Reveive the full data from the application board

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Apr 19 19:37:35 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Example of parsing the serial string from the fullAppBaordSend
+/* Code derived from the work of Joe Bradshaw: 
+                                   */
+/******************Declaration of necessary libraries and objects************************/  
+#include "mbed.h"
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);     //LED to show functionality
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    //tx, rx via USB connection
+Serial xbee(p9, p10);       //tx, rx via Xbee socket
+int main() {
+/******************Establishment of Vaiables*********************************************/
+    char abstr[25];     //used to store the whole app board string
+    int joystick;       //int value corresponding to the joystick bus
+    float Lpot;         //float corresponding to left potentiometer
+    float Rpot;         //float corresponding to right potentiometer
+/******************While loop call to run code indefinitely******************************/
+    while(1) {       
+        //clear out the remaining characters in the buffer     
+        while(xbee.readable())      
+            char c = xbee.getc();  
+        //read the serial string from the xbee (starts with '$', ends with \r\n            
+        xbee.scanf("$%s\r\n", &abstr);    
+        //Verify that the string has the APPBOARD header
+        if(strncmp(abstr, "APPBOARD", 9)){
+            //Verify the tring was able to be parsed
+            if (sscanf(abstr, "APPBOARD,%f,%f,%d",&Lpot,&Rpot,&joystick) >= 1) {
+                //Print values to screen
+                pc.printf("Mbed: L-%.02f: R-%.02f Joystick:%d\r\n",Lpot,Rpot,joystick);}
+            //Incorrect parse
+            else{pc.printf("BAD parse %s\r\n", abstr);}
+            }//if(sscanf 
+        myled = !myled; //toggle LED for activity verification   
+    }//while(1)