This is example code that can get you started with building your own IR vision robot that communicates over LoRa

Dependencies:   Adafruit-MotorShield Adafruit-PWM-Servo-Driver Adafruit_GFX BufferedSerial MAX17055_EZconfig NEO-6m-GPS SX1276GenericLib USBDeviceHT max32630fthr max77650_charger_sample

Fork of MAX326xxFTHR_LoRa_Example_test by Devin Alexander


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
43:b38b934d82e6 2018-08-15 dev_alexander Commit after publishing fork of Adafruit_GFX library default tip
42:911770814147 2018-08-15 dev_alexander This version has replaced the MAX77650 Library with a publicly available library.
41:1381a49e019e 2018-08-01 dev_alexander Implemented Battery fuel gauge functionality to be sent over LoRa by sorting the Data into Unions for easy parsing and unparsing. This is also the first revision of a complete system as under specification of the flow chart for this project.
40:6f8744c366c2 2018-08-01 dev_alexander Removed conflict that prevented ble.waitForEvent from being compiled due to a #define that was removed in cleaning up the main.cpp
39:df7c8bd2212e 2018-08-01 dev_alexander This is modifications on a previous revision that show bluetooth connection is stable without a delay. Look into past revisions and fix issue
38:c10d2a04a0c2 2018-08-01 dev_alexander I added support for the OLED on the Master device, and support for the MAX17055 and MAX77650 on the slave devices.;
37:f0fcc0341654 2018-07-31 dev_alexander Really cleaned up the main.cpp. This revision demonstrates more clearly what is going on at compile time and how the program is compiled differently for the master and slave(robot) device
36:09e8b51fc91d 2018-07-31 dev_alexander This is a stable revision that has the ability to communicate information over LoRa reliably at 174 frames received per second. This is the Revision before OLED Capabilities are introduced.
35:bae9b236070b 2018-07-31 dev_alexander This got the theoretical transmition rate up to 160 received LoRa transmitions per minute, however there is still some issues.
34:f31a6b53d4ea 2018-07-31 dev_alexander This revisions seems to work fine with the MAX32630FTHR when putc-ing buffer in correct format for processing to do it's thing
33:52c898aca207 2018-07-31 dev_alexander minimal changes made since last revision
32:b108ed6096b0 2018-07-30 dev_alexander This revision includes support for a processing python sketch that is borrowed from that uses grid eye data sent from slave device to the master device that then writes it over serial to a usb port.
31:f15747cffb20 2018-07-24 dev_alexander Added library that adds support for a GPS module to the Sketch. However, hasn't been tested though, so this needs to be reexamined in the future.
30:66f9750cc44c 2018-07-24 dev_alexander Changed the way that the program handles the ble connection. Converted functions that were deprecated to function correctly using the new ble methods of a newer version of mbed-os.
29:f7a0e49b826b 2018-07-24 dev_alexander Changed the pins that the MAX32630FTHR uses in order to communicate with the LoRa Shield. This makes the UART pins available for the BLE now.
28:0ed92c590607 2018-07-23 dev_alexander Reworked how the buffers are loaded and unloaded. Now prints off data received from the Slave on the Master. This is a stable release.
27:6b549f838f0a 2018-07-20 dev_alexander Trying to unify how the buffers were loaded and unloaded seemed to have broke how the buffer on the MAX32630FTHR. It was working much better when the buffers were loaded in the main(). I am probably going to revert to the previous method.
26:69aba05f010f 2018-07-20 dev_alexander Tried to change how the global buffers are instantiated and where they are to be stored.
25:1a031add188a 2018-07-19 dev_alexander Got messages of different sizes to send to each other. Changed maximum number of bytes per payload to a max value of 255 for more sensor data to be added. Also began debugging the grid eye sensor data acquisition issue.
24:e8d03912f303 2018-07-18 dev_alexander Modified how buffers are handled in various functions in GenericPingPong.cpp to accommodate for how the buffer sizes for TX and RX are different depending on slave or master status. Still need to finish global_buffers.cpp.
23:f74a50977593 2018-07-18 dev_alexander I added file global_buffers.h and also reworked a portion of the main.cpp to adjust to the new method of using global buffers defined in a different file.
22:abca9d17d13d 2018-07-13 dev_alexander This basic working revision sets up communication with dedicated master or slave compile options based on the board it was compiled for. MAX32630FTHR assumes Master, and MAX32620FHTR assumes Slave.
21:1b92cabe8a3b 2018-06-21 dev_alexander Added Link to where to find wiring instructions for sx1276 enabled ; (RFM95) LoRa Radios.
20:c57404b94a1d 2018-06-04 dev_alexander Deleted unused library
19:9f035b9e65ec 2018-06-01 dev_alexander got this sample program for 2+ sx1276 modules to communicate in a ping pong fashion. This program has been tested and verified to run with 915MHz Hope RFM95 modules running with MAX32620FTHR and MAX32630FTHR micro controllers.
18:d5527ce82e6b 2018-03-12 Helmut64 Fixed the Heltec SPI SLCK Pin.
17:98f2528e8399 2018-02-23 Helmut64 Added Heltec L4 board Pins into PinMap.h; Added USBDevice library to support USBSerial console IO; Moved helper code into utils.cpp; Moved dprintf support with var args and serial or USBSerial output.; Added compile time version support to set RTC to compi...
16:675f4d0ee9e9 2018-02-22 Helmut64 Added proper PinMap for the Heltec Board; updated libs
15:c70f65d606c4 2018-01-30 Helmut64 Added STM32L432KC into PinMap.h
14:0a23f0ff71ce 2017-11-26 Helmut64 Updated SX1276 lib
13:5a32a1922fbc 2017-08-08 Helmut64 Updated target to TARGET_DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1; Use latest mbed version.; No need to set the system clock anymore because LRWAN1 is not included in mbed.; Updated to latest SX1276GenericLib.
12:aa287e51c09e 2017-07-11 Helmut64 Updated SX1276GenerlicLib. (Arduino compatibility work)
11:d3a591c20cd7 2017-06-29 Helmut64 Added Radio callback this pointer and userData. This makes it easier to pass context into the interrupt callbacks. The this pointer allows to call C++ functions easier.; Update SX1276GenericLib
10:e589a497bd64 2017-06-23 Helmut64 Updated to use latest SX1276GenericLib.
9:2f9e4be4d046 2017-05-30 Helmut64 Defined missing PC_13 for the LRWAN1 board.; Updated to latest mbed and SX1276Generic libs
8:3b0d7b4ff28f 2017-05-19 Helmut64 Updated description.
7:6a8a82bfb0c6 2017-05-19 Helmut64 Update SX1276GenericLib, Lora frequencies are now specified in Hz.
6:1b598b0e52e4 2017-05-19 Helmut64 Updated SX12GenerlicLib; Radio Init has now a return value true of a Radio chip is detected.
5:e3b39ae71d3c 2017-05-17 Helmut64 Updated SX1276GenericLib
4:1413cd44cb4b 2017-05-16 Helmut64 Updated to newer 1276GenericLib
3:dc560d3e9070 2017-05-14 Helmut64 Added Radio pointer to callbacks.
2:772fb0dbccef 2017-05-11 Helmut64 Updated SX1276Generic lib.
1:65d602e2d746 2017-05-10 Helmut64 Added simple sleep to save power.
0:c43b6919ae15 2017-05-10 Helmut64 Initial checkin Lora support for the STM B_L072Z_LRWAN1 board out of the box.;