Host driver/HAL to build a LoRa Picocell Gateway which communicates through USB with a concentrator board based on Semtech SX1308 multi-channel modem and SX1257/SX1255 RF transceivers.

Wed Apr 11 14:38:42 2018 +0000
Initial commit

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 1 /*
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 2 / _____) _ | |
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 3 ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 4 \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 5 _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 6 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 7 (C)2017 Semtech-Cycleo
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 8
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 9 Description:
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 10 Wrapper to call MCU's HAL functions
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 11
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 12 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 13 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 14
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 15 #ifndef _LORAGW_MCU_H
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 16 #define _LORAGW_MCU_H
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 17
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 18 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 19 /* --- DEPENDANCIES --------------------------------------------------------- */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 20
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 21 #include <stdint.h> /* C99 types*/
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 22
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 23 #include "config.h" /* library configuration options (dynamically generated) */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 24
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 25 #include "loragw_hal.h"
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 26
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 27 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 28 /* --- PUBLIC CONSTANTS ----------------------------------------------------- */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 29
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 30 #define LGW_MCU_SUCCESS 0
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 31 #define LGW_MCU_ERROR -1
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 32
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 33 #define STM32FWVERSION 0x010a0006 /* increment LSB for new version */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 34
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 35 #define MCU_DELAY_COM_INIT 1000
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 36 #define MCU_DELAY_RESET 200
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 37
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 38 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 39 /* --- PUBLIC TYPES --------------------------------------------------------- */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 40
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 41 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 42 /* --- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS PROTOTYPES ------------------------------------------ */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 43
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 44 /**
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 45 @brief Command to configure the board of the LoRa concentrator through MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 46 @param conf board configuration structure to be sent to MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 47 @return status of operation (LGW_MCU_SUCCESS/LGW_MCU_ERROR)
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 48 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 49 int lgw_mcu_board_setconf(struct lgw_conf_board_s conf);
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 50
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 51 /**
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 52 @brief Command to configure an RF chain through MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 53 @param rfchain index of the RF chain to configure
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 54 @param conf RF chain configuration structure to be sent to MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 55 @return status of operation (LGW_MCU_SUCCESS/LGW_MCU_ERROR)
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 56 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 57 int lgw_mcu_rxrf_setconf(uint8_t rfchain, struct lgw_conf_rxrf_s conf);
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 58
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 59 /**
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 60 @brief Command to configure an IF chain through MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 61 @param ifchain index of the IF chain to configure
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 62 @param conf IF chain configuration structure to be sent to MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 63 @return status of operation (LGW_MCU_SUCCESS/LGW_MCU_ERROR)
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 64 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 65 int lgw_mcu_rxif_setconf(uint8_t ifchain, struct lgw_conf_rxif_s conf);
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 66
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 67 /**
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 68 @brief Command to configure the Tx gain LUT through MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 69 @param conf TX LUT gain table configuration structure to be sent to MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 70 @return status of operation (LGW_MCU_SUCCESS/LGW_MCU_ERROR)
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 71 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 72 int lgw_mcu_txgain_setconf(struct lgw_tx_gain_lut_s *conf);
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 73
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 74 /**
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 75 @brief Command to receive packet from the concentrator through MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 76 @param max_pkt maximum number of received packets
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 77 @param pkt_data array of packets received
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 78 @return number of received packets
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 79 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 80 int lgw_mcu_receive(uint8_t max_pkt, struct lgw_pkt_rx_s *pkt_data);
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 81
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 82 /**
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 83 @brief Command to send a packet to the concentrator through MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 84 @param pkt_data packet data to be sent to MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 85 @return status of operation (LGW_MCU_SUCCESS/LGW_MCU_ERROR)
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 86 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 87 int lgw_mcu_send(struct lgw_pkt_tx_s pkt_data);
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 88
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 89 /**
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 90 @brief Command to get the value of the internal counter of the concentrator through MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 91 @param data pointer to byte array that will be read from the concentrator
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 92 @return status of operation (LGW_MCU_SUCCESS/LGW_MCU_ERROR)
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 93 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 94 int lgw_mcu_get_trigcnt(uint32_t *data);
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 95
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 96 /**
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 97 @brief Command to store radio calibration parameters to the concentrator through MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 98 @param idx_start start index in the MCU calibration offset table where to store the given offsets
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 99 @param idx_nb the number of calibration offsets to be stored in the MCU table
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 100 @return status of operation (LGW_MCU_SUCCESS/LGW_MCU_ERROR)
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 101 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 102 int lgw_mcu_commit_radio_calibration(uint8_t idx_start, uint8_t idx_nb);
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 103
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 104 /**
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 105 @brief Command to reset the MCU
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 106 @return status of operation (LGW_MCU_SUCCESS/LGW_MCU_ERROR)
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 107 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 108 int lgw_mcu_reset(void);
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 109
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 110 /**
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 111 @brief Command to get the MCU's unique ID
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 112 @return status of operation (LGW_MCU_SUCCESS/LGW_MCU_ERROR)
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 113 */
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 114 int lgw_mcu_get_unique_id(uint8_t *uid);
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 115
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 116 #endif
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 117
dgabino 0:102b50f941d0 118 /* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */