
Dependencies:   mbed mbed-STM32F103C8T6 MPU6050_1

--- a/motor.h	Sun Oct 14 07:53:07 2018 +0000
+++ b/motor.h	Sat Nov 03 11:43:03 2018 +0000
@@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
-float const g= 9.81;//SI
-float const r_wheel = 0.038;//SI
-float const center_mas = 0.022;//SI (ot osi)
-float const mass = 1.3;//SI
-float const m_inert = 5e-3;//SI
-float const half_axis = 0.08;//SI
-float const pi = 3.1415926535;
-float const ppr = 3200;//pulses per revolution
-float accel = 0.01; //cm/c/50mS - 5 = 1 cm/S^2
 float motor_speed[2] = {0,0}; //left, right (real exact current speed of each motor for the next raltime slot)  SI
-float gy_old;
-float k_1 = 0.5;
-float k_2 = 0.5;
-float vert;//ugol
+//float gy_old;
+//float vert;//ugol
 float max_speed = 2;
-//float delta_v_filtered;
-//float gy_f;
-//float ax_f;
+float max_accel = 5;
 DigitalOut  dir_left(PC_15);
 DigitalOut  dir_right(PA_2);
@@ -24,37 +10,29 @@
 PwmOut step_left(PB_4);
 PwmOut step_right(PA_1);
-void skorost_1(float linear_acceleration = 0, float angular_acceleration = 0)
-//    ax_f = 0*ax_f+1*ax;
-    float tma;                                                          
-    if (linear_acceleration < 5) tma = linear_acceleration;
-    else tma = 5;
-    if (linear_acceleration > -5) tma = linear_acceleration;
-    else tma = -5;
-    float sin_phi = (ax)/g;
-    float a = (g*sin_phi)/(sqrt(1-sin_phi*sin_phi));
-//    float epsilon = gy - gy_old;
-//    gy_f = 0*gy_f + 1*gy;
+void geometric_navigation(){  
-    float delta_v = 2*k_2*a*t_step + k_1*1e-3*gy /*+ accel*/ - tma * t_step; //- 0*1e-3*epsilon - 0*motor_speed[1];
+    current.speed = (motor_speed[1]+motor_speed[0])/2.0;                                                            //MOVE TO SKOROST!!!!!
+    current.azimuth += (motor_speed[0]-motor_speed[1]) * t_step/(half_axis * 2) ;//rad
+    current.x += current.speed * t_step; //* sin(current.azimuth);
+    current.y += current.speed * t_step; //* cos(current.azimuth);
+    current.path += current.speed * t_step;
+    //pc.printf("%3.1f - %3.1f ; %3.1f - %3.1f ; %d\n",target_path,current_path,target_angle,current_angle,motor_busy); //be careful in interrupt
+    }
-//    delta_v_filtered = 0*delta_v_filtered + 1*delta_v;
-    //if (delta_v > 0.01) delta_v = 0.01 ;
-    //if (delta_v < -0.01) delta_v = -0.01 ;
-    motor_speed[0] += delta_v; //+ rotation_rate*half_axis;
-    motor_speed[1] += delta_v; //- rotation_rate*half_axis;
+void set_motor_speed(float speed_left,float speed_right){
+    motor_speed[0] = speed_left;
+    motor_speed[1] = speed_right;    
     if (motor_speed[0] > max_speed) motor_speed[0] = max_speed;
     if (motor_speed[0] < -max_speed) motor_speed[0] = -max_speed;
     if (motor_speed[1] > max_speed) motor_speed[1] = max_speed;
     if (motor_speed[1] < -max_speed) motor_speed[1] = -max_speed;
-    if (motor_speed[1] > 0) dir_right = 0;
-    else dir_right = 1;
-    if (motor_speed[0] > 0) dir_left = 1;
-    else dir_left = 0;
+    if (motor_speed[1] > 0) dir_right = 1;
+    else dir_right = 0;
+    if (motor_speed[0] > 0) dir_left = 0;
+    else dir_left = 1;
     float nu_l = abs(motor_speed[0]/(2*pi*r_wheel))*ppr; //frequency in herz
     float nu_r = abs(motor_speed[1]/(2*pi*r_wheel))*ppr; //frequency in herz
     if (nu_l < 1) nu_l = 1;
@@ -62,44 +40,8 @@
     step_right.period_us (1e6/nu_r);
     step_right = 0.5;
     step_left.period_us (1e6/nu_l);
-    step_left = 0.5;
-    //wifi.printf("%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f;",linear_acceleration,a,ax,delta_v);
-    //pc.printf("s:%.2f,a:%.2f,ax:%.2f,delta_v:%.2f,nu:%.2f\n",motor_speed[0],a,ax,delta_v,nu_l);
-void skorost(int right, float motor_target_speed)  //(0-left,1-right), cm/s [-400;400]
-//nu = 500 Hz => 500/3200 = 0.15625 rps (d = 7.8cm) => V_real = Pi*d*0.15625 = 0.038 m/s = 3.8 cm/s
-//float nu_l;
-    //if (abs(-motor_target_speed + motor_speed[right]) <= accel)  motor_speed[right] = motor_target_speed;  // calculate new curent speed
-    //if ((motor_target_speed + motor_speed[right]) > accel)  motor_speed[right] = motor_speed[right] - accel; // calculate new curent speed at big step
-    //if ((-motor_speed[right] + motor_target_speed) > accel)  motor_speed[right] = motor_speed[right] + accel; // calculate new curent speed at big step
-    vert = 1*(motor_target_speed - motor_speed[right]) - 0.6;
-    if (vert > 3) vert = 3;
-    if (vert < -3) vert = -3;
-    //if (right == 1) wifi.printf("a:%.2f,t:%.2f,s:%.2f,v:%.2f",ax,motor_target_speed,motor_speed[right],vert);
-    //float diff = ax - ax_old;                                                       //balance feedback
-    //motor_speed[right] -= k_dif*gy + 0*diff + k_prop*ax ;
-    //gz_old = gz;
-    /*if (motor_speed[right] > 100) motor_speed[right] = 100;
-    if (motor_speed[right] < -100) motor_speed[right] = -100;
-    if (right == 1) wifi.printf("s:%.2f",motor_speed[right]);
-    if (right) {if (motor_speed[right] > 0) dir_right = 1; else dir_right = 0;}
-    else {if (motor_speed[right] > 0) dir_left = 0; else dir_left = 1;}
-    nu_l = abs(motor_speed[right])*(500.0/3.8); //frequency in herz !!!!(cm)
-    if (nu_l < 1) nu_l = 1;
-    if(right) {step_right.period_us (1e6/nu_l);step_right = 0.5;} else {step_left.period_us (1e6/nu_l);step_left = 0.5;}
-    // pc.printf("%u \n", nu_l);
-    //wifi.printf("ay:%.2f, ",ay);*/
-void set_motors(float speed_left, float speed_right)  //sets target speed for both motors, but the result will take into account accel and ay
-    skorost(0,speed_left);
-    skorost(1,speed_right);
+    step_left = 0.5; 
+    geometric_navigation();   
 void motor_init()
@@ -107,5 +49,6 @@
     step_left = 0.5;
     step_right = 0.5;
     motor_enable = 1;
-    //skorost(0,0.01); skorost(1,0.01);
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