Dependencies:   FatFileSystem mbed WeatherMeters SDFileSystem

diff -r 000000000000 -r 1a61c61d0845 HTTPServer.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HTTPServer.h	Tue Apr 03 18:43:13 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+/* Copyright 2011 Adam Green (
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+/* Header file for HTTP Server functionality. */
+#ifndef HTTPSERVER_H_
+#define HTTPSERVER_H_
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include "lwip/tcp.h"
+// UNDONE: Make protected member of CHTTPServer object?
+/** Structure used to buffer data being read in from content files and then
+    written out the TCP/IP connections.
+struct SBuffer
+    char*           pWrite;                 /**< Pointer into Data where the next tcp_write() should begin.  There are BytesToWrite valid bytes left in the Data array to be sent. */
+    // UNDONE: These can be shorts since mbed only has a total of 64k anyway.
+    unsigned int    BytesToWrite;           /**< Number of bytes in buffer left to be written to outbound connection. */
+    unsigned int    UnacknowledgedBytes;    /**< Number of bytes outstanding on network waiting for acknowledgment. */
+    char            Data[TCP_SND_BUF];      /**< The actual buffer holding data to be sent to remote client. */
+// *****************
+// * C++ Interface *
+// *****************
+/** Interface to be returned from an application to provide callbacks for a
+    specific HTTP request.
+class IHTTPRequestHandlerContext
+    /** Called by the CHTTPServer object before any WriteRequestHeader() calls
+        to let the application to know to expect subsequent 
+        WriteRequestHeader() calls.
+        @returns 0 if the application isn't interested in receiving subsequent
+                 WriteRequestHeader() and EndRequestHeaders() callbacks.
+                 Returns non-zero value to receive headers.
+    */
+    virtual int  BeginRequestHeaders() = 0;
+    /** Called by CHTTPServer for each HTTP request header sent by the HTTP 
+        client.  The server won't issue this callback if 0 was previously
+        returned by the application from the BeginRequestHeaders() method.
+        @param pHeaderName is the name of this header field.  If this string
+               is empty then this header line is a continuation of the previous
+               header line which did have a field name.  The string
+               pointed to by this parameter has a short lifetime and is only
+               valid during the duration of this call.
+        @param pHeaderValue is the string value of this header field.  The
+               string pointed to by this parameter has a short lifetime and is
+               only valid during the duration of this call.
+    */
+    virtual void WriteRequestHeader(const char* pHeaderName, 
+                                    const char* pHeaderValue) = 0;
+    /** Called by the CHTTPServer object after it has completed all of the
+        necessary WriteRequestHeader() calls to enumerate the headers of the
+        HTTP client's request.
+    */
+    virtual void EndRequestHeaders() = 0;
+    /** Called by CHTTPServer to let the application know that it should expect
+        subsequent WriteRequestContentBlock() calls for processing of the
+        request content as it arrives on the TCP/IP socket.
+        Only POST requests from a client should include such content data.
+        @param ContentSize is the size of the request content to be sent from
+               the HTTP client.  This value indicates the total number of bytes
+               that should result from all of the WriteRequestContentBlock()
+               calls to follow.
+        @returns 0 if the application isn't interested in receiving subsequent
+                 WriteRequestContentBlock() and EndRequestContent() callbacks.
+                 Returns non-zero value to receive request content data.
+    */
+    virtual int BeginRequestContent(size_t ContentSize) = 0;
+    /** Called for each block of request data received from the HTTP client.
+        The server won't issue this callback if the application returned 0 from
+        the BeginRequestContent() method.
+        @param pBlockBuffer is a pointer to the block of request content data
+               most recently received from the HTTP client.
+        @param BlockBufferSize is the number of bytes contained in 
+               pBlockBuffer.
+    */
+    virtual void WriteRequestContentBlock(const void* pBlockBuffer, 
+                                          size_t BlockBufferSize) = 0;
+    /** Called by CHTTPServer after it has completed all of the 
+        WriteRequestContentBlock() calls for processing of the request content
+        data sent from the HTTP client.
+    */
+    virtual void EndRequestContent() = 0;
+    /** Called by CHTTPServer object to get the status line from the
+        application to be returned to the HTTP client for this request.
+        Examples: "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" -or- "HTTP/1.0 404 File no found\r\n"
+        @param pStatusLineLength points to the length to be filled in by the
+               application indicating the length, in character, of the returned
+               status line.  It should not include the NULL terminator.  It
+               must have a non-zero value.
+        @returns a pointer to the status line to be returned to the HTTP client
+                 for this request.  It should start with the "HTTP/1.0" string
+                 and end with a newline designator of "\r\n".  The return value
+                 can't be NULL.
+    */
+    virtual const char* GetStatusLine(size_t* pStatusLineLength) = 0;
+    /** Called by the CHTTPServer object to get all of the response headers
+        that the application would like to be returned to the HTTP client.  The
+        CHTTPServer will append this header string to the 
+        "Server: ServerName\r\n" header that it always sends.
+        Example: "Content-Length: 100\r\n"
+        @param pResponseHeaderLength points to the length to be filled in by
+               the application indicating the length, in character, of the
+               returned header string.  It should not include the NULL
+               terminator and can be 0 if the returned value is NULL.
+        @returns a pointer to the extra headers to be returned to the HTTP
+                 client for this request.  It can be NULL if the application
+                 has no special headers to be returned.
+    */
+    virtual const char* GetResponseHeaders(size_t* pResponseHeaderLength) = 0;
+    /** Called by CHTTPServer to let application know that there will be
+        subsequent ReadResponseContentBlock() calls to obtain the content data
+        from the application to be sent back to the HTTP client in the
+        response.
+        @returns 0 if the application has no content to be sent back in the
+                 HTTP response.
+    */
+    virtual int BeginResponseContent() = 0;
+    /** Called by CHTTPServer to get the next block of response data to be
+        sent back to the HTTP client.
+        @param pBuffer is a pointer to the buffer to be filled in by the
+               application with data to be sent back to the HTTP client in the
+               response.
+        @param BytesToRead indicates the number of bytes that should be placed
+               into pBuffer by the application.  The application should only
+               place fewer than this requested amount on the last block of
+               data to be sent back to the HTTP client.
+        @returns The number of bytes that were actually placed in pBuffer for
+                 this call.  It can only be smaller than BytesToRead on the
+                 last block to be sent since the server uses such truncated
+                reads to know when it has sent the last block of response
+                data.
+    */
+    virtual size_t ReadResponseContentBlock(char*  pBuffer,
+                                            size_t BytesToRead) = 0;
+    /** Called by CHTTPServer to let the application know that it has finished
+       sending all of the response data to the HTTP client.  The application
+       can use such a call to close any files that it has open for satsifying
+       this request.
+    */
+    virtual void EndResponseContent() = 0;
+    /** Called by the CHTTPServer object when it is completely done processing
+       this HTTP response request so that the application can free up any
+       resources it has associated with this HTTP client request, including the
+       IHTTPRequestHandlerContext derived object servicing these callbacks.
+    */
+    virtual void Release() = 0;
+/** The application can provide an IRequestHandler interface implementation to
+ *  the HTTP server object.  The methods on such attached interface objects will
+ *  be called by the server before it attempts default handling of HTTP
+ *  requests.  This gives the application an opportunity to provide overrides
+ *  for handling POST requests or GET requests in a certain part of the URI
+ *  namespace.
+ */
+class IHTTPRequestHandler
+    /** Called by the server for each GET request.  If the application would
+        like to handle the GET request rather than using the default server
+        code then the application should return a valid 
+        IHTTPRequestHandlerContext object pointer on which the server will call
+        methods.  These method calls will inform the application of which
+        headers were sent in the request and then obtain the response data to
+        be sent back to the HTTP client.  Returning a NULL pointer indicates 
+        that the server should search in its pRootPathname directory for the
+        requested file.
+        @param pURI is a pointer to the URI being requested by the HTTP
+               client.  This is a short lived object that will only be
+               valid during this call.
+        @returns NULL if the CHTTPServer object should process the GET
+                 request on its own.  Otherwise return an
+                 IHTTPRequestHandlerContext object pointer so that the
+                 application can be notified of additional request
+                 information and provide the response data.
+    */
+    virtual IHTTPRequestHandlerContext* HandleGetRequest(const char* pURI) = 0;
+    /** Called by the server for each HEAD request.  If the application would
+        like to handle the HEAD request rather than using the default server
+        code then the application should return a valid 
+        IHTTPRequestHandlerContext object pointer on which the server will call
+        methods.  These method calls will inform the application of which
+        headers were sent in the request and then obtain the response data to
+        be sent back to the HTTP client.  Returning a NULL pointer indicates 
+        that the server should search in its pRootPathname directory for the
+        requested file.
+        @param pURI is a pointer to the URI being requested by the HTTP
+               client.  This is a short lived object that will only be
+               valid during this call.
+        @returns NULL if the CHTTPServer object should process the HEAD
+                 request on its own.  Otherwise return an
+                 IHTTPRequestHandlerContext object pointer so that the
+                 application can be notified of additional request
+                 information.
+    */
+    virtual IHTTPRequestHandlerContext* HandleHeadRequest(const char* pURI) = 0;
+    /** Called by the server for each POST request.  If the application would
+        like to handle the POST request then it should return a valid 
+        IHTTPRequestHandlerContext object pointer on which the server will call
+        methods.  These method calls will inform the application of which
+        headers were sent in the request and then obtain the response data to
+        be sent back to the HTTP client.  Returning a NULL pointer indicates 
+        that the server should fail this POST request with a not implemented
+        error.
+        @param pURI is a pointer to the URI being requested by the HTTP
+               client.  This is a short lived object that will only be
+               valid during this call.
+        @returns NULL if the CHTTPServer object should fail the POST
+                 request.  Otherwise return an IHTTPRequestHandlerContext 
+                 object pointer so that the application can be notified of
+                 additional request information and provide the response data.
+    */
+    virtual IHTTPRequestHandlerContext* HandlePostRequest(const char* pURI) = 0;
+    /** Called by the server for each unrecognized request.  If the application
+        would to handle such request then it should return a valid 
+        IHTTPRequestHandlerContext object pointer on which the server will call
+        methods.  These method calls will inform the application of which
+        headers were sent in the request and then obtain the response data to
+        be sent back to the HTTP client.  Returning a NULL pointer indicates 
+        that the server should fail this bad request with an appropriate error.
+        @param pRequest is a pointer to the request being made by the HTTP
+               client.  This is a short lived object that will only be
+               valid during this call.
+        @returns NULL if the CHTTPServer object should fail this
+                 request.  Otherwise return an IHTTPRequestHandlerContext 
+                 object pointer so that the application can be notified of
+                 additional request information and provide the response data.
+    */
+    virtual IHTTPRequestHandlerContext* HandleBadRequest(const char* pRequest) = 0;
+// Forward declaration of class used to hold context for each HTTP client 
+// connection.
+class CHTTPContext;
+/** HTTP server class.
+class CHTTPServer
+    /** Constructor */
+    CHTTPServer();
+    /** Attach IRequestHandler to the HTTP server to allow application to add
+        custom GET/HEAD/POST handling.
+        @param pHandler is a pointer to the application specific request handler object
+               to be used by the HTTP server when it receives GET/POST requests.
+        @returns 0 on successful attachment and a positive value otherwise.
+    */
+    int AttachRequestHandler(IHTTPRequestHandler* pHandler);
+    /** Initializes the HTTP server object by binding it to to the specified
+        port number.
+        @param pRootPathame is the pathname of the default root directory from which the
+               HTTP GET requests are satisfied.
+        @param pServerName is the name of the server to be returned to the HTTP client
+               in the Server header.
+        @param BindPort is the TCP/IP port to which the HTTP server should listen for
+                incoming requests.  The default port for HTTP would be 80.
+        @returns 0 on success and a positive value otherwise.
+    */
+    int Bind(const char*    pRootPathname,
+             const char*    pServerName = "lwIP_HTTPServer/1.0",
+             unsigned short BindPort = 80);
+    // Static Method Prototypes for lwIP Callbacks.
+    static err_t        HTTPAccept(void* pvArg, tcp_pcb* pNewPCB, err_t err);
+    // Methods called from CHTTPContext.
+    friend class CHTTPContext;
+    void                FreeBuffer(SBuffer* pBuffer);
+    void                RemoveWaitingContext(CHTTPContext* pHTTPContext);
+    SBuffer*            AllocateBuffer(CHTTPContext* pHTTPContext);
+    // Listening port for HTTP Server.
+    tcp_pcb*                m_pHTTPListenPCB;
+    // Head and tail pointers for queue of client contexts that are waiting to
+    // be allocated a SBuffer from the BufferPool.
+    CHTTPContext*           m_pContextWaitingHead;
+    CHTTPContext*           m_pContextWaitingTail;
+    // The default root directory from which the HTTP GET requests are satisfied.
+    const char*             m_pRootPathname;
+    // Pointer to interface from application allowing it to handle HTTP requests.
+    IHTTPRequestHandler*    m_pRequestHandler;
+    // Server header returned to HTTP clients.
+    size_t                  m_ServerHeaderLength;
+    char                    m_ServerHeader[64];
+    // Pool of buffers to use for transitioning data from the filesystem to
+    // the network.
+    SBuffer                 m_BufferPool[HTTP_BUFFER_POOL];
+#endif /* HTTPSERVER_H_ */