Fork of mbed5a_testy by
- Committer:
- deerjelen
- Date:
- 2017-06-20
- Revision:
- 2:0fcc9b85c8f6
- Parent:
- 1:b8d65b5745d1
File content as of revision 2:0fcc9b85c8f6:
//#include <LPC21xx.H> #include "serwo.h" #include "led.h" #include "mbed.h" //#include "timer_interrupts.h" #define DETECTOR_bm (1<<10) DigitalIn det(PA_0); Ticker SerwoTim; enum ServoState {CALLIB, IDDLE, IN_PROGRESS}; struct Servo { enum ServoState eState; unsigned int uiCurrentPosition; unsigned int uiDesiredPosition; }; struct Servo sServo; enum State {ACTIVE, INACTIVE}; void DetectorInit(void){ //IO0DIR=IO0DIR&(~DETECTOR_bm); } enum State eReadDetector (void){ if(det){ return(INACTIVE); }else{ return(ACTIVE); } } void Servo_Callib(void){ sServo.eState = CALLIB; while(eReadDetector()==INACTIVE); } void Servo_GoTo(unsigned int uiPosition){ sServo.eState = IN_PROGRESS; sServo.uiDesiredPosition = uiPosition; } void SerwoAutomat(){ switch(sServo.eState){ case IDDLE: if(sServo.uiCurrentPosition != sServo.uiDesiredPosition){ sServo.eState = IN_PROGRESS; }else{ sServo.eState = IDDLE; } break; case IN_PROGRESS: if(sServo.uiCurrentPosition > sServo.uiDesiredPosition){ Led_StepLeft(); sServo.eState = IN_PROGRESS; sServo.uiCurrentPosition--; }else if(sServo.uiCurrentPosition < sServo.uiDesiredPosition){ sServo.eState = IN_PROGRESS; Led_StepRight(); sServo.uiCurrentPosition++; }else{ sServo.eState = IDDLE; } break; case CALLIB: if(eReadDetector()==INACTIVE){ Led_StepRight(); }else{ sServo.eState = IDDLE; sServo.uiCurrentPosition = 0; sServo.uiDesiredPosition = 0; } break; } } void Servo_Init(unsigned int uiServoFrequency){ //Timer0Interrupts_Init(1000000/uiServoFrequency, &SerwoAutomat); SerwoTim.attach(&SerwoAutomat,float(1/float(uiServoFrequency))); LedInt(); DetectorInit(); Servo_Callib(); }