Forking to work for NUCLEO 64 boards

Fork of Cam's original FreeModbus port (

Change: - Serial implementation to work for NUCLEO 64 boards and receive interrupts instead of timer. (see `portserial.cpp`)

Added: - Custom RTU mode. Allows for external implementation of packet receiving and sending. Sends and receives packets as whole frames (address + PDU) (i.e. this was added for a custom LoRa implementation). implement `xMBRTUCustGetPDU` and `xMBRTUCustSendResponse` (see `mbport.h`) and call `eMBRTUCustomInit( address )`. implementations need to be fully initialised as `eMBRTUCustomInit` only sets the address and nothing else.

diff -r 75d2f6834c50 -r 4cda95d7b6c5 mb.h
--- a/mb.h	Tue Dec 03 09:13:22 2019 +0000
+++ b/mb.h	Mon Jan 06 01:17:26 2020 +0000
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
     typedef enum
     MB_RTU,                     /*!< RTU transmission mode. */
+    MB_RTU_CUSTOM,              /*!< RTU block mode. not serial/sequential. */
     MB_ASCII,                   /*!< ASCII transmission mode. */
     MB_TCP                      /*!< TCP mode. */
 } eMBMode;
@@ -152,6 +153,29 @@
                          UCHAR ucPort, ULONG ulBaudRate, eMBParity eParity );
 /*! \ingroup modbus
+ * \brief Initialize the Modbus protocol stack for Modbus RTU in block/
+ * full frame mode.
+ *
+ * This functions initializes the custom RTU module so any external
+ * communication method can be implemented (i.e. wireless protocols).
+ * Hardware should be initialised before as this does not call a init function
+ * like the others.
+ * Pleasecnote that the receiver is still disabled and no Modbus frames are
+ * processed until eMBEnable( ) has been called.
+ * 
+ * \param ucSlaveAddress The slave address. Only frames sent to this
+ *   address or to the broadcast address are processed.
+ * 
+ * \return If the protocol stack has been initialized correctly the function
+ *   returns eMBErrorCode::MB_ENOERR. Otherwise one of the following error
+ *   codes is returned:
+ *    - eMBErrorCode::MB_EINVAL If the slave address was not valid. Valid
+ *        slave addresses are in the range 1 - 247.
+ *    - eMBErrorCode::MB_EPORTERR IF the porting layer returned an error.
+ */
+eMBErrorCode    eMBRTUCustomInit( UCHAR ucSlaveAddress );
+/*! \ingroup modbus
  * \brief Initialize the Modbus protocol stack for Modbus TCP.
  * This function initializes the Modbus TCP Module. Please note that
@@ -414,4 +438,4 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
\ No newline at end of file