Separate library that holds helper functions for the main OMF code.


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
19:9b357e31f61d 2018-11-29 danielelopez Made edits to remove old socket-based approach and removed debug settings that are now deprecated in the latest med-http library. default tip
18:c6c9cce5d990 2018-06-25 danielelopez Used #def statements to remove if statements from code; edited NTP timestamp and timestamp functions in the OMF lib to optimize code; added SSL cert for the new AWS VM
17:cc05a00e6ee6 2018-06-11 danielelopez Updated library to require two separate OMF headers, one that contains OMF dynamic and static types and asset JSON and another that contains link and container JSON
16:3b0bdbfa48ff 2018-05-30 danielelopez Added flag for turning printouts on or off
15:32ada27d82b4 2018-05-30 danielelopez Added function that sends along all initial OMF messages (static and dynamic types, assets, and links) as a single function
14:6ed67a160616 2018-05-03 danielelopez Updated copyright year
13:61d3de73a844 2018-03-28 danielelopez Added error handler if parse fails
12:8fb2bb26528f 2018-03-28 danielelopez Update before HMI
11:e34e1f9bfaec 2018-03-27 danielelopez Turned off TLS debugging
10:844e209f1d79 2018-03-14 danielelopez Updated to remove custom OMF structures
9:e2d177cf9135 2018-03-14 danielelopez Updated NTP time setting to allow point to a local server
8:e5fe40b77f8f 2018-03-14 danielelopez Updated to remove unneeded configuration
7:d80df92d0047 2018-02-16 danielelopez Decreased rate;
6:f7c74cb4a010 2018-02-15 danielelopez Decreased send rate
5:0e4f98d77171 2018-02-15 danielelopez Removed device ID and producer token;
4:06784dc0e751 2018-02-15 danielelopez Added DHT
3:4f6645302039 2018-02-09 danielelopez Update part 2
2:d4ffae91f5c8 2018-02-09 danielelopez Updated to work with OCS and on-prem
1:1c31b413ba0c 2018-02-02 danielelopez Updated to add additional constants and function for not reusing sockets
0:6156b29d3c91 2018-01-22 danielelopez Refactored code into a separate OMF library