Inspired by Simon Ford's "Terminal" library, this is a clean-room reimplementation that supports a larger set of the ANSI escape sequences and includes a few handy drawing routines. Useful for making console UIs for your projects. The box-drawing stuff requires your terminal to be set to codepage 850.

ANSITerm is a class extending the mbed Serial class, and is designed to wrap a serial connection.

In addition to the standard Serial functions, ANSITerm exposes a set of functions for moving the cursor around the screen, setting and getting the current cursor position, and setting text display colours and styles.

It's primarily a simple utility class, providing a set of simply-named functions that wrap the escape sequences, rather than requiring the programmer to remember the sequence of characters to perform a particular task.

--- a/ANSITerm.h	Tue Sep 18 18:58:19 2012 +0000
+++ b/ANSITerm.h	Sun Sep 23 23:28:27 2012 +0000
@@ -121,15 +121,26 @@
     const static char SGR_WHITE = 128; //37
     /* Box styles */
+    const static char BOXDRAW_TOPLEFT = 0;
+    const static char BOXDRAW_TOPRIGHT = 1;
+    const static char BOXDRAW_BOTTOMLEFT = 2;
+    const static char BOXDRAW_BOTTOMRIGHT = 3;
+    const static char BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL = 4;
+    const static char BOXDRAW_VERTICAL = 5;
+    const static char BOXDRAW_UPTEE = 6;
+    const static char BOXDRAW_DOWNTEE = 7;
+    const static char BOXDRAW_LEFTTEE = 8;
+    const static char BOXDRAW_RIGHTTEE = 9;
+    const static char BOXDRAW_CROSS = 10;
 #ifdef _ANSITERM_CP850_
+    /** Box-drawing style using pluses, minuses and pipes (low-ASCII, should work anywhere).*/
+    static const char simple[11];
     /** Box-drawing style using ASCII two-line box-drawing characters. */
     static const char two_lines[11];
     /** Box-drawing style using ASCII one-line box-drawing characters. */
     static const char one_line[11];
-    /** Box-drawing style using pluses, minuses and pipes (low-ASCII, should work anywhere).*/
-    static const char simple[11];
     ANSITerm(PinName tx, PinName rx);