This is a bitbang library for WS2812. I test it with STM32F411RE (Nucleo 441RE). If you want to use another board, u need to adjust the sum of asm("nop"). In the example program i put some code to measure how many asm("nop") do we need. See more detail about WS2812 timing

Dependents:   STM32FC_RGB_WS2812


added sendColors function, for sending color buffer to all LEDs default tip

2016-12-10, by devararendy [Sat, 10 Dec 2016 09:18:10 +0000] rev 1

added sendColors function, for sending color buffer to all LEDs

This is a bitbang library for RGB LED WS2812. it designed for Nucleo 411RE. if you want to use for another board, you have to edit the number of asm("nop"). see more detail about the delay time at

2016-12-10, by devararendy [Sat, 10 Dec 2016 08:18:58 +0000] rev 0

This is a bitbang library for RGB LED WS2812. it designed for Nucleo 411RE. if you want to use for another board, you have to edit the number of asm("nop"). see more detail about the delay time at