Arduino shields I am using with my mbed

Using my mbedr3uino adapter for Arduino shields I can finally use a set of production and prototype shields in my collection with my mbed lpc1768. Here is a few that I use.

  1. Prototype I/O shield - just some buttons, jumpers, and screw terminals. Adds a user button and more to the mbed.
  2. Seeed Studio Relay Shield V1.0
  3. CuteDigi RS-232 Shield
  4. Prototype RS-485 9-bit shield (more details later)
  5. Side Shield for pin remapping
  6. Seeed Studio Bees Shield or NKC Electronics XbeeShield Kit
  7. Adafruit CC3000 WiFi Shield (requires external 5V power due to high current draw)
  8. SST25VF064C 64Mbit Flash Shield custom prototype
  9. TextLCD shield (custom 3V variation of Freetronics LCD & Keypad Shield - note: 5V on mbed ADC not recommended)

Both production and prototype shields are now reusable between lpc1768 based mbed and other Arduino form factor boards. I am a fan of using Freetronics ProtoShield Basic to create prototype circuits.

2 comments on Arduino shields I am using with my mbed:

28 Mar 2015

good luck; please post an example of your SST25VF064C library.

25 Apr 2017

Yes, please post your libraries!

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