Aitendo Graphic LCD (M018C7735SPI) and mbed

I try to use a Aitendo Color Graphic LCD 128x160 (M018C7735SPI) by mbed LPC1768. /media/uploads/digiponta/12022602.jpg

Its LDC work write by modifying a ST7735_TFT library, and the below connections to it.

ST7735_TFT( PinName mosi = SDA, PinName miso = a pin asigned by no connection, PinName sclk = SCK, PinName cs = CS, PinName rs = A0, PinName reset = RESET );

5 comments on Aitendo Graphic LCD (M018C7735SPI) and mbed:

28 Feb 2012
28 Feb 2012

Thanks. Yes, I use the same library, because it seems to be the same module with pins asigned different from the article, you said. While Aitendo is a shop in Akihabara, Japan.

18 Mar 2012

In this day, I put it into a case with button switch. Ant I had modified the program to one for a destination indication board. /media/uploads/digiponta/12031901.gif

19 Mar 2013

Hi Hirofumi

Can you send the library for this display? I have a similar display.

Would your library work?

Do know the pin connections?

Thank you


19 Mar 2013

Hi Hirofumi

I have got it working :)

I have used the folowing pins to connect to the Mbed:

CS to pin 8 (cs)

SDA to pin 5 (mosi)

SCK to pin 7 (sck)

A0 to pin 11 (rs)

RESET to pin 15 (reset)

I used 5v to the display (JP1 must be open circuit) and connected the LED to the GND and VCC pins on the display.

The Pong game works

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