Port of TI's CC3100 Websock camera demo. Using FreeRTOS, mbedTLS, also parts of Arducam for cams ov5642 and 0v2640. Can also use MT9D111. Work in progress. Be warned some parts maybe a bit flacky. This is for Seeed Arch max only, for an M3, see the demo for CM3 using the 0v5642 aducam mini.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/simplelink/cc3100_wlan.h	Wed Jun 24 09:54:16 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1308 @@
+ * wlan.h - CC31xx/CC32xx Host Driver Implementation
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+ *
+ *
+ *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ *  are met:
+ *
+ *    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ *    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ *    distribution.
+ *
+ *    Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
+ *    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+/* Include files                                                             */
+#include "cc3100_simplelink.h"
+#ifndef WLAN_H_
+#define    WLAN_H_
+namespace mbed_cc3100 {
+/* Macro declarations                                                        */
+    \addtogroup wlan
+    @{
+const uint8_t SL_BSSID_LENGTH                                                                             =    (6);
+const uint8_t MAXIMAL_SSID_LENGTH                                                                         =    (32);
+const uint8_t NUM_OF_RATE_INDEXES                                                                         =    (20);
+const uint8_t SIZE_OF_RSSI_HISTOGRAM                                                                      =    (6);
+/* WLAN Disconnect Reason Codes */
+const uint8_t  SL_DISCONNECT_RESERVED_0                                                                   =    (0);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISCONNECT_UNSPECIFIED_REASON                                                           =    (1);
+const uint8_t  SL_PREVIOUS_AUTHENTICATION_NO_LONGER_VALID                                                 =    (2);
+const uint8_t  SL_DEAUTHENTICATED_BECAUSE_SENDING_STATION_IS_LEAVING                                      =    (3);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISASSOCIATED_DUE_TO_INACTIVITY                                                         =    (4);
+const uint8_t  SL_CLASS_2_FRAME_RECEIVED_FROM_NONAUTHENTICATED_STATION                                    =    (6);
+const uint8_t  SL_CLASS_3_FRAME_RECEIVED_FROM_NONASSOCIATED_STATION                                       =    (7);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISASSOCIATED_BECAUSE_SENDING_STATION_IS_LEAVING_BSS                                    =    (8);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISCONNECT_RESERVED_1                                                                   =    (12);
+const uint8_t  SL_INVALID_INFORMATION_ELEMENT                                                             =    (13);
+const uint8_t  SL_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY_CODE_MIC_FAILURE                                                      =    (14);
+const uint8_t  SL_FOUR_WAY_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT                                                              =    (15);
+const uint8_t  SL_GROUP_KEY_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT                                                             =    (16);
+const uint8_t  SL_RE_ASSOCIATION_REQUEST_PROBE_RESPONSE_BEACON_FRAME                                      =    (17);
+const uint8_t  SL_INVALID_GROUP_CIPHER                                                                    =    (18);
+const uint8_t  SL_INVALID_PAIRWISE_CIPHER                                                                 =    (19);
+const uint8_t  SL_INVALID_AKMP                                                                            =    (20);
+const uint8_t  SL_UNSUPPORTED_RSN_INFORMATION_ELEMENT_VERSION                                             =    (21);
+const uint8_t  SL_INVALID_RSN_INFORMATION_ELEMENT_CAPABILITIES                                            =    (22);
+const uint8_t  SL_IEEE_802_1X_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED                                                       =    (23);
+const uint8_t  SL_CIPHER_SUITE_REJECTED_BECAUSE_OF_THE_SECURITY_POLICY                                    =    (24);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISCONNECT_RESERVED_2                                                                   =    (25);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISCONNECT_RESERVED_3                                                                   =    (26);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISCONNECT_RESERVED_4                                                                   =    (27);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISCONNECT_RESERVED_5                                                                   =    (28);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISCONNECT_RESERVED_6                                                                   =    (29);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISCONNECT_RESERVED_7                                                                   =    (30);
+const uint8_t  SL_DISCONNECT_RESERVED_8                                                                   =    (31);
+const uint8_t  SL_USER_INITIATED_DISCONNECTION                                                            =    (200);
+/* Wlan error codes */
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_KEY_ERROR                                                                          =   (-3);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_INVALID_ROLE                                                                       =   (-71);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_TYPE                                                              =   (-84);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_PASSPHRASE_TOO_LONG                                                                =   (-85);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_WPS_NO_PIN_OR_WRONG_PIN_LEN                                                        =   (-87);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_EAP_WRONG_METHOD                                                                   =   (-88);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_PASSWORD_ERROR                                                                     =   (-89);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_EAP_ANONYMOUS_LEN_ERROR                                                            =   (-90);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_SSID_LEN_ERROR                                                                     =   (-91);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_USER_ID_LEN_ERROR                                                                  =   (-92);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_WEP_KEY_INDEX                                                              =   (-95);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_INVALID_DWELL_TIME_VALUES                                                          =   (-96);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_INVALID_POLICY_TYPE                                                                =   (-97);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_PM_POLICY_INVALID_OPTION                                                           =   (-98);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_PM_POLICY_INVALID_PARAMS                                                           =   (-99);
+const int16_t  SL_ERROR_WIFI_ALREADY_DISCONNECTED                                                         =   (-129);
+const int8_t  SL_ERROR_WIFI_NOT_CONNECTED                                                                 =   (-59);
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_OPEN                                                                            =    (0);
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_WEP                                                                             =    (1);
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA                                                                             =    (2); /* deprecated */
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_WPA2                                                                        =    (2);
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_WPS_PBC                                                                         =    (3);
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_WPS_PIN                                                                         =    (4);
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_ENT                                                                         =    (5);
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_P2P_PBC                                                                         =    (6);
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_P2P_PIN_KEYPAD                                                                  =    (7);
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_P2P_PIN_DISPLAY                                                                 =    (8);
+const uint8_t SL_SEC_TYPE_P2P_PIN_AUTO                                                                    =    (9); /* NOT Supported yet */
+const uint8_t SL_SCAN_SEC_TYPE_OPEN                                                                        =   (0);
+const uint8_t SL_SCAN_SEC_TYPE_WEP                                                                         =   (1);
+const uint8_t SL_SCAN_SEC_TYPE_WPA                                                                         =   (2);
+const uint8_t SL_SCAN_SEC_TYPE_WPA2                                                                        =   (3);
+const uint8_t TLS                           =     (0x1);
+const uint8_t MSCHAP                        =     (0x0);
+const uint8_t PSK                           =     (0x2);
+const uint8_t TTLS                          =     (0x10);
+const uint8_t PEAP0                         =     (0x20);
+const uint8_t PEAP1                         =     (0x40);
+const uint8_t FAST                          =     (0x80);
+const uint8_t FAST_AUTH_PROVISIONING        =     (0x02);
+const uint8_t FAST_UNAUTH_PROVISIONING      =     (0x01);
+const uint8_t FAST_NO_PROVISIONING          =     (0x00);
+const uint8_t EAPMETHOD_PHASE2_SHIFT        =     (8);
+const uint8_t EAPMETHOD_PAIRWISE_CIPHER_SHIFT =   (19);
+const uint8_t EAPMETHOD_GROUP_CIPHER_SHIFT  =     (27);
+const uint8_t WPA_CIPHER_CCMP               =     (0x1);
+const uint8_t WPA_CIPHER_TKIP               =     (0x2);
+const uint8_t CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER         =     (WPA_CIPHER_CCMP | WPA_CIPHER_TKIP);
+#define EAPMETHOD(phase1,phase2,pairwise_cipher,group_cipher) \
+((phase1) | \
+ ((phase2) << EAPMETHOD_PHASE2_SHIFT ) |\
+ ((uint32_t)(pairwise_cipher) << EAPMETHOD_PAIRWISE_CIPHER_SHIFT ) |\
+ ((uint32_t)(group_cipher) << EAPMETHOD_GROUP_CIPHER_SHIFT ))
+/*                                                            phase1  phase2                     pairwise_cipher         group_cipher         */
+#define SL_ENT_EAP_METHOD_TLS                       EAPMETHOD(TLS   , 0                        , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER)
+#define SL_ENT_EAP_METHOD_TTLS_TLS                  EAPMETHOD(TTLS  , TLS                      , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER)
+#define SL_ENT_EAP_METHOD_TTLS_PSK                  EAPMETHOD(TTLS  , PSK                      , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER)
+#define SL_ENT_EAP_METHOD_PEAP0_TLS                 EAPMETHOD(PEAP0 , TLS                      , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER)
+#define SL_ENT_EAP_METHOD_PEAP0_PSK                 EAPMETHOD(PEAP0 , PSK                      , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER)
+#define SL_ENT_EAP_METHOD_PEAP1_TLS                 EAPMETHOD(PEAP1 , TLS                      , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER)
+#define SL_ENT_EAP_METHOD_PEAP1_PSK                 EAPMETHOD(PEAP1 , PSK                      , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER , CC31XX_DEFAULT_CIPHER)
+const uint8_t SL_LONG_PREAMBLE                  =  (0);
+const uint8_t SL_SHORT_PREAMBLE                 =  (1);
+const uint8_t SL_RAW_RF_TX_PARAMS_CHANNEL_SHIFT =  (0);
+const uint8_t SL_RAW_RF_TX_PARAMS_RATE_SHIFT    =  (6);
+const uint8_t SL_RAW_RF_TX_PARAMS_POWER_SHIFT   =  (11);
+const uint8_t SL_RAW_RF_TX_PARAMS_PREAMBLE_SHIFT = (15);
+#define SL_RAW_RF_TX_PARAMS(chan,rate,power,preamble) \
+    (rate << SL_RAW_RF_TX_PARAMS_RATE_SHIFT) | \
+    (power << SL_RAW_RF_TX_PARAMS_POWER_SHIFT) | \
+/* wlan config application IDs */
+const uint8_t SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID                  =  (0);
+const uint8_t SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID       =  (1);
+const uint8_t SL_WLAN_CFG_P2P_PARAM_ID           =  (2);
+/* wlan AP Config set/get options */
+const uint8_t WLAN_AP_OPT_SSID                   =  (0);
+const uint8_t WLAN_AP_OPT_CHANNEL                =  (3);
+const uint8_t WLAN_AP_OPT_HIDDEN_SSID            =  (4);
+const uint8_t WLAN_AP_OPT_SECURITY_TYPE          =  (6);
+const uint8_t WLAN_AP_OPT_PASSWORD               =  (7);
+const uint8_t WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_STA_TX_POWER = (10);
+const uint8_t WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_AP_TX_POWER  = (11);
+const uint8_t WLAN_P2P_OPT_DEV_NAME              =  (12);
+const uint8_t WLAN_P2P_OPT_DEV_TYPE              =  (13);
+const uint8_t WLAN_P2P_OPT_CHANNEL_N_REGS        =  (14);
+const uint8_t WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_SCAN_PARAMS  = (18);      /* change the scan channels and RSSI threshold using this configuration option */
+/* SmartConfig CIPHER options */
+const uint8_t SMART_CONFIG_CIPHER_SFLASH         =  (0);      /* password is not delivered by the application. The Simple Manager should */
+/* check if the keys are stored in the Flash.                              */
+const uint8_t SMART_CONFIG_CIPHER_AES            =  (1);      /* AES (other types are not supported)                                     */
+const uint8_t SMART_CONFIG_CIPHER_NONE           =  (0xFF);   /* do not check in the flash                                               */
+const uint8_t SL_POLICY_CONNECTION               =  (0x10);
+const uint8_t SL_POLICY_SCAN                     =  (0x20);
+const uint8_t SL_POLICY_PM                       =  (0x30);
+const uint8_t SL_POLICY_P2P                      =  (0x40);
+#define VAL_2_MASK(position,value)           ((1 & (value))<<(position))
+#define MASK_2_VAL(position,mask)            (((1 << position) & (mask)) >> (position))
+#define SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(Auto,Fast,Open,anyP2P,autoSmartConfig)                (VAL_2_MASK(0,Auto) | VAL_2_MASK(1,Fast) | VAL_2_MASK(2,Open) | VAL_2_MASK(3,anyP2P) | VAL_2_MASK(4,autoSmartConfig))
+#define SL_SCAN_POLICY_EN(policy)            (MASK_2_VAL(0,policy))
+#define SL_SCAN_POLICY(Enable)               (VAL_2_MASK(0,Enable))
+const uint8_t SL_NORMAL_POLICY                   = (0);
+const uint8_t SL_LOW_LATENCY_POLICY              = (1);
+const uint8_t SL_LOW_POWER_POLICY                = (2);
+const uint8_t SL_ALWAYS_ON_POLICY                = (3);
+const uint8_t SL_LONG_SLEEP_INTERVAL_POLICY      = (4);
+const uint8_t SL_P2P_ROLE_NEGOTIATE              = (3);
+const uint8_t SL_P2P_ROLE_GROUP_OWNER            = (15);
+const uint8_t SL_P2P_ROLE_CLIENT                 = (0);
+const uint8_t SL_P2P_NEG_INITIATOR_ACTIVE        = (0);
+const uint8_t SL_P2P_NEG_INITIATOR_PASSIVE       = (1);
+const uint8_t SL_P2P_NEG_INITIATOR_RAND_BACKOFF  = (2);
+#define POLICY_VAL_2_OPTIONS(position,mask,policy)    ((mask & policy) << position )
+#define SL_P2P_POLICY(p2pNegType,p2pNegInitiator)   (POLICY_VAL_2_OPTIONS(0,0xF,(p2pNegType > SL_P2P_ROLE_GROUP_OWNER ? SL_P2P_ROLE_GROUP_OWNER : p2pNegType)) | \
+                                                     POLICY_VAL_2_OPTIONS(4,0x1,(p2pNegType > SL_P2P_ROLE_GROUP_OWNER ? 1:0)) | \
+                                                     POLICY_VAL_2_OPTIONS(5,0x3, p2pNegInitiator))
+/* Info elements */
+const uint8_t INFO_ELEMENT_DEFAULT_ID            =  (0); /* 221 will be used */
+/* info element size is up to 252 bytes (+ 3 bytes of OUI). */
+const uint8_t INFO_ELEMENT_MAX_SIZE              =  (252);
+/* For AP - the total length of all info elements is 300 bytes (for example - 4 info elements of 75 bytes each) */
+const uint16_t INFO_ELEMENT_MAX_TOTAL_LENGTH_AP  =   (300);
+/* For P2P - the total length of all info elements is 150 bytes (for example - 4 info elements of 40 bytes each) */
+const uint8_t INFO_ELEMENT_MAX_TOTAL_LENGTH_P2P_GO (160);
+const uint8_t INFO_ELEMENT_AP_ROLE               =  (0);
+const uint8_t INFO_ELEMENT_P2P_GO_ROLE           =  (1);
+/* we support up to 4 info elements per Role. */
+const uint8_t INFO_ELEMENT_DEFAULT_OUI_0         =  (0x08);
+const uint8_t INFO_ELEMENT_DEFAULT_OUI_1         =  (0x00);
+const uint8_t INFO_ELEMENT_DEFAULT_OUI_2         =  (0x28);
+const uint32_t INFO_ELEMENT_DEFAULT_OUI          =   (0x000000);  /* 08, 00, 28 will be used */
+/* Structure/Enum declarations                                               */
+typedef enum {
+    RATE_1M         = 1,
+    RATE_2M         = 2,
+    RATE_5_5M       = 3,
+    RATE_11M        = 4,
+    RATE_6M         = 6,
+    RATE_9M         = 7,
+    RATE_12M        = 8,
+    RATE_18M        = 9,
+    RATE_24M        = 10,
+    RATE_36M        = 11,
+    RATE_48M        = 12,
+    RATE_54M        = 13,
+    RATE_MCS_0      = 14,
+    RATE_MCS_1      = 15,
+    RATE_MCS_2      = 16,
+    RATE_MCS_3      = 17,
+    RATE_MCS_4      = 18,
+    RATE_MCS_5      = 19,
+    RATE_MCS_6      = 20,
+    RATE_MCS_7      = 21,
+    MAX_NUM_RATES   = 0xFF
+} SlRateIndex_e;
+typedef enum {
+} sl_p2p_dev_password_method;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t    status;
+    uint32_t    ssid_len;
+    uint8_t     ssid[32];
+    uint32_t    private_token_len;
+    uint8_t     private_token[32];
+} slSmartConfigStartAsyncResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t    status;
+    uint16_t    padding;
+} slSmartConfigStopAsyncResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint16_t    status;
+    uint16_t    padding;
+} slWlanConnFailureAsyncResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint8_t     connection_type;/* 0-STA,3-P2P_CL */
+    uint8_t     ssid_len;
+    uint8_t     ssid_name[32];
+    uint8_t     go_peer_device_name_len;
+    uint8_t     go_peer_device_name[32];
+    uint8_t     bssid[6];
+    uint8_t     reason_code;
+    uint8_t     padding[2];
+} slWlanConnectAsyncResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint8_t     go_peer_device_name[32];
+    uint8_t     mac[6];
+    uint8_t     go_peer_device_name_len;
+    uint8_t     wps_dev_password_id;
+    uint8_t     own_ssid[32];/* relevant for event sta-connected only */
+    uint8_t     own_ssid_len;/* relevant for event sta-connected only */
+    uint8_t     padding[3];
+} slPeerInfoAsyncResponse_t;
+typedef union {
+    slSmartConfigStartAsyncResponse_t        smartConfigStartResponse; /*SL_WLAN_SMART_CONFIG_COMPLETE_EVENT*/
+    slSmartConfigStopAsyncResponse_t         smartConfigStopResponse;  /*SL_WLAN_SMART_CONFIG_STOP_EVENT */
+    slPeerInfoAsyncResponse_t                APModeStaConnected;       /* SL_WLAN_STA_CONNECTED_EVENT - relevant only in AP mode - holds information regarding a new STA connection */
+    slPeerInfoAsyncResponse_t                APModestaDisconnected;    /* SL_WLAN_STA_DISCONNECTED_EVENT - relevant only in AP mode - holds information regarding a STA disconnection */
+    slWlanConnectAsyncResponse_t             STAandP2PModeWlanConnected;   /* SL_WLAN_CONNECT_EVENT - relevant only in STA and P2P mode - holds information regarding a new connection */
+    slWlanConnectAsyncResponse_t             STAandP2PModeDisconnected;   /* SL_WLAN_DISCONNECT_EVENT - relevant only in STA and P2P mode - holds information regarding a disconnection */
+    slPeerInfoAsyncResponse_t                P2PModeDevFound;             /* SL_WLAN_P2P_DEV_FOUND_EVENT - relevant only in P2P mode */
+    slPeerInfoAsyncResponse_t                P2PModeNegReqReceived;       /* SL_WLAN_P2P_NEG_REQ_RECEIVED_EVENT - relevant only in P2P mode */
+    slWlanConnFailureAsyncResponse_t         P2PModewlanConnectionFailure;   /* SL_WLAN_CONNECTION_FAILED_EVENT - relevant only in P2P mode */
+} SlWlanEventData_u;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t     Event;
+    SlWlanEventData_u        EventData;
+} SlWlanEvent_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t  ReceivedValidPacketsNumber;                     /* sum of the packets that been received OK (include filtered) */
+    uint32_t  ReceivedFcsErrorPacketsNumber;                  /* sum of the packets that been dropped due to FCS error */
+    uint32_t  ReceivedAddressMismatchPacketsNumber;           /* sum of the packets that been received but filtered out by one of the HW filters */
+    int16_t   AvarageDataCtrlRssi;                            /* average RSSI for all valid data packets received */
+    int16_t   AvarageMgMntRssi;                               /* average RSSI for all valid management packets received */
+    uint16_t  RateHistogram[NUM_OF_RATE_INDEXES];             /* rate histogram for all valid packets received */
+    uint16_t  RssiHistogram[SIZE_OF_RSSI_HISTOGRAM];          /* RSSI histogram from -40 until -87 (all below and above\n RSSI will appear in the first and last cells */
+    uint32_t  StartTimeStamp;                                 /* the time stamp started collecting the statistics in uSec */
+    uint32_t  GetTimeStamp;                                   /* the time stamp called the get statistics command */
+} SlGetRxStatResponse_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint8_t ssid[MAXIMAL_SSID_LENGTH];
+    uint8_t ssid_len;
+    uint8_t sec_type;
+    uint8_t bssid[SL_BSSID_LENGTH];
+    int8_t rssi;
+    int8_t reserved[3];
+} Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint8_t   Type;
+    int8_t*  Key;
+    uint8_t   KeyLen;
+} SlSecParams_t;
+typedef struct {
+    int8_t*  User;
+    uint8_t   UserLen;
+    int8_t*  AnonUser;
+    uint8_t   AnonUserLen;
+    uint8_t   CertIndex;  /* not supported */
+    uint32_t  EapMethod;
+} SlSecParamsExt_t;
+typedef struct {
+    int8_t   User[32];
+    uint8_t   UserLen;
+    int8_t   AnonUser[32];
+    uint8_t   AnonUserLen;
+    uint8_t   CertIndex;  //not supported
+    uint32_t  EapMethod;
+} SlGetSecParamsExt_t;
+typedef enum {
+    ROLE_STA   =   0,
+    ROLE_AP    =   2,
+    ROLE_P2P     =   3,
+    ROLE_STA_ERR =  -1,         /* Failure to load MAC/PHY in STA role */
+    ROLE_AP_ERR  =  -ROLE_AP,   /* Failure to load MAC/PHY in AP role */
+    ROLE_P2P_ERR =  -ROLE_P2P   /* Failure to load MAC/PHY in P2P role */
+} SlWlanMode_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t   G_Channels_mask;
+    int32_t   rssiThershold;
+} slWlanScanParamCommand_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint8_t   id;
+    uint8_t   oui[3];
+    uint16_t  length;
+    uint8_t   data[252];
+} sl_protocol_InfoElement_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint8_t                       index;  /* 0 - MAX_PRIVATE_INFO_ELEMENTS_SUPPROTED */
+    uint8_t                       role;   /* bit0: AP = 0, GO = 1                    */
+    sl_protocol_InfoElement_t   ie;
+} sl_protocol_WlanSetInfoElement_t;
+class cc3100_wlan_rx_filters;
+class cc3100_wlan
+    cc3100_wlan(cc3100_driver &driver, cc3100_wlan_rx_filters  &wlan_rx_filters);
+    ~cc3100_wlan();
+    /*****************************************************************************/
+    /* Function prototypes                                                                       */
+    /*****************************************************************************/
+    /*!
+        \brief Connect to wlan network as a station
+        \param[in]      pName       up to 32 bytes in case of STA the name is the SSID of the Access Point
+        \param[in]      NameLen     name length
+        \param[in]      pMacAddr    6 bytes for MAC address
+        \param[in]      pSecParams  Security parameters (use NULL key for SL_SEC_TYPE_OPEN)
+        Security types options: \n
+                                - SL_SEC_TYPE_OPEN
+                                - SL_SEC_TYPE_WEP
+                                - SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_WPA2
+                                - SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_ENT
+                                - SL_SEC_TYPE_WPS_PBC
+                                - SL_SEC_TYPE_WPS_PIN
+        \param[in]      pSecExtParams  Enterprise parameters (set NULL in case Enterprise parameters is not in use)
+        \return         On success, zero is returned. On error, negative is returned
+                        In case error number (-71) is returned, it indicates a connection was activated while the device it running in AP role
+        \sa             sl_WlanDisconnect
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning        In this version only single enterprise mode could be used
+                        SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA is a deprecated definition, the new definition is SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_WPA2
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanConnect)
+    int16_t sl_WlanConnect(const signed char*  pName, const int16_t NameLen, const uint8_t *pMacAddr, const SlSecParams_t* pSecParams, const SlSecParamsExt_t* pSecExtParams);
+    /*!
+        \brief wlan disconnect
+        Disconnect connection
+        \return         0 disconnected done, other already disconnected
+        \sa             sl_WlanConnect
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanDisconnect)
+    int16_t sl_WlanDisconnect(void);
+    /*!
+        \brief add profile
+        When auto start is enabled, the device connects to a
+        station from the profiles table. Up to 7 profiles are
+        supported. If several profiles configured the device chose
+        the highest priority profile, within each priority group,
+        device will chose profile based on security policy, signal
+        strength, etc parameters.
+        \param[in]      pName          up to 32 bytes in case of STA the name is the
+                                       SSID of the Access Point
+                                       in case of P2P the name is the remote device name
+        \param[in]      NameLen     name length
+        \param[in]      pMacAddr    6 bytes for MAC address
+        \param[in]      pSecParams     Security parameters - security type
+                                       (SL_SEC_TYPE_OPEN,SL_SEC_TYPE_WEP,SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_WPA2,
+                                        SL_SEC_TYPE_P2P_PBC,SL_SEC_TYPE_P2P_PIN_KEYPAD,SL_SEC_TYPE_P2P_PIN_DISPLAY, SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_ENT), key, and key length
+                                       in case of p2p security type pin the key refers to pin code
+        \param[in]      pSecExtParams  Enterprise parameters - identity, identity length,
+                                       Anonymous, Anonymous length, CertIndex (not supported,
+                                       certificates need to be placed in a specific file ID),
+                                       EapMethod.Use NULL in case Enterprise parameters is not in use
+        \param[in]      Priority    profile priority. Lowest priority: 0
+        \param[in]      Options     Not supported
+        \return         On success, profile stored index is returned. On error, negative value is returned
+        \sa             sl_WlanProfileGet , sl_WlanProfileDel
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning        Only one Enterprise profile is supported.
+                        Please Note that in case of adding an existing profile (compared by pName,pMACAddr and security type)
+                        the old profile will be deleted and the same index will be returned.
+                        SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA is a deprecated definition, the new definition is SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_WPA2
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanProfileAdd)
+    int16_t sl_WlanProfileAdd(const int8_t*  pName, 
+                              const int16_t NameLen, 
+                              const uint8_t *pMacAddr, 
+                              const SlSecParams_t* pSecParams , 
+                              const SlSecParamsExt_t* pSecExtParams, 
+                              const uint32_t  Priority, 
+                              const uint32_t  Options);
+    /*!
+        \brief get profile
+        read profile from the device
+        \param[in]      Index          profile stored index, if index does not exists
+                                       error is return
+        \param[out]     pName          up to 32 bytes, in case of sta mode the name of the Access Point
+                                       in case of p2p mode the name of the Remote Device
+        \param[out]     pNameLen       name length
+        \param[out]     pMacAddr       6 bytes for MAC address
+        \param[out]     pSecParams     security parameters - security type
+                                       (SL_SEC_TYPE_OPEN, SL_SEC_TYPE_WEP, SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_WPA2 or
+                                       key and key length are not                  
+                                       in case of p2p security type pin the key refers to pin code
+                                       return due to security reasons.
+        \param[out]     pSecExtParams  enterprise parameters - identity, identity
+                                       length, Anonymous, Anonymous length
+                                       CertIndex (not supported), EapMethod.
+        \param[out]     Priority       profile priority
+        \return         On success, Profile security type is returned (0 or positive number). On error, -1 is
+                        returned
+        \sa             sl_WlanProfileAdd , sl_WlanProfileDel
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanProfileGet)
+    int16_t sl_WlanProfileGet(const int16_t Index,int8_t*  pName, int16_t *pNameLen, uint8_t *pMacAddr, SlSecParams_t* pSecParams, SlGetSecParamsExt_t* pSecExtParams, uint32_t *pPriority);
+    /*!
+        \brief Delete WLAN profile
+        Delete WLAN profile
+        \param[in]   index  number of profile to delete.Possible values are 0 to 6.
+                     Index value 255 will delete all saved profiles
+        \return  On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is
+                   returned
+        \sa   sl_WlanProfileAdd , sl_WlanProfileGet
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanProfileDel)
+    int16_t sl_WlanProfileDel(const int16_t Index);
+    /*!
+        \brief Set policy values
+        \param[in]      Type      Type of policy to be modified. The Options are:\n
+                                  - SL_POLICY_CONNECTION
+                                  - SL_POLICY_SCAN
+                                  - SL_POLICY_PM
+                                  - SL_POLICY_P2P
+        \param[in]      Policy    The option value which depends on action type
+        \param[in]      pVal      An optional value pointer
+        \param[in]      ValLen    An optional value length, in bytes
+        \return         On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is
+                        returned
+        \sa             sl_WlanPolicyGet
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning
+        \par
+        SL_POLICY_CONNECTION type defines three options available to connect the CC31xx device to the AP: \n
+        -  If Auto Connect is set, the CC31xx device tries to automatically reconnect to one of its stored profiles, each time the connection fails or the device is rebooted.\n
+           To set this option, use: \n
+           <b> sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION,SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(1,0,0,0,0),NULL,0) </b>
+        -  If Fast Connect is set, the CC31xx device tries to establish a fast connection to AP. \n
+           To set this option, use: \n
+           <b> sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION,SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(0,1,0,0,0),NULL,0) </b>
+        -  (relevant for P2P mode only) - If Any P2P is set,  CC31xx/CC32xx device tries to automatically connect to the first P2P device available, \n
+           supporting push button only. To set this option, use: \n
+           <b> sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION,SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(0,0,0,1,0),NULL,0) </b>
+        -  For auto smart config upon restart (any command from Host will end this state) use: \n
+           <b> sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION,SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(0,0,0,0,1),NULL,0) </b> \n
+        The options above could be combined to a single action, if more than one action is required. \n
+        \par
+        SL_POLICY_SCAN defines system scan time interval.Default interval is 10 minutes. \n
+        After settings scan interval, an immediate scan is activated. The next scan will be based on the interval settings. \n
+                        -  For example, setting scan interval to 1 minute interval use: \n
+                           uint32_t intervalInSeconds = 60;    \n
+                           #define SL_SCAN_ENABLE  1       \n<b>
+                           sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN,SL_SCAN_ENABLE, (uint8_t *)&intervalInSeconds,sizeof(intervalInSeconds)); </b>\n
+                        -  For example, disable scan:    \n
+                           #define SL_SCAN_DISABLE  0     \n<b>
+                           sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN,SL_SCAN_DISABLE,0,0); </b>\n
+        \par
+        SL_POLICY_PM defines a power management policy for Station mode only:
+                        -  For setting normal power management (default) policy use: <b> sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_PM , SL_NORMAL_POLICY, NULL,0) </b>
+                        -  For setting low latency power management policy use: <b> sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_PM , SL_LOW_LATENCY_POLICY, NULL,0) </b>
+                        -  For setting low power management policy use: <b> sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_PM , SL_LOW_POWER_POLICY, NULL,0) </b>
+                        -  For setting always on power management policy use: <b> sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_PM , SL_ALWAYS_ON_POLICY, NULL,0) </b>
+                        -  For setting Long Sleep Interval policy use: \n
+                                uint16_t PolicyBuff[4] = {0,0,800,0}; // PolicyBuff[2] is max sleep time in mSec \n<b>
+                                sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_PM , SL_LONG_SLEEP_INTERVAL_POLICY, (uint8_t*)PolicyBuff,sizeof(PolicyBuff));  </b>\n
+        SL_POLICY_P2P defines p2p negotiation policy parameters for P2P role:
+                        - To set intent negotiation value, set on of the following:
+                            SL_P2P_ROLE_NEGOTIATE   - intent 3
+                            SL_P2P_ROLE_GROUP_OWNER - intent 15
+                            SL_P2P_ROLE_CLIENT      - intent 0
+                        - To set negotiation initiator value (initiator policy of first negotiation action frame), set on of the following:
+                            SL_P2P_NEG_INITIATOR_ACTIVE
+                            SL_P2P_NEG_INITIATOR_PASSIVE
+                            SL_P2P_NEG_INITIATOR_RAND_BACKOFF
+                        For example: \n
+                        <b>sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_P2P, SL_P2P_POLICY(SL_P2P_ROLE_NEGOTIATE,SL_P2P_NEG_INITIATOR_RAND_BACKOFF),NULL,0) </b>
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanPolicySet)
+    int16_t sl_WlanPolicySet(const uint8_t Type , const uint8_t Policy, uint8_t *pVal,const uint8_t ValLen);
+    /*!
+        \brief get policy values
+        \param[in]      Policy   argument may be set to any value \n
+        \param[out]     The returned values, depends on each policy type, will be stored in the allocated buffer pointed by pVal
+                        with a maximum buffer length set by the calling function and pointed to by argument *pValLen
+        \return         On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned
+        \sa             sl_WlanPolicySet
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning        The value pointed by the argument *pValLen should be set to a value different from 0 and
+                        greater than the buffer length returned from the SL device. Otherwise, an error will be returned.
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanPolicyGet)
+    int16_t sl_WlanPolicyGet(const uint8_t Type , uint8_t Policy,uint8_t *pVal,uint8_t *pValLen);
+    /*!
+        \brief Gets the WLAN scan operation results
+        Gets scan results , gets entry from scan result table
+        \param[in]   Index - Starting index identifier (range 0-19) for getting scan results
+        \param[in]   Count - How many entries to fetch. Max is (20-"Index").
+        \param[out]  pEntries - pointer to an allocated Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t.
+                                the number of array items should match "Count"
+                                sec_type: SL_SCAN_SEC_TYPE_OPEN, SL_SCAN_SEC_TYPE_WEP, SL_SCAN_SEC_TYPE_WPA or SL_SCAN_SEC_TYPE_WPA2
+        \return  Number of valid networks list items
+        \sa
+        \note       belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning    This command do not initiate any active scanning action
+        \par        Example:
+        \code       An example of fetching max 10 results:
+                    Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t netEntries[10];
+                    int16_t resultsCount = sl_WlanGetNetworkList(0,10,&netEntries[0]);
+                    for(i=0; i< resultsCount; i++)
+                    {
+                          printf("%s\n",netEntries[i].ssid);
+                    }
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanGetNetworkList)
+    int16_t sl_WlanGetNetworkList(const uint8_t Index, const uint8_t Count, Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t *pEntries);
+    /*!
+        \brief   Start collecting wlan RX statistics, for unlimited time.
+        \return  On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned
+        \sa     sl_WlanRxStatStop      sl_WlanRxStatGet
+        \note   belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning  
+        \par        Example:
+        \code       Getting wlan RX statistics:
+        void RxStatCollectTwice()
+        {
+            SlGetRxStatResponse_t rxStat;
+            int16_t rawSocket;
+            int8_t DataFrame[200];
+            struct SlTimeval_t timeval;
+            timeval.tv_sec =  0;             // Seconds
+            timeval.tv_usec = 20000;         // Microseconds. 10000 microseconds resolution
+            sl_WlanRxStatStart();  // set statistics mode
+            rawSocket = sl_Socket(SL_AF_RF, SL_SOCK_RAW, eChannel);
+            // set timeout - in case we have no activity for the specified channel
+            sl_SetSockOpt(rawSocket,SL_SOL_SOCKET,SL_SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeval, sizeof(timeval));    // Enable receive timeout
+            status = sl_Recv(rawSocket, DataFrame, sizeof(DataFrame), 0);
+            Sleep(1000); // sleep for 1 sec
+            sl_WlanRxStatGet(&rxStat,0); // statistics has been cleared upon read
+            Sleep(1000); // sleep for 1 sec
+            sl_WlanRxStatGet(&rxStat,0);
+        }
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanRxStatStart)
+    int16_t sl_WlanRxStatStart(void);
+    /*!
+        \brief    Stop collecting wlan RX statistic, (if previous called sl_WlanRxStatStart)
+        \return   On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned
+        \sa     sl_WlanRxStatStart      sl_WlanRxStatGet
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning  
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanRxStatStop)
+    int16_t sl_WlanRxStatStop(void);
+    /*!
+        \brief Get wlan RX statistics. upon calling this command, the statistics counters will be cleared.
+        \param[in]  Flags should be 0  ( not applicable right now, will be added the future )
+        \param[in]  pRxStat a pointer to SlGetRxStatResponse_t filled with Rx statistics results
+        \return     On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned
+        \sa   sl_WlanRxStatStart  sl_WlanRxStatStop
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanRxStatGet)
+    int16_t sl_WlanRxStatGet(SlGetRxStatResponse_t *pRxStat, const uint32_t Flags);
+    /*!
+        \brief Stop Smart Config procedure. Once Smart Config will be stopped,
+               Asynchronous event will be received - SL_OPCODE_WLAN_SMART_CONFIG_STOP_ASYNC_RESPONSE.
+        \param[in]  none
+        \param[out] none
+        \return     0 - if Stop Smart Config is about to be executed without errors.
+        \sa         sl_WlanSmartConfigStart
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning      
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanSmartConfigStop)
+    int16_t sl_WlanSmartConfigStop(void);
+    /*!
+        \brief  Start Smart Config procedure
+        \par
+                The target of the procedure is to let the                      \n
+                device to gain the network parameters: SSID and Password (if network is secured)             \n
+                and to connect to it once located in the network range.                                      \n
+                An external application should be used on a device connected to any mobile network.          \n
+                The external application will transmit over the air the network parameters in secured manner.\n
+                The Password may be decrypted using a Key.                                                   \n
+                The decryption method may be decided in the command or embedded in the Flash.                \n
+                The procedure can be activated for 1-3 group ID in the range of BIT_0 - BIT_15 where the default group ID id 0 (BIT_0) \n
+                Once Smart Config has ended successfully, Asynchronous event will be received -              \n
+                SL_OPCODE_WLAN_SMART_CONFIG_START_ASYNC_RESPONSE.                                            \n
+                The Event will hold the SSID and an extra field that might have been delivered as well (i.e. - device name)
+        \param[in]  groupIdBitmask - each bit represent a group ID that should be searched.
+                                     The Default group ID id BIT_0. 2 more group can be searched
+                                     in addition. The range is BIT_0 - BIT_15.
+        \param[in]  chiper - 0: check in flash, 1 - AES, 0xFF - do not check in flash
+        \param[in]  publicKeyLen - public key len (used for the default group ID - BIT_0)
+        \param[in]  group1KeyLen - group ID1 length
+        \param[in]  group2KeyLen - group ID2 length
+        \param[in]  publicKey    - public key (used for the default group ID - BIT_0)
+        \param[in]  group1Key    - group ID1 key
+        \param[in]  group2Key    - group ID2 key
+        \param[out] none
+        \return     0 - if Smart Config started successfully.
+        \sa         sl_WlanSmartConfigStop
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning
+        \par
+        \code       An example of starting smart Config on group ID's 0 + 1 + 2
+                    sl_WlanSmartConfigStart(7,      //group ID's (BIT_0 | BIT_1 | BIT_2)
+                                            1,      //decrypt key by AES method
+                                            16,     //decryption key length for group ID0
+                                            16,     //decryption key length for group ID1
+                                            16,     //decryption key length for group ID2
+                                            "Key0Key0Key0Key0", //decryption key for group ID0
+                                            "Key1Key1Key1Key1", //decryption key for group ID1
+                                            "Key2Key2Key2Key2"  //decryption key for group ID2
+                                            );
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanSmartConfigStart)
+    int16_t sl_WlanSmartConfigStart(const uint32_t    groupIdBitmask,
+                                    const uint8_t    cipher,
+                                    const uint8_t    publicKeyLen,
+                                    const uint8_t    group1KeyLen,
+                                    const uint8_t    group2KeyLen,
+                                    const uint8_t*    publicKey,
+                                    const uint8_t*    group1Key,
+                                    const uint8_t*    group2Key);
+    /*!
+        \brief Wlan set mode
+        Setting WLAN mode
+        \param[in] mode - WLAN mode to start the CC31xx device. Possible options are:
+                        - ROLE_STA - for WLAN station mode
+                        - ROLE_AP  - for WLAN AP mode
+                        - ROLE_P2P  -for WLAN P2P mode
+        \return   0 - if mode was set correctly
+        \sa        sl_Start sl_Stop
+        \note           belongs to \ref ext_api
+        \warning   After setting the mode the system must be restarted for activating the new mode
+        \par       Example:
+        \code
+                    //Switch from any role to STA:
+                    sl_WlanSetMode(ROLE_STA);
+                    sl_Stop(0);
+                    sl_Start(NULL,NULL,NULL);
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanSetMode)
+    int16_t sl_WlanSetMode(const uint8_t mode);
+    /*!
+        \brief     Internal function for setting WLAN configurations
+        \return    On success, zero is returned. On error one of the following error codes  returned:
+                   - CONF_ERROR                        (-1)
+                   - CONF_NVMEM_ACCESS_FAILED          (-2)
+                   - CONF_OLD_FILE_VERSION             (-3)
+                   - CONF_ERROR_NO_SUCH_COUNTRY_CODE   (-4)
+        \param[in] ConfigId -  configuration id
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID</b>
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID</b>
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_P2P_PARAM_ID</b>
+        \param[in] ConfigOpt - configurations option
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID</b>
+                                  - <b>WLAN_AP_OPT_SSID</b> \n
+                                          Set SSID for AP mode. \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> buffer as parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_AP_OPT_CHANNEL</b> \n
+                                          Set channel for AP mode. \n
+                                          The channel is dependant on the country code which is set. i.e. for "US" the channel should be in the range of [1-11] \n
+                                          This option takes <b>uint8_t</b> as a parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_AP_OPT_HIDDEN_SSID</b> \n
+                                          Set Hidden SSID Mode for AP mode.Hidden options: \n
+                                             0: disabled \n
+                                             1: Send empty (length=0) SSID in beacon and ignore probe request for broadcast SSID \n
+                                             2: Clear SSID (ASCII 0), but keep the original length (this may be required with some \n
+                                                clients that do not support empty SSID) and ignore probe requests for broadcast SSID \n
+                                          This option takes <b>uint8_t</b> as a parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_AP_OPT_SECURITY_TYPE</b> \n
+                                          Set Security type for AP mode. Security options are:
+                                          - Open security: SL_SEC_TYPE_OPEN
+                                          - WEP security:  SL_SEC_TYPE_WEP
+                                          - WPA security:  SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_WPA2  \n
+                                          This option takes <b>uint8_t</b> pointer as a parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_AP_OPT_PASSWORD</b> \n
+                                          Set Password for for AP mode (for WEP or for WPA): \n
+                                          Password - for WPA: 8 - 63 characters \n
+                                          for WEP: 5 / 13 characters (ascii) \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> buffer as parameter
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID</b>
+                              - <b> WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_SCAN_PARAMS </b> \n
+                                      Set scan parameters.
+                                      This option uses slWlanScanParamCommand_t as parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_COUNTRY_CODE</b> \n
+                                          Set Country Code for AP mode \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> 2 bytes buffer as parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_STA_TX_POWER</b> \n
+                                          Set STA mode Tx power level \n
+                                          Number between 0-15, as dB offset from max power (0 will set MAX power) \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> as parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_AP_TX_POWER</b>
+                                          Set AP mode Tx power level \n
+                                          Number between 0-15, as dB offset from max power (0 will set MAX power) \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> as parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_INFO_ELEMENT</b>
+                                          Set Info Element for AP mode. \n
+                                          The Application can set up to MAX_PRIVATE_INFO_ELEMENTS_SUPPROTED info elements per Role (AP / P2P GO).  \n
+                                          To delete an info element use the relevant index and length = 0. \n
+                                          The Application can set up to MAX_PRIVATE_INFO_ELEMENTS_SUPPROTED to the same role. \n
+                                          However, for AP - no more than INFO_ELEMENT_MAX_TOTAL_LENGTH_AP bytes can be stored for all info elements. \n
+                                          For P2P GO - no more than INFO_ELEMENT_MAX_TOTAL_LENGTH_P2P_GO bytes can be stored for all info elements.  \n
+                                          This option takes sl_protocol_WlanSetInfoElement_t as parameter
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_P2P_PARAM_ID</b>
+                                  - <b>WLAN_P2P_OPT_DEV_TYPE</b> \n
+                                          Set P2P Device type.Maximum length of 17 characters. Device type is published under P2P I.E, \n
+                                          allows to make devices easier to recognize. \n
+                                          In case no device type is set, the default type is "1-0050F204-1"  \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> buffer as parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_P2P_OPT_CHANNEL_N_REGS</b> \n
+                                         Set P2P Channels. \n
+                                         listen channel (either 1/6/11 for 2.4GHz) \n
+                                         listen regulatory class (81 for 2.4GHz)   \n
+                                         oper channel (either 1/6/11 for 2.4GHz)   \n
+                                         oper regulatory class (81 for 2.4GHz)     \n
+                                         listen channel and regulatory class will determine the device listen channel during p2p find listen phase \n
+                                         oper channel and regulatory class will determine the operating channel preferred by this device (in case it is group owner this will be the operating channel) \n
+                                         channels should be one of the social channels (1/6/11). In case no listen/oper channel selected, a random 1/6/11 will be selected.
+                                         This option takes pointer to <b>uint8_t[4]</b> as parameter
+        \param[in] ConfigLen - configurations len
+        \param[in] pValues -   configurations values
+        \sa
+        \note
+        \warning
+        \par   Examples:
+        \par
+              <b> WLAN_AP_OPT_SSID: </b>
+        \code
+                uint8_t  str[33];
+                memset(str, 0, 33);
+                memcpy(str, ssid, len);  // ssid string of 32 characters
+                sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID, WLAN_AP_OPT_SSID, strlen(ssid), str);
+        \endcode
+       \par
+              <b> WLAN_AP_OPT_CHANNEL: </b>
+        \code
+                uint8_t  val = channel;
+                sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID, WLAN_AP_OPT_CHANNEL, 1, (uint8_t *)&val);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+              <b>  WLAN_AP_OPT_HIDDEN_SSID: </b>
+         \code
+                uint8_t  val = hidden;
+                sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID, WLAN_AP_OPT_HIDDEN_SSID, 1, (uint8_t *)&val);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+              <b> WLAN_AP_OPT_SECURITY_TYPE: </b>
+         \code
+               uint8_t  val = SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_WPA2;
+               sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID, WLAN_AP_OPT_SECURITY_TYPE, 1, (uint8_t *)&val);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+              <b>  WLAN_AP_OPT_PASSWORD: </b>
+         \code
+               uint8_t  str[65];
+               uint16_t  len = strlen(password);
+               memset(str, 0, 65);
+               memcpy(str, password, len);
+               sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID, WLAN_AP_OPT_PASSWORD, len, (uint8_t *)str);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+             <b> WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_STA_TX_POWER: </b>
+         \code
+             uint8_t  stapower=(uint8_t)power;
+             sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID, WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_STA_TX_POWER,1,(uint8_t *)&stapower);
+        \endcode
+        \par   
+        \code   
+          slWlanScanParamCommand_t ScanParamConfig;
+          ScanParamConfig.G_Channels_mask = 0x01;  // bit mask for channels:1 means channel 1 is enabled, 3 means channels 1 + 2 are enabled
+          ScanParamConfig.rssiThershold = -70;     // only for RSSI level which is higher than -70
+          sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID ,WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_SCAN_PARAMS,sizeof(slWlanScanParamCommand_t),(_u8*)&ScanParamConfig);
+       \endcode
+       \par
+              <b> WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_COUNTRY_CODE: </b>
+        \code
+                uint8_t*  str = (uint8_t *) country;  // string of 2 characters. i.e. - "US"
+        \endcode
+       \par
+              <b> WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_AP_TX_POWER: </b>
+        \code
+             uint8_t  appower=(uint8_t)power;
+             sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID, WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_AP_TX_POWER,1,(uint8_t *)&appower);
+        \endcode
+       \par
+              <b> WLAN_P2P_OPT_DEV_TYPE: </b>
+        \code
+             uint8_t   str[17];
+             uint16_t  len = strlen(device_type);
+             memset(str, 0, 17);
+             memcpy(str, device_type, len);
+             sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_P2P_PARAM_ID, WLAN_P2P_OPT_DEV_TYPE, len, str);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+              <b> WLAN_P2P_OPT_CHANNEL_N_REGS: </b>
+        \code
+            uint8_t  str[4];
+            str[0] = (uint8_t)11;           // listen channel
+            str[1] = (uint8_t)81;            // listen regulatory class
+            str[2] = (uint8_t)6;            // oper channel
+            str[3] = (uint8_t)81;            // oper regulatory class
+            sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_P2P_PARAM_ID, WLAN_P2P_OPT_CHANNEL_N_REGS, 4, str);
+        \endcode
+       \par
+              <b> WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_INFO_ELEMENT: </b>
+         \code
+            sl_protocol_WlanSetInfoElement_t    infoele;
+            infoele.index     = Index;                  // Index of the info element. range: 0 - MAX_PRIVATE_INFO_ELEMENTS_SUPPROTED
+            infoele.role      = Role;                   // INFO_ELEMENT_AP_ROLE (0) or INFO_ELEMENT_P2P_GO_ROLE (1)
+            infoele.ie.id     =  Id;                    // Info element ID. if INFO_ELEMENT_DEFAULT_ID (0) is set, ID will be set to 221.
+            // Organization unique ID. If all 3 bytes are zero - it will be replaced with 08,00,28.
+            infoele.ie.oui[0] =  Oui0;                  // Organization unique ID first Byte
+            infoele.ie.oui[1] =  Oui1;                  // Organization unique ID second Byte
+            infoele.ie.oui[2] =  Oui2;                  // Organization unique ID third Byte
+            infoele.ie.length = Len;                    // Length of the info element. must be smaller than 253 bytes
+            memset(infoele.ie.data, 0, INFO_ELEMENT_MAX_SIZE);
+            if ( Len <= INFO_ELEMENT_MAX_SIZE )
+            {
+                memcpy(infoele.ie.data, IE, Len);           // Info element. length of the info element is [0-252]
+                sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID,WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_INFO_ELEMENT,sizeof(sl_protocol_WlanSetInfoElement_t),(uint8_t* ) &infoele);
+            }
+            sl_WlanSet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID,WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_INFO_ELEMENT,sizeof(sl_protocol_WlanSetInfoElement_t),(uint8_t* ) &infoele);
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanSet)
+    int16_t sl_WlanSet(const uint16_t ConfigId ,const uint16_t ConfigOpt, const uint16_t ConfigLen, const uint8_t *pValues);
+    /*!
+        \brief     Internal function for getting WLAN configurations
+        \return    On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is
+                   returned
+        \param[in] ConfigId -  configuration id
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID</b>
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID</b>
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_P2P_PARAM_ID</b>
+        \param[out] pConfigOpt - get configurations option
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID</b>
+                                  - <b>WLAN_AP_OPT_SSID</b> \n
+                                          Get SSID for AP mode. \n
+                                          Get up to 32 characters of SSID \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> as parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_AP_OPT_CHANNEL</b> \n
+                                          Get channel for AP mode. \n
+                                          This option takes <b>uint8_t</b> as a parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_AP_OPT_HIDDEN_SSID</b> \n
+                                          Get Hidden SSID Mode for AP mode.Hidden options: \n
+                                             0: disabled \n
+                                             1: Send empty (length=0) SSID in beacon and ignore probe request for broadcast SSID \n
+                                             2: Clear SSID (ASCII 0), but keep the original length (this may be required with some \n
+                                                clients that do not support empty SSID) and ignore probe requests for broadcast SSID \n
+                                          This option takes <b>uint8_t</b> as a parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_AP_OPT_SECURITY_TYPE</b> \n
+                                          Get Security type for AP mode. Security options are:
+                                          - Open security: SL_SEC_TYPE_OPEN
+                                          - WEP security:  SL_SEC_TYPE_WEP
+                                          - WPA security:  SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA_WPA2  \n
+                                          This option takes <b>uint8_t</b> as a parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_AP_OPT_PASSWORD</b> \n
+                                          Get Password for for AP mode (for WEP or for WPA): \n
+                                          Returns password - string, fills up to 64 characters. \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> buffer as parameter
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID</b>
+                                  - <b> WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_SCAN_PARAMS </b> \n
+                                          Get scan parameters.
+                                          This option uses slWlanScanParamCommand_t as parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_COUNTRY_CODE</b> \n
+                                          Get Country Code for AP mode \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> buffer as parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_STA_TX_POWER</b> \n
+                                          Get STA mode Tx power level \n
+                                          Number between 0-15, as dB offset from max power (0 indicates MAX power) \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> as parameter
+                                  - <b>WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_AP_TX_POWER</b>
+                                          Get AP mode Tx power level \n
+                                          Number between 0-15, as dB offset from max power (0 indicates MAX power) \n
+                                          This options takes <b>uint8_t</b> as parameter
+                              - <b>SL_WLAN_CFG_P2P_PARAM_ID</b>
+                                  - <b>WLAN_P2P_OPT_CHANNEL_N_REGS</b> \n
+                                         Get P2P Channels. \n
+                                         listen channel (either 1/6/11 for 2.4GHz) \n
+                                         listen regulatory class (81 for 2.4GHz)   \n
+                                         oper channel (either 1/6/11 for 2.4GHz)   \n
+                                         oper regulatory class (81 for 2.4GHz)     \n
+                                         listen channel and regulatory class will determine the device listen channel during p2p find listen phase \n
+                                         oper channel and regulatory class will determine the operating channel preferred by this device (in case it is group owner this will be the operating channel) \n
+                                         channels should be one of the social channels (1/6/11). In case no listen/oper channel selected, a random 1/6/11 will be selected. \n
+                                         This option takes pointer to <b>uint8_t[4]</b> as parameter
+        \param[out] pConfigLen - The length of the allocated memory as input, when the
+                                            function complete, the value of this parameter would be
+                                            the len that actually read from the device.
+                                            If the device return length that is longer from the input
+                                            value, the function will cut the end of the returned structure
+                                            and will return SL_ESMALLBUF.
+        \param[out] pValues - get configurations values
+        \sa   sl_WlanSet
+        \note
+        \warning
+        \par    Examples:
+        \par
+              <b> WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_SCAN_PARAMS: </b>
+        \code
+              slWlanScanParamCommand_t ScanParamConfig;
+              uint16_t Option = WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_SCAN_PARAMS;
+              uint16_t OptionLen = sizeof(slWlanScanParamCommand_t);
+              sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID ,&Option,&OptionLen,(uint8_t *)&ScanParamConfig);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+               <b> WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_AP_TX_POWER: </b>
+        \code
+               _i8 TXPower = 0;
+               _u16 Option = WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_AP_TX_POWER;
+               _u16 OptionLen = sizeof(_i8);
+           sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID ,&Option,&OptionLen,(_u8 *)&TXPower);
+        \endcode
+        \par   
+        \code           
+           _i8 TXPower = 0;
+           _u16 Option = WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_STA_TX_POWER;
+           _u16 OptionLen = sizeof(_i8);
+               sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID ,&Option,&OptionLen,(uint8_t *)&TXPower);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+               <b> WLAN_P2P_OPT_DEV_TYPE: </b>
+        \code
+               int8_t device_type[18];
+               uint16_t len = 18;
+               uint16_t config_opt = WLAN_P2P_OPT_DEV_TYPE;
+               sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_P2P_PARAM_ID, &config_opt , &len, (uint8_t* )device_type);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+               <b> WLAN_AP_OPT_SSID: </b>
+        \code
+               int8_t ssid[32];
+               uint16_t len = 32;
+               uint16_t  config_opt = WLAN_AP_OPT_SSID;
+               sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID, &config_opt , &len, (uint8_t* )ssid);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+               <b> WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_COUNTRY_CODE: </b>
+        \code
+               int8_t country[3];
+               uint16_t len = 3;
+               uint16_t  config_opt = WLAN_GENERAL_PARAM_OPT_COUNTRY_CODE;
+               sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_GENERAL_PARAM_ID, &config_opt, &len, (uint8_t* )country);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+               <b> WLAN_AP_OPT_CHANNEL: </b>
+        \code
+               int8_t channel;
+               uint16_t len = 1;
+               uint16_t  config_opt = WLAN_AP_OPT_CHANNEL;
+               sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID, &config_opt, &len, (uint8_t* )&channel);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+               <b> WLAN_AP_OPT_HIDDEN_SSID: </b>
+        \code
+              uint8_t hidden;
+              uint16_t len = 1;
+              uint16_t  config_opt = WLAN_AP_OPT_HIDDEN_SSID;
+              sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID, &config_opt, &len, (uint8_t* )&hidden);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+               <b> WLAN_AP_OPT_SECURITY_TYPE: </b>
+        \code
+             uint8_t sec_type;
+             uint16_t len = 1;
+             uint16_t  config_opt = WLAN_AP_OPT_SECURITY_TYPE;
+             sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID, &config_opt, &len, (uint8_t* )&sec_type);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+               <b> WLAN_AP_OPT_PASSWORD: </b>
+        \code
+             uint8_t password[64];
+             uint16_t len = 64;
+             memset(password,0,64);
+             uint16_t config_opt = WLAN_AP_OPT_PASSWORD;
+             sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_AP_ID, &config_opt, &len, (uint8_t* )password);
+        \endcode
+        \par
+               <b> WLAN_P2P_OPT_CHANNEL_N_REGS: </b>
+        \code
+           uint16_t listen_channel,listen_reg,oper_channel,oper_reg;
+           uint16_t len = 4;
+           uint16_t  config_opt = WLAN_P2P_OPT_CHANNEL_N_REGS;
+           uint8_t channel_n_regs[4];
+           sl_WlanGet(SL_WLAN_CFG_P2P_PARAM_ID, &config_opt, &len, (uint8_t* )channel_n_regs);
+           listen_channel = channel_n_regs[0];
+           listen_reg = channel_n_regs[1];
+           oper_channel = channel_n_regs[2];
+           oper_reg = channel_n_regs[3];
+        \endcode
+    */
+#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanGet)
+    int16_t sl_WlanGet(const uint16_t ConfigId, uint16_t *pConfigOpt,uint16_t *pConfigLen, uint8_t *pValues);
+    cc3100_driver           &_driver;
+    cc3100_wlan_rx_filters  &_wlan_filters;
+    /*!
+     Close the Doxygen group.
+     @}
+     */
+}//namespace mbed_cc3100
+#endif    /*  __WLAN_H__ */