Bachelor Assignment for delayed teleoperating systems

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface FastPWM mbed-rtos mbed MODSERIAL

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon May 07 08:07:09 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "QEI.h"
+//network config
+static const char* server_ip = "";
+static const int port = 865;
+//declaration of interfaces
+DigitalOut led(LED_GREEN); 
+DigitalOut led2(LED_RED);
+EthernetInterface eth;  //network 
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);//create PC interface
+UDPSocket socket;       //socket to receive data on
+Endpoint client;        //The virtual other side, not to send actual information to
+Endpoint counterpart;   //The actual other side, this is where the information should go to
+Ticker mainloop;
+Ticker sensor;
+QEI M1(D3,D2,NC,1024);
+char data[10]= {""};
+int size;
+char * var;
+char output[10] = {""};
+float input1 = 0.0;
+float input2 = 0.0;
+bool main_loop_check = 0;
+const float looptime  = 1.0/50; //50Hz
+const float sensortime = 1.0/1000; //1 KHz
+float angle = 0.0;
+const float PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679;
+const float RadsPerCount = (2 * PI)/(1024*10);
+int frequency_pwm = 10000;
+//functions to be used
+void init_eth(void);
+void inet_USB(void);
+void end_eth(void);
+void mainlooptrigger(void);
+void SensorUpdate(void);
+int main(void);
+void inet_eth(){
+    eth.init();
+    eth.connect();
+    socket.bind(port);
+    counterpart.set_address(server_ip,port);
+    }
+void inet_USB(){
+    pc.baud(9600);
+    }
+void end_eth(){
+    socket.close();
+    eth.disconnect();
+    }
+void mainlooptrigger()
+    {
+    main_loop_check = 1;
+    }
+void SensorUpdate()
+    {
+    angle = M1.getPulses()*RadsPerCount;    
+    }
+void receiveUDP(void const *argument){
+    while(true){
+        size = socket.receiveFrom(client, data, sizeof(data));
+        if(size > 0){
+            data[size] = '\0';
+            pc.printf("data: %s \n",data);
+            var = strtok(data,",;- ");
+            input1 = atof(var);
+            var = strtok(NULL,",;- ");
+            input2 = atof(var);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+osThreadDef(receiveUDP, osPriorityNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE);
+int main(){
+    //inet_eth();
+    inet_USB();
+    osThreadCreate(osThread(receiveUDP), NULL);
+    led2=1;
+    led=1;
+    mainloop.attach(&mainlooptrigger,looptime);
+    sensor.attach(&SensorUpdate,sensortime);
+    while(true){
+        if(main_loop_check==1){
+            //pc.printf("\nSERVER - Server IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());
+            //if(input1 > 0.0){
+            //sprintf(output, "%f",input1);
+            //pc.printf("sending answer to: %s",client.get_address());
+            //pc.printf("\nSERVER - Server IP Address is %s\r\n", eth.getIPAddress());
+            //socket.sendTo(counterpart, output, sizeof(output));
+            //wait(0.001f);
+            //}
+            pc.printf("angle: %f\r\n", angle);
+            led=!led;
+            main_loop_check = 0;
+            }
+        osDelay(1);
+        }  
\ No newline at end of file