Fork of Encoder by First Last

--- a/encoder.h	Mon Sep 29 20:47:37 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ENCODER_H_
-#define _ENCODER_H_
-#include "mbed.h"
-/** Encoder class.
- *  Used to read out incremental position encoder. Decodes position in X2 configuration.
- *
- *  Speed estimation is very crude and computationally intensive. Turned off by default
- *
- * Example:
- * @code
- * #include "mbed.h"
- * #include "Encoder.h"
- *
- *   Encoder motor1(PTD0,PTC9,true);
- *   Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
- *   pc.baud(115200);
- *   while(1) {
- *       wait(0.2);
- *       pc.printf("pos: %d, speed %f \r\n",motor1.getPosition(), motor1.getSpeed());
- *   }
- * @endcode
- */
-class Encoder
-    public:
-    /** Create Encoder instance
-    @param int_a Pin to be used as InterruptIn! Be careful, as not all pins on all platforms may be used as InterruptIn.
-    @param int_b second encoder pin, used as DigitalIn. Can be any DigitalIn pin, not necessarily on InterruptIn location
-    @param speed boolean value to determine whether speed calculation is done in interrupt routine. Default false (no speed calculation)
-    */
-    Encoder(PinName int_a, PinName int_b, bool speed=false);
-    /** Request position
-    @returns current position in encoder counts
-    */
-    int32_t getPosition(){return m_position;}
-    /** Overwrite position
-    @param pos position to be written
-    */
-    void    setPosition(int32_t pos){m_position = pos;}
-    /** Request speed
-    @returns current speed
-    */
-    float   getSpeed(){return m_speed;}
-    private:
-    void encoderFalling(void);
-    void encoderRising(void);
-    bool m_speed_enabled;
-    Timer EncoderTimer;
-    Timeout EncoderTimeout;
-    InterruptIn pin_a;
-    DigitalIn pin_b;
-    int32_t m_position;
-    float   m_speed;
-    void timeouthandler(void);
-    bool zero_speed;
-#endif //_ENCODER_H_
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