Updated memory address #defines to avoid clashes with other libraries and f411re board defines

diff -r f93b811965d8 -r 69ce30406dc8 MCP23S17.h
--- a/MCP23S17.h	Sun Jan 29 19:11:42 2012 +0000
+++ b/MCP23S17.h	Thu May 14 21:04:13 2015 +0000
@@ -29,27 +29,27 @@
 // All Registers and there Address if BANK = 0
-#define IODIRA   0x00       // Controls the direction of the data I/O on Port A       
-#define IODIRB   0x01       // Controls the direction of the data I/O on Port B
-#define IPOLA    0x02       // Configure the polarity on the corresponding GPIO (Port A)
-#define IPOLB    0x03       // Configure the polarity on the corresponding GPIO (Port B)
-#define GPINTENA 0x04       // Controls the interrupt-on change feature for each pin for Port A
-#define GPINTENB 0x05       // Controls the interrupt-on change feature for each pin for Port B
-#define DEFVALA  0x06       // The default comparison value if the INTCONA is set to "1" for Port A
-#define DEFVALB  0x07       // The default comparison value if the INTCONA is set to "1" for Port B
-#define INTCONA  0x08       // Controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature for Port A
-#define INTCONB  0x09       // Controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature for Port B
-#define IOCON    0x0A       // Contains several bits for configuring the device
-#define GPPUA    0x0C       // Controls the pull-up resistors for the port pins for port A
-#define GPPUB    0x0D       // Controls the pull-up resistors for the port pins for port B
-#define INTFA    0x0E       // READ ONLY // reflects the interrupt condition on port A pins of any pin that is enabled for interrupts via the GPINTEN register.
-#define INTFB    0x0F       // READ ONLY // reflects the interrupt condition on port B pins of any pin that is enabled for interrupts via the GPINTEN register.
-#define INTCAPA  0x10       // READ ONLY // captures the GPIO port A value at the time the interrupt occurred
-#define INTCAPB  0x11       // READ ONLY // captures the GPIO port B value at the time the interrupt occurred
-#define GPIOA    0x12       // Reflects the value on the port A (doing write function it only read input)
-#define GPIOB    0x13       // Reflects the value on the port B (doing write function it only read input)
-#define OLATA    0x14       // A write to this register modifies the output latches that modifies the pins configured as outputs for Port A
-#define OLATB    0x15       // A write to this register modifies the output latches that modifies the pins configured as outputs for Port B
+#define MCP23S17_IODIRA   0x00       // Controls the direction of the data I/O on Port A       
+#define MCP23S17_IODIRB   0x01       // Controls the direction of the data I/O on Port B
+#define MCP23S17_IPOLA    0x02       // Configure the polarity on the corresponding GPIO (Port A)
+#define MCP23S17_IPOLB    0x03       // Configure the polarity on the corresponding GPIO (Port B)
+#define MCP23S17_GPINTENA 0x04       // Controls the interrupt-on change feature for each pin for Port A
+#define MCP23S17_GPINTENB 0x05       // Controls the interrupt-on change feature for each pin for Port B
+#define MCP23S17_DEFVALA  0x06       // The default comparison value if the INTCONA is set to "1" for Port A
+#define MCP23S17_DEFVALB  0x07       // The default comparison value if the INTCONA is set to "1" for Port B
+#define MCP23S17_INTCONA  0x08       // Controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature for Port A
+#define MCP23S17_INTCONB  0x09       // Controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature for Port B
+#define MCP23S17_IOCON    0x0A       // Contains several bits for configuring the device
+#define MCP23S17_GPPUA    0x0C       // Controls the pull-up resistors for the port pins for port A
+#define MCP23S17_GPPUB    0x0D       // Controls the pull-up resistors for the port pins for port B
+#define MCP23S17_INTFA    0x0E       // READ ONLY // reflects the interrupt condition on port A pins of any pin that is enabled for interrupts via the GPINTEN register.
+#define MCP23S17_INTFB    0x0F       // READ ONLY // reflects the interrupt condition on port B pins of any pin that is enabled for interrupts via the GPINTEN register.
+#define MCP23S17_INTCAPA  0x10       // READ ONLY // captures the GPIO port A value at the time the interrupt occurred
+#define MCP23S17_INTCAPB  0x11       // READ ONLY // captures the GPIO port B value at the time the interrupt occurred
+#define MCP23S17_GPIOA    0x12       // Reflects the value on the port A (doing write function it only read input)
+#define MCP23S17_GPIOB    0x13       // Reflects the value on the port B (doing write function it only read input)
+#define MCP23S17_OLATA    0x14       // A write to this register modifies the output latches that modifies the pins configured as outputs for Port A
+#define MCP23S17_OLATB    0x15       // A write to this register modifies the output latches that modifies the pins configured as outputs for Port B
 // Declaration of variables & custom #defines