT,
00152         WR_RD_WRSWA,
00153         &rect
00154     );
00155     Display.Graphics_Start(DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_LAYER_0);
00156 }
00158 static void Update_LCD_Display(frame_buffer_t * frmbuf_info) {
00159     Display.Graphics_Read_Change(DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_LAYER_0,
00160      (void *)frmbuf_info->buffer_address[frmbuf_info->draw_buffer_index]);
00161     Wait_Vsync(1);
00162 }
00164 static void Swap_FrameBuffer(frame_buffer_t * frmbuf_info) {
00165     if (frmbuf_info->draw_buffer_index == 1) {
00166         frmbuf_info->draw_buffer_index = 0;
00167     } else {
00168         frmbuf_info->draw_buffer_index = 1;
00169     }
00170 }
00172 static void draw_time(int time_num, int pos_x, int pos_y, int disp_flg) {
00173     int wk_num;
00175     wk_num = (time_num / 100) % 10;
00176     if ((wk_num != 0) || (disp_flg != false)) {
00177         canvas2d.drawImage(num_tbl[wk_num], pos_x + 17 * 0, pos_y);  /* 400x42 */
00178         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00179         disp_flg = true;
00180     }
00181     wk_num = (time_num / 10) % 10;
00182     if ((wk_num != 0) || (disp_flg != false)) {
00183         canvas2d.drawImage(num_tbl[wk_num], pos_x + 17 * 1, pos_y);  /* 400x42 */
00184         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00185     }
00186     wk_num = time_num % 10;
00187     canvas2d.drawImage(num_tbl[wk_num], pos_x + 17 * 2, pos_y);      /* 400x42 */
00188     R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00189 }
00191 static void draw_total_time(int time_ms, int x, int y) {
00192     int wk_time_sec = time_ms / 1000;   /* sec */
00193     int wk_time_ms  = time_ms % 1000;   /* ms */
00195     if (wk_time_sec > 999) {
00196         wk_time_sec = 999;
00197         wk_time_ms = 999;
00198     }
00199     draw_time(wk_time_sec, x, y, false);
00200     draw_time(wk_time_ms,  x + 61, y, true);
00201 }
00203 static void touch_int_callback(void) {
00204     sem_touch_int.release();
00205 }
00207 void touch_task(void const *) {
00208     TouchKey::touch_pos_t touch_pos;
00209     int touch_num = 0;
00210     int touch_num_last = 0;
00211     int move_x = 0;
00212     uint32_t last_x = 0;
00214     /* Callback setting */
00215     touch.SetCallback(&touch_int_callback);
00217     /* Reset touch IC */
00218     touch.Reset();
00220     while (1) {
00221         /* Wait touch event */
00222         sem_touch_int.wait();
00224         /* Get touch coordinates */
00225         touch_num = touch.GetCoordinates(1, &touch_pos);
00227         if (touch_num != 0) {
00228             if (touch_num_last == 0) {
00229                 /* key On */
00230             } else {
00231                 /* Move */
00232                 if (touch_start) {
00233                     move_x = (int)touch_pos.x - (int)last_x;
00234                     if (move_x > 0) {
00235                         total_move_x += move_x;
00236                     }
00237                 }
00238             }
00239         } else {
00240             /* key Off */
00241             touch_click = true;
00242         }
00244         touch_num_last = touch_num;
00245         last_x = touch_pos.x;
00246     }
00247 }
00249 static void display_func(frame_buffer_t* frmbuf_info) {
00250     int wk_osf;
00251     int wk_pos;
00253     Swap_FrameBuffer(frmbuf_info);
00255     /* Clear */
00256     canvas2d.clearRect(0, 0, frmbuf_info->width, frmbuf_info->height);
00258     /* Distant background */
00259     wk_osf = ((disp_info.now_pos / 8) % 1000) + LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 1000;
00260     canvas2d.globalAlpha = 0.6f;
00261     if (wk_osf > 0) {
00262         canvas2d.drawImage(haikei_File, -1000 + wk_osf, 40);            /* 1000x173 */
00263         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00264     }
00265     canvas2d.drawImage(haikei_File, wk_osf, 40);
00266     R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00268     /* Nearby background */
00269     wk_osf = ((disp_info.now_pos / 2) % 500) + LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 500;
00270     canvas2d.globalAlpha = 1.0f;
00271     if (wk_osf > 0) {
00272         canvas2d.drawImage(haikei_temae_File, -500 + wk_osf, 91);       /* 500x130 */
00273         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00274     }
00275     canvas2d.drawImage(haikei_temae_File, wk_osf, 91);                  /* 500x130 */
00276     R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00278     /* Progress */
00279     canvas2d.globalAlpha = 1.0f;
00280     canvas2d.drawImage(logo_goal_File,  10, 5);                         /* 23x20 */
00281     R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00282     canvas2d.drawImage(logo_start_File, LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 23 - 10, 5);  /* 23x20 */
00283     R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00285     wk_pos = disp_info.now_pos;
00287     if (wk_pos > GOAL_POINT) {
00288         wk_pos = GOAL_POINT;
00289     }
00290     canvas2d.drawImage(logo_genzai_File,
00291                        (int)(((float_t)LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 75) * ((float_t)(GOAL_POINT - wk_pos) / GOAL_POINT) + 26), 5);
00292     R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00294     /* Human */
00295     if (disp_info.p_hito != NULL) {
00296         canvas2d.globalAlpha = 1.0f;
00297         canvas2d.drawImage(disp_info.p_hito, (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 143) / 2 + disp_info.hito_ofs, LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT - 210);
00298         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00299     }
00301     /* Serif */
00302     canvas2d.globalAlpha = 1.0f;
00303     if (disp_info.tutorial) {
00304         canvas2d.drawImage(comment_tbl[language][0], 43, 50);
00305         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00306         canvas2d.drawImage(comment_tbl[language][1], 275, 50);
00307         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00308     }
00309     if (disp_info.comment_no != NO_IMAGE) {
00310         canvas2d.drawImage(comment_tbl[language][disp_info.comment_no], 265, 50);
00311         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00312     }
00314     /* Swipe */
00315     if (disp_info.swipe_on) {
00316         canvas2d.globalAlpha = 0.9f;
00317         canvas2d.drawImage(swipe_File, disp_info.tutorial_seq * 6, (LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT / 2) - 10);
00318         disp_info.tutorial_seq++;
00319         if ((disp_info.tutorial_seq * 6) >= LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH) {
00320             disp_info.tutorial_seq = 0;
00321         }
00322     }
00324     /* Ready Set Go! */
00325     if (disp_info.ready_set_go != NO_IMAGE) {
00326         canvas2d.globalAlpha = 0.82f;
00327         canvas2d.drawImage(ready_set_go_tbl[disp_info.ready_set_go], (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 100) / 2,
00328                            (LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT - 100) / 2);
00329         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00330     }
00332     /* Goooal! */
00333     if (disp_info.goal_on) {
00334         canvas2d.globalAlpha = (0.04f * disp_info.goal_seq);
00335         canvas2d.drawImage(goooal_File,
00336                             (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 260 * (2.0 - (float_t)disp_info.goal_seq / 25)) / 2,
00337                             (LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT - 53 * (2.0 - (float_t)disp_info.goal_seq / 25)) / 2,
00338                             260 * (2.0 - (float_t)disp_info.goal_seq / 25),
00339                             53 * (2.0 - (float_t)disp_info.goal_seq / 25));    /* 260x53 */
00340         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00341     }
00343     /* Result */
00344     if (disp_info.result_on) {
00345         /* record */
00346         canvas2d.globalAlpha = (0.025f * disp_info.result_seq);
00347         canvas2d.drawImage(result_File, (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 400) / 2,
00348                            LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT / 2 + 32 - disp_info.result_seq);  /* 400x68 */
00349         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00350         draw_total_time(disp_info.total_time, (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH / 2 - 200 + 185),
00351                         (LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT / 2 + 9) + 32 - disp_info.result_seq);
00352         draw_time(disp_info.max_speed, (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH / 2 - 200 + 185 + 34),
00353                   (LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT / 2 + 20 + 9) + 32 - disp_info.result_seq, false);
00354     }
00356     /* 1st record */
00357     if (disp_info.first_record) {
00358         canvas2d.drawImage(record_1st_File, 145, 201);
00359         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00360         draw_total_time(disp_info.record_time, 145 + 20, 201);
00361         canvas2d.drawImage(dot_File, 145 + 20 + 52, 201 + 11); /* . */
00362         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00363         canvas2d.drawImage(sec_File, 145 + 20 + 115, 201);     /* sec */
00364         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00365     }
00367     /* New Record */
00368     if (disp_info.new_record) {
00369         canvas2d.globalAlpha = 1.0f;
00370         canvas2d.drawImage(new_record_File, (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 194) / 2, 20);
00371         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00372     }
00374     /* Star */
00375     if (disp_info.hosi) {
00376         int wk_seq;
00378         if (disp_info.hosi_seq < 25) {
00379             wk_seq = disp_info.hosi_seq;
00380             canvas2d.globalAlpha = 1.0f - (0.04f * wk_seq);
00381             canvas2d.drawImage(hosi_File, 300, 60);
00382         } else if (disp_info.hosi_seq < 50) {
00383             wk_seq = disp_info.hosi_seq - 25;
00384             canvas2d.globalAlpha = 1.0f - (0.04f * wk_seq);
00385             canvas2d.drawImage(hosi_File, 70, 100);
00386         } else {
00387             wk_seq = disp_info.hosi_seq - 50;
00388             canvas2d.globalAlpha = 1.0f - (0.04f * wk_seq);
00389             canvas2d.drawImage(hosi_File, 270, 170);
00390         }
00391         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00392         disp_info.hosi_seq++;
00393         if (disp_info.hosi_seq >= 75) {
00394              disp_info.hosi_seq = 0;
00395         }
00396     }
00398     /* Speed and Time */
00399     if (disp_info.time_and_speed) {
00400         int wk_ofs;
00402         canvas2d.globalAlpha = 1.0f;
00404         /* Speed */
00405         if (disp_info.speed >= 100) {
00406             wk_ofs = 10;
00407         } else if (disp_info.speed >= 10) {
00408             wk_ofs = 10 - 17;
00409         } else {
00410             wk_ofs = 10 - 17 - 17;
00411         }
00412         draw_time(disp_info.speed, wk_ofs, LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT - 19 - 5, false);
00413         /* Time */
00414         draw_total_time(stop_watch.read_ms(), LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 112 - 5, LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT - 19 - 5);
00415         canvas2d.drawImage(dot_File, LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 112 - 5 + 52, LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT - 19 - 5 + 11);  /* . */
00416         R_OSPL_CLEAR_ERROR();
00417     }
00419     /* Complete drawing */
00420     R_GRAPHICS_Finish(canvas2d.c_LanguageContext);
00421     Update_LCD_Display(frmbuf_info);
00422 }
00424 static void set_hito_pic(void) {
00425     int new_table_no = 0;
00426     int bonus;
00427     float_t bonu_rate;
00429     disp_info.speed = total_move_x / 50;
00430     bonu_rate = ((float_t)disp_info.speed / 100.00);
00431     if (bonu_rate > 0.70) {
00432         bonu_rate = 0.70;
00433     }
00434     bonus = (int)((float_t)disp_info.speed * bonu_rate);
00436     if (disp_info.speed > disp_info.max_speed) {
00437         disp_info.max_speed = disp_info.speed;
00438     }
00440     if (disp_info.speed >= 50) {
00441         disp_info.comment_no = NO_IMAGE;
00442         new_table_no = 3;
00443     } else if (disp_info.speed >= 30) {
00444         tukare = 8;
00445         if ((race_start != false) && (disp_info.comment_no == 3)) {
00446             disp_info.comment_no = 4;
00447         }
00448         new_table_no = 2;
00449     } else if (disp_info.speed >= 1) {
00450         if ((race_start != false) && (disp_info.comment_no == 2)) {
00451             disp_info.comment_no = 3;
00452         }
00453         new_table_no = 1;
00454     } else {
00455         if (race_start != false) {
00456             disp_info.comment_no = 2;
00457         }
00458         new_table_no = 0;
00459     }
00461     if (new_table_no != table_no) {
00462         table_no = new_table_no;
00463         pic_idx = 0;
00464     }
00466     if (wk_wait == 0) {
00467         switch (table_no) {
00468             case 0:
00469                 if (tukare > 0) {
00470                     tukare--;
00471                     disp_info.p_hito = hito_tukare[pic_idx++];
00472                     if (pic_idx >= (sizeof(hito_tukare) / sizeof(graphics_image_t *))) {
00473                         pic_idx = 0;
00474                     }
00475                     wk_wait = 20;
00476                 } else {
00477                     disp_info.p_hito = start_File;
00478                     pic_idx = 0;
00479                     wk_wait = 3;
00480                 }
00481                 break;
00482             case 1:
00483                 disp_info.p_hito = hito_speed_1[pic_idx++];
00484                 if (pic_idx >= (sizeof(hito_speed_1) / sizeof(graphics_image_t *))) {
00485                     pic_idx = 0;
00486                 }
00487                 if (disp_info.speed <= 1) {
00488                    wk_wait = 6;
00489                 } else if (disp_info.speed <= 3) {
00490                    wk_wait = 5;
00491                 } else if (disp_info.speed <= 6) {
00492                    wk_wait = 4;
00493                 } else if (disp_info.speed <= 12) {
00494                    wk_wait = 3;
00495                 } else if (disp_info.speed <= 20) {
00496                    wk_wait = 2;
00497                 } else {
00498                    wk_wait = 1;
00499                 }
00500                 break;
00501             case 2:
00502                 disp_info.p_hito = hito_speed_2[pic_idx++];
00503                 if (pic_idx >= (sizeof(hito_speed_2) / sizeof(graphics_image_t *))) {
00504                     pic_idx = 0;
00505                 }
00506                 if (disp_info.speed <= 40) {
00507                      wk_wait = 1;
00508                 } else {
00509                      wk_wait = 0;
00510                 }
00511                 break;
00512             case 3:
00513                 disp_info.p_hito = hito_speed_3[pic_idx++];
00514                 if (pic_idx >= (sizeof(hito_speed_3) / sizeof(graphics_image_t *))) {
00515                     pic_idx = 0;
00516                 }
00517                 wk_wait = 0;
00518                 break;
00519             default:
00520                 break;
00521         }
00522     } else {
00523         wk_wait--;
00524     }
00526     disp_info.now_pos += disp_info.speed;
00527     if (disp_info.now_pos > GOAL_POINT) {
00528         disp_info.now_pos = GOAL_POINT;
00529     }
00530     total_move_x -= (disp_info.speed - bonus);
00531 }
00533 static void button_fall(void) {
00534     if ((language + 1) < LANGUAGE_NUM) {
00535         language++;
00536     } else {
00537         language = 0;
00538     }
00539 }
00541 int main(void) {
00542     errnum_t err;
00543     Canvas2D_ContextConfigClass config;
00545     /* Change the baud rate of the printf() */
00546     pc.baud(921600);
00548     button.fall(&button_fall);
00550     /* Initialization of LCD */
00551     Init_LCD_Display();
00553     memset(user_frame_buffer1, 0, sizeof(user_frame_buffer1));
00554     memset(user_frame_buffer2, 0, sizeof(user_frame_buffer2));
00555     frame_buffer_info.buffer_address[0] = user_frame_buffer1;
00556     frame_buffer_info.buffer_address[1] = user_frame_buffer2;
00557     frame_buffer_info.buffer_count      = 2;
00558     frame_buffer_info.show_buffer_index = 0;
00559     frame_buffer_info.draw_buffer_index = 0;
00560     frame_buffer_info.width             = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH;
00561     frame_buffer_info.byte_per_pixel    = FRAME_BUFFER_BYTE_PER_PIXEL;
00562     frame_buffer_info.stride            = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH * FRAME_BUFFER_BYTE_PER_PIXEL;
00563     frame_buffer_info.height            = LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT;
00564     frame_buffer_info.pixel_format      = PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565;
00566     config.frame_buffer = &frame_buffer_info;
00567     canvas2d = R_RGA_New_Canvas2D_ContextClass(config);
00568     err = R_OSPL_GetErrNum();
00569     if (err != 0) {
00570         printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, err);
00571         mbed_die();
00572     }
00574     /* Start of LCD */
00575     Start_LCD_Display(frame_buffer_info.buffer_address[0]);
00577     /* Backlight on */
00578     Thread::wait(200);
00579     lcd_cntrst.write(1.0);
00581     Thread touchTask(touch_task, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 1024 * 2);
00582     Timer  system_timer;
00584     disp_info.tutorial    = true;
00585     disp_info.record_time = 15000;
00586     stop_watch.reset();
00587     system_timer.reset();
00589     while (1) {
00590         if (disp_info.tutorial) {
00591             touch_start = false;
00592             stop_watch.reset();
00593             stop_watch.stop();
00594             disp_info.speed          = 0;
00595             disp_info.ready_set_go   = NO_IMAGE;
00596             disp_info.now_pos        = 0;
00597             disp_info.comment_no     = NO_IMAGE;
00598             disp_info.p_hito         = start_File;
00599             disp_info.hito_ofs       = 0;
00600             disp_info.max_speed      = 0;
00601             disp_info.swipe_on       = false;
00602             disp_info.goal_on        = false;
00603             disp_info.result_on      = false;
00604             disp_info.new_record     = false;
00605             disp_info.hosi           = false;
00606             disp_info.first_record   = true;
00607             disp_info.time_and_speed = false;
00608             disp_info.total_time     = 0;
00609             disp_info.swipe_on       = true;
00610             disp_info.tutorial_seq   = 0;
00611             total_move_x             = 0;
00612             race_start               = false;
00613             pic_idx                  = 0;
00614             wk_wait                  = 0;
00615             tukare                   = 0;
00616             touch_click              = false;
00617             while (touch_click == false) {
00618                 display_func(&frame_buffer_info);
00619             }
00620             disp_info.swipe_on       = false;
00621             disp_info.tutorial       = false;
00623             /* Ready Go! */
00624             system_timer.reset();
00625             system_timer.start();
00626             disp_info.time_and_speed = true;
00627             disp_info.first_record   = false;
00628             disp_info.ready_set_go   = 3;
00629             disp_info.now_pos        = 0;
00630             disp_info.speed          = 0;
00631             total_move_x             = 0;
00632             pic_idx                  = 0;
00633             table_no                 = 0;
00634         }
00636         if (disp_info.ready_set_go != NO_IMAGE) {
00637             int wk_system_time = system_timer.read_ms();
00638             if (wk_system_time > 4000) {
00639                 disp_info.ready_set_go = NO_IMAGE;
00640                 if (disp_info.now_pos == 0) {
00641                     disp_info.swipe_on = true;
00642                     disp_info.tutorial_seq = 0;
00643                 }
00644             } else if (wk_system_time > 3000) {
00645                 if (disp_info.ready_set_go != 0) {
00646                     disp_info.ready_set_go = 0;
00647                     touch_start = true;
00648                     race_start = true;
00649                     stop_watch.start();
00650                     disp_info.comment_no = 0;
00651                 }
00652             } else if (wk_system_time > 2000) {
00653                 disp_info.ready_set_go = 1;
00654             } else if (wk_system_time > 1000) {
00655                 disp_info.ready_set_go = 2;
00656             } else {
00657                 /* do nothing */
00658             }
00659         }
00660         if (disp_info.now_pos != 0) {
00661             disp_info.swipe_on = false;
00662         }
00664         set_hito_pic();
00665         display_func(&frame_buffer_info);
00667         disp_info.total_time = stop_watch.read_ms();
00668         if ((disp_info.total_time > 35000) && (disp_info.speed == 0)) {
00669             disp_info.tutorial = true;
00670         }
00671         if (disp_info.now_pos >= GOAL_POINT) {
00672             int over_run = 0;
00673             int wk_ofs;
00674             int back_speed;
00675             int i;
00677             stop_watch.stop();
00678             race_start = false;
00679             disp_info.comment_no = NO_IMAGE;
00681             /* Through the goal */
00682             disp_info.goal_on = true;
00683             disp_info.goal_seq = 0;
00685             system_timer.reset();
00686             system_timer.start();
00688             while (system_timer.read_ms() < 1500) {
00689                 total_move_x = total_move_x * 0.9;
00690                 set_hito_pic();
00691                 disp_info.comment_no = NO_IMAGE;
00692                 disp_info.hito_ofs -= disp_info.speed;
00693                 over_run += disp_info.speed;
00694                 display_func(&frame_buffer_info);
00695                 if (disp_info.goal_seq < 25) {
00696                      disp_info.goal_seq++;
00697                 }
00698             }
00700             /* Catch up background */
00701             disp_info.time_and_speed = false;
00702             back_speed = over_run / 60 + 1;
00704             for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
00705                 if (over_run > back_speed) {
00706                     wk_ofs = back_speed;
00707                     if (wk_wait == 0) {
00708                         disp_info.p_hito = hito_tukare[pic_idx++];
00709                         if (pic_idx >= (sizeof(hito_tukare) / sizeof(graphics_image_t *))) {
00710                             pic_idx = 0;
00711                         }
00712                         wk_wait = 20;
00713                     } else {
00714                         wk_wait--;
00715                     }
00716                 } else {
00717                     wk_ofs = over_run;
00718                     disp_info.p_hito = goal_File;
00719                 }
00720                 if (over_run != 0) {
00721                     over_run -= wk_ofs;
00722                     disp_info.now_pos  += wk_ofs;
00723                     disp_info.hito_ofs += wk_ofs;
00724                 }
00725                 display_func(&frame_buffer_info);
00726                 if (disp_info.goal_seq > 1) {
00727                      disp_info.goal_seq--;
00728                 } else {
00729                     disp_info.goal_on = false;
00730                 }
00731             }
00733             disp_info.result_on = true;
00734             disp_info.first_record = true;
00735             for (disp_info.result_seq = 1; disp_info.result_seq < 40; disp_info.result_seq++) {
00736                 display_func(&frame_buffer_info);
00737             }
00739             if (disp_info.total_time < disp_info.record_time) {
00740                 disp_info.record_time = disp_info.total_time;
00741                 disp_info.new_record = true;
00742                 disp_info.hosi = true;
00743                 disp_info.hosi_seq = 0;
00744                 touch_click = false;
00745             }
00747             touch_click = false;
00748             while (touch_click == false) {
00749                 display_func(&frame_buffer_info);
00750             }
00751             disp_info.tutorial = true;
00752         }
00753     }
00754 }