
Dependencies:   mbed Grove_LCD_RGB_Backlight

diff -r cb2826e4b518 -r 734e32694486 lab6b.cpp
--- a/lab6b.cpp	Thu Aug 27 17:22:29 2020 +0000
+++ b/lab6b.cpp	Sat Nov 07 22:06:33 2020 +0000
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
     Description:    This program will take keyboard input to position
                     fixed text and to change the colour of screen the
                     text is displayed on.
 // Include Section
 #include "Grove_LCD_RGB_Backlight.h"        // Grove LCD header file
 #include "mbed.h"                           // mbed header file
@@ -16,29 +15,32 @@
 void position(int x, int y);                // positions screen cursor at (x,y)
 // Hardware definition Section
-Grove_LCD_RGB_Backlight lcd(D14,D15);       // lcd is associated with (D14,D15)
+Grove_LCD_RGB_Backlight LCD(D14,D15);       // lcd is associated with (D14,D15)
 AnalogIn pot(A1);                           // pot is associated with A1
-const int MAX=10;                           // MAX is dimension of Buffer Array
+const int MAX=20;                           // MAX is dimension of Buffer Array
 int main(void) 
    char buffer[MAX];                        // buffer has MAX elements
-   double voltage;                          // variable for storing voltage
+   double voltage,voltage1;                 // variable for storing voltage
    int i;                                   // variable used to null array
    for(i=0;i<=MAX-1;++i)                    // NULL all elements 0 to MAX-1
      buffer[i]=0;                           // set element to NULL character
-   lcd.clear();                             // clear lcd screen
-   lcd.locate(0,0);                         // 1st column 1st row
-   lcd.print("0123456789012345");           // print grid 0-15
-   lcd.setRGB(0x00,0x00,0xff);              // set background to blue
+   LCD.clear();                             // clear lcd screen
+   LCD.locate(0,0);                         // 1st column 1st row
+    sprintf(buffer,"Reading Voltage");
+    LCD.locate(1,0);
+    LCD.print(buffer);
+   LCD.setRGB(0x00,0x00,0xff);              // set background to blue
    for(;;)                                  // infinite loop
       voltage=pot.read();                   // voltage reading (0-1) from pot
-      voltage=3.33*voltage;                 // scale to 3.33 volts
-      lcd.locate(3,1);                      // 4th column 2nd row
-      sprintf(buffer,"%5.3f",voltage);      // voltage to string in buffer
-      lcd.print(buffer);                    // print buffer on lcd
+      voltage1=3.33*voltage;                // scale to 3.33 volts
+      LCD.locate(2,1);                      // 4th column 2nd row
+      sprintf(buffer,"%5.3f  %5.3f",
+      voltage,voltage1);                    // voltage to string in buffer
+      LCD.print(buffer);                    // print buffer on lcd
\ No newline at end of file