MicroBit clock based on DS3231

Dependencies:   ds3231 microbit

Fri Jul 22 16:30:22 2016 +0000
General app for temperature with offset adjustment also can display heading and acceleration (microbit examples). Adjust screen brightness

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 1 # microbit-samples
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 2
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 3 A collection of example programs using the micro:bit runtime.
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 4
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 5 The source folder contains a selection of samples demonstrating the capabilities and usage of the runtime APIs.
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 6 To select a sample, edit the `MicroBitSamples.h` file in the source folder and uncomment the line matching the
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 7 sample you wish to use. Please be sure to note that only one sample is selected at a time.
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 8
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 9 ## Overview
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daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 11 The micro:bit runtime provides an easy to use environment for programming the BBC micro:bit in the C/C++ language, written by Lancaster University. It contains device drivers for all the hardware capabilities of the micro:bit, and also a suite of runtime mechanisms to make programming the micro:bit easier and more flexible. These range from control of the LED matrix display to peer-to-peer radio communication and secure Bluetooth Low Energy services. The micro:bit runtime is proudly built on the ARM mbed and Nordic nrf51 platforms.
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 12
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 13 In addition to supporting development in C/C++, the runtime is also designed specifically to support higher level languages provided by our partners that target the micro:bit. It is currently used as a support library for all the languages on the BBC www.microbit.co.uk website, including Microsoft Block, Microsoft TouchDevelop, Code Kingdoms JavaScript and Micropython languages.
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daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 15 ## Links
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 16
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 17 [micro:bit runtime docs](http://lancaster-university.github.io/microbit-docs/) | [microbit-dal](https://github.com/lancaster-university/microbit-dal) | [uBit](https://github.com/lancaster-university/microbit)
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daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 19 ## Build Environments
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 20
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 21 | Build Environment | Documentation |
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 22 | ------------- |-------------|
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 23 | ARM mbed online | http://lancaster-university.github.io/microbit-docs/online-toolchains/#mbed |
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 24 | yotta | http://lancaster-university.github.io/microbit-docs/offline-toolchains/#yotta |
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 25
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 26 ## BBC Community Guidelines
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 27
daw9000 0:1072edc2281c 28 [BBC Community Guidelines](https://www.microbit.co.uk/help#sect_cg)