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GPSSerial Class Reference

gps class which uses a serial port as physical interface. More...

#include <GPS.h>

Inherits SerialPipe, and GPSParser.

Public Types

enum  { WAIT = -1, NOT_FOUND = 0 }

Public Member Functions

 GPSSerial (PinName tx GPS_IF(=GPSTXD,), PinName rx GPS_IF(=GPSRXD,), int baudrate GPS_IF(=GPSBAUD,=9600), int rxSize=256, int txSize=128)
virtual ~GPSSerial (void)
virtual bool init (PinName pn=NC)
 Power on / Wake up the gps.
virtual int getMessage (char *buf, int len)
 Get a line from the physical interface.
int writeable (void)
 check if writable return the number of free bytes
int putc (int c)
 send a character (blocking)
int put (const void *buffer, int length, bool blocking)
 send a buffer
int readable (void)
 check if readable
int getc (void)
 receive one character from the serial port (blocking)
int get (void *buffer, int length, bool blocking)
 read a buffer from the serial port
virtual int send (const char *buf, int len)
 send a buffer
virtual int sendNmea (const char *buf, int len)
 send a NMEA message, this function just takes the payload and calculates and adds checksum.
virtual int sendUbx (unsigned char cls, unsigned char id, const void *buf=NULL, int len=0)
 send a UBX message, this function just takes the payload and calculates and adds checksum.
void powerOff (void)
 Power off the gps, it can be again woken up by an edge on the serial port on the external interrupt pin.

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * findNmeaItemPos (int ix, const char *start, const char *end)
 get the first character of a NMEA field
static bool getNmeaItem (int ix, char *buf, int len, double &val)
 extract a double value from a buffer containing a NMEA message
static bool getNmeaItem (int ix, char *buf, int len, int &val, int base)
 extract a interger value from a buffer containing a NMEA message
static bool getNmeaItem (int ix, char *buf, int len, char &val)
 extract a char value from a buffer containing a NMEA message
static bool getNmeaAngle (int ix, char *buf, int len, double &val)
 extract a latitude/longitude value from a buffer containing a NMEA message

Protected Member Functions

virtual int _send (const void *buf, int len)
 Write bytes to the physical interface.
void rxIrqBuf (void)
 receive interrupt routine
void txIrqBuf (void)
 transmit interrupt woutine
void txStart (void)
 start transmission helper
void txCopy (void)
 move bytes to hardware

Static Protected Member Functions

static int _getMessage (Pipe< char > *pipe, char *buf, int len)
 Get a line from the physical interface.
static int _parseNmea (Pipe< char > *pipe, int len)
 Check if the current offset of the pipe contains a NMEA message.
static int _parseUbx (Pipe< char > *pipe, int len)
 Check if the current offset of the pipe contains a UBX message.

Protected Attributes

Pipe< char > _pipeRx
 receive pipe
Pipe< char > _pipeTx
 transmit pipe

Static Protected Attributes

static const char toHex [16] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F' }
 num to hex conversion

Detailed Description

gps class which uses a serial port as physical interface.

Definition at line 167 of file GPS.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum [inherited]

wait for more incoming data (the start of a message was found, or no data available)


a parser concluded the the current offset of the pipe doe not contain a valid message

Definition at line 22 of file GPS.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GPSSerial ( PinName tx   GPS_IF=GPSTXD,,
PinName rx   GPS_IF=GPSRXD,,
int baudrate   GPS_IF=GPSBAUD,=9600,
int  rxSize = 256,
int  txSize = 128 


txis the serial ports transmit pin (gps to CPU)
rxis the serial ports receive pin (CPU to gps)
baudratethe baudrate of the gps use 9600
rxSizethe size of the serial rx buffer
txSizethe size of the serial tx buffer
~GPSSerial ( void   ) [virtual]


Definition at line 251 of file GPS.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int _getMessage ( Pipe< char > *  pipe,
char *  buf,
int  len 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Get a line from the physical interface.

pipethe receiveing pipe to parse messages
bufthe buffer to store it
lensize of the buffer
type and length if something was found, WAIT if not enough data is available NOT_FOUND if nothing was found

Definition at line 15 of file GPS.cpp.

int _parseNmea ( Pipe< char > *  pipe,
int  len 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Check if the current offset of the pipe contains a NMEA message.

pipethe receiveing pipe to parse messages
lennumer of bytes to parse at maximum
length if something was found (including the NMEA frame) WAIT if not enough data is available NOT_FOUND if nothing was found

Definition at line 53 of file GPS.cpp.

int _parseUbx ( Pipe< char > *  pipe,
int  len 
) [static, protected, inherited]

Check if the current offset of the pipe contains a UBX message.

pipethe receiveing pipe to parse messages
lennumer of bytes to parse at maximum
length if something was found (including the UBX frame) WAIT if not enough data is available NOT_FOUND if nothing was found

Definition at line 82 of file GPS.cpp.

int _send ( const void *  buf,
int  len 
) [protected, virtual]

Write bytes to the physical interface.

bufthe buffer to write
lensize of the buffer to write
bytes written

Implements GPSParser.

Definition at line 278 of file GPS.cpp.

const char * findNmeaItemPos ( int  ix,
const char *  start,
const char *  end 
) [static, inherited]

get the first character of a NMEA field

ixthe index of the field to find
startthe start of the buffer
endthe end of the buffer
the pointer to the first character of the field.

Definition at line 158 of file GPS.cpp.

int get ( void *  buffer,
int  length,
bool  blocking 
) [inherited]

read a buffer from the serial port

pointerto the buffer to read.
lengthnumber of bytes to read
blockingtrue if all bytes shall be read. false if only the available bytes.
the number of bytes read.

Definition at line 94 of file SerialPipe.cpp.

int getc ( void   ) [inherited]

receive one character from the serial port (blocking)

thecharacter received

Definition at line 87 of file SerialPipe.cpp.

int getMessage ( char *  buf,
int  len 
) [virtual]

Get a line from the physical interface.

bufthe buffer to store it
lensize of the buffer
type and length if something was found, WAIT if not enough data is available NOT_FOUND if nothing was found

Implements GPSParser.

Definition at line 273 of file GPS.cpp.

bool getNmeaAngle ( int  ix,
char *  buf,
int  len,
double &  val 
) [static, inherited]

extract a latitude/longitude value from a buffer containing a NMEA message

ixthe index of the field to extract (will extract ix and ix + 1)
bufthe NMEA message
lenthe size of the NMEA message
valthe extracted latitude or longitude
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 217 of file GPS.cpp.

bool getNmeaItem ( int  ix,
char *  buf,
int  len,
double &  val 
) [static, inherited]

extract a double value from a buffer containing a NMEA message

ixthe index of the field to extract
bufthe NMEA message
lenthe size of the NMEA message
valthe extracted value
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 174 of file GPS.cpp.

bool getNmeaItem ( int  ix,
char *  buf,
int  len,
char &  val 
) [static, inherited]

extract a char value from a buffer containing a NMEA message

ixthe index of the field to extract
bufthe NMEA message
lenthe size of the NMEA message
valthe extracted value
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 197 of file GPS.cpp.

bool getNmeaItem ( int  ix,
char *  buf,
int  len,
int &  val,
int  base 
) [static, inherited]

extract a interger value from a buffer containing a NMEA message

ixthe index of the field to extract
bufthe NMEA message
lenthe size of the NMEA message
valthe extracted value
basethe numeric base to be used (e.g. 8, 10 or 16)
true if successful, false otherwise

Definition at line 186 of file GPS.cpp.

bool init ( PinName  pn = NC ) [virtual]

Power on / Wake up the gps.

Implements GPSParser.

Definition at line 260 of file GPS.cpp.

void powerOff ( void   ) [inherited]

Power off the gps, it can be again woken up by an edge on the serial port on the external interrupt pin.

Definition at line 8 of file GPS.cpp.

int put ( const void *  buffer,
int  length,
bool  blocking 
) [inherited]

send a buffer

bufferthe buffer to send
lengththe size of the buffer to send
blocking,iftrue this function will block until all bytes placed in the buffer.
the number of bytes written

Definition at line 31 of file SerialPipe.cpp.

int putc ( int  c ) [inherited]

send a character (blocking)

cthe character to send

Definition at line 24 of file SerialPipe.cpp.

int readable ( void   ) [inherited]

check if readable

the size available in the buffer.

Definition at line 82 of file SerialPipe.cpp.

void rxIrqBuf ( void   ) [protected, inherited]

receive interrupt routine

Definition at line 99 of file SerialPipe.cpp.

int send ( const char *  buf,
int  len 
) [virtual, inherited]

send a buffer

bufthe buffer to write
lensize of the buffer to write
bytes written

Reimplemented in GPSI2C.

Definition at line 112 of file GPS.cpp.

int sendNmea ( const char *  buf,
int  len 
) [virtual, inherited]

send a NMEA message, this function just takes the payload and calculates and adds checksum.

($ and *XX
will be added)

bufthe message payload to write
lensize of the message payload to write
total bytes written

Reimplemented in GPSI2C.

Definition at line 117 of file GPS.cpp.

int sendUbx ( unsigned char  cls,
unsigned char  id,
const void *  buf = NULL,
int  len = 0 
) [virtual, inherited]

send a UBX message, this function just takes the payload and calculates and adds checksum.

clsthe UBX class id
idthe UBX message id
bufthe message payload to write
lensize of the message payload to write
total bytes written

Reimplemented in GPSI2C.

Definition at line 133 of file GPS.cpp.

void txCopy ( void   ) [protected, inherited]

move bytes to hardware

Definition at line 54 of file SerialPipe.cpp.

void txIrqBuf ( void   ) [protected, inherited]

transmit interrupt woutine

Definition at line 63 of file SerialPipe.cpp.

void txStart ( void   ) [protected, inherited]

start transmission helper

Definition at line 71 of file SerialPipe.cpp.

int writeable ( void   ) [inherited]

check if writable return the number of free bytes

Definition at line 19 of file SerialPipe.cpp.

Field Documentation

Pipe<char> _pipeRx [protected, inherited]

receive pipe

Definition at line 78 of file SerialPipe.h.

Pipe<char> _pipeTx [protected, inherited]

transmit pipe

Definition at line 79 of file SerialPipe.h.

const char toHex = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F' } [static, protected, inherited]

num to hex conversion

Definition at line 158 of file GPS.h.