Skeleton program for Federico's 4YP project.

Dependencies:   WebSocketClient WiflyInterface mbed messages

Fork of IoT_Ex by Damien Frost

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/source/globals.cpp	Tue Oct 04 13:19:19 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// ***************
+// * globals.cpp *
+// ***************
+// Created: 2015/03/19
+// By: Damien Frost
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+//#define DEBUG
+#define FUNCNAME "GBL"
+#include "messages.h"
+char* wifissid = "SC";
+char* wifipassword = "smartcellshield";
+Serial          pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+InterruptIn     UIBut1(USER_BUTTON);
+Timer           DisplayTimer;
+WiflyInterface eth(D8, D2, D6, LED1, wifissid, wifipassword, WPA2);
+int ReconnectAttempts = 0;
+int SendCounter = 0;
+extern int IoT_ID = 0;
+float TempSensor = 0.0f;
+Websocket ws;
+int SetupNetwork(int Tries){
+    // Initialize the interface.
+    // If no param is passed to init() then DHCP will be used on connect()
+    int s = eth.init();
+    int attempts = 1;
+        wait(1);
+        if (s != NULL) {
+            ERR("Could not initialise. Halting!");
+            exit(0);
+        }
+        INFO("Connecting to: %s", wifissid);
+        DBG("Getting IP address...");
+        while (1) {
+            // Connect to network:
+            s = eth.connect();
+            // If connection fails, retry for 5 attempts:
+            if (s == false || s < 0) {
+                INFO("Could not connect to network. Retrying!");
+                attempts++;
+                wait(1);
+            } else {
+                break;
+            }
+            if(attempts > Tries){
+                ERR("Network connection failed after %d attempts", Tries);
+                return 0;
+            }
+        }
+        INFO("Connected to: %s", wifissid);
+        INFO("Got IP address: %s", eth.getIPAddress());
+        IotStatus.SetFlag(SF_WIRELESSCONNECTED);
+        return 1;
+void SendNetworkData(void){
+    char msg_buffer[CHARMSGBUFF];
+    int intresult;    
+    if(IotStatus.CheckFlag(SF_SERVERCONNECTED)){
+        sprintf(msg_buffer, "%d,%d,%.5f", IoT_ID, SendCounter,TempSensor);
+        INFO("Sending: %s", msg_buffer);    // When this line is commented out, the mbed never tries to reconnect to the server after one try. SUPER. Keeping this here also uses precious CPU time
+        intresult = ws.send(msg_buffer);
+    }else{
+        intresult = -1;
+    }
+    DBG("intresult: %d", intresult);
+    if(intresult < 0){
+        // Clear a status flag:
+        IotStatus.ClearFlag(SF_SERVERCONNECTED);
+        // Check to see if the wireless is still connected:
+        DBG("Checking network status...");
+        if(eth.checkNetworkStatus() != 3){
+            IotStatus.ClearFlag(SF_WIRELESSCONNECTED);
+            // Connect to the wireless network:
+            if(IotStatus.CheckFlag(SF_AUTOCONNECT)){
+                INFO("Reconnecting to Network...");
+                if(SetupNetwork(1)>0){
+                    IotStatus.SetFlag(SF_WIRELESSCONNECTED);
+                    INFO("Connected to Network.");
+                }else{
+                    WARN("Could not re-connect to the wireless network.");
+                }
+            }
+        }else{
+            DBG("Network connected.");
+        }
+        if(IotStatus.CheckFlag(SF_AUTOCONNECT) && IotStatus.CheckFlag(SF_WIRELESSCONNECTED)){
+            // Server connection was closed, try to reconnect:
+            INFO("Reconnecting to Websocket Server on ws://%s:%d/ws...", SERVER_IP, WS_PORT);
+            if(!ws.connect()){
+                WARN("Could not connect to the server again...");
+                IotStatus.ClearFlag(SF_SERVERCONNECTED);
+                ReconnectAttempts++;
+                if(ReconnectAttempts > 4){
+                    INFO("Failed after %d reconnect attempts. Resetting the Wifi Shield...", ReconnectAttempts);
+                    SetupNetwork(1);
+                    ReconnectAttempts = 0;
+                }
+            }else{
+                INFO("Connected to ws://%s:%d/ws", SERVER_IP, WS_PORT);
+                // Set a status flag:
+                IotStatus.SetFlag(SF_SERVERCONNECTED);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+void ReceiveNetworkData(unsigned int * wifi_cmd, unsigned int * var, float * value){
+    char msg_buffer[CHARMSGBUFF];
+    char msg_buffer2[CHARMSGBUFF];
+    // Check for data on the websocket:
+    if(ws.readmsg(msg_buffer)){
+        INFO("Received: %s", msg_buffer);
+        sscanf(msg_buffer, "%d,%s", wifi_cmd, msg_buffer2);
+        if(*wifi_cmd == CHANGEVAR_WIFI_CMD){
+            // Get two more values:
+            sscanf(msg_buffer2, "%d,%f", var, value);
+        }else{
+            // Get one:
+            sscanf(msg_buffer2, "%f", value);
+        }
+    }else{
+        //DBG("Did not receive anything :(\n\r");
+        *wifi_cmd = NO_WIFI_CMD;
+        *var = 0;
+        *value = 0.0f;
+    }
+    return;
+void ModifyVariable(unsigned int wifi_var, float wifi_data){
+    // modifies something in the SCS Controller:
+    switch(wifi_var){
+        case CV_LED:
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    return;
\ No newline at end of file