
Dependencies of weather_station_proj_v1_2

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

Digital 16bit Serial Output Type Ambient Light Sensor IC by ROHM, Ambient light sensor (Illuminance to digital converter) etti.tuiasi
Pressure and temperature sensor based on BMP280 etti.tuiasi
Library for reading temperature from DS1820, DS18B20 and DS1822 DS1820, DS1822, DS18B20, one-wire
Compass sensor library etti, TUIASI
Sun position calculation library. Adaptation of Hannes Hassler's Helios class. etti, TUIASI
Fuel Gauge lib. based on Mark Gottscho's lib.
Gyroscope and accelerometer sensor based on Korneliusz Jarzebski's lib etti.tuiasi
Humidity and Temperature Sensor - Sensirion SHT1x driver Humidity, Sensirion, sensor, SHT, SHT15, SHT1x, Temperature
Oled display lib on I2C com. etti.tuiasi
Stepper motor driver lib. etti.tuiasi
The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.