Send&recive two byte over ccRF 2550

Dependencies:   mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue Jun 30 21:47:55 2015 +0000
Commit message:
CC2500, Nucleo

Changed in this revision

__Lib_RF_CC2550.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
regssrf04.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/__Lib_RF_CC2550.h	Tue Jun 30 21:47:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#ifndef __LIB_RF_CC2550_H
+#define __LIB_RF_CC2550_H
+unsigned char RfReceivePacket(unsigned char *rxBuffer, unsigned char *length);
+void RFInit();
+void Reset_CCxxx0();
+void POWER_ON_RESET_CCxxx0();
+void RfSpiWriteReg(unsigned char address, unsigned char value);
+void RfSpiWriteBurstReg(unsigned char address, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char count);
+void RfSpiStrobe(unsigned char strobe);
+unsigned char RfSpiReadStatus(unsigned char address);
+unsigned char RfSpiReadReg(unsigned char address);
+void RfSpiReadBurstReg(unsigned char address, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char count);
+void RfWriteRfSettings(RF_SETTINGS *pRfSettings);
+void RfWriteRfSettings2500();
+void RfSendPacket(unsigned char *txBuffer, unsigned char size);
+unsigned char RfTransmitPacketWithAddress(unsigned char *txBuffer, unsigned char size, unsigned char *attempts);
+unsigned char RfReceivePacket(unsigned char *rxBuffer, unsigned char *length);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jun 30 21:47:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "regssrf04.h"
+#include "__Lib_RF_CC2550.h"
+#define _TX_MODE         0
+#define _RX_MODE         1
+#define _IDLE_MODE       2
+* Connections for the ccRF module
+DigitalIn RF_STAT(PA_10);//GDO2
+DigitalIn gdo0(PB_5);     // pin connected to gdo0 pin for checking that received a new packet
+DigitalOut RF_CS(PB_3);//CS pin mikroelektronika
+SPI spi3(PB_15,PB_14,PB_13);
+unsigned char txBuffer[64];
+unsigned char rxBuffer[61]; // Length byte  + 2 status bytes are not stored in this buffer
+unsigned char paTable = 0xFE;
+* Default setting for the ccRF module
+RF_SETTINGS rfSettings = {
+    0x0A,   // FSCTRL1   Frequency synthesizer control.
+    0x00,   // FSCTRL0   Frequency synthesizer control.
+    0x5D,   // FREQ2     Frequency control word, high byte.
+    0x93,   // FREQ1     Frequency control word, middle byte.
+    0xB1,   // FREQ0     Frequency control word, low byte.
+    0x2D,   // MDMCFG4   Modem configuration.
+    0x3B,   // MDMCFG3   Modem configuration.
+    0x73,   // MDMCFG2   Modem configuration.
+    0x22,   // MDMCFG1   Modem configuration.
+    0xF8,   // MDMCFG0   Modem configuration.
+    0x00,   // CHANNR    Channel number.
+    0x01,   // DEVIATN   Modem deviation setting (when FSK modulation is enabled).
+    0xB6,   // FREND1    Front end RX configuration.
+    0x10,   // FREND0    Front end TX configuration.
+    0x18,   // MCSM0     Main Radio Control State Machine configuration.
+    0x1D,   // FOCCFG    Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration.
+    0x1C,   // BSCFG     Bit synchronization Configuration.
+    0xC7,   // AGCCTRL2  AGC control.
+    0x00,   // AGCCTRL1  AGC control.
+    0xB0,   // AGCCTRL0  AGC control.
+    0xEA,   // FSCAL3    Frequency synthesizer calibration.
+    0x0A,   // FSCAL2    Frequency synthesizer calibration.
+    0x00,   // FSCAL1    Frequency synthesizer calibration.
+    0x11,   // FSCAL0    Frequency synthesizer calibration.
+    0x59,   // FSTEST    Frequency synthesizer calibration.
+    0x88,   // TEST2     Various test settings.
+    0x31,   // TEST1     Various test settings.
+    0x0B,   // TEST0     Various test settings.
+    0x07,   // FIFOTHR   RXFIFO and TXFIFO thresholds.
+    0x29,   // IOCFG2    GDO2 output pin configuration.
+    0x06,   // IOCFG0D   GDO0 output pin configuration.
+    0x06,   // PKTCTRL1  Packet automation control.   //04
+    0x05,   // PKTCTRL0  Packet automation control.
+    0x30,   // ADDR      Device address.
+    0xFF    // PKTLEN    Packet length.
+  };
+// globals
+unsigned char oldstate;
+unsigned int primljeni_pod;
+unsigned char len;
+unsigned char modeSelected;
+#include "regssrf04.h"
+#include "__Lib_RF_CC2550.h"
+// Definitions to support burst/single access:
+#define WRITE_BURST     0x40
+#define READ_SINGLE     0x80
+#define READ_BURST      0xC0
+// Defines
+#define CRC_OK              0x80
+#define RSSI                0
+#define LQI                 1
+#define BYTES_IN_RXFIFO     0x7F
+unsigned char spi3read(int address) {
+    int data;
+    RF_CS=0;                 //select the device
+    spi3.write(address);    //select the register
+    data = spi3.write(0x00);  //send a dummy byte to retrive data
+    RF_CS=1;                   //deselect the device
+    return data;           //return the data
+unsigned char RfReceivePacket(unsigned char *rxBuffer, unsigned char *length);
+//  void RFInit()
+//      Basic initialisation of RF pins.
+void RFInit()
+    RfWriteRfSettings(&rfSettings);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_PATABLE, paTable);
+//  void Reset_CCxxx0()
+//      Function for reseting CCxxx0 chip via strobe command (CCxxx_SRES - strobe command).
+void Reset_CCxxx0()
+  RF_CS = 0;
+  while(RF_STAT);
+  spi3.write(CCxxx0_SRES);
+  RF_CS = 1;
+//  void Power_On_Reset_CCxxx0()
+//      Function for manual reseting CCxxx0 chip.
+void POWER_ON_RESET_CCxxx0()
+  RF_CS = 1;
+  wait(1e-6);
+  RF_CS = 0;
+  wait(1e-6);
+  RF_CS = 1;
+  wait(41e-6);
+  Reset_CCxxx0();
+//  void RfSpiWriteReg(unsigned char addr, unsigned char value)
+//      Function for writing to a single CCxxx0 register
+//      unsigned char address
+//          Address of a specific CCxxx0 register to accessed.
+//      unsigned char value
+//          Value to be written to the specified CCxxx0 register.
+void RfSpiWriteReg(unsigned char address, unsigned char value)
+  RF_CS = 0;
+  while(RF_STAT);
+  spi3.write(address);
+  spi3.write(value);
+  RF_CS = 1;
+//  void RfSpiWriteBurstReg(unsigned char address, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char count)
+//      This function writes to multiple CCxxx0 register, using SPI burst access.
+//      unsigned char addr
+//          Address of the first CCxxx0 register to be accessed.
+//      unsigned char *buffer
+//          Array of bytes to be written into a corresponding range of
+//          CCxx00 registers, starting by the address specified in _addr_.
+//      unsigned char count
+//          Number of bytes to be written to the subsequent CCxxx0 registers.
+void RfSpiWriteBurstReg(unsigned char address, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char count) {
+    unsigned char i;
+    RF_CS = 0;
+    while (RF_STAT);
+    spi3.write(address | WRITE_BURST);
+    spi3.write(count);
+    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+        spi3.write(buffer[i]);
+    }
+    RF_CS = 1;
+}// RfSpiWriteBurstReg
+//  void RfSpiStrobe(unsigned char strobe)
+//      Function for writing a strobe command to the CCxxx0
+//      unsigned char strobe
+//          Strobe command
+void RfSpiStrobe(unsigned char strobe) {
+    RF_CS = 0;
+    while (RF_STAT);
+    spi3.write(strobe);
+    RF_CS = 1;
+}// RfSpiStrobe
+//  unsigned char RfSpiReadStatus(usnigned char address)
+//      This function reads a CCxxx0 status register.
+//      unsigned char address
+//          Address of the CCxxx0 status register to be accessed.
+//      usnigned char
+//          Value of the accessed CCxxx0 status register.
+unsigned char RfSpiReadStatus(unsigned char address) {
+    unsigned char x;
+    RF_CS = 0;
+    while (RF_STAT);
+    x = spi3read(address | READ_BURST);
+    RF_CS = 1;
+    return x;
+}// halSpiReadStatus
+//  unsigned char RfSpiReadReg(unsigned char address)
+//      This function gets the value of a single specified CCxxx0 register.
+//      unsigned char addr
+//          Address of the CCxxx0 register to be accessed.
+//      unsigned char
+//          Value of the accessed CCxxx0 register.
+unsigned char RfSpiReadReg(unsigned char address) {
+    unsigned char x;
+    RF_CS = 0;
+    while (RF_STAT);
+    x = spi3read(address | READ_SINGLE);
+    RF_CS = 1;
+    return x;
+}// RfSpiReadReg
+//  void RfSpiReadBurstReg(unsigned char address, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char count)
+//      This function reads multiple CCxxx0 register, using SPI burst access.
+//      unsigned char address
+//          Address of the first CCxxx0 register to be accessed.
+//      unsigned char *buffer
+//          Pointer to a byte array which stores the values read from a
+//          corresponding range of CCxxx0 registers.
+//      unsigned char count
+//          Number of bytes to be written to the subsequent CCxxx0 registers.
+void RfSpiReadBurstReg(unsigned char address, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char count) {
+    unsigned char i;
+    RF_CS = 0;
+    while (RF_STAT);
+    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+      buffer[i] = spi3read(address | READ_BURST);
+    }
+    RF_CS = 1;
+}// RfSpiReadBurstReg
+//  void RfWriteRfSettings(RF_SETTINGS *pRfSettings)
+//      This function is used to configure the CCxxx0 based on a given rf setting
+//      RF_SETTINGS *pRfSettings
+//          Pointer to a struct containing rf register settings
+void RfWriteRfSettings(RF_SETTINGS *pRfSettings) {
+    // Write register settings
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCTRL1,  pRfSettings->FSCTRL1);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCTRL0,  pRfSettings->FSCTRL0);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FREQ2,    pRfSettings->FREQ2);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FREQ1,    pRfSettings->FREQ1);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FREQ0,    pRfSettings->FREQ0);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG4,  pRfSettings->MDMCFG4);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG3,  pRfSettings->MDMCFG3);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG2,  pRfSettings->MDMCFG2);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG1,  pRfSettings->MDMCFG1);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG0,  pRfSettings->MDMCFG0);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_CHANNR,   pRfSettings->CHANNR);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_DEVIATN,  pRfSettings->DEVIATN);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FREND1,   pRfSettings->FREND1);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FREND0,   pRfSettings->FREND0);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_MCSM0 ,   pRfSettings->MCSM0 );
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FOCCFG,   pRfSettings->FOCCFG);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_BSCFG,    pRfSettings->BSCFG);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_AGCCTRL2, pRfSettings->AGCCTRL2);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_AGCCTRL1, pRfSettings->AGCCTRL1);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_AGCCTRL0, pRfSettings->AGCCTRL0);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCAL3,   pRfSettings->FSCAL3);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCAL2,   pRfSettings->FSCAL2);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCAL1,   pRfSettings->FSCAL1);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCAL0,   pRfSettings->FSCAL0);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FSTEST,   pRfSettings->FSTEST);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_TEST2,    pRfSettings->TEST2);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_TEST1,    pRfSettings->TEST1);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_TEST0,    pRfSettings->TEST0);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FIFOTHR,  pRfSettings->FIFOTHR);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_IOCFG2,   pRfSettings->IOCFG2);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_IOCFG0,   pRfSettings->IOCFG0);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1, pRfSettings->PKTCTRL1);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0, pRfSettings->PKTCTRL0);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_ADDR,     pRfSettings->ADDR);
+    RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_PKTLEN,   pRfSettings->PKTLEN);
+}// RfWriteRfSettings
+//  void RfWriteRfSettings2500()
+//      This function is used for testing
+void RfWriteRfSettings2500() {
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_IOCFG0,0x06);  //GDO0Output Pin Configuration
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0,0x05);//Packet Automation Control
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCTRL1,0x08); //Frequency Synthesizer Control
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FREQ2,0x5D);   //Frequency Control Word, High Byte
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FREQ1,0x93);   //Frequency Control Word, Middle Byte
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FREQ0,0xB1);   //Frequency Control Word, Low Byte
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG4,0x86); //Modem Configuration
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG3,0x83); //Modem Configuration
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG2,0x03); //Modem Configuration
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_DEVIATN,0x44); //Modem Deviation Setting
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_MCSM0,0x18);   //Main Radio Control State Machine Configuration
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FOCCFG,0x16);  //Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCAL1,0x00);  //Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
+  RfSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCAL0,0x11);  //Frequency Synthesizer Calibration
+//  void RfSendPacket(unsigned char *txBuffer, unsigned char size)
+//      This function can be used to transmit a packet with packet length up to 63 bytes.
+//      To use this function, GD00 must be configured to be asserted when sync word is sent and
+//      de-asserted at the end of the packet => halSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_IOCFG0, 0x06);
+//      The function implements polling of GDO0. First it waits for GD00 to be set and then it waits
+//      for it to be cleared.
+//      unsigned char *txBuffer
+//          Pointer to a buffer containing the data that are going to be transmitted
+//      unsigned char size
+//          The size of the txBuffer
+void RfSendPacket(unsigned char *txBuffer, unsigned char size) {
+    RfSpiWriteBurstReg(CCxxx0_TXFIFO, txBuffer, size);
+    RfSpiStrobe(CCxxx0_STX);
+    // Wait for GDO0 to be set -> sync transmitted
+    while(!RF_STAT);
+    // Wait for GDO0 to be cleared -> end of packet
+    while(RF_STAT);
+}// RfSendPacket
+unsigned char RfTransmitPacketWithAddress(unsigned char *txBuffer, unsigned char size, unsigned char *attempts) {
+    unsigned char rxBuffer[61];
+    unsigned char length;
+    //send data to receiver - address specified
+    RfSendPacket(txBuffer, size);
+    length = sizeof(rxBuffer);
+    //switch to receive mode
+    switch(RfReceivePacket(rxBuffer, &length))
+    {
+       case CCxxx0_RECEIVE_CRC_ERROR:
+       {
+         *attempts++;
+         RfTransmitPacketWithAddress(txBuffer, size, attempts);
+         break;
+       }
+       case CCxxx0_RECEIVE_CRC_OK:
+       {
+         return *attempts;
+         break;
+       }
+    }
+// RfSendPacketStatus
+//  uunsiged char RfReceivePacket(unsigned char *rxBuffer, unsigned char *length)
+//      This function can be used to receive a packet of variable packet length (first byte in the packet
+//      must be the length byte). The packet length should not exceed the RX FIFO size.
+//      To use this function, GD00 must be configured to be asserted when sync word is sent and
+//      de-asserted at the end of the packet => halSpiWriteReg(CCxxx0_IOCFG0, 0x06);
+//      Also, APPEND_STATUS in the PKTCTRL1 register must be enabled.
+//      The function implements polling of GDO0. First it waits for GD00 to be set and then it waits
+//      for it to be cleared.
+//      After the GDO0 pin has been de-asserted, the RXBYTES register is read to make sure that there
+//      are bytes in the FIFO. This is because the GDO signal will indicate sync received even if the
+//      FIFO is flushed due to address filtering, CRC filtering, or packet length filtering.
+//      unsigned char *rxBuffer
+//          Pointer to the buffer where the incoming data should be stored
+//      unsigned char *length
+//          Pointer to a variable containing the size of the buffer where the incoming data should be
+//          stored. After this function returns, that variable holds the packet length.
+//      unsigned char
+//          TRUE:   CRC OK
+//          FALSE:  CRC NOT OK (or no packet was put in the RX FIFO due to filtering)
+unsigned char RfReceivePacket(unsigned char *rxBuffer, unsigned char *length) {
+    unsigned char status[2];
+    unsigned char packetLength;
+    RfSpiStrobe(CCxxx0_SRX);
+    // Wait for GDO0 to be set -> sync received
+    if(!RF_STAT);
+    // Wait for GDO0 to be cleared -> end of packet
+    while(RF_STAT);
+    // This status register is safe to read since it will not be updated after
+    // the packet has been received (See the CC1100 and 2500 Errata Note)
+    if ((RfSpiReadStatus(CCxxx0_RXBYTES) & BYTES_IN_RXFIFO)) {
+        // Read length byte
+        packetLength = RfSpiReadReg(CCxxx0_RXFIFO);
+        // Read data from RX FIFO and store in rxBuffer
+        if (packetLength <= *length) {
+            RfSpiReadBurstReg(CCxxx0_RXFIFO, rxBuffer, packetLength);
+            *length = packetLength;
+            // Read the 2 appended status bytes (status[0] = RSSI, status[1] = LQI)
+            RfSpiReadBurstReg(CCxxx0_RXFIFO, status, 2);
+            // MSB of LQI is the CRC_OK bit
+            return (status[LQI] & CRC_OK);
+        } else {
+            *length = packetLength;
+            // Make sure that the radio is in IDLE state before flushing the FIFO
+            // (Unless RXOFF_MODE has been changed, the radio should be in IDLE state at this point)
+            RfSpiStrobe(CCxxx0_SIDLE);
+            // Flush RX FIFO
+            RfSpiStrobe(CCxxx0_SFRX);
+            return 0;
+        }
+    } else
+        return 0;
+}// RfReceivePacket
+* Main function
+int main() {
+  //Init SPI - treba da se provere par
+    spi3.format(8,0);//format(8,0);
+    spi3.frequency(1000000); //frekvencija(1000000);      
+    wait(0.1);
+  // Reset ccRF chip
+    POWER_ON_RESET_CCxxx0();
+  // Init RF module
+    RFInit();
+  modeSelected = _IDLE_MODE;
+  //Set_Text_Info(modeSelected);
+  while(1){
+        // switch to transmit mode
+        modeSelected = _TX_MODE;//mora da se komentarise ako prima 
+        // switch to receive mode
+        modeSelected = _RX_MODE;//komentarise se ako salje
+        // switch to transmit mode
+        modeSelected = _TX_MODE;
+    switch(modeSelected){
+      case _TX_MODE :{ 
+                      txBuffer[0] = 0xAD;               // send broacast address, primer
+                      txBuffer[1] = 0xFD;
+                      RfSendPacket(txBuffer, 2);     // send 2 bytes
+                     }; break;
+      case _RX_MODE :{  // receive measured ADC value
+                      len = sizeof(rxBuffer);
+                      if(RfReceivePacket(rxBuffer, &len)){   // first byte is address
+                        primljeni_pod = (((unsigned int)rxBuffer[1]) << 8) + rxBuffer[2];
+                        pc.printf("%i",primljeni_pod);
+                      }
+                     }; break;
+    }
+  }
+* End
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/regssrf04.h	Tue Jun 30 21:47:55 2015 +0000
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+#ifndef REGSSRF04_H
+#define REGSSRF04_H
+// RF_SETTINGS is a data structure which contains all relevant CCxxx0 registers
+typedef struct S_RF_SETTINGS{
+    char FSCTRL1;   // Frequency synthesizer control.
+    char FSCTRL0;   // Frequency synthesizer control.
+    char FREQ2;     // Frequency control word, high char.
+    char FREQ1;     // Frequency control word, middle char.
+    char FREQ0;     // Frequency control word, low char.
+    char MDMCFG4;   // Modem configuration.
+    char MDMCFG3;   // Modem configuration.
+    char MDMCFG2;   // Modem configuration.
+    char MDMCFG1;   // Modem configuration.
+    char MDMCFG0;   // Modem configuration.
+    char CHANNR;    // Channel number.
+    char DEVIATN;   // Modem deviation setting (when FSK modulation is enabled).
+    char FREND1;    // Front end RX configuration.
+    char FREND0;    // Front end RX configuration.
+    char MCSM0;     // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration.
+    char FOCCFG;    // Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration.
+    char BSCFG;     // Bit synchronization Configuration.
+    char AGCCTRL2;  // AGC control.
+    char AGCCTRL1;  // AGC control.
+    char AGCCTRL0;  // AGC control.
+    char FSCAL3;    // Frequency synthesizer calibration.
+    char FSCAL2;    // Frequency synthesizer calibration.
+    char FSCAL1;    // Frequency synthesizer calibration.
+    char FSCAL0;    // Frequency synthesizer calibration.
+    char FSTEST;    // Frequency synthesizer calibration control
+    char TEST2;     // Various test settings.
+    char TEST1;     // Various test settings.
+    char TEST0;     // Various test settings.
+    char FIFOTHR;   // RXFIFO and TXFIFO thresholds.
+    char IOCFG2;    // GDO2 output pin configuration
+    char IOCFG0;    // GDO0 output pin configuration
+    char PKTCTRL1;  // Packet automation control.
+    char PKTCTRL0;  // Packet automation control.
+    char ADDR;      // Device address.
+    char PKTLEN;    // Packet length.
+#define CCxxx0_IOCFG2       0x00        // GDO2 output pin configuration
+#define CCxxx0_IOCFG1       0x01        // GDO1 output pin configuration
+#define CCxxx0_IOCFG0       0x02        // GDO0 output pin configuration
+#define CCxxx0_FIFOTHR      0x03        // RX FIFO and TX FIFO thresholds
+#define CCxxx0_SYNC1        0x04        // Sync word, high byte
+#define CCxxx0_SYNC0        0x05        // Sync word, low byte
+#define CCxxx0_PKTLEN       0x06        // Packet length
+#define CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1     0x07        // Packet automation control
+#define CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0     0x08        // Packet automation control
+#define CCxxx0_ADDR         0x09        // Device address
+#define CCxxx0_CHANNR       0x0A        // Channel number
+#define CCxxx0_FSCTRL1      0x0B        // Frequency synthesizer control
+#define CCxxx0_FSCTRL0      0x0C        // Frequency synthesizer control
+#define CCxxx0_FREQ2        0x0D        // Frequency control word, high byte
+#define CCxxx0_FREQ1        0x0E        // Frequency control word, middle byte
+#define CCxxx0_FREQ0        0x0F        // Frequency control word, low byte
+#define CCxxx0_MDMCFG4      0x10        // Modem configuration
+#define CCxxx0_MDMCFG3      0x11        // Modem configuration
+#define CCxxx0_MDMCFG2      0x12        // Modem configuration
+#define CCxxx0_MDMCFG1      0x13        // Modem configuration
+#define CCxxx0_MDMCFG0      0x14        // Modem configuration
+#define CCxxx0_DEVIATN      0x15        // Modem deviation setting
+#define CCxxx0_MCSM2        0x16        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration
+#define CCxxx0_MCSM1        0x17        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration
+#define CCxxx0_MCSM0        0x18        // Main Radio Control State Machine configuration
+#define CCxxx0_FOCCFG       0x19        // Frequency Offset Compensation configuration
+#define CCxxx0_BSCFG        0x1A        // Bit Synchronization configuration
+#define CCxxx0_AGCCTRL2     0x1B        // AGC control
+#define CCxxx0_AGCCTRL1     0x1C        // AGC control
+#define CCxxx0_AGCCTRL0     0x1D        // AGC control
+#define CCxxx0_WOREVT1      0x1E        // High byte Event 0 timeout
+#define CCxxx0_WOREVT0      0x1F        // Low byte Event 0 timeout
+#define CCxxx0_WORCTRL      0x20        // Wake On Radio control
+#define CCxxx0_FREND1       0x21        // Front end RX configuration
+#define CCxxx0_FREND0       0x22        // Front end TX configuration
+#define CCxxx0_FSCAL3       0x23        // Frequency synthesizer calibration
+#define CCxxx0_FSCAL2       0x24        // Frequency synthesizer calibration
+#define CCxxx0_FSCAL1       0x25        // Frequency synthesizer calibration
+#define CCxxx0_FSCAL0       0x26        // Frequency synthesizer calibration
+#define CCxxx0_RCCTRL1      0x27        // RC oscillator configuration
+#define CCxxx0_RCCTRL0      0x28        // RC oscillator configuration
+#define CCxxx0_FSTEST       0x29        // Frequency synthesizer calibration control
+#define CCxxx0_PTEST        0x2A        // Production test
+#define CCxxx0_AGCTEST      0x2B        // AGC test
+#define CCxxx0_TEST2        0x2C        // Various test settings
+#define CCxxx0_TEST1        0x2D        // Various test settings
+#define CCxxx0_TEST0        0x2E        // Various test settings
+// Strobe commands
+#define CCxxx0_SRES         0x30        // Reset chip.
+#define CCxxx0_SFSTXON      0x31        // Enable and calibrate frequency synthesizer (if MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1).
+                                        // If in RX/TX: Go to a wait state where only the synthesizer is
+                                        // running (for quick RX / TX turnaround).
+#define CCxxx0_SXOFF        0x32        // Turn off crystal oscillator.
+#define CCxxx0_SCAL         0x33        // Calibrate frequency synthesizer and turn it off
+                                        // (enables quick start).
+#define CCxxx0_SRX          0x34        // Enable RX. Perform calibration first if coming from IDLE and
+                                        // MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1.
+#define CCxxx0_STX          0x35        // In IDLE state: Enable TX. Perform calibration first if
+                                        // MCSM0.FS_AUTOCAL=1. If in RX state and CCA is enabled:
+                                        // Only go to TX if channel is clear.
+#define CCxxx0_SIDLE        0x36        // Exit RX / TX, turn off frequency synthesizer and exit
+                                        // Wake-On-Radio mode if applicable.
+#define CCxxx0_SAFC         0x37        // Perform AFC adjustment of the frequency synthesizer
+#define CCxxx0_SWOR         0x38        // Start automatic RX polling sequence (Wake-on-Radio)
+#define CCxxx0_SPWD         0x39        // Enter power down mode when CSn goes high.
+#define CCxxx0_SFRX         0x3A        // Flush the RX FIFO buffer.
+#define CCxxx0_SFTX         0x3B        // Flush the TX FIFO buffer.
+#define CCxxx0_SWORRST      0x3C        // Reset real time clock.
+#define CCxxx0_SNOP         0x3D        // No operation. May be used to pad strobe commands to two
+                                        // bytes for simpler software.
+#define CCxxx0_PARTNUM          0x30
+#define CCxxx0_VERSION          0x31
+#define CCxxx0_FREQEST          0x32
+#define CCxxx0_LQI              0x33
+#define CCxxx0_RSSI             0x34
+#define CCxxx0_MARCSTATE        0x35
+#define CCxxx0_WORTIME1         0x36
+#define CCxxx0_WORTIME0         0x37
+#define CCxxx0_PKTSTATUS        0x38
+#define CCxxx0_VCO_VC_DAC       0x39
+#define CCxxx0_TXBYTES          0x3A
+#define CCxxx0_RXBYTES          0x3B
+#define CCxxx0_RCCTRL1_STATUS   0x3C
+#define CCxxx0_RCCTRL0_STATUS   0x3D
+#define CCxxx0_PATABLE          0x3E
+#define CCxxx0_TXFIFO           0x3F
+#define CCxxx0_RXFIFO           0x3F
+#define CCxxx0_RECEIVE_CRC_ERROR    0x00
+#define CCxxx0_RECEIVE_CRC_OK       0x80
\ No newline at end of file