TI's CC3100 host driver and demo. Experimental and a work in progress.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/simplelink/cc3100_socket.h	Mon Nov 17 19:38:34 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1499 @@
+ * socket.h - CC31xx/CC32xx Host Driver Implementation
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ 
+ * 
+ * 
+ *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+ *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
+ *  are met:
+ *
+ *    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ *    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the   
+ *    distribution.
+ *
+ *    Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
+ *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+#ifndef __SL_SOCKET_H__
+#define __SL_SOCKET_H__
+/* Include files                                                             */
+#include "cc3100_simplelink.h"
+#ifdef    __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+    \addtogroup socket
+    @{
+/* Macro declarations                                                        */
+#define SL_FD_SETSIZE                         SL_MAX_SOCKETS         /* Number of sockets to select on - same is max sockets!               */
+#define BSD_SOCKET_ID_MASK                     (0x0F)                 /* Index using the LBS 4 bits for socket id 0-7 */
+/* Define some BSD protocol constants.  */
+#define SL_SOCK_STREAM                         (1)                       /* TCP Socket                                                          */
+#define SL_SOCK_DGRAM                          (2)                       /* UDP Socket                                                          */
+#define SL_SOCK_RAW                            (3)                       /* Raw socket                                                          */
+#define SL_IPPROTO_TCP                         (6)                       /* TCP Raw Socket                                                      */
+#define SL_IPPROTO_UDP                         (17)                      /* UDP Raw Socket                                                      */
+#define SL_IPPROTO_RAW                         (255)                     /* Raw Socket                                                          */
+#define SL_SEC_SOCKET                          (100)                     /* Secured Socket Layer (SSL,TLS)                                      */
+/* Address families.  */
+#define     SL_AF_INET                         (2)                       /* IPv4 socket (UDP, TCP, etc)                                          */
+#define     SL_AF_INET6                        (3)                       /* IPv6 socket (UDP, TCP, etc)                                          */
+#define     SL_AF_INET6_EUI_48                 (9)
+#define     SL_AF_RF                           (6)                       /* data include RF parameter, All layer by user (Wifi could be disconnected) */ 
+#define     SL_AF_PACKET                       (17)
+/* Protocol families, same as address families.  */
+#define     SL_PF_INET                         AF_INET
+#define     SL_PF_INET6                        AF_INET6
+#define     SL_INADDR_ANY                      (0)                       /*  bind any address  */
+/* error codes */
+#define SL_SOC_ERROR                          (-1)  /* Failure.                                                             */
+#define SL_SOC_OK                             ( 0)  /* Success.                                                             */
+#define SL_INEXE                              (-8)   /* socket command in execution  */
+#define SL_EBADF                              (-9)   /* Bad file number */
+#define SL_ENSOCK                             (-10)  /* The system limit on the total number of open socket, has been reached */
+#define SL_EAGAIN                             (-11)  /* Try again */
+#define SL_EWOULDBLOCK                        SL_EAGAIN
+#define SL_ENOMEM                             (-12)  /* Out of memory */
+#define SL_EACCES                             (-13)  /* Permission denied */
+#define SL_EFAULT                             (-14)  /* Bad address */
+#define SL_ECLOSE                             (-15)  /* close socket operation failed to transmit all queued packets */
+#define SL_EALREADY_ENABLED                   (-21)  /* Transceiver - Transceiver already ON. there could be only one */
+#define SL_EINVAL                             (-22)  /* Invalid argument */
+#define SL_EAUTO_CONNECT_OR_CONNECTING        (-69)  /* Transceiver - During connection, connected or auto mode started */
+#define SL_CONNECTION_PENDING                  (-72)  /* Transceiver - Device is connected, disconnect first to open transceiver */
+#define SL_EUNSUPPORTED_ROLE                  (-86)  /* Transceiver - Trying to start when WLAN role is AP or P2P GO */
+#define SL_EDESTADDRREQ                       (-89)  /* Destination address required */
+#define SL_EPROTOTYPE                         (-91)  /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
+#define SL_ENOPROTOOPT                        (-92)  /* Protocol not available */
+#define SL_EPROTONOSUPPORT                    (-93)  /* Protocol not supported */
+#define SL_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT                    (-94)  /* Socket type not supported */
+#define SL_EOPNOTSUPP                         (-95)  /* Operation not supported on transport endpoint */
+#define SL_EAFNOSUPPORT                       (-97)  /* Address family not supported by protocol */
+#define SL_EADDRINUSE                         (-98)  /* Address already in use */
+#define SL_EADDRNOTAVAIL                      (-99)  /* Cannot assign requested address */
+#define SL_ENETUNREACH                        (-101) /* Network is unreachable */
+#define SL_ENOBUFS                            (-105) /* No buffer space available */
+#define SL_EOBUFF                             SL_ENOBUFS 
+#define SL_EISCONN                            (-106) /* Transport endpoint is already connected */
+#define SL_ENOTCONN                           (-107) /* Transport endpoint is not connected */
+#define SL_ETIMEDOUT                          (-110) /* Connection timed out */
+#define SL_ECONNREFUSED                       (-111) /* Connection refused */
+#define SL_EALREADY                           (-114) /* Non blocking connect in progress, try again */ 
+#define SL_ESEC_RSA_WRONG_TYPE_E              (-130)  /* RSA wrong block type for RSA function */
+#define SL_ESEC_RSA_BUFFER_E                  (-131)  /* RSA buffer error, output too small or */
+#define SL_ESEC_BUFFER_E                      (-132)  /* output buffer too small or input too large */
+#define SL_ESEC_ALGO_ID_E                     (-133)  /* setting algo id error */
+#define SL_ESEC_PUBLIC_KEY_E                  (-134)  /* setting public key error */
+#define SL_ESEC_DATE_E                        (-135)  /* setting date validity error */
+#define SL_ESEC_SUBJECT_E                     (-136)  /* setting subject name error */
+#define SL_ESEC_ISSUER_E                      (-137)  /* setting issuer  name error */
+#define SL_ESEC_CA_TRUE_E                     (-138)  /* setting CA basic constraint true error */
+#define SL_ESEC_EXTENSIONS_E                  (-139)  /* setting extensions error */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_PARSE_E                   (-140)  /* ASN parsing error, invalid input */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_VERSION_E                 (-141)  /* ASN version error, invalid number */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_GETINT_E                  (-142)  /* ASN get big _i16 error, invalid data */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_RSA_KEY_E                 (-143)  /* ASN key init error, invalid input */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_OBJECT_ID_E               (-144)  /* ASN object id error, invalid id */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_TAG_NULL_E                (-145)  /* ASN tag error, not null */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_EXPECT_0_E                (-146)  /* ASN expect error, not zero */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_BITSTR_E                  (-147)  /* ASN bit string error, wrong id */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_UNKNOWN_OID_E             (-148)  /* ASN oid error, unknown sum id */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_DATE_SZ_E                 (-149)  /* ASN date error, bad size */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E             (-150)  /* ASN date error, current date before */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_AFTER_DATE_E              (-151)  /* ASN date error, current date after */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_SIG_OID_E                 (-152)  /* ASN signature error, mismatched oid */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_TIME_E                    (-153)  /* ASN time error, unknown time type */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_INPUT_E                   (-154)  /* ASN input error, not enough data */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E             (-155)  /* ASN sig error, confirm failure */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_SIG_HASH_E                (-156)  /* ASN sig error, unsupported hash type */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_SIG_KEY_E                 (-157)  /* ASN sig error, unsupported key type */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_DH_KEY_E                  (-158)  /* ASN key init error, invalid input */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_NTRU_KEY_E                (-159)  /* ASN ntru key decode error, invalid input */
+#define SL_ESEC_ECC_BAD_ARG_E                 (-170)  /* ECC input argument of wrong type */
+#define SL_ESEC_ASN_ECC_KEY_E                 (-171)  /* ASN ECC bad input */
+#define SL_ESEC_ECC_CURVE_OID_E               (-172)  /* Unsupported ECC OID curve type */
+#define SL_ESEC_BAD_FUNC_ARG                  (-173)  /* Bad function argument provided */
+#define SL_ESEC_NOT_COMPILED_IN               (-174)  /* Feature not compiled in */
+#define SL_ESEC_UNICODE_SIZE_E                (-175)  /* Unicode password too big */
+#define SL_ESEC_NO_PASSWORD                   (-176)  /* no password provided by user */
+#define SL_ESEC_ALT_NAME_E                    (-177)  /* alt name size problem, too big */
+#define SL_ESEC_AES_GCM_AUTH_E                (-180)  /* AES-GCM Authentication check failure */
+#define SL_ESEC_AES_CCM_AUTH_E                (-181)  /* AES-CCM Authentication check failure */
+/* ssl tls security start with -300 offset */
+#define SL_ESEC_CLOSE_NOTIFY                  (-300) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE            (-310) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_BAD_RECORD_MAC                (-320) /* ssl/tls alerts */                 
+#define SL_ESEC_DECRYPTION_FAILED             (-321) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_RECORD_OVERFLOW               (-322) /* ssl/tls alerts */    
+#define SL_ESEC_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE         (-330) /* ssl/tls alerts */                 
+#define SL_ESEC_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE             (-340) /* ssl/tls alerts */    
+#define SL_ESEC_NO_CERTIFICATE                (-341) /* ssl/tls alerts */    
+#define SL_ESEC_BAD_CERTIFICATE               (-342) /* ssl/tls alerts */          
+#define SL_ESEC_UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE       (-343) /* ssl/tls alerts */     
+#define SL_ESEC_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED           (-344) /* ssl/tls alerts */                 
+#define SL_ESEC_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED           (-345) /* ssl/tls alerts */                 
+#define SL_ESEC_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN           (-346) /* ssl/tls alerts */                 
+#define SL_ESEC_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER             (-347) /* ssl/tls alerts */                 
+#define SL_ESEC_UNKNOWN_CA                    (-348) /* ssl/tls alerts */                
+#define SL_ESEC_ACCESS_DENIED                 (-349) /* ssl/tls alerts */                
+#define SL_ESEC_DECODE_ERROR                  (-350) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_DECRYPT_ERROR                 (-351) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_EXPORT_RESTRICTION            (-360) /* ssl/tls alerts */    
+#define SL_ESEC_PROTOCOL_VERSION              (-370) /* ssl/tls alerts */    
+#define SL_ESEC_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY         (-371) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_INTERNAL_ERROR                (-380) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_USER_CANCELLED                (-390) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_NO_RENEGOTIATION              (-400) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION         (-410) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_CERTIFICATE_UNOBTAINABLE      (-411) /* ssl/tls alerts */         
+#define SL_ESEC_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME             (-412) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_BAD_CERTIFICATE_STATUS_RESPONSE  (-413) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+#define SL_ESEC_BAD_CERTIFICATE_HASH_VALUE    (-414) /* ssl/tls alerts */   
+/* propierty secure */
+#define SL_ESECGENERAL                        (-450)  /* error secure level general error */
+#define SL_ESECDECRYPT                        (-451)  /* error secure level, decrypt recv packet fail */
+#define SL_ESECCLOSED                         (-452)  /* secure layrer is closed by other size , tcp is still connected  */
+#define SL_ESECSNOVERIFY                      (-453)  /* Connected without server verification */
+#define SL_ESECNOCAFILE                       (-454)  /* error secure level CA file not found*/
+#define SL_ESECMEMORY                         (-455)  /* error secure level No memory  space available */
+#define SL_ESECBADCAFILE                      (-456)  /* error secure level bad CA file */
+#define SL_ESECBADCERTFILE                    (-457)  /* error secure level bad Certificate file */
+#define SL_ESECBADPRIVATEFILE                 (-458)  /* error secure level bad private file */
+#define SL_ESECBADDHFILE                      (-459)  /* error secure level bad DH file */
+#define SL_ESECT00MANYSSLOPENED               (-460)  /* MAX SSL Sockets are opened */
+#define SL_ESECDATEERROR                      (-461)  /* connected with certificate date verification error */
+#define SL_ESECHANDSHAKETIMEDOUT              (-462)  /* connection timed out due to handshake time */
+/* end error codes */
+/* Max payload size by protocol */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_MASK            (0xF0)  /*4 bits type, 4 bits sockets id */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UDP_IPV4        (0x00)  /* 1472 bytes */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_TCP_IPV4        (0x10)  /* 1460 bytes */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UDP_IPV6        (0x20)  /* 1452 bytes */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_TCP_IPV6        (0x30)  /* 1440 bytes */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UDP_IPV4_SECURE (0x40)  /*            */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_TCP_IPV4_SECURE (0x50)  /*            */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_UDP_IPV6_SECURE (0x60)  /*            */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_TCP_IPV6_SECURE (0x70)  /*            */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RAW_TRANCEIVER  (0x80)  /* 1536 bytes */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RAW_PACKET      (0x90)  /* 1536 bytes */
+#define SL_SOCKET_PAYLOAD_TYPE_RAW_IP4         (0xa0)  
+#define SL_SOL_SOCKET          (1)   /* Define the socket option category. */
+#define SL_IPPROTO_IP          (2)   /* Define the IP option category.     */
+#define SL_SOL_PHY_OPT         (3)   /* Define the PHY option category.    */
+#define SL_SO_RCVBUF           (8)   /* Setting TCP receive buffer size */
+#define SL_SO_KEEPALIVE        (9)   /* Connections are kept alive with periodic messages */
+#define SL_SO_RCVTIMEO         (20)  /* Enable receive timeout */
+#define SL_SO_NONBLOCKING      (24)  /* Enable . disable nonblocking mode  */
+#define SL_SO_SECMETHOD        (25)  /* security metohd */
+#define SL_SO_SECURE_MASK      (26)  /* security mask */
+#define SL_SO_SECURE_FILES     (27)  /* security files */
+#define SL_SO_CHANGE_CHANNEL   (28)  /* This option is available only when transceiver started */
+#define SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME (30) /* This option used to configue secure file */
+#define SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME (31) /* This option used to configue secure file */
+#define SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CA_FILE_NAME          (32) /* This option used to configue secure file */
+#define SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_DH_KEY_FILE_NAME      (33) /* This option used to configue secure file */
+#define SL_IP_MULTICAST_IF     (60) /* Specify outgoing multicast interface */
+#define SL_IP_MULTICAST_TTL    (61) /* Specify the TTL value to use for outgoing multicast packet. */
+#define SL_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP   (65) /* Join IPv4 multicast membership */
+#define SL_IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP  (66) /* Leave IPv4 multicast membership */
+#define SL_IP_HDRINCL          (67) /* Raw socket IPv4 header included. */
+#define SL_IP_RAW_RX_NO_HEADER (68) /* Proprietary socket option that does not includeIPv4/IPv6 header (and extension headers) on received raw sockets*/
+#define SL_IP_RAW_IPV6_HDRINCL (69) /* Transmitted buffer over IPv6 socket contains IPv6 header. */
+#define SL_SO_PHY_RATE              (100)   /* WLAN Transmit rate */
+#define SL_SO_PHY_TX_POWER          (101)   /* TX Power level */  
+#define SL_SO_PHY_NUM_FRAMES_TO_TX  (102)   /* Number of frames to transmit */
+#define SL_SO_PHY_PREAMBLE          (103)   /* Preamble for transmission */
+#define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_SSLV3                             (0)  /* security metohd SSL v3*/
+#define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_TLSV1                             (1)  /* security metohd TLS v1*/
+#define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_TLSV1_1                           (2)  /* security metohd TLS v1_1*/
+#define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_TLSV1_2                           (3)  /* security metohd TLS v1_2*/
+#define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_SSLv3_TLSV1_2                     (4)  /* use highest possible version from SSLv3 - TLS 1.2*/
+#define SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_DLSV1                             (5)  /* security metohd DTL v1  */
+#define SL_SEC_MASK_SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA               (1 << 0)
+#define SL_SEC_MASK_SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5               (1 << 1)
+#define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA           (1 << 2)
+#define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA       (1 << 3)
+#define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA     (1 << 4)
+#define SL_SEC_MASK_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA         (1 << 5)
+#define SL_SEC_MASK_SECURE_DEFAULT                         ((SEC_MASK_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA  <<  1)  -  1)
+#define SL_MSG_DONTWAIT                                   (0x00000008)  /* Nonblocking IO */
+/* AP DHCP Server - IP Release reason code */
+#define SL_IP_LEASE_PEER_RELEASE     (0)
+#define SL_IP_LEASE_PEER_DECLINE     (1)
+#define SL_IP_LEASE_EXPIRED          (2)
+/* possible types when receiving SL_SOCKET_ASYNC_EVENT*/
+#define SSL_ACCEPT                                (1) /* accept failed due to ssl issue ( tcp pass) */
+#define RX_FRAGMENTATION_TOO_BIG                  (2) /* connection less mode, rx packet fragmentation > 16K, packet is being released */
+#define OTHER_SIDE_CLOSE_SSL_DATA_NOT_ENCRYPTED   (3) /* remote side down from secure to unsecure */
+#define FD_SETSIZE                          SL_FD_SETSIZE        
+#define SOCK_STREAM                         SL_SOCK_STREAM        
+#define SOCK_DGRAM                          SL_SOCK_DGRAM         
+#define SOCK_RAW                            SL_SOCK_RAW           
+#define IPPROTO_TCP                         SL_IPPROTO_TCP        
+#define IPPROTO_UDP                         SL_IPPROTO_UDP        
+#define IPPROTO_RAW                         SL_IPPROTO_RAW        
+#define AF_INET                             SL_AF_INET            
+#define AF_INET6                            SL_AF_INET6           
+#define AF_INET6_EUI_48                     SL_AF_INET6_EUI_48
+#define AF_RF                               SL_AF_RF              
+#define AF_PACKET                           SL_AF_PACKET              
+#define PF_INET                             SL_PF_INET            
+#define PF_INET6                            SL_PF_INET6           
+#define INADDR_ANY                          SL_INADDR_ANY                                                   
+#define ERROR                               SL_SOC_ERROR                                                                                                                
+#define INEXE                               SL_INEXE                 
+#define EBADF                               SL_EBADF                 
+#define ENSOCK                              SL_ENSOCK                
+#define EAGAIN                              SL_EAGAIN                
+#define EWOULDBLOCK                         SL_EWOULDBLOCK           
+#define ENOMEM                              SL_ENOMEM                
+#define EACCES                              SL_EACCES                
+#define EFAULT                              SL_EFAULT                
+#define EINVAL                              SL_EINVAL                
+#define EDESTADDRREQ                        SL_EDESTADDRREQ          
+#define EPROTOTYPE                          SL_EPROTOTYPE            
+#define ENOPROTOOPT                         SL_ENOPROTOOPT           
+#define EPROTONOSUPPORT                     SL_EPROTONOSUPPORT       
+#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT                     SL_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT       
+#define EOPNOTSUPP                          SL_EOPNOTSUPP            
+#define EAFNOSUPPORT                        SL_EAFNOSUPPORT          
+#define EADDRINUSE                          SL_EADDRINUSE            
+#define EADDRNOTAVAIL                       SL_EADDRNOTAVAIL         
+#define ENETUNREACH                         SL_ENETUNREACH           
+#define ENOBUFS                             SL_ENOBUFS               
+#define EOBUFF                              SL_EOBUFF                
+#define EISCONN                             SL_EISCONN               
+#define ENOTCONN                            SL_ENOTCONN              
+#define ETIMEDOUT                           SL_ETIMEDOUT             
+#define ECONNREFUSED                        SL_ECONNREFUSED          
+#define SOL_SOCKET                          SL_SOL_SOCKET         
+#define IPPROTO_IP                          SL_IPPROTO_IP                     
+#define SO_KEEPALIVE                        SL_SO_KEEPALIVE            
+#define SO_RCVTIMEO                         SL_SO_RCVTIMEO        
+#define SO_NONBLOCKING                      SL_SO_NONBLOCKING     
+#define IP_MULTICAST_IF                     SL_IP_MULTICAST_IF    
+#define IP_MULTICAST_TTL                    SL_IP_MULTICAST_TTL   
+#define IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP                   SL_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP  
+#define socklen_t                           SlSocklen_t
+#define timeval                             SlTimeval_t
+#define sockaddr                            SlSockAddr_t
+#define in6_addr                            SlIn6Addr_t
+#define sockaddr_in6                        SlSockAddrIn6_t
+#define in_addr                             SlInAddr_t
+#define sockaddr_in                         SlSockAddrIn_t
+#define MSG_DONTWAIT                        SL_MSG_DONTWAIT       
+#define FD_SET                              SL_FD_SET  
+#define FD_CLR                              SL_FD_CLR  
+#define FD_ISSET                            SL_FD_ISSET
+#define FD_ZERO                             SL_FD_ZERO 
+#define fd_set                              SlFdSet_t    
+#define socket                              sl_Socket
+#define close                               sl_Close
+#define accept                              sl_Accept
+#define bind                                sl_Bind
+#define listen                              sl_Listen
+#define connect                             sl_Connect
+#define select                              sl_Select
+#define setsockopt                          sl_SetSockOpt
+#define getsockopt                          sl_GetSockOpt
+#define recv                                sl_Recv
+#define recvfrom                            sl_RecvFrom
+#define _write                               sl_Write //Changed write to _write
+#define send                                sl_Send
+#define sendto                              sl_SendTo
+#define gethostbyname                       sl_NetAppDnsGetHostByName
+#define htonl                               sl_Htonl
+#define ntohl                               sl_Ntohl
+#define htons                               sl_Htons
+#define ntohs                               sl_Ntohs
+/* Structure/Enum declarations                                               */
+/* Internet address   */
+typedef struct SlInAddr_t
+#ifndef s_addr 
+    _u32           s_addr;             /* Internet address 32 bits */
+    union S_un {
+       struct { _u8 s_b1,s_b2,s_b3,s_b4; } S_un_b;
+       struct { _u8 s_w1,s_w2; } S_un_w;
+        _u32 S_addr;
+    } S_un;
+/* sockopt */
+typedef struct 
+    _u32 KeepaliveEnabled; /* 0 = disabled;1 = enabled; default = 1*/
+typedef struct 
+    _u32 ReuseaddrEnabled; /* 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled; default = 1*/
+typedef struct 
+    _u32 Winsize;          /* receive window size for tcp sockets  */
+typedef struct 
+    _u32 NonblockingEnabled;/* 0 = disabled;1 = enabled;default = 1*/
+typedef struct
+    _u8   sd;
+    _u8   type;
+    _u16  val;
+} SlSocketAsyncEvent_t;
+typedef struct
+   _i16          status;
+   _u16        sd;
+   SlSocketAsyncEvent_t socketAsyncEvent;
+} SlSockEventData_t;
+typedef struct
+   _u32                    Event;
+   SlSockEventData_t       EventData;
+} SlSockEvent_t;
+typedef struct
+    _u32    secureMask;
+} SlSockSecureMask;
+typedef struct
+    _u8     secureMethod;
+} SlSockSecureMethod;
+typedef enum
+typedef struct 
+    SlInAddr_t   imr_multiaddr;     /* The IPv4 multicast address to join */
+    SlInAddr_t   imr_interface;     /* The interface to use for this group */
+} SlSockIpMreq;
+/* sockopt */
+typedef _u32   SlTime_t;
+typedef _u32   SlSuseconds_t;
+typedef struct SlTimeval_t
+    SlTime_t          tv_sec;             /* Seconds      */
+    SlSuseconds_t     tv_usec;            /* Microseconds */
+typedef _u16 SlSocklen_t;
+/* IpV4 socket address */
+typedef struct SlSockAddr_t
+    _u16          sa_family;     /* Address family (e.g. , AF_INET)     */
+    _u8           sa_data[14];  /* Protocol- specific address information*/
+/* IpV6 or Ipv6 EUI64 */
+typedef struct SlIn6Addr_t
+    union 
+    {
+        _u8   _S6_u8[16];
+        _u32  _S6_u32[4];
+    } _S6_un;
+typedef struct SlSockAddrIn6_t
+    _u16           sin6_family;                 /* AF_INET6 || AF_INET6_EUI_48*/
+    _u16           sin6_port;                   /* Transport layer port.  */
+    _u32           sin6_flowinfo;               /* IPv6 flow information. */
+    SlIn6Addr_t             sin6_addr;                   /* IPv6 address. */
+    _u32           sin6_scope_id;               /* set of interfaces for a scope. */
+/* Socket address, Internet style. */
+typedef struct SlSockAddrIn_t
+    _u16              sin_family;         /* Internet Protocol (AF_INET).                    */
+    _u16              sin_port;           /* Address port (16 bits).                         */
+    SlInAddr_t                  sin_addr;           /* Internet address (32 bits).                     */
+    _i8               sin_zero[8];        /* Not used.                                       */
+typedef struct
+    _u32 ip;
+    _u32 gateway;
+    _u32 dns;
+typedef struct  
+    _u32 type;
+    _u32 ip[4];
+    _u32 gateway[4];
+    _u32 dns[4];
+typedef struct
+   _u32    ip_address;
+   _u32    lease_time;
+   _u8     mac[6];
+   _u16    padding;
+typedef struct
+  _u32    ip_address;
+  _u8     mac[6];
+  _u16    reason;
+typedef union
+  SlIpV4AcquiredAsync_t    ipAcquiredV4; /*SL_NETAPP_IPV4_IPACQUIRED_EVENT*/
+  SlIpV6AcquiredAsync_t    ipAcquiredV6; /*SL_NETAPP_IPV6_IPACQUIRED_EVENT*/
+  _u32                      sd;           /*SL_SOCKET_TX_FAILED_EVENT*/ 
+  SlIpLeasedAsync_t        ipLeased;     /* SL_NETAPP_IP_LEASED_EVENT   */
+  SlIpReleasedAsync_t      ipReleased;   /* SL_NETAPP_IP_RELEASED_EVENT */
+} SlNetAppEventData_u;
+typedef struct
+   _u32                     Event;
+   SlNetAppEventData_u       EventData;
+typedef struct sock_secureFiles
+    _u8                     secureFiles[4];
+typedef struct SlFdSet_t                    /* The select socket array manager */
+   _u32        fd_array[(SL_FD_SETSIZE + 31)/32]; /* Bit map of SOCKET Descriptors */
+} SlFdSet_t;
+typedef struct
+    _u8   rate;               /* Recevied Rate  */
+    _u8   channel;            /* The received channel*/
+    _i8    rssi;               /* The computed RSSI value in db of current frame */
+    _u8   padding;                                           /* pad to align to 32 bits */
+    _u32  timestamp;          /* Timestamp in microseconds,     */
+/* Function prototypes                                                       */
+    \brief create an endpoint for communication
+    The socket function creates a new socket of a certain socket type, identified 
+    by an integer number, and allocates system resources to it.
+    This function is called by the application layer to obtain a socket handle.
+    \param[in] domain           specifies the protocol family of the created socket.
+                                For example:
+                                   AF_INET for network protocol IPv4
+                                   AF_RF for starting transceiver mode. Notes: 
+                                   - sending and receiving any packet overriding 802.11 header
+                                   - for optimized power consumption the socket will be started in TX 
+                                     only mode until receive command is activated
+                                   AF_INET6 for IPv6
+    \param[in] type              specifies the communication semantic, one of:
+                                   SOCK_STREAM (reliable stream-oriented service or Stream Sockets)
+                                   SOCK_DGRAM (datagram service or Datagram Sockets)
+                                   SOCK_RAW (raw protocols atop the network layer)
+                                   when used with AF_RF:
+                                                                     SOCK_DGRAM - L2 socket
+                                                                     SOCK_RAW - L1 socket - bypass WLAN CCA (Clear Channel Assessment)
+    \param[in] protocol         specifies a particular transport to be used with 
+                                the socket.
+                                The most common are IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_SCTP, IPPROTO_UDP, 
+                                IPPROTO_DCCP.
+                                The value 0 may be used to select a default 
+                                protocol from the selected domain and type
+    \return                     On success, socket handle that is used for consequent socket operations. 
+                                A successful return code should be a positive number (int16)
+                                On error, a negative (int16) value will be returned specifying the error code.
+                           SL_EAFNOSUPPORT  - illegal domain parameter
+                           SL_EPROTOTYPE  - illegal type parameter
+                           SL_EACCES   - permission denied
+                           SL_ENSOCK  - exceeded maximal number of socket 
+                           SL_ENOMEM  - memory allocation error
+                           SL_EINVAL  - error in socket configuration
+                           SL_EPROTONOSUPPORT  - illegal protocol parameter
+                           SL_EOPNOTSUPP  - illegal combination of protocol and type parameters
+    \sa                         sl_Close
+    \note                       belongs to \ref basic_api
+    \warning
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Socket)
+_i16 sl_Socket(_i16 Domain, _i16 Type, _i16 Protocol);
+    \brief gracefully close socket
+    This function causes the system to release resources allocated to a socket.  \n
+    In case of TCP, the connection is terminated.
+    \param[in] sd               socket handle (received in sl_Socket)
+    \return                        On success, zero is returned. 
+                                On error, a negative number is returned.                               
+    \sa                         sl_Socket
+    \note                       belongs to \ref ext_api
+    \warning
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Close)
+_i16 sl_Close(_i16 sd);
+    \brief Accept a connection on a socket
+    This function is used with connection-based socket types (SOCK_STREAM).
+    It extracts the first connection request on the queue of pending 
+    connections, creates a new connected socket, and returns a new file 
+    descriptor referring to that socket.
+    The newly created socket is not in the listening state. The 
+    original socket sd is unaffected by this call. 
+    The argument sd is a socket that has been created with 
+    sl_Socket(), bound to a local address with sl_Bind(), and is 
+    listening for connections after a sl_Listen(). The argument \b 
+    \e addr is a pointer to a sockaddr structure. This structure 
+    is filled in with the address of the peer socket, as known to 
+    the communications layer. The exact format of the address 
+    returned addr is determined by the socket's address family. 
+    The \b \e addrlen argument is a value-result argument: it 
+    should initially contain the size of the structure pointed to 
+    by addr, on return it will contain the actual length (in 
+    bytes) of the address returned.
+    \param[in] sd               socket descriptor (handle)
+    \param[out] addr            the argument addr is a pointer 
+                                to a sockaddr structure. This
+                                structure is filled in with the
+                                address of the peer socket, as
+                                known to the communications
+                                layer. The exact format of the
+                                address returned addr is
+                                determined by the socket's
+                                address\n
+                                sockaddr:\n - code for the
+                                address format. On this version
+                                only AF_INET is supported.\n -
+                                socket address, the length
+                                depends on the code format
+    \param[out] addrlen         the addrlen argument is a value-result 
+                                argument: it should initially contain the
+                                size of the structure pointed to by addr
+    \return                        On success, a socket handle.
+                                On a non-blocking accept a possible negative value is SL_EAGAIN.
+                                On failure, negative value.
+                                SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system
+                                 In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS
+    \sa                         sl_Socket  sl_Bind  sl_Listen
+    \note                       belongs to \ref server_side
+    \warning
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Accept)
+_i16 sl_Accept(_i16 sd, SlSockAddr_t *addr, SlSocklen_t *addrlen);
+    \brief assign a name to a socket
+    This function gives the socket the local address addr.
+    addr is addrlen bytes long. Traditionally, this is called
+    When a socket is created with socket, it exists in a name
+    space (address family) but has no name assigned.
+    It is necessary to assign a local address before a SOCK_STREAM
+    socket may receive connections.
+    \param[in] sd                socket descriptor (handle)
+    \param[in] addr              specifies the destination 
+                                addrs\n sockaddr:\n - code for
+                                the address format. On this
+                                version only AF_INET is
+                                supported.\n - socket address,
+                                the length depends on the code
+                                format
+    \param[in] addrlen          contains the size of the structure pointed to by addr
+    \return                        On success, zero is returned. On error, a negative error code is returned.
+    \sa                         sl_Socket  sl_Accept sl_Listen
+    \note                       belongs to \ref basic_api
+    \warning
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Bind)
+_i16 sl_Bind(_i16 sd, const SlSockAddr_t *addr, _i16 addrlen);
+    \brief listen for connections on a socket
+    The willingness to accept incoming connections and a queue
+    limit for incoming connections are specified with listen(),
+    and then the connections are accepted with accept.
+    The listen() call applies only to sockets of type SOCK_STREAM
+    The backlog parameter defines the maximum length the queue of
+    pending connections may grow to. 
+    \param[in] sd               socket descriptor (handle)
+    \param[in] backlog          specifies the listen queue depth. 
+    \return                    On success, zero is returned. On error, a negative error code is returned.
+    \sa                         sl_Socket  sl_Accept  sl_Bind
+    \note                       belongs to \ref server_side
+    \warning
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Listen)
+_i16 sl_Listen(_i16 sd, _i16 backlog);
+    \brief Initiate a connection on a socket 
+    Function connects the socket referred to by the socket 
+    descriptor sd, to the address specified by addr. The addrlen 
+    argument specifies the size of addr. The format of the 
+    address in addr is determined by the address space of the 
+    socket. If it is of type SOCK_DGRAM, this call specifies the 
+    peer with which the socket is to be associated; this address 
+    is that to which datagrams are to be sent, and the only 
+    address from which datagrams are to be received.  If the 
+    socket is of type SOCK_STREAM, this call attempts to make a 
+    connection to another socket. The other socket is specified 
+    by address, which is an address in the communications space 
+    of the socket. 
+    \param[in] sd               socket descriptor (handle)
+    \param[in] addr             specifies the destination addr\n
+                                sockaddr:\n - code for the
+                                address format. On this version
+                                only AF_INET is supported.\n -
+                                socket address, the length
+                                depends on the code format
+    \param[in] addrlen          contains the size of the structure pointed 
+                                to by addr
+    \return                     On success, a socket handle.
+                                On a non-blocking connect a possible negative value is SL_EALREADY.
+                                On failure, negative value.
+                                SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system
+                                  In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS
+    \sa                         sl_Socket
+    \note                       belongs to \ref client_side
+    \warning
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Connect)
+_i16 sl_Connect(_i16 sd, const SlSockAddr_t *addr, _i16 addrlen);
+    \brief Monitor socket activity
+    Select allow a program to monitor multiple file descriptors,
+    waiting until one or more of the file descriptors become 
+    "ready" for some class of I/O operation 
+    \param[in]  nfds        the highest-numbered file descriptor in any of the
+                            three sets, plus 1.
+    \param[out] readsds     socket descriptors list for read monitoring and accept monitoring
+    \param[out] writesds    socket descriptors list for connect monitoring only, write monitoring is not supported
+    \param[out] exceptsds   socket descriptors list for exception monitoring, not supported.
+    \param[in]  timeout     is an upper bound on the amount of time elapsed
+                            before select() returns. Null or above 0xffff seconds means 
+                            infinity timeout. The minimum timeout is 10 milliseconds,
+                            less than 10 milliseconds will be set automatically to 10 milliseconds. 
+                            Max microseconds supported is 0xfffc00.
+    \return                    On success, select()  returns the number of
+                            file descriptors contained in the three returned
+                            descriptor sets (that is, the total number of bits that
+                            are set in readfds, writefds, exceptfds) which may be
+                            zero if the timeout expires before anything interesting
+                            happens. On error, a negative value is returned.
+                            readsds - return the sockets on which Read request will
+                            return without delay with valid data.
+                            writesds - return the sockets on which Write request 
+                            will return without delay.
+                            exceptsds - return the sockets closed recently. 
+                            SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system
+                               In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS
+    \sa     sl_Socket
+    \note   If the timeout value set to less than 5ms it will automatically set 
+            to 5ms to prevent overload of the system
+            belongs to \ref basic_api
+            Only one sl_Select can be handled at a time.
+            Calling this API while the same command is called from another thread, may result
+                in one of the two scenarios:
+            1. The command will wait (internal) until the previous command finish, and then be executed.
+            2. There are not enough resources and SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY error will return. 
+            In this case, MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS can be increased (result in memory increase) or try
+            again later to issue the command.
+    \warning
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Select)
+_i16 sl_Select(_i16 nfds, SlFdSet_t *readsds, SlFdSet_t *writesds, SlFdSet_t *exceptsds, struct SlTimeval_t *timeout);
+    \brief Select's SlFdSet_t SET function
+    Sets current socket descriptor on SlFdSet_t container
+void SL_FD_SET(_i16 fd, SlFdSet_t *fdset);
+    \brief Select's SlFdSet_t CLR function
+    Clears current socket descriptor on SlFdSet_t container
+void SL_FD_CLR(_i16 fd, SlFdSet_t *fdset);
+    \brief Select's SlFdSet_t ISSET function
+    Checks if current socket descriptor is set (TRUE/FALSE)
+    \return            Returns TRUE if set, FALSE if unset
+_i16  SL_FD_ISSET(_i16 fd, SlFdSet_t *fdset);
+    \brief Select's SlFdSet_t ZERO function
+    Clears all socket descriptors from SlFdSet_t
+void SL_FD_ZERO(SlFdSet_t *fdset);
+    \brief set socket options
+    This function manipulate the options associated with a socket.
+    Options may exist at multiple protocol levels; they are always
+    present at the uppermost socket level.
+    When manipulating socket options the level at which the option resides
+    and the name of the option must be specified.  To manipulate options at
+    the socket level, level is specified as SOL_SOCKET.  To manipulate
+    options at any other level the protocol number of the appropriate proto-
+    col controlling the option is supplied.  For example, to indicate that an
+    option is to be interpreted by the TCP protocol, level should be set to
+    the protocol number of TCP; 
+    The parameters optval and optlen are used to access optval - 
+    ues for setsockopt().  For getsockopt() they identify a 
+    buffer in which the value for the requested option(s) are to 
+    be returned.  For getsockopt(), optlen is a value-result 
+    parameter, initially containing the size of the buffer 
+    pointed to by option_value, and modified on return to 
+    indicate the actual size of the value returned.  If no option 
+    value is to be supplied or returned, option_value may be 
+    NULL.
+    \param[in] sd               socket handle
+    \param[in] level            defines the protocol level for this option
+                                - <b>SL_SOL_SOCKET</b>   Socket level configurations (L4, transport layer)
+                                - <b>SL_IPPROTO_IP</b>   IP level configurations (L3, network layer)
+                                - <b>SL_SOL_PHY_OPT</b>  Link level configurations (L2, link layer)
+    \param[in] optname          defines the option name to interrogate
+                                - <b>SL_SOL_SOCKET</b>
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_KEEPALIVE</b>  \n
+                                                 Enable/Disable periodic keep alive.
+                                                 Keeps TCP connections active by enabling the periodic transmission of messages \n
+                                                 Timeout is 5 minutes.\n
+                                                 Default: Enabled \n
+                                                 This options takes SlSockKeepalive_t struct as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_RCVTIMEO</b>  \n
+                                                 Sets the timeout value that specifies the maximum amount of time an input function waits until it completes. \n
+                                                 Default: No timeout \n
+                                                 This options takes SlTimeval_t struct as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_RCVBUF</b>  \n
+                                                 Sets tcp max recv window size. \n
+                                                 This options takes SlSockWinsize_t struct as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_NONBLOCKING</b> \n
+                                                 Sets socket to non-blocking operation Impacts: connect, accept, send, sendto, recv and recvfrom. \n
+                                                 Default: Blocking.
+                                                 This options takes SlSockNonblocking_t struct as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_SECMETHOD</b> \n
+                                                 Sets method to tcp secured socket (SL_SEC_SOCKET) \n
+                                                 Default: SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_SSLv3_TLSV1_2 \n
+                                                 This options takes SlSockSecureMethod struct as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_SEC_MASK</b> \n
+                                                 Sets specific cipher to tcp secured socket (SL_SEC_SOCKET) \n
+                                                 Default: "Best" cipher suitable to method \n
+                                                 This options takes SlSockSecureMask struct as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CA_FILE_NAME</b> \n
+                                                 Map secured socket to CA file by name \n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u8</b> buffer as parameter 
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME</b> \n
+                                                 Map secured socket to private key by name \n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u8</b> buffer as parameter 
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME</b> \n
+                                                 Map secured socket to certificate file by name \n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u8</b> buffer as parameter 
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_DH_KEY_FILE_NAME</b> \n
+                                                 Map secured socket to Diffie Hellman file by name \n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u8</b> buffer as parameter 
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_CHANGE_CHANNEL</b> \n
+                                                 Sets channel in transceiver mode.
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u32</b> as channel number parameter
+                                - <b>SL_IPPROTO_IP</b> 
+                                  - <b>SL_IP_MULTICAST_TTL</b> \n
+                                                 Set the time-to-live value of outgoing multicast packets for this socket. \n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u8</b> as parameter 
+                                  - <b>SL_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP</b> \n
+                                                 UDP socket, Join a multicast group. \n
+                                                 This options takes SlSockIpMreq struct as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP</b> \n
+                                                 UDP socket, Leave a multicast group \n
+                                                 This options takes SlSockIpMreq struct as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_IP_RAW_RX_NO_HEADER</b> \n                 
+                                                 Raw socket remove IP header from received data. \n
+                                                 Default: data includes ip header \n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_IP_HDRINCL</b> \n
+                                                 RAW socket only, the IPv4 layer generates an IP header when sending a packet unless \n
+                                                 the IP_HDRINCL socket option is enabled on the socket.    \n
+                                                 When it is enabled, the packet must contain an IP header. \n
+                                                 Default: disabled, IPv4 header generated by Network Stack \n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_IP_RAW_IPV6_HDRINCL</b> (inactive) \n
+                                                 RAW socket only, the IPv6 layer generates an IP header when sending a packet unless \n
+                                                 the IP_HDRINCL socket option is enabled on the socket. When it is enabled, the packet must contain an IP header \n
+                                                 Default: disabled, IPv4 header generated by Network Stack \n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter
+                                - <b>SL_SOL_PHY_OPT</b>
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_PHY_RATE</b> \n
+                                                 RAW socket, set WLAN PHY transmit rate \n
+                                                 The values are based on RateIndex_e    \n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_PHY_TX_POWER</b> \n
+                                                 RAW socket, set WLAN PHY TX power \n
+                                                 Valid rage is 1-15 \n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_PHY_NUM_FRAMES_TO_TX</b> \n
+                                                 RAW socket, set number of frames to transmit in transceiver mode.
+                                                 Default: 1 packet
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter
+                                  - <b>SL_SO_PHY_PREAMBLE</b> \n
+                                                 RAW socket, set WLAN PHY preamble for Long/Short\n
+                                                 This options takes <b>_u32</b> as parameter
+    \param[in] optval           specifies a value for the option
+    \param[in] optlen           specifies the length of the 
+        option value
+    \return                     On success, zero is returned. 
+                                On error, a negative value is returned. 
+    \sa     sl_getsockopt
+    \note   belongs to \ref basic_api  
+    \warning
+    \par   Examples:
+    \par   
+    <b> SL_SO_KEEPALIVE: </b>(disable Keepalive)
+    \code		
+           SlSockKeepalive_t enableOption;
+           enableOption.KeepaliveEnabled = 0;
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_KEEPALIVE, (_u8 *)&enableOption,sizeof(enableOption));  
+    \endcode
+    \par   
+    <b> SL_SO_RCVTIMEO: </b>
+    \code
+           struct SlTimeval_t timeVal;
+           timeVal.tv_sec =  1;             // Seconds
+           timeVal.tv_usec = 0;             // Microseconds. 10000 microseconds resolution
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_RCVTIMEO, (_u8 *)&timeVal, sizeof(timeVal));    // Enable receive timeout 
+    \endcode
+    \par   
+    <b>    SL_SO_RCVBUF: </b>
+    \code
+           SlSockWinsize_t size;
+           size.Winsize = 3000;  // bytes
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_RCVBUF, (_u8 *)&size, sizeof(size));
+    \endcode
+    \par   
+    <b>    SL_SO_NONBLOCKING: </b>
+    \code
+           SlSockNonblocking_t enableOption;
+           enableOption.NonblockingEnabled = 1;
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_NONBLOCKING, (_u8 *)&enableOption,sizeof(enableOption)); // Enable/disable nonblocking mode
+    \endcode
+    \par   
+    <b>    SL_SO_SECMETHOD:</b>
+    \code
+           SlSockSecureMethod method;
+           method.secureMethod = SL_SO_SEC_METHOD_SSLV3;                                 // security method we want to use
+           SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_STREAM, SL_SEC_SOCKET);
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_SECMETHOD, (_u8 *)&method, sizeof(method));
+    \endcode
+    \par   
+    <b>   SL_SO_SECURE_MASK:</b>
+    \code 
+           SlSockSecureMask cipher;
+           cipher.secureMask = SL_SEC_MASK_SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA;                   // cipher type
+           SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_STREAM, SL_SEC_SOCKET);
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_SEC_MASK,(_u8 *)&cipher, sizeof(cipher));
+    \endcode
+    \par   
+    \code           
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CA_FILE_NAME,"exuifaxCaCert.der",strlen("exuifaxCaCert.der"));
+     \endcode
+   \par   
+     \code           
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_NAME,"myPrivateKey.der",strlen("myPrivateKey.der"));
+     \endcode
+   \par   
+     \code
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME,"myCertificate.der",strlen("myCertificate.der"));
+     \endcode
+   \par   
+     \code
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_SECURE_FILES_DH_KEY_FILE_NAME,"myDHinServerMode.der",strlen("myDHinServerMode.der"));
+     \endcode
+   \par   
+    <b>   SL_IP_MULTICAST_TTL:</b>
+     \code
+           _u8 ttl = 20;
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_MULTICAST_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl));
+     \endcode
+   \par   
+    <b>   SL_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP:</b>
+     \code
+           SlSockIpMreq mreq;
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
+    \endcode
+   \par   
+    <b>   SL_IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP:</b>
+    \code
+           SlSockIpMreq mreq;
+           sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
+    \endcode
+   \par   
+    <b>   SL_SO_CHANGE_CHANNEL:</b>
+    \code
+          _u32 newChannel = 6; // range is 1-13
+          sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_CHANGE_CHANNEL, &newChannel, sizeof(newChannel));  
+    \endcode
+    \par   
+    <b>   SL_IP_RAW_RX_NO_HEADER:</b>
+    \code
+          _u32 header = 1;  // remove ip header
+          sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_RAW_RX_NO_HEADER, &header, sizeof(header));
+    \endcode
+   \par   
+    <b>   SL_IP_HDRINCL:</b>
+    \code
+         _u32 header = 1;
+         sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_HDRINCL, &header, sizeof(header));
+    \endcode
+   \par   
+    <b>   SL_IP_RAW_IPV6_HDRINCL:</b>
+    \code
+          _u32 header = 1;
+          sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_IPPROTO_IP, SL_IP_RAW_IPV6_HDRINCL, &header, sizeof(header));
+    \endcode
+   \par   
+    <b>   SL_SO_PHY_RATE:</b>
+    \code
+          _u32 rate = 6; // see wlan.h RateIndex_e for values
+          sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_PHY_OPT, SL_SO_PHY_RATE, &rate, sizeof(rate));  
+    \endcode
+   \par   
+    <b>   SL_SO_PHY_TX_POWER:</b>
+    \code
+          _u32 txpower = 1; // valid range is 1-15
+          sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_PHY_OPT, SL_SO_PHY_TX_POWER, &txpower, sizeof(txpower));
+    \endcode
+   \par   
+    <b>   SL_SO_PHY_NUM_FRAMES_TO_TX:</b>
+    \code
+     	  _u32 numframes = 1;
+          sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_PHY_OPT, SL_SO_PHY_NUM_FRAMES_TO_TX, &numframes, sizeof(numframes));
+    \endcode
+   \par   
+    <b>   SL_SO_PHY_PREAMBLE:</b>
+    \code
+          _u32 preamble = 1;
+          sl_SetSockOpt(SockID, SL_SOL_PHY_OPT, SL_SO_PHY_PREAMBLE, &preamble, sizeof(preamble));
+    \endcode
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_SetSockOpt)
+_i16 sl_SetSockOpt(_i16 sd, _i16 level, _i16 optname, const void *optval, SlSocklen_t optlen);
+    \brief Get socket options
+    This function manipulate the options associated with a socket.
+    Options may exist at multiple protocol levels; they are always
+    present at the uppermost socket level.
+    When manipulating socket options the level at which the option resides
+    and the name of the option must be specified.  To manipulate options at
+    the socket level, level is specified as SOL_SOCKET.  To manipulate
+    options at any other level the protocol number of the appropriate proto-
+    col controlling the option is supplied.  For example, to indicate that an
+    option is to be interpreted by the TCP protocol, level should be set to
+    the protocol number of TCP; 
+    The parameters optval and optlen are used to access optval - 
+    ues for setsockopt().  For getsockopt() they identify a 
+    buffer in which the value for the requested option(s) are to 
+    be returned.  For getsockopt(), optlen is a value-result 
+    parameter, initially containing the size of the buffer 
+    pointed to by option_value, and modified on return to 
+    indicate the actual size of the value returned.  If no option 
+    value is to be supplied or returned, option_value may be 
+    NULL. 
+    \param[in]  sd              socket handle
+    \param[in]  level           defines the protocol level for this option
+    \param[in]  optname         defines the option name to interrogate
+    \param[out] optval          specifies a value for the option
+    \param[out] optlen          specifies the length of the 
+                                option value
+    \return                        On success, zero is returned. 
+                                On error, a negative value is returned.
+    \sa     sl_SetSockOpt
+    \note   See sl_SetSockOpt
+            belongs to \ref ext_api
+    \warning
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_GetSockOpt)
+_i16 sl_GetSockOpt(_i16 sd, _i16 level, _i16 optname, void *optval, SlSocklen_t *optlen);
+    \brief read data from TCP socket
+    function receives a message from a connection-mode socket
+    \param[in]  sd              socket handle
+    \param[out] buf             Points to the buffer where the 
+                                message should be stored.
+    \param[in]  Len             Specifies the length in bytes of 
+                                the buffer pointed to by the buffer argument. 
+                                Range: 1-16000 bytes
+    \param[in]  flags           Specifies the type of message 
+                                reception. On this version, this parameter is not
+                                supported.
+    \return                     return the number of bytes received, 
+                                or a negative value if an error occurred.
+                                using a non-blocking recv a possible negative value is SL_EAGAIN.
+                                SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system
+                                 In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS
+    \sa     sl_RecvFrom
+    \note                       belongs to \ref recv_api
+    \warning
+    \par        Examples:
+    \code       An example of receiving data using TCP socket:
+                SlSockAddrIn_t  Addr;
+                SlSockAddrIn_t  LocalAddr;
+                _i16 AddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);
+                _i16 SockID, newSockID;
+                _i16 Status;
+                _i8 Buf[RECV_BUF_LEN];
+                LocalAddr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
+                LocalAddr.sin_port = sl_Htons(5001);
+                LocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
+                Addr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
+                Addr.sin_port = sl_Htons(5001);
+                Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = sl_Htonl(SL_IPV4_VAL(10,1,1,200));
+                SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+                Status = sl_Bind(SockID, (SlSockAddr_t *)&LocalAddr, AddrSize);
+                Status = sl_Listen(SockID, 0);
+                newSockID = sl_Accept(SockID, (SlSockAddr_t*)&Addr, (SlSocklen_t*) &AddrSize);
+                Status = sl_Recv(newSockID, Buf, 1460, 0);
+    \endcode
+    \code      Example code for Rx transceiver mode using a raw socket
+               _i8 buffer[1536];
+               _i16 sd;
+               _u16 size;
+               SlTransceiverRxOverHead_t *transHeader;
+               sd = sl_Socket(SL_AF_RF,SL_SOCK_RAW,11); // channel 11
+               while(1)
+               {
+                  size = sl_Recv(sd,buffer,1536,0);
+                  transHeader = (SlTransceiverRxOverHead_t *)buffer;
+                  printf("RSSI is %d frame type is 0x%x size %d\n",transHeader->rssi,buffer[sizeof(SlTransceiverRxOverHead_t)],size);
+               }      
+    \endcode
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Recv)
+_i16 sl_Recv(_i16 sd, void *buf, _i16 Len, _i16 flags);
+    \brief read data from socket
+    function receives a message from a connection-mode or
+    connectionless-mode socket
+    \param[in]  sd              socket handle 
+    \param[out] buf             Points to the buffer where the message should be stored.
+    \param[in]  Len             Specifies the length in bytes of the buffer pointed to by the buffer argument.
+                                Range: 1-16000 bytes
+    \param[in]  flags           Specifies the type of message
+                                reception. On this version, this parameter is not
+                                supported.
+    \param[in]  from            pointer to an address structure 
+                                indicating the source
+                                address.\n sockaddr:\n - code
+                                for the address format. On this
+                                version only AF_INET is
+                                supported.\n - socket address,
+                                the length depends on the code
+                                format
+    \param[in]  fromlen         source address structure
+                                size. This parameter MUST be set to the size of the structure pointed to by addr.
+    \return                     return the number of bytes received, 
+                                or a negative value if an error occurred.
+                                using a non-blocking recv a possible negative value is SL_EAGAIN.
+                                SL_RET_CODE_INVALID_INPUT (-2) will be returned if fromlen has incorrect length. 
+                                SL_POOL_IS_EMPTY may be return in case there are no resources in the system
+                                 In this case try again later or increase MAX_CONCURRENT_ACTIONS
+    \sa     sl_Recv
+    \note                       belongs to \ref recv_api
+    \warning
+    \par        Example:
+    \code       An example of receiving data:
+                SlSockAddrIn_t  Addr;
+                SlSockAddrIn_t  LocalAddr;
+                _i16 AddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);
+                _i16 SockID;
+                _i16 Status;
+                _i8 Buf[RECV_BUF_LEN];
+                LocalAddr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
+                LocalAddr.sin_port = sl_Htons(5001);
+                LocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
+                SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+                Status = sl_Bind(SockID, (SlSockAddr_t *)&LocalAddr, AddrSize);
+                Status = sl_RecvFrom(SockID, Buf, 1472, 0, (SlSockAddr_t *)&Addr, (SlSocklen_t*)&AddrSize);
+    \endcode
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_RecvFrom)
+_i16 sl_RecvFrom(_i16 sd, void *buf, _i16 Len, _i16 flags, SlSockAddr_t *from, SlSocklen_t *fromlen);
+    \brief write data to TCP socket
+    This function is used to transmit a message to another socket.
+    Returns immediately after sending data to device.
+    In case of TCP failure an async event SL_SOCKET_TX_FAILED_EVENT is going to
+    be received.
+    In case of a RAW socket (transceiver mode), extra 4 bytes should be reserved at the end of the 
+    frame data buffer for WLAN FCS 
+    \param[in] sd               socket handle
+    \param[in] buf              Points to a buffer containing 
+                                the message to be sent
+    \param[in] Len              message size in bytes. Range: 1-1460 bytes
+    \param[in] flags            Specifies the type of message 
+                                transmission. On this version, this parameter is not
+                                supported for TCP.
+                                For transceiver mode, the SL_RAW_RF_TX_PARAMS macro can be used to determine
+                                transmission parameters (channel,rate,tx_power,preamble)
+    \return                     Return the number of bytes transmitted, 
+                                or -1 if an error occurred
+    \sa     sl_SendTo 
+    \note                       belongs to \ref send_api
+    \warning   
+    \par        Example:
+    \code       An example of sending data:
+                SlSockAddrIn_t  Addr;
+                _i16 AddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);
+                _i16 SockID;
+                _i16 Status;
+                _i8 Buf[SEND_BUF_LEN];
+                Addr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
+                Addr.sin_port = sl_Htons(5001);
+                Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = sl_Htonl(SL_IPV4_VAL(10,1,1,200));
+                SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+                Status = sl_Connect(SockID, (SlSockAddr_t *)&Addr, AddrSize);
+                Status = sl_Send(SockID, Buf, 1460, 0 );
+    \endcode
+ */ 
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Send )
+_i16 sl_Send(_i16 sd, const void *buf, _i16 Len, _i16 flags);
+    \brief write data to socket
+    This function is used to transmit a message to another socket
+    (connection less socket SOCK_DGRAM,  SOCK_RAW).
+    Returns immediately after sending data to device.
+    In case of transmission failure an async event SL_SOCKET_TX_FAILED_EVENT is going to
+    be received.
+    \param[in] sd               socket handle
+    \param[in] buf              Points to a buffer containing 
+                                the message to be sent
+    \param[in] Len              message size in bytes. Range: 1-1460 bytes
+    \param[in] flags            Specifies the type of message 
+                                transmission. On this version, this parameter is not
+                                supported 
+    \param[in] to               pointer to an address structure 
+                                indicating the destination
+                                address.\n sockaddr:\n - code
+                                for the address format. On this
+                                version only AF_INET is
+                                supported.\n - socket address,
+                                the length depends on the code
+                                format
+    \param[in] tolen            destination address structure size 
+    \return                     Return the number of transmitted bytes, 
+                                or -1 if an error occurred
+    \sa     sl_Send
+    \note                       belongs to \ref send_api
+    \warning
+    \par        Example:
+    \code       An example of sending data:
+                SlSockAddrIn_t  Addr;
+                _i16 AddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);
+                _i16 SockID;
+                _i16 Status;
+                _i8 Buf[SEND_BUF_LEN];
+                Addr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
+                Addr.sin_port = sl_Htons(5001);
+                Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = sl_Htonl(SL_IPV4_VAL(10,1,1,200));
+                SockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+                Status = sl_SendTo(SockID, Buf, 1472, 0, (SlSockAddr_t *)&Addr, AddrSize);
+    \endcode
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_SendTo)
+_i16 sl_SendTo(_i16 sd, const void *buf, _i16 Len, _i16 flags, const SlSockAddr_t *to, SlSocklen_t tolen);
+    \brief Reorder the bytes of a 32-bit unsigned value
+    This function is used to Reorder the bytes of a 32-bit unsigned value from processor order to network order.
+    \param[in] var              variable to reorder 
+    \return                     Return the reorder variable, 
+    \sa     sl_SendTo  sl_Bind  sl_Connect  sl_RecvFrom  sl_Accept
+    \note                       belongs to \ref send_api
+    \warning   
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Htonl )
+_u32 sl_Htonl( _u32 val );
+#define sl_Ntohl sl_Htonl  /* Reorder the bytes of a 16-bit unsigned value from network order to processor orde. */
+    \brief Reorder the bytes of a 16-bit unsigned value
+    This function is used to Reorder the bytes of a 16-bit unsigned value from processor order to network order.
+    \param[in] var              variable to reorder 
+    \return                     Return the reorder variable, 
+    \sa     sl_SendTo  sl_Bind    sl_Connect  sl_RecvFrom  sl_Accept
+    \note                       belongs to \ref send_api
+    \warning   
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Htons )
+_u16 sl_Htons( _u16 val );
+#define sl_Ntohs sl_Htons   /* Reorder the bytes of a 16-bit unsigned value from network order to processor orde. */
+ Close the Doxygen group.
+ @}
+ */
+#ifdef  __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __SOCKET_H__ */