MCU driver/HAL for the Picocell Gateway concentrator board. The firmware implements either a USB CDC protocol or a UART protocol to bridge commands coming from host to the SX1308 SPI interface.



File content as of revision 0:c76361bd82e8:

// <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>>

// <h>Debug MCU Configuration
//   <o.0>    DBG_SLEEP     <i> Debug Sleep Mode
//   <o.1>    DBG_STOP      <i> Debug Stop Mode
//   <o.2>    DBG_STANDBY   <i> Debug Standby Mode
// </h>
DbgMCU_CR = 0x00000007;

// <h> Debug MCU APB1 Freeze
//   <o.0>    DBG_TIM2_STOP  <i> Timer 2 Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.1>    DBG_TIM3_STOP  <i> Timer 3 Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.2>    DBG_TIM4_STOP  <i> Timer 4 Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.3>    DBG_TIM5_STOP  <i> Timer 5 Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.10>   DBG_RTC_STOP   <i> RTC Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.11>   DBG_WWDG_STOP  <i> Window Watchdog Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.12>   DBG_IWDG_STOP  <i> Independent Watchdog Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.21>   DBG_I2C1_SMBUS_TIMEOUT <i> I2C1 SMBUS Timeout Mode Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.22>   DBG_I2C2_SMBUS_TIMEOUT <i> I2C2 SMBUS Timeout Mode Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.23>   DBG_I2C3_SMBUS_TIMEOUT <i> I2C3 SMBUS Timeout Mode Stopped when Core is halted
// </h>
DbgMCU_APB1_Fz = 0x00000000;

// <h> Debug MCU APB2 Freeze
//   <o.0>    DBG_TIM1_STOP  <i> Timer 1 Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.16>   DBG_TIM9_STOP  <i> Timer 9 Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.17>   DBG_TIM10_STOP <i> Timer 10 Stopped when Core is halted
//   <o.18>   DBG_TIM11_STOP <i> Timer 11 Stopped when Core is halted
// </h>
DbgMCU_APB2_Fz = 0x00000000;

// <<< end of configuration section >>>