Simple websocket client based on the original with a few added features such as: - setBaud() - set the baud rate for the communication - Initialize() - mimics the constructor - chaged read() to readmsg() to avoid confusion with other functions - Added SerialCommPort

Fork of WebSocketClient by Damien Frost


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
30:0b5a84149a79 2017-08-23 defrost - Fixed bug in receiveBytes, it now works default tip
29:33d77a538611 2017-08-22 defrost - Added readByte()
28:33ea48ed24ca 2017-05-24 defrost - Added opcode to send Binary data over websocket
27:bbe2b90ebd3c 2017-05-23 defrost - Can't remember what I changed.
26:e13e6b11b780 2017-05-21 defrost - Added SerialCommPort
25:4a98a3b83b87 2016-10-04 defrost - Merged with changes from the internets
24:6f30d0c4ff7b 2016-10-04 defrost - Turned off debug messages
23:0d7b33cd11f9 2016-10-04 defrost - Change the readmsg() funciton to return an int instead of bool.; - (-1) is returned by readmsg() if the server disconnects
22:d2c00e47527c 2016-08-31 defrost - Turned off debug messages
21:420b83755885 2016-08-05 defrost - Debug on
20:ae675d49fa7f 2016-06-28 defrost - Added debugging statements
19:aa3d163e457e 2016-05-04 defrost - Turned off debug
18:49cfd9b4e060 2016-05-04 defrost - Debug on
17:c4f0e141bdbd 2016-04-07 defrost - Debug disabled
16:a8c6ee37356f 2016-04-07 defrost - Turn on DEBUG
15:9df4ffc6ce48 2016-04-01 defrost - Added setBaud() function - requires the function to be in the WiflyInterface as well!
14:bf42271bde6a 2016-03-31 defrost - Changed all std::printf to pc.printf
13:152b70450615 2016-03-31 defrost - Changed the public read() function to readmsg()
12:0979caf96fa6 2016-03-31 defrost - Added debug messages
11:85bff70bab45 2016-03-30 defrost - Added default constructor; - Added Initialize() method to mimic the constructor
10:fc40c56e8a3c 2016-03-30 defrost - Added debug
9:da7c2b9480c5 2016-03-25 defrost - Added some debug messages
8:64ebb855005c 2016-03-25 defrost - Turned on the debugging messages
7:4567996414a5 2013-02-08 samux reduce timeout
6:86e89a0369b9 2012-08-29 donatien removed useof std::string
5:bb09d7a6c92f 2012-08-29 donatien Added warning if disconnected by remote server
4:466f90b7849a 2012-08-20 samux avoid calling send() multiple times for one ws message
3:9589afa4712e 2012-08-15 samux add DBG macro
2:b390f29fb5fa 2012-08-13 samux less timeout to read the first character received
1:de85cd4ec77b 2012-08-13 samux avoid hardfault if accept received > 200 bytes
0:10b6eaafc2da 2012-08-10 samux websocket client with new official mbed tcp/ip stack