I'm tired of copying compiled binary file after downloading from the browser. So created this batch file for windows environment. Currently only check to work with HRM1017. Feel free to used it with other platform, but some modification could be required: 1. Only check D, E, F folder. 2. HRM1017 has "mbed.htm" in its folder. Used it as signature. 3. HRM1017 use "*.hex", other platform might use "*.bin"

I'm tired of having to copy the binary to mbed folder after compiling from the browser. So created this batch file for windows. It check for binary file every 5sec then automatically move the binary to mbed folder. Platform used is HRM1017. Some modification might be required to used for other platform:

1. Only check D, E, F folder.

2. HRM1017 use *.hex (other might use *.bin)

3. HRM1017 has "mbed.htm" in its folder. Using it as signature.

Run from download folder. There must be no other *.hex file in the folder.

no such method: tip