Port of RadioHead version 1.48 to mbed. It is a little messy and only works for SPI at this time.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RHDatagram.h	Thu Oct 15 01:27:00 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+// RHDatagram.h
+// Author: Mike McCauley (mikem@airspayce.com)
+// Copyright (C) 2011 Mike McCauley
+// $Id: RHDatagram.h,v 1.14 2015/08/12 23:18:51 mikem Exp $
+#ifndef RHDatagram_h
+#define RHDatagram_h
+#include <RHGenericDriver.h>
+// This is the maximum possible message size for radios supported by RadioHead.
+// Not all radios support this length, and many are much smaller
+#define RH_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 255
+/// \class RHDatagram RHDatagram.h <RHDatagram.h>
+/// \brief Manager class for addressed, unreliable messages
+/// Every RHDatagram node has an 8 bit address (defaults to 0).
+/// Addresses (DEST and SRC) are 8 bit integers with an address of RH_BROADCAST_ADDRESS (0xff) 
+/// reserved for broadcast.
+/// \par Media Access Strategy
+/// RHDatagram and the underlying drivers always transmit as soon as sendto() is called.
+/// \par Message Lengths
+/// Not all Radio drivers supported by RadioHead can handle the same message lengths. Some radios can handle
+/// up to 255 octets, and some as few as 28. If you attempt to send a message that is too long for 
+/// the underlying driver, sendTo() will return false and will not transmit the message. 
+/// It is the programmers responsibility to make
+/// sure that messages passed to sendto() do not exceed the capability of the radio. You can use the 
+/// *_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH definitions or driver->maxMessageLength() to help.
+/// \par Headers
+/// Each message sent and received by a RadioHead driver includes 4 headers:<br>
+/// \b TO The node address that the message is being sent to (broadcast RH_BROADCAST_ADDRESS (255) is permitted)<br>
+/// \b FROM The node address of the sending node<br>
+/// \b ID A message ID, distinct (over short time scales) for each message sent by a particilar node<br>
+/// \b FLAGS A bitmask of flags. The most significant 4 bits are reserved for use by RadioHead. The least
+/// significant 4 bits are reserved for applications.<br>
+class RHDatagram
+    /// Constructor. 
+    /// \param[in] driver The RadioHead driver to use to transport messages.
+    /// \param[in] thisAddress The address to assign to this node. Defaults to 0
+    RHDatagram(RHGenericDriver& driver, uint8_t thisAddress = 0);
+    /// Initialise this instance and the 
+    /// driver connected to it.
+    bool init();
+    /// Sets the address of this node. Defaults to 0. 
+    /// This will be used to set the FROM address of all messages sent by this node.
+    /// In a conventional multinode system, all nodes will have a unique address 
+    /// (which you could store in EEPROM).
+    /// \param[in] thisAddress The address of this node
+    void setThisAddress(uint8_t thisAddress);
+    /// Sends a message to the node(s) with the given address
+    /// RH_BROADCAST_ADDRESS is a valid address which will cause the message
+    /// to be accepted by all RHDatagram nodes within range.
+    /// \param[in] buf Pointer to the binary message to send
+    /// \param[in] len Number of octets to send (> 0)
+    /// \param[in] address The address to send the message to.
+    /// \return true if the message not too loing fot eh driver, and the message was transmitted.
+    bool sendto(uint8_t* buf, uint8_t len, uint8_t address);
+    /// Turns the receiver on if it not already on.
+    /// If there is a valid message available for this node, copy it to buf and return true
+    /// The SRC address is placed in *from if present and not NULL.
+    /// The DEST address is placed in *to if present and not NULL.
+    /// If a message is copied, *len is set to the length.
+    /// You should be sure to call this function frequently enough to not miss any messages
+    /// It is recommended that you call it in your main loop.
+    /// \param[in] buf Location to copy the received message
+    /// \param[in,out] len Pointer to available space in buf. Set to the actual number of octets copied.
+    /// \param[in] from If present and not NULL, the referenced uint8_t will be set to the FROM address
+    /// \param[in] to If present and not NULL, the referenced uint8_t will be set to the TO address
+    /// \param[in] id If present and not NULL, the referenced uint8_t will be set to the ID
+    /// \param[in] flags If present and not NULL, the referenced uint8_t will be set to the FLAGS
+    /// (not just those addressed to this node).
+    /// \return true if a valid message was copied to buf
+    bool recvfrom(uint8_t* buf, uint8_t* len, uint8_t* from = NULL, uint8_t* to = NULL, uint8_t* id = NULL, uint8_t* flags = NULL);
+    /// Tests whether a new message is available
+    /// from the Driver.
+    /// On most drivers, this will also put the Driver into RHModeRx mode until
+    /// a message is actually received bythe transport, when it will be returned to RHModeIdle.
+    /// This can be called multiple times in a timeout loop.
+    /// \return true if a new, complete, error-free uncollected message is available to be retreived by recv()
+    bool            available();
+    /// Starts the Driver receiver and blocks until a valid received 
+    /// message is available.
+    void            waitAvailable();
+    /// Blocks until the transmitter 
+    /// is no longer transmitting.
+    bool            waitPacketSent();
+    /// Blocks until the transmitter is no longer transmitting.
+    /// or until the timeout occuers, whichever happens first
+    /// \param[in] timeout Maximum time to wait in milliseconds.
+    /// \return true if the radio completed transmission within the timeout period. False if it timed out.
+    bool            waitPacketSent(uint16_t timeout);
+    /// Starts the Driver receiver and blocks until a received message is available or a timeout
+    /// \param[in] timeout Maximum time to wait in milliseconds.
+    /// \return true if a message is available
+    bool            waitAvailableTimeout(uint16_t timeout);
+    /// Sets the TO header to be sent in all subsequent messages
+    /// \param[in] to The new TO header value
+    void           setHeaderTo(uint8_t to);
+    /// Sets the FROM header to be sent in all subsequent messages
+    /// \param[in] from The new FROM header value
+    void           setHeaderFrom(uint8_t from);
+    /// Sets the ID header to be sent in all subsequent messages
+    /// \param[in] id The new ID header value
+    void           setHeaderId(uint8_t id);
+    /// Sets and clears bits in the FLAGS header to be sent in all subsequent messages
+    /// \param[in] set bitmask of bits to be set
+    /// \param[in] clear bitmask of flags to clear
+    void           setHeaderFlags(uint8_t set, uint8_t clear = RH_FLAGS_NONE);
+    /// Returns the TO header of the last received message
+    /// \return The TO header of the most recently received message.
+    uint8_t        headerTo();
+    /// Returns the FROM header of the last received message
+    /// \return The FROM header of the most recently received message.
+    uint8_t        headerFrom();
+    /// Returns the ID header of the last received message
+    /// \return The ID header of the most recently received message.
+    uint8_t        headerId();
+    /// Returns the FLAGS header of the last received message
+    /// \return The FLAGS header of the most recently received message.
+    uint8_t        headerFlags();
+    /// Returns the address of this node.
+    /// \return The address of this node
+    uint8_t         thisAddress();
+    /// The Driver we are to use
+    RHGenericDriver&        _driver;
+    /// The address of this node
+    uint8_t         _thisAddress;