Are you frustrated that the KL25Z watchdog timer refuses to work? This programme offers an alternate approach using a ticker interrupt to monitor the main loop and generate a hardware reset if the software controlled output pin is connected to the reset pin.

Dependencies:   mbed


Working example of a ticker driven Watchdog for the KL25Z. This requires a link from one of the pins "PTB10" to the reset pin. default tip

2014-02-01, by djbottrill [Sat, 01 Feb 2014 15:52:15 +0000] rev 1

Working example of a ticker driven Watchdog for the KL25Z. This requires a link from one of the pins "PTB10" to the reset pin.

Doesn't work on KL25Z

2014-02-01, by djbottrill [Sat, 01 Feb 2014 01:03:05 +0000] rev 0

Doesn't work on KL25Z