Dave H's version of the EVB Demo. Sends to specific conduit, and sends with a comma separated text string

Dependencies:   DOGS102 ISL29011 MMA845x MPL3115A2 NCP5623B libmDot mbed-rtos mbed-src

Fork of MTDOT-EVBDemo by Multi-Hackers

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Aug 20 21:28:45 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Aug 24 16:38:59 2015 +0000
@@ -148,6 +148,17 @@
 void config_pkt_xmit (void const *args);
 int32_t sendString(const std::string text);
+bool writeValueOrError();
+char sensor_text[54];
+char lora_temp_string[7]; 
+char lora_alt_string[8]; 
+char lora_press_string[9]; 
+char lora_light_string[6]; 
+const int FAIL_MAX=15;
+int failtime=FAIL_MAX;
 int main()
@@ -155,7 +166,7 @@
     std::vector<uint8_t> mdot_EUI;
     uint16_t i = 0;
-    debugUART.baud(921600);
+    debugUART.baud(115200);
 //  mDotUART.baud(9600);    // mdot UART unused but available on external connector
     Thread thread_1(pb1_debounce);						// threads for de-bouncing pushbutton switches
@@ -164,7 +175,7 @@
     thread_3 = new Thread(config_pkt_xmit);				// start thread that sends LoRa packet when SW2 pressed
     evbAccel = new MMA845x(mDoti2c,MMA845x::SA0_VSS); 	// setup Accelerometer
-    evbBaro = new MPL3115A2(mDoti2c);					// setup Barometric sensor
+    evbBaro = new MPL3115A2(mDoti2c);					// setup0 Barometric sensor
     evbAmbLight = new ISL29011(mDoti2c);		 		// Setup Ambient Light Sensor
     evbBackLight = new NCP5623B(mDoti2c);				// setup backlight and LED 2 driver chip
     evbLCD = new DOGS102(mDotspi, mDot17, mDot13);		// setup LCD
@@ -399,12 +410,6 @@
     pckt_time = 10;
     i = 0;
-	char sensor_text[54];
-	char lora_temp_string[7]; 
-	char lora_alt_string[8]; 
-	char lora_press_string[9]; 
-	char lora_light_string[6]; 
     do {
@@ -412,10 +417,13 @@
          * Test Accelerometer XYZ data ready bit to see if acquisition complete
+        failtime = FAIL_MAX;
         do {
             osDelay(100);			// allows other threads to process
             result = evbAccel->getStatus();
-        } while ((result & MMA845x::XYZDR) == 0 );
+        	failtime--;
+        } while ((result & MMA845x::XYZDR) == 0 && failtime > 0);
+		if (failtime==0) {continue; }
          * Retrieve and print out accelerometer data
@@ -441,26 +449,28 @@
          * Test barometer device status to see if acquisition is complete
+        failtime=FAIL_MAX;
         do {
             osDelay(100);			// allows other threads to process
             result = evbBaro->getStatus();
-        } while ((result & MPL3115A2::PTDR) == 0 );
+            failtime--;
+        } while ((result & MPL3115A2::PTDR) == 0 && failtime > 0 );
+		if (failtime==0) {continue; }
          * Retrieve and print out barometric pressure
         pressure = evbBaro->getBaroData() >> 12; // convert 32 bit signed to 20 bit unsigned value
         num_whole = pressure >> 2;			// 18 bit integer significant
         num_frac = (pressure & 0x3) * 25;		// 2 bit fractional  0.25 per bit
+		// if failtime reached 0 , indicates that the result might be junk. 
         sprintf(txtstr,"Press=%ld.%02d Pa", num_whole, num_frac);
         pressure = evbBaro->getBaroData() >> 12; // convert 32 bit signed to 20 bit unsigned value
         num_whole = pressure >> 2;			// 18 bit integer significant
         num_frac = (pressure & 0x3) * 25;		// 2 bit fractional  0.25 per bit
-        sprintf(lora_press_string, "%ld.%02d", num_whole, num_frac);
+		writeValueOrError(); // will write to  lorapresstring and txtstr  
-        evbLCD->writeText(0,4,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
          * Trigger a Altitude reading
@@ -472,10 +482,13 @@
          * Test barometer device status to see if acquisition is complete
+        failtime=FAIL_MAX;
         do {
             osDelay(100);			// allows other threads to process
             result = evbBaro->getStatus();
-        } while ((result & MPL3115A2::PTDR) == 0 );
+        	failtime--;
+        } while ((result & MPL3115A2::PTDR) == 0 && failtime > 0 );
+		if (failtime==0) {continue; }
          * Retrieve and print out altitude and temperature
@@ -696,4 +709,21 @@
 	    printf("Data sent!\r\n");
     return ret;
\ No newline at end of file
+bool writeValueOrError()
+	bool res;
+		if (failtime==0){
+    	    sprintf(lora_press_string, "%s", "--.--");
+    	    sprintf(txtstr, "%s", "--.--");
+	        evbLCD->writeText(0,4,font_6x8,txtstr, strlen(txtstr));
+			res=false;
+		}else{
+    	    sprintf(lora_press_string, "%ld.%02d", num_whole, num_frac);
+	        evbLCD->writeText(0,4,font_6x8,txtstr,strlen(txtstr));
+			res=true;
+		}
+	return res;