met knopjes, voor Wubs, zit PID in dus restrictie.

Dependencies:   HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed

Fork of a_pid_kal_end_def by Floor Couwenberg

--- a/main.cpp	Tue Nov 01 10:30:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Nov 01 14:38:11 2016 +0000
@@ -1,327 +1,486 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "HIDScope.h"
-#include "BiQuad.h"  
-#include "MODSERIAL.h"
+#include "mbed.h"               //mbed library
+#include "HIDScope.h"           //hidscope library
+#include "QEI.h"                //library for encoder functions
+#include "BiQuad.h"             //library for filtering with BiQuad
+#include "MODSERIAL.h"          //library for connect pc with mbed
 //Define objects
-AnalogIn    emg_biceps_right_in( A0 );              //analog in to get EMG biceps  (r) in to c++
-AnalogIn    emg_triceps_right_in(A1);               //analog in to get EMG triceps (r) in to c++
-AnalogIn    emg_biceps_left_in  (A2);               //analog in to get EMG biceps  (l) in to c++
+    //EMG
+    AnalogIn    emg_biceps_right_in( A0 );              //analog in to get EMG biceps  (r) in to c++
+    AnalogIn    emg_triceps_right_in(A1);               //analog in to get EMG triceps (r) in to c++
+    AnalogIn    emg_biceps_left_in  (A2);               //analog in to get EMG biceps  (l) in to c++
-InterruptIn   button_calibration_biceps (SW3);                //button to start calibration biceps
-InterruptIn   button_calibration_triceps (SW2);               // button to start calibration tricps
+    //Encoder
+    DigitalIn encoder1A(D13);
+    DigitalIn encoder1B(D12);
+    DigitalIn encoder2A(D11); 
+    DigitalIn encoder2B(D10);
+    //callibration button
+    InterruptIn   button_calibration_biceps (SW3);                //button to start calibration biceps
+    InterruptIn   button_calibration_triceps (SW2);               // button to start calibration tricps
-Ticker      sample_timer;           //ticker
-Ticker      switch_function;         //ticker
-HIDScope    scope(5);               //open 3 channels in hidscope
-MODSERIAL pc(USBTX, USBRX);            //pc connection
-DigitalOut red(LED_RED);
-DigitalOut green(LED_GREEN);
-DigitalOut blue(LED_BLUE);
-DigitalOut richting_motor1(D4);
-PwmOut pwm_motor1(D5);
-DigitalOut richting_motor2(D7);
-PwmOut pwm_motor2(D6);
+    // reset button
+    DigitalIn resetbutton(D9);
+    //tickers
+    Ticker      sample_timer;               //ticker for emg sampling
+    Ticker      switch_function;            //ticker for switch
+    Ticker      speed_measuring;            //ticker for speed measurment
+    //everything for monitoring
+    HIDScope    scope(5);                   //open 3 channels in hidscope
+    MODSERIAL   pc(USBTX, USBRX);            //pc connection
+    DigitalOut  red(LED_RED);
+    DigitalOut  green(LED_GREEN);
+    DigitalOut  blue(LED_BLUE);
+    //motors
+    DigitalOut  direction_motor1(D4);
+    PwmOut      pwm_motor1(D5);
+    DigitalOut  direction_motor2(D7);
+    PwmOut      pwm_motor2(D6);
 //define variables
-int    onoffsignal_biceps=0;              // on/off signal: 1; biceps activation, 0: nothing, -1, triceps activation
-int    switch_signal_triceps=0;             // switching between motors. 
-volatile double cut_off_value_biceps_right =0.04;              //gespecificeerd door floortje
-volatile double cut_off_value_biceps_left  =-0.04;
-volatile double cut_off_value_triceps=0.04;             //gespecificeerd door floortje
-double signal_biceps_sum;
-int motorswitch= 0; //start van de teller wordt op nul gesteld
-//variables and constants for calibration
-const float percentage_max_triceps=0.3;
-const float percentage_max_biceps =0.3;
-double max_biceps;                          //calibration maximum biceps
-double max_triceps;                         //calibration maximum triceps
-//biceps  arm 1, right arm
-double emg_biceps_right;
-double emg_filtered_high_biceps_right;
-double emg_abs_biceps_right;
-double emg_filtered_biceps_right;
-double emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_right;
-//double emg_filtered_high_notch_1_2_biceps_right;
+    //for motorcontrol
+    const int cw = 0;                 // motor should turn clockwise
+    const int ccw =1;                  // motor should turn counterclockwise
+    const float gearboxratio=131.25;    // gearboxratio from encoder to motor
+    const float rev_rond=64.0;          // revolutions per round of encoder
+    int    onoffsignal_biceps=0;        // on/off signal: 1; biceps activation, 0: nothing, -1, triceps activation
+    int    switch_signal_triceps=0;     // switching between motors. 
+    volatile double cut_off_value_biceps_right =    0.04;       //tested, normal values. Can be changed by calibration
+    volatile double cut_off_value_biceps_left  =    -0.04;      //volatiles becaused changen in interrupt
+    volatile double cut_off_value_triceps=-0.03;       
+    double signal_biceps_sum;
+    double bicepstriceps_rightarm;
-//triceps arm 1, right arm
-double emg_triceps_right;
-double emg_filtered_high_triceps_right;
-double emg_abs_triceps_right;
-double emg_filtered_triceps_right;
-double emg_filtered_high_notch_1_triceps_right;
-//biceps  arm 1, left arm
-double emg_biceps_left;
-double emg_filtered_high_biceps_left;
-double emg_abs_biceps_left;
-double emg_filtered_biceps_left;
-double emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_left;
-//before abs filtering
+    volatile double voltage_motor1=0.18; //pwm is de pulse with tussen geen ampere en wel ampere motor 1
+    volatile double voltage_motor2=1;//pwm is de pulse with tussen geen ampere en wel ampere motor 1
+    int motorswitch= 0; //start van de teller wordt op nul gesteld
-//b1 = biceps right arm
-BiQuad filterhigh_b1(9.5654e-01,-1.9131e+00,9.5654e-01,-1.9112e+00,9.1498e-01);
-BiQuad filternotch1_b1 (9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00,   9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00 ,  9.875e-01);
-//t1= triceps right arm
-BiQuad filterhigh_t1(9.5654e-01,-1.9131e+00,9.5654e-01,-1.9112e+00,9.1498e-01);
-BiQuad filternotch1_t1 (9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00,   9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00 ,  9.875e-01);
+    //variables and constants for calibration
+    const float percentage_max_triceps=0.3;
+    const float percentage_max_biceps =0.3;
+    double max_biceps;                          //calibration maximum biceps
+    double max_triceps;                         //calibration maximum triceps
+    //variables for feedback loop, manual calibration
+    volatile double current_position_motor1 = 0;                // at start, the position is 0. Manual calibration
+    volatile double previous_position_motor1 = 0;               // at start, the position is 0. Manual calibration                 
+    volatile double current_position_motor2 = 0;                // at start, the position is 0. Manual calibration 
+    volatile double previous_position_motor2 = 0;               // at start, the position is 0. Manual calibration 
+    volatile double rev_counts_motor1=0;
+    volatile double rev_counts_motor2=0;
+    volatile double counts_encoder1;
+    volatile double counts_encoder2;
+    volatile bool   tickerflag;                        //tickerflag is true or false, implicated by bool. 
+    volatile double speed_motor1;                    // speed in rad/s
+    volatile double speed_motor2;                    // speed in rad/s
+    //speedmeasuring 
+    double ticker_TS=0.001;    // time step to derivate position to speed, in seconds. 
+    volatile double timepassed=0;                       //de waarde van hoeveel tijd er verstreken is
+    //resetbuttons
+    volatile double value1_resetbutton = 0;             
+    volatile double value2_resetbutton = 0;
+    //filter defining
+    //b1 = biceps right arm
+    BiQuad filterhigh_b1(9.5654e-01,-1.9131e+00,9.5654e-01,-1.9112e+00,9.1498e-01);
+    BiQuad filternotch1_b1 (9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00,   9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00 ,  9.875e-01);
+    //t1= triceps right arm
+    BiQuad filterhigh_t1(9.5654e-01,-1.9131e+00,9.5654e-01,-1.9112e+00,9.1498e-01);
+    BiQuad filternotch1_t1 (9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00,   9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00 ,  9.875e-01);
+    //b2= biceps left arm
+    BiQuad filterhigh_b2(9.5654e-01,-1.9131e+00,9.5654e-01,-1.9112e+00,9.1498e-01);
+    BiQuad filternotch1_b2 (9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00,   9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00 ,  9.875e-01);
+    //after abs filtering
+    BiQuad filterlow_b1 (6.2942e-06, 1.2588e-05,6.2942e-06,-1.9929e+00,9.9292e-01);
+    BiQuad filterlow_t1 (6.2942e-06, 1.2588e-05,6.2942e-06,-1.9929e+00,9.9292e-01);
+    BiQuad filterlow_b2 (6.2942e-06, 1.2588e-05,6.2942e-06,-1.9929e+00,9.9292e-01);
-//b2= biceps left arm
-BiQuad filterhigh_b2(9.5654e-01,-1.9131e+00,9.5654e-01,-1.9112e+00,9.1498e-01);
-BiQuad filternotch1_b2 (9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00,   9.9376e-01 , -1.8902e-00 ,  9.875e-01);
-//after abs filtering
-BiQuad filterlow_b1 (6.2942e-06, 1.2588e-05,6.2942e-06,-1.9929e+00,9.9292e-01);
-BiQuad filterlow_t1 (6.2942e-06, 1.2588e-05,6.2942e-06,-1.9929e+00,9.9292e-01);
-BiQuad filterlow_b2 (6.2942e-06, 1.2588e-05,6.2942e-06,-1.9929e+00,9.9292e-01);
-//function teller
-void SwitchN() {                        // maakt simpele functie die 1 bij n optelt
-    if(switch_signal_triceps==1)
+    //to make a tickerfunction for speedmeasurment
+    void speed_sampling()                // maakt een ticker functie aan
-        motorswitch++;
-    if (motorswitch%2==0)  
-      {pc.printf("If you contract the right arm, the robot will go right \r\n");
-     pc.printf("If you contract biceps of the left arm, the robot will go left \r\n");
-    pc.printf("\r\n");
-        green=0;
-        red=1;
-          }
-    else
-    {pc.printf("If you contract the biceps of right arm, the robot will go up \r\n");
-     pc.printf("If you contract the biceps of left arm, the robot will go down \r\n");
-     pc.printf("\r\n");
-        green=1;
-        red=0;
-    }    
-    }
+    tickerflag = 1;                     // het enige wat deze functie doet is zorgen dat tickerflag 1 is
-//functions which are called in ticker to sample the analog signal
-void calibration_biceps(){
-        pc.printf("start of calibration biceps, contract maximal \n");
-        red=1;
-        green=1;
-        blue=0;
-        for(int n =0; n<3000;n++)                                                  //read for 2000 samples as calibration
-                {
-;                            //read the emg value from the elektrodes
-        emg_filtered_high_biceps_right= filterhigh_b1.step(emg_biceps_right);
-        emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_right=filternotch1_b1.step(emg_filtered_high_biceps_right);
-        emg_abs_biceps_right=fabs(emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_right); //fabs because float
-        emg_filtered_biceps_right=filterlow_b1.step(emg_abs_biceps_right);
-            if (emg_filtered_biceps_right > max_biceps)                    //determine what the highest reachable emg signal is
-                {
-            max_biceps = emg_filtered_biceps_right;
-                }
-                wait(0.001f); //to sample at same freq; 1000Hz
-                }
-            cut_off_value_biceps_right=percentage_max_biceps*max_biceps; 
-            cut_off_value_biceps_left=-cut_off_value_biceps_right;
-            //toggle lights
-            blue=!blue;
-            pc.printf(" end of calibration\r\n",cut_off_value_biceps_right );   
-            pc.printf(" change of cv biceps: %f ",cut_off_value_biceps_right );
-            wait(0.5f);
-            if (motorswitch%2==0)
-            {green=0;
-            red=1;}
-            else       {green=1;
-            red=0;}
+    //void to make the switch between the motors with triceps
+    void SwitchN() {                      
+        if(switch_signal_triceps==1)
+        {
+            motorswitch++;
-                }
-void calibration_triceps(){
-        red=1;
-        green=1;
-        blue=0;
-        pc.printf("start of calibration triceps\r\n");
-        for(int n =0; n<3000;n++)                                                  //read for 2000 samples as calibration
-                {
-;                            //read the emg value from the elektrodes
-        emg_filtered_high_triceps_right= filterhigh_t1.step(emg_triceps_right);
-        emg_filtered_high_notch_1_triceps_right=filternotch1_t1.step(emg_filtered_high_triceps_right);
-        emg_abs_triceps_right=fabs(emg_filtered_high_notch_1_triceps_right); //fabs because float
-        emg_filtered_triceps_right=filterlow_t1.step(emg_abs_triceps_right);
-            if (emg_filtered_triceps_right > max_triceps)                    //determine what the highest reachable emg signal is
-                {
-            max_triceps = emg_filtered_triceps_right;
-                }
-                wait(0.001f); //to sample at same freq; 1000Hz
-                }
-            cut_off_value_triceps=percentage_max_triceps*max_triceps; 
-            pc.printf(" end of calibration\r\n");   
-            pc.printf(" change of cv triceps: %f ",cut_off_value_triceps ); 
-            blue=!blue;
-            wait(0.5f);
-            if (motorswitch%2==0)
-            {green=0;
-            red=1;}
-            else       {green=1;
-            red=0;}  
-                }
-void filter(){
-        //biceps right arm read+filtering
-;                            //read the emg value from the elektrodes
-        emg_filtered_high_biceps_right= filterhigh_b1.step(emg_biceps_right);
-        emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_right=filternotch1_b1.step(emg_filtered_high_biceps_right);
-                emg_abs_biceps_right=fabs(emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_right); //fabs because float
-        emg_filtered_biceps_right=filterlow_b1.step(emg_abs_biceps_right);
-        //triceps right arm read+filtering
-;                            //read the emg value from the elektrodes
-        emg_filtered_high_triceps_right= filterhigh_t1.step(emg_triceps_right);
-        emg_filtered_high_notch_1_triceps_right=filternotch1_t1.step(emg_filtered_high_triceps_right);
-        emg_abs_triceps_right=fabs(emg_filtered_high_notch_1_triceps_right); //fabs because float
-        emg_filtered_triceps_right=filterlow_t1.step(emg_abs_triceps_right);
-        //biceps left arm read+filtering
-;                            //read the emg value from the elektrodes
-        emg_filtered_high_biceps_left= filterhigh_b2.step(emg_biceps_left);
-        emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_left=filternotch1_b2.step(emg_filtered_high_biceps_left);
-        emg_abs_biceps_left=fabs(emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_left); //fabs because float
-        emg_filtered_biceps_left=filterlow_b2.step(emg_abs_biceps_left);
-        //signal substraction of filter biceps and triceps. right Biceps + left biceps -
-        signal_biceps_sum=emg_filtered_biceps_right-emg_filtered_biceps_left;
-        //creating of on/off signal with the created on/off signals, with if statement   for right arm!    
-        if (signal_biceps_sum>cut_off_value_biceps_right)
-        {onoffsignal_biceps=1;}
-        else if (signal_biceps_sum<cut_off_value_biceps_left)
-        {
-        onoffsignal_biceps=-1;
-        }    
+        if (motorswitch%2==0)  
+          { pc.printf("If you contract the right arm, the robot will go right \r\n");
+            pc.printf("If you contract biceps of the left arm, the robot will go left \r\n");
+            pc.printf("\r\n");
+            green=0;
+            red=1;
+           }
-        {onoffsignal_biceps=0;}
-        //creating on/off signal for switch (left arm)
-        if (emg_filtered_triceps_right>cut_off_value_triceps)
-        {
-        switch_signal_triceps=1;    
-        }    
+            {pc.printf("If you contract the biceps of right arm, the robot will go up \r\n");
+            pc.printf("If you contract the biceps of left arm, the robot will go down \r\n");
+            pc.printf("\r\n");
+            green=1;
+            red=0;
+            }    
+            }
+                }
-        else
-        {
-        switch_signal_triceps=0;              
-        }
-        //send signals  to scope
-        scope.set(0, emg_filtered_biceps_right);            //set emg signal to scope in channel 0
-        scope.set(1, emg_filtered_triceps_right);           // set emg signal to scope in channel 1
-        scope.set(2, emg_filtered_biceps_left);                     // set emg signal to scope in channel 2
-        scope.send();                       //send all the signals to the scope
-                }
+    //callibration
+    void calibration_biceps(){
+            pc.printf("start of calibration biceps, contract maximal \n");
+            red=1;
+            green=1;
+            blue=0;
+            for(int n =0; n<3000;n++)                                                  //read for 2000 samples as calibration
+                    {
+            double;                            //read the emg value from the elektrodes
+            double  emg_filtered_high_biceps_right= filterhigh_b1.step(emg_biceps_right);
+            double emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_right=filternotch1_b1.step(emg_filtered_high_biceps_right);
+            double emg_abs_biceps_right=fabs(emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_right); //fabs because float
+            double emg_filtered_biceps_right=filterlow_b1.step(emg_abs_biceps_right);
+                if (emg_filtered_biceps_right > max_biceps)                    //determine what the highest reachable emg signal is
+                    {
+                max_biceps = emg_filtered_biceps_right;
+                    }
+                    wait(0.001f); //to sample at same freq; 1000Hz
+                    }
+                cut_off_value_biceps_right=percentage_max_biceps*max_biceps; 
+                cut_off_value_biceps_left=-cut_off_value_biceps_right;
+                //toggle lights
+                blue=!blue;
+                pc.printf(" end of calibration\r\n",cut_off_value_biceps_right );   
+                pc.printf(" change of cv biceps: %f ",cut_off_value_biceps_right );
+                wait(0.5f);
+                if (motorswitch%2==0)
+                {green=0;
+                red=1;}
+                else       {green=1;
+                red=0;}
+                    }
+    void calibration_triceps(){
+            red=1;
+            green=1;
+            blue=0;
+            pc.printf("start of calibration triceps\r\n");
+            for(int n =0; n<3000;n++)                                                  //read for 2000 samples as calibration
+                    {
+            double;                            //read the emg value from the elektrodes
+            double emg_filtered_high_triceps_right= filterhigh_t1.step(emg_triceps_right);
+            double emg_filtered_high_notch_1_triceps_right=filternotch1_t1.step(emg_filtered_high_triceps_right);
+            double emg_abs_triceps_right=fabs(emg_filtered_high_notch_1_triceps_right); //fabs because float
+            double emg_filtered_triceps_right=filterlow_t1.step(emg_abs_triceps_right);
+                if (emg_filtered_triceps_right > max_triceps)                    //determine what the highest reachable emg signal is
+                    {
+                max_triceps = emg_filtered_triceps_right;
+                    }
+                    wait(0.001f); //to sample at same freq; 1000Hz
+                    }
+                cut_off_value_triceps=-percentage_max_triceps*max_triceps; 
+                pc.printf(" end of calibration\r\n");   
+                pc.printf(" change of cv triceps: %f ",cut_off_value_triceps ); 
+                blue=!blue;
+                wait(0.5f);
+                if (motorswitch%2==0)
+                {green=0;
+                red=1;}
+                else       {green=1;
+                red=0;}  
+                    }
+    //sampling emg with filters as defined before
+    void filter(){
+            //biceps right arm read+filtering
+            double;                            //read the emg value from the elektrodes
+            double emg_filtered_high_biceps_right= filterhigh_b1.step(emg_biceps_right);
+            double emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_right=filternotch1_b1.step(emg_filtered_high_biceps_right);
+            double emg_abs_biceps_right=fabs(emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_right); //fabs because float
+            double emg_filtered_biceps_right=filterlow_b1.step(emg_abs_biceps_right);
+            //triceps right arm read+filtering
+            double;                            //read the emg value from the elektrodes
+            double emg_filtered_high_triceps_right= filterhigh_t1.step(emg_triceps_right);
+            double emg_filtered_high_notch_1_triceps_right=filternotch1_t1.step(emg_filtered_high_triceps_right);
+            double emg_abs_triceps_right=fabs(emg_filtered_high_notch_1_triceps_right); //fabs because float
+            double emg_filtered_triceps_right=filterlow_t1.step(emg_abs_triceps_right);
+            //biceps left arm read+filtering
+            double;                            //read the emg value from the elektrodes
+            double emg_filtered_high_biceps_left= filterhigh_b2.step(emg_biceps_left);
+            double emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_left=filternotch1_b2.step(emg_filtered_high_biceps_left);
+            double emg_abs_biceps_left=fabs(emg_filtered_high_notch_1_biceps_left); //fabs because float
+            double emg_filtered_biceps_left=filterlow_b2.step(emg_abs_biceps_left);
+            //signal substraction of filter biceps and triceps. right Biceps + left biceps -
+            signal_biceps_sum=emg_filtered_biceps_right-emg_filtered_biceps_left;
+            bicepstriceps_rightarm= emg_filtered_biceps_right-emg_filtered_triceps_right;
+            //creating of on/off signal with the created on/off signals, with if statement   for right arm!    
+            if (signal_biceps_sum>cut_off_value_biceps_right)
+            {onoffsignal_biceps=1;}
+            else if (signal_biceps_sum<cut_off_value_biceps_left)
+            {
+            onoffsignal_biceps=-1;
+            }    
+            else
+            {onoffsignal_biceps=0;}
+            //creating on/off signal for switch (left arm)
+            if (bicepstriceps_rightarm<cut_off_value_triceps)
+            {
+            switch_signal_triceps=1;    
+            }    
+            else
+            {
+            switch_signal_triceps=0;              
+            }
+            //send signals  to scope
+            scope.set(0, emg_filtered_biceps_right);            //set emg signal to scope in channel 0
+            scope.set(1, emg_filtered_triceps_right);           // set emg signal to scope in channel 1
+            scope.set(2, emg_filtered_biceps_left);                     // set emg signal to scope in channel 2
+            scope.send();                       //send all the signals to the scope
+                    }
 int main()
-pc.baud(115200); //connect with pc with baudrate 115200
-sample_timer.attach(&filter, 0.001);                    //continously execute the EMG reader and filter, it ensures that filter and sampling is executed every 1/frequency seconds
-switch_function.attach(&SwitchN,1.0);                   //switch is every second available
-button_calibration_biceps.fall (&calibration_biceps);   //to call calibration biceps, stop everything else
-button_calibration_triceps.fall(&calibration_triceps);  //to call calibration triceps, stop everything else
+    pc.baud(115200); //connect with pc with baudrate 115200
+    QEI Encoder2(D12,D13, NC, rev_rond,QEI::X4_ENCODING);  // maakt een encoder aan! D12/D13 ingangen, rev_rond zijn aantal pulsen per revolutie! Bovenaan in te stellen. 
+    QEI Encoder1(D10,D11, NC, rev_rond,QEI::X4_ENCODING);
-  if (motorswitch%2==0)  
-      { pc.printf("If you contract the right arm, the robot will go right \r\n");
-        pc.printf("If you contract biceps of the left arm, the robot will go left \r\n");
-        pc.printf("\r\n");
-    green=0;
-    red=1;
-    blue=1;
-          }
+    //attach voids to tickers and interrupts
+    speed_measuring.attach(&speed_sampling,ticker_TS);      //sampling function, for speed measurement 
+    sample_timer.attach(&filter, 0.001);                    //continously execute the EMG reader and filter, it ensures that filter and sampling is executed every 1/frequency seconds
+    switch_function.attach(&SwitchN,1.0);                   //switch is every second available
+    button_calibration_biceps.fall (&calibration_biceps);   //to call calibration biceps, stop everything else
+    button_calibration_triceps.fall(&calibration_triceps);  //to call calibration triceps, stop everything else
+    //print which motor will be controlled by text and light. Red: up/down=motor 2. Green: left/right=motor 1.
+      if (motorswitch%2==0)  
+          { pc.printf("If you contract the right arm, the robot will go right \r\n");
+            pc.printf("If you contract biceps of the left arm, the robot will go left \r\n");
+            pc.printf("\r\n");
+        green=0;
+        red=1;
+        blue=1;
+          } //if loop closed
-    {pc.printf("If you contract the biceps of right arm, the robot will go up \r\n");
-     pc.printf("If you contract the biceps of left arm, the robot will go down \r\n");
-     pc.printf("\r\n");
-    green=1;
-    red=0;
-    blue=1;
-    }    
+        {pc.printf("If you contract the biceps of right arm, the robot will go up \r\n");
+         pc.printf("If you contract the biceps of left arm, the robot will go down \r\n");
+         pc.printf("\r\n");
+        green=1;
+        red=0;
+        blue=1;
+        }    //else loop closed
 //endless loop
     while (true) {                        // zorgt er voor dat de code oneindig doorgelopen wordt  
+   //encoder and velocity measurement
+        if (tickerflag ==1)
+            {
+               //position change, 'memory function' 
+       previous_position_motor1 = current_position_motor1; // zorgt er voor dat de huidige positie wordt gedefineerd als de vorige positie is
+       current_position_motor1 = rev_counts_motor1;        // zorgt dat de huidige positie wordt gedefineerd als het huidige aantal rondejs dat gedraaid is
+        previous_position_motor2 = current_position_motor2; // zelfde maar dan voor motor2
+        current_position_motor2 = rev_counts_motor2;
+        //speed calculation
+        speed_motor1=((current_position_motor1 - previous_position_motor1)*6.28318530718) / ticker_TS;
+        speed_motor2 = ((current_position_motor2 - previous_position_motor2)*6.28318530718) / ticker_TS; 
+       tickerflag = 0; // reset de tickerflag weer op 0 zodat het loopje niet wordt doorlopen tot de volgende tick zo kan de tijd tussen het lopen van ieder loopje gecontroleerd worden
+       }      //if tickerflag==1 closed
+   //control and monitor motor with EMG signal, with build in restrictions.
+    //left biceps contracted:
+        if (onoffsignal_biceps==-1)        //left biceps contracted
+        { //open if loop for left biceps
-    if (onoffsignal_biceps==-1)                           // als s ingedrukt wordt gebeurd het volgende
-    {
-         if (motorswitch%2==0)                     // als s ingedrukt wordt en het getal is even gebeurd het onderstaande
-         { 
-           richting_motor1 = 1;
-           pwm_motor1 = 1; 
-         } 
+                if (motorswitch%2==0)             //-3.4 is limitationpoint, when motor turns clockwise
+                { 
+                direction_motor1 = cw;
+                pwm_motor1 = voltage_motor1; 
+                counts_encoder1 = Encoder1.getPulses(); //tellen van de pulsen in  
+                rev_counts_motor1=counts_encoder1/(gearboxratio*rev_rond);
+                value1_resetbutton = 0;      
+                 }  //if loop closed
+                else if (motorswitch%2!=0 && rev_counts_motor2<2.0) //2.0 is limitation for motor 2 when clockwise
+                {
+                direction_motor2 = cw;
+                pwm_motor2 = voltage_motor2;
+                counts_encoder2 = Encoder2.getPulses(); //tellen van de pulsen in  
+                rev_counts_motor2=counts_encoder2/(gearboxratio*rev_rond);            //weergeven van het aantal rondjes
+                value2_resetbutton = 0;
+                } //else if loop closed  
+        //speed control motor 1
+            if (fabs(speed_motor1) > 3.0){ // zorgt dat als de absolute van de snelheid van motor 1 boven de target snelheid zit ( in dit geval 3.0 rad/s) dat er in dit loopje gelopen wordt
+            voltage_motor1 = voltage_motor1-0.005;} // zorgt er voor dat de pwm verlaagd word hierdoor word de puls lengte kleiner en zal de motor langzamer gaan draaien.
+            else if (fabs(speed_motor1) < 3.0 && speed_motor1 != 0)
+            {         voltage_motor1 = voltage_motor1+0.005;  }
+        //speed control motor 2
+            if (fabs(speed_motor2) > 5.0)
+            {        voltage_motor2 = voltage_motor2-0.005;       }
+            else if (fabs(speed_motor2) < 5.0 && speed_motor2 != 0)
+            {        voltage_motor2 = voltage_motor2+0.005;  }
+     }          //if left biceps is contracted closed
+    //right biceps contract (else if case)    
+        else if (onoffsignal_biceps==1)                     //right biceps contracted
+    {        
+            if (motorswitch%2==0) //limitation of motor turning right                    
+            {
+            direction_motor1 = ccw; //turning right
+            pwm_motor1 = voltage_motor1;
+            counts_encoder1 = Encoder1.getPulses(); //tellen van de pulsen in  
+            rev_counts_motor1=counts_encoder1/(gearboxratio*rev_rond);            //weergeven van het aantal rondjes
+            value1_resetbutton = 0;
+            }  //if loop; motor turning right closed
+          else if (motorswitch%2!=0 && rev_counts_motor2>-2.0) //limitation of motor turning down
+            {
+            direction_motor2 = ccw;
+            pwm_motor2 = voltage_motor2;
+            counts_encoder2 = Encoder2.getPulses();  
+            rev_counts_motor2=counts_encoder2/(gearboxratio*rev_rond);            //weergeven van het aantal rondjes
+            value2_resetbutton = 0;    
+           }        //if loop closed
+        //speed control motor 1
+        if (fabs(speed_motor1) > 3.0){ // zorgt dat als de absolute van de snelheid van motor 1 boven de target snelheid zit ( in dit geval 3.0 rad/s) dat er in dit loopje gelopen wordt
+        voltage_motor1 = voltage_motor1-0.005;} // zorgt er voor dat de pwm verlaagd word hierdoor word de puls lengte kleiner en zal de motor langzamer gaan draaien.
+        else if (fabs(speed_motor1) < 3.0 && speed_motor1 != 0)
+        {         voltage_motor1 = voltage_motor1+0.005;  }
+        //speed control motor 2
+         if (fabs(speed_motor2) > 5.0)
+         {        voltage_motor2 = voltage_motor2-0.005;       }
-         else                           // als s is ingedrukt maar het getal is niet even (dus oneven) gebeurdt het onderstaande
-         {
-           richting_motor2 = 1;
-           pwm_motor2 = 1;
-         }      
-    }
-    else if (onoffsignal_biceps==1)                     // als d ingedrukt wordt gebeurd het volgende
-    {
-         if (motorswitch%2==0)                     // als d is ingedrukt en n is even dan gebeurd het volgende
-         {
-           richting_motor1 = 0;
-           pwm_motor1 = 1;
-        } 
-         else                           // als d is ingedrukt maar het getal is niet even (dus oneven) gebeurt het onderstaande
-         {
-           richting_motor2 = 0;
-           pwm_motor2 = 1;
-         }  
-    }   
-    else{
+        else if (fabs(speed_motor2) < 5.0 && speed_motor2 != 0)
+        {        voltage_motor2 = voltage_motor2+0.005;  }
+     }  //else if loop closed; right biceps contracted    
+    else{           //no signal of both biceps!
+    //encoders because even when signal off, motor can turn for a while. 
+    counts_encoder1 = Encoder1.getPulses(); 
+    rev_counts_motor1=counts_encoder1/(gearboxratio*rev_rond);  
+    counts_encoder2 = Encoder2.getPulses(); 
+    rev_counts_motor2=counts_encoder2/(gearboxratio*rev_rond);  
-       }              
+       }                 
+// all lopes are closed, except  while (true)! 
+//back to beginposition  by button !
+    // motor 1  
+    while(resetbutton==0 && rev_counts_motor1<-0.1 && value1_resetbutton >= 0){            
+            direction_motor1 = ccw;                                    
+            pwm_motor1 = 0.1;                             
+             counts_encoder1 = Encoder1.getPulses();                 
+             rev_counts_motor1=counts_encoder1/(gearboxratio*rev_rond); 
+             value1_resetbutton = 1;                                    
+            } //while loop closed
+    while (resetbutton==0 && rev_counts_motor1>0.1 && value1_resetbutton <=0){ // werkt het zelfde als de vorige loop maar dan met tegengestelde richting.
+             direction_motor1 = cw;
+             pwm_motor1 = 0.1;
+             counts_encoder1 = Encoder1.getPulses();
+             rev_counts_motor1=counts_encoder1/(gearboxratio*rev_rond);
+              value1_resetbutton = -1;
+            } //while loop closed
+    //motor 2       
+    while(resetbutton==0 && rev_counts_motor2<-0.1 && value2_resetbutton >= 0){ // werkt het zelfde maar dan voor motor2
+             direction_motor2 = cw;
+             pwm_motor2 = 0.1;
+             pwm_motor1 = 0;
+             counts_encoder2 = Encoder2.getPulses();  
+             rev_counts_motor2=counts_encoder2/(gearboxratio*rev_rond);
+             value2_resetbutton = 1;    
+            } //while loop closed
+    while (resetbutton==0 && rev_counts_motor2>0.1 && value2_resetbutton <=0){
+             direction_motor2 = ccw;
+             pwm_motor2 = 0.1;
+             pwm_motor1=0;
+             counts_encoder2 = Encoder2.getPulses();
+             rev_counts_motor2=counts_encoder2/(gearboxratio*rev_rond);
+              value2_resetbutton = -1;
+            }//while loop closed
+pc.printf("rev count motor 1 is %f \r\n",rev_counts_motor1);
+pc.printf("speed motor 1: %f\r\n", speed_motor2);
+    }//while true closed
\ No newline at end of file
+}//int main closed