Use the TLV320 with in-built I2S object to stream audio data from an SD Card and send it to the TLV320 CODEC for audio playback

Dependencies:   I2SSlave mbed TLV320

--- a/TLV320/TLV320.h	Fri Aug 05 10:07:47 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
- /******************************************************
- * TLV320.h: Texas instruments TLV320AIC23B library NXP LPC1768
- *
- * Written by:
- * mbed Team
- * Ioannis Kedros       -   10th January 2011  
- * (basic functionality incurred) 
- * Daniel Worrall       -   15th July 2011
- * (I2SSlave implementation and API restructuring)
- *
- * History
- * version 2.29
-#ifndef MBED_TLV320_H
-#define MBED_TLV320_H
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "I2SSlave.h"
-/** TLV320 class, defined on the I2C master bus
-class TLV320
-    public:
-        //constructor
-        /** Create a TLV320 object defined on the I2C port
-        *  
-        * @param sda Serial data pin (p9 or p28)
-        * @param scl Serial clock pin (p10 or p27)
-        * @param addr Object address
-        */
-        TLV320(PinName sda, PinName scl, int addr, PinName tx_sda, PinName tx_ws, PinName clk, PinName rx_sda, PinName rx_ws);
-        /** Power up/down
-        *
-        * @param powerUp 0 = power down, 1 = power up
-        */
-        void power(bool powerUp);
-        /** Overloaded power() function
-        *
-        * @param device Call individual devices to power up/down
-        * Device power      0x00 = On 0x80 = Off
-        * Clock             0x00 = On 0x40 = Off
-        * Oscillator        0x00 = On 0x20 = Off
-        * Outputs           0x00 = On 0x10 = Off
-        * DAC               0x00 = On 0x08 = Off
-        * ADC               0x00 = On 0x04 = Off
-        * Microphone input  0x00 = On 0x02 = Off
-        * Line input        0x00 = On 0x01 = Off
-        */
-        void power(int device);
-        /** Set I2S interface bit length and mode
-        *
-        * @param length Set bit length to 16, 20, 24 or 32 bits
-        * @param mode Set STEREO (0), MONO (1)
-        */
-        void format(char length, bool mode);
-        /** Set sample frequency
-         *
-         * @param frequency Sample frequency of data in Hz
-         * @return Returns an integer 0 = success, -1 = unrecognnised frequency
-         * 
-         * The TLV320 supports the following frequencies: 8kHz, 8.021kHz, 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz
-         * Default is 44.1kHz
-         */
-        int frequency(int hz);
-        /** Reset TLV320
-        *
-        */
-        void reset(void);
-        /** Start streaming i.e. enable interrupts
-         *
-         * @param mode Enable interrupts for NONE, TRANSMIT only, RECEIVE only, BOTH
-         */
-        void start(int mode);
-        /** Stop streaming i.e. disable all interrupts
-         *
-         */
-        void stop(void);
-        /** Write [length] 32 bit words in buffer to I2S port
-         *
-         * @param *buffer Address of buffer to be written
-         * @param from Start position in buffer to read from
-         * @param length Number of words to be written (MUST not exceed 4)
-         */
-        void write(int *buffer, int from, int length);
-        /** Read 4 x (32bit) words into rxBuffer
-         *
-         */
-        void read(void);
-        /** Attach a void/void function or void/void static member funciton to an interrupt generated by the I2SxxFIFOs
-         *
-         * @param function Function to attach
-         *
-         * e.g. myTlv320Object.attach(&myfunction);
-         * OR   myTlv320Object.attach(&myClass::myStaticMemberFunction);
-         */
-        void attach(void(*fptr)(void));
-        /** Attach a nonstatic void/void member function to an interrupt generated by the I2SxxFIFOs
-         *
-         * @param tptr Object pointer
-         * @param mptr Member function pointer
-         *
-         * e.g. myTlv320Object.attach(&myObject, &myClass::myNonstaticMemberFunction); where myObject is an object of myClass
-         */
-        template<typename T>
-        void attach(T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void)){
-            mI2s_.attach(tptr, mptr);
-        }
-                /** Line in volume control i.e. record volume
-        *
-        * @param leftVolumeIn Left line-in volume 
-        * @param rightVolumeIn Right line-in volume
-        * @return Returns 0 for success, -1 if parameters are out of range
-        * Parameters accept a value, where 0.0 < parameter < 1.0 and where 0.0 maps to -34.5dB 
-        * and 1.0 maps to +12dB (0.74 = 0 dB default).
-        */
-        int inputVolume(float leftVolumeIn, float rightVolumeIn);
-        /** Headphone out volume control
-        *
-        * @param leftVolumeOut Left line-out volume
-        * @param rightVolumeOut Right line-out volume
-        * @return Returns 0 for success, -1 if parameters are out of range
-        * Parameters accept a value, where 0.0 < parameter < 1.0 and where 0.0 maps to -73dB (mute) 
-        * and 1.0 maps to +6dB (0.5 = default)
-        */
-        int outputVolume(float leftVolumeOut, float rightVolumeOut);
-       /** Analog audio path control
-        *
-        * @param bypassVar Route analogue audio direct from line in to headphone out
-        */
-        void bypass(bool bypassVar);
-        /**Digital audio path control
-        *
-        * @param softMute Mute output
-        */
-        void mute(bool softMute);
-        //Receive buffer
-        int *rxBuffer;
-    protected:
-        char cmd[2];    //the address and command for TLV320 internal registers
-        int mAddr;      //register write address
-    private:
-        I2C mI2c_;      //MUST use the I2C port
-        I2SSlave mI2s_;
-        Ticker I2sTick;
-        void io(void);   
-       /** Sample rate control
-        *
-        * @param rate Set the sampling rate as per datasheet section 3.3.2
-        * @param clockIn Set the clock in divider MCLK, MCLK_DIV2
-        * @param clockMode Set clock mode CLOCK_NORMAL, CLOCK_USB
-        */
-        void setSampleRate_(char rate, bool clockIn, bool mode, bool bOSR); 
-       /** Digital interface activation
-        *
-        */
-        void activateDigitalInterface_(void);
-        /** Digital interface deactivation
-        *
-        */
-        void deactivateDigitalInterface_(void);
-        //TLV320AIC23B register addresses as defined in the TLV320AIC23B datasheet
-        #define LEFT_LINE_INPUT_CHANNEL_VOLUME_CONTROL  (0x00 << 1)
-        #define RIGHT_LINE_INPUT_CHANNEL_VOLUME_CONTROL (0x01 << 1)
-        #define LEFT_CHANNEL_HEADPHONE_VOLUME_CONTROL   (0x02 << 1)
-        #define RIGHT_CHANNEL_HEADPHONE_VOLUME_CONTROL  (0x03 << 1)
-        #define ANALOG_AUDIO_PATH_CONTROL               (0x04 << 1)
-        #define DIGITAL_AUDIO_PATH_CONTROL              (0x05 << 1)
-        #define POWER_DOWN_CONTROL                      (0x06 << 1)
-        #define DIGITAL_AUDIO_INTERFACE_FORMAT          (0x07 << 1)
-        #define SAMPLE_RATE_CONTROL                     (0x08 << 1)
-        #define DIGITAL_INTERFACE_ACTIVATION            (0x09 << 1)
-        #define RESET_REGISTER                          (0x0F << 1)
-        #define CLOCK_NORMAL        0
-        #define CLOCK_USB           1
-        #define MCLK                0
-        #define MCLK_DIV2           1
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