The field version of the solarnano grid on the ionQubes

Fork of SolarNanoGridv3 by SONG Project


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
36:a5620262f296 2016-09-06 defrost Turned off the charge rate update from hub default tip
35:ede6d8bad011 2016-08-03 defrost - Changed default charge rate to 1.5A
34:e4a42b47c117 2016-07-26 defrost - Changed the default charging current to 1.7 A
33:77d979225f45 2016-07-21 defrost - changed default charge current to 2.0 A
32:f586ce639168 2016-07-21 defrost - Commented out some flags stuff; - Changed Battery::sendFileDon()
31:3bf76548e024 2016-06-23 epgmdm Added flagSendFileDone
30:47f73b850a5e 2016-06-23 epgmdm Changed way files are sent.
29:bbdbe1094a63 2016-06-23 defrost - Retry commented out
28:e85a86fc8b59 2016-06-21 defrost - Reduced the size of the SD buffer, 131072 is TOO LARGE
27:512cf6199b1d 2016-06-21 defrost - Changed the order of SD Version and Community ID to match the rest of the code
26:10e8b9908631 2016-06-21 defrost - Added the public function doNewConfig() to SolarNanoGrid.cpp
25:1979c129acb0 2016-06-15 defrost - Added the power down command for the nrf module in the disableInt() function; - Added another spot where the startCharge flag is set to true; - Some minor formatting
24:6aba7f16e0c6 2016-06-15 defrost - Added the disable interrupt function in battery class
23:56134ab060f2 2016-06-15 defrost - Merged latest online version with my working copy
22:93fde34d9a94 2016-06-15 defrost - Green LED now toggles the Red LED because of conflict with ionQube hardware; - Added numerous debug statements
21:cb912a342846 2016-06-14 defrost - Made the requestMaxCharge public
20:8207ca4f7ddb 2016-06-14 defrost - Updated to latest revision; - Changed sng to Battery, from SolarNanoGrid object
19:1a5447ecbda0 2016-06-14 epgmdm Allowed it to be complied offline
18:be77ad141fac 2016-06-14 epgmdm Added following features:; 1) Send Dir will retry every 25s if can't access locker. ; 2) Battery checkout - revert to open address.; 3) Locker responds to maxCurrent (can be open or private address).
17:dc19b3b39790 2016-06-13 defrost - Added a ChargeStart flag; - Added functions to check the status of the Battery state, they do not really work
16:919e37e5a895 2016-06-11 defrost - Added a class to store useful information: role/id/etc..
15:e719c1cb0ea2 2016-06-10 defrost - Added ifndef/def blockers in some headers
14:0fc886ef3711 2016-06-10 defrost - File transfer working
13:de43f28c0365 2016-06-10 defrost - File transmission is starting to work, it still does not complete.; - Fixed all of the warnings in the code. Many of them were related to 'regular' string format specifiers being used with 'long' variables. %x -> %llx.
12:d9b13f31206d 2016-06-08 epgmdm Added getLogDir and getMaxCurrent as public methods to Battery
11:87ab310924f0 2016-06-08 epgmdm Utility up
10:30c9e8df0032 2016-06-03 defrost - Warnings all cleared up
9:541c2ae1cfec 2016-06-03 adrienBiz Fixed the variable initialisation in locker.h and locker.cpp
8:0acda4f2e0a8 2016-06-03 adrienBiz Fixed the variable initialization in the battery.h battery.ccp files
7:5db9aeec9c2e 2016-06-03 defrost - fixed the SolarNanoGrid.h
6:93ca8321f83e 2016-06-02 defrost - Latest version from Malcolm
5:57b06b4b47c6 2016-06-02 defrost - updated to v3.0 from Malcolm's email
4:2f1f72b2ccc5 2016-05-09 defrost - Working to the same point where Damien and Adrien have tested
3:350c167b9b2d 2016-05-09 defrost - Some minor changes to get us closer to a working comm link
2:929cf7fc6998 2016-05-09 defrost - battery, locker, and SNG class created; - can't communicate yet;
1:df924e0126d1 2016-05-06 defrost - Started turning the battery into a class
0:dc8a45ec969a 2016-05-05 defrost - Initial commit; - file structure sorted