Arduino shields I am using with my mbed
Using my mbedr3uino adapter for Arduino shields I can finally use a set of production and prototype shields in my collection with my mbed lpc1768. Here is a few that I use.
- Prototype I/O shield - just some buttons, jumpers, and screw terminals. Adds a user button and more to the mbed.
- Seeed Studio Relay Shield V1.0
- CuteDigi RS-232 Shield
- Prototype RS-485 9-bit shield (more details later)
- Side Shield for pin remapping
- Seeed Studio Bees Shield or NKC Electronics XbeeShield Kit
- Adafruit CC3000 WiFi Shield (requires external 5V power due to high current draw)
- SST25VF064C 64Mbit Flash Shield custom prototype
- TextLCD shield (custom 3V variation of Freetronics LCD & Keypad Shield - note: 5V on mbed ADC not recommended)
Both production and prototype shields are now reusable between lpc1768 based mbed and other Arduino form factor boards. I am a fan of using Freetronics ProtoShield Basic to create prototype circuits.
2 comments on Arduino shields I am using with my mbed:
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good luck; please post an example of your SST25VF064C library.