
Dependencies:   MAX44000 PWM_Tone_Library nexpaq_mdk

Fork of LED_Demo by joey shelton

diff -r b86eda0e990d -r 55a6170b404f mbd_os/tools/toolchains/arm.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbd_os/tools/toolchains/arm.py	Sat Sep 17 16:32:05 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import re
+from os.path import join, dirname, splitext, basename
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+from tools.toolchains import mbedToolchain, TOOLCHAIN_PATHS
+from tools.hooks import hook_tool
+from tools.utils import mkdir
+class ARM(mbedToolchain):
+    LINKER_EXT = '.sct'
+    LIBRARY_EXT = '.ar'
+    STD_LIB_NAME = "%s.ar"
+    DIAGNOSTIC_PATTERN  = re.compile('"(?P<file>[^"]+)", line (?P<line>\d+)( \(column (?P<column>\d+)\)|): (?P<severity>Warning|Error): (?P<message>.+)')
+    INDEX_PATTERN  = re.compile('(?P<col>\s*)\^')
+    DEP_PATTERN = re.compile('\S+:\s(?P<file>.+)\n')
+        'common': ["-c", "--gnu",
+            "-Otime", "--split_sections", "--apcs=interwork",
+            "--brief_diagnostics", "--restrict", "--multibyte_chars"],
+        'asm': [],
+        'c': ["--md", "--no_depend_system_headers", "--c99", "-D__ASSERT_MSG"],
+        'cxx': ["--cpp", "--no_rtti", "--no_vla"],
+        'ld': [],
+    }
+    def __init__(self, target, options=None, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, extra_verbose=False):
+        mbedToolchain.__init__(self, target, options, notify, macros, silent, extra_verbose=extra_verbose)
+        if target.core == "Cortex-M0+":
+            cpu = "Cortex-M0"
+        elif target.core == "Cortex-M4F":
+            cpu = "Cortex-M4.fp"
+        elif target.core == "Cortex-M7FD":
+            cpu = "Cortex-M7.fp.dp"
+        elif target.core == "Cortex-M7F":
+            cpu = "Cortex-M7.fp.sp"
+        else:
+            cpu = target.core
+        if not TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['ARM']:
+            exe = find_executable('armcc')
+            if exe:
+                TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['ARM'] = dirname(dirname(exe))
+        ARM_BIN = join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['ARM'], "bin")
+        ARM_INC = join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['ARM'], "include")
+        main_cc = join(ARM_BIN, "armcc")
+        self.flags['common'] += ["--cpu=%s" % cpu]
+        if "save-asm" in self.options:
+            self.flags['common'].extend(["--asm", "--interleave"])
+        if "debug-info" in self.options:
+            self.flags['common'].append("-g")
+            self.flags['c'].append("-O0")
+        else:
+            self.flags['c'].append("-O3")
+        self.asm = [main_cc] + self.flags['common'] + self.flags['asm'] + ["-I \""+ARM_INC+"\""]
+        self.cc = [main_cc] + self.flags['common'] + self.flags['c'] + ["-I \""+ARM_INC+"\""]
+        self.cppc = [main_cc] + self.flags['common'] + self.flags['c'] + self.flags['cxx'] + ["-I \""+ARM_INC+"\""]
+        self.ld = [join(ARM_BIN, "armlink")]
+        self.sys_libs = []
+        self.ar = join(ARM_BIN, "armar")
+        self.elf2bin = join(ARM_BIN, "fromelf")
+        self.toolchain_path = TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['ARM']
+    def parse_dependencies(self, dep_path):
+        dependencies = []
+        for line in open(dep_path).readlines():
+            match = ARM.DEP_PATTERN.match(line)
+            if match is not None:
+                #we need to append chroot, because when the .d files are generated the compiler is chrooted
+                dependencies.append((self.CHROOT if self.CHROOT else '') + match.group('file'))
+        return dependencies
+    def parse_output(self, output):
+        msg = None
+        for line in output.splitlines():
+            match = ARM.DIAGNOSTIC_PATTERN.match(line)
+            if match is not None:
+                if msg is not None:
+                    self.cc_info(msg)
+                msg = {
+                    'severity': match.group('severity').lower(),
+                    'file': match.group('file'),
+                    'line': match.group('line'),
+                    'col': match.group('column') if match.group('column') else 0,
+                    'message': match.group('message'),
+                    'text': '',
+                    'target_name': self.target.name,
+                    'toolchain_name': self.name
+                }
+            elif msg is not None:
+                # Determine the warning/error column by calculating the ^ position
+                match = ARM.INDEX_PATTERN.match(line)
+                if match is not None:
+                    msg['col'] = len(match.group('col'))
+                    self.cc_info(msg)
+                    msg = None
+                else:
+                    msg['text'] += line+"\n"
+        if msg is not None:
+            self.cc_info(msg)
+    def get_dep_option(self, object):
+        base, _ = splitext(object)
+        dep_path = base + '.d'
+        return ["--depend", dep_path]
+    def get_config_option(self, config_header):
+        return ['--preinclude=' + config_header]
+    def get_compile_options(self, defines, includes, for_asm=False):        
+        opts = ['-D%s' % d for d in defines]
+        if self.RESPONSE_FILES:
+            opts += ['--via', self.get_inc_file(includes)]
+        else:
+            opts += ["-I%s" % i for i in includes]
+        if not for_asm:
+            config_header = self.get_config_header()
+            if config_header is not None:
+                opts = opts + self.get_config_option(config_header)
+        return opts
+    @hook_tool
+    def assemble(self, source, object, includes):
+        # Preprocess first, then assemble
+        dir = join(dirname(object), '.temp')
+        mkdir(dir)
+        tempfile = join(dir, basename(object) + '.E.s')
+        # Build preprocess assemble command
+        cmd_pre = self.asm + self.get_compile_options(self.get_symbols(True), includes) + ["-E", "-o", tempfile, source]
+        # Build main assemble command
+        cmd = self.asm + ["-o", object, tempfile]
+        # Call cmdline hook
+        cmd_pre = self.hook.get_cmdline_assembler(cmd_pre)
+        cmd = self.hook.get_cmdline_assembler(cmd)
+        # Return command array, don't execute
+        return [cmd_pre, cmd]
+    @hook_tool
+    def compile(self, cc, source, object, includes):
+        # Build compile command
+        cmd = cc + self.get_compile_options(self.get_symbols(), includes)
+        cmd.extend(self.get_dep_option(object))
+        cmd.extend(["-o", object, source])
+        # Call cmdline hook
+        cmd = self.hook.get_cmdline_compiler(cmd)
+        return [cmd]
+    def compile_c(self, source, object, includes):
+        return self.compile(self.cc, source, object, includes)
+    def compile_cpp(self, source, object, includes):
+        return self.compile(self.cppc, source, object, includes)
+    @hook_tool
+    def link(self, output, objects, libraries, lib_dirs, mem_map):
+        map_file = splitext(output)[0] + ".map"
+        if len(lib_dirs):
+            args = ["-o", output, "--userlibpath", ",".join(lib_dirs), "--info=totals", "--map", "--list=%s" % map_file]
+        else:
+            args = ["-o", output, "--info=totals", "--map", "--list=%s" % map_file]
+        if mem_map:
+            args.extend(["--scatter", mem_map])
+        # Build linker command
+        cmd = self.ld + args + objects + libraries + self.sys_libs
+        # Call cmdline hook
+        cmd = self.hook.get_cmdline_linker(cmd)
+        if self.RESPONSE_FILES:
+            # Split link command to linker executable + response file
+            cmd_linker = cmd[0]
+            link_files = self.get_link_file(cmd[1:])
+            cmd = [cmd_linker, '--via', link_files]
+        # Exec command
+        self.cc_verbose("Link: %s" % ' '.join(cmd))
+        self.default_cmd(cmd)
+    @hook_tool
+    def archive(self, objects, lib_path):
+        if self.RESPONSE_FILES:
+            param = ['--via', self.get_arch_file(objects)]
+        else:
+            param = objects
+        # Exec command
+        self.default_cmd([self.ar, '-r', lib_path] + param)
+    @hook_tool
+    def binary(self, resources, elf, bin):
+        # Build binary command
+        cmd = [self.elf2bin, '--bin', '-o', bin, elf]
+        # Call cmdline hook
+        cmd = self.hook.get_cmdline_binary(cmd)
+        # Exec command
+        self.cc_verbose("FromELF: %s" % ' '.join(cmd))
+        self.default_cmd(cmd)
+class ARM_STD(ARM):
+    def __init__(self, target, options=None, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, extra_verbose=False):
+        ARM.__init__(self, target, options, notify, macros, silent, extra_verbose=extra_verbose)
+        # Run-time values
+        self.ld.extend(["--libpath", join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['ARM'], "lib")])
+class ARM_MICRO(ARM):
+    def __init__(self, target, options=None, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, extra_verbose=False):
+        ARM.__init__(self, target, options, notify, macros, silent, extra_verbose=extra_verbose)
+        # Extend flags
+        self.flags['common'].extend(["-D__MICROLIB"])
+        self.flags['c'].extend(["--library_type=microlib"])
+        self.flags['ld'].extend(["--library_type=microlib"])
+        # Run-time values
+        self.asm  += ["-D__MICROLIB"]
+        self.cc   += ["-D__MICROLIB", "--library_type=microlib"]
+        self.cppc += ["-D__MICROLIB", "--library_type=microlib"]
+        self.ld   += ["--library_type=microlib"]
+        # Only allow a single thread
+        self.cc += ["-DMBED_RTOS_SINGLE_THREAD"]
+        self.cppc += ["-DMBED_RTOS_SINGLE_THREAD"]
+        # We had to patch microlib to add C++ support
+        # In later releases this patch should have entered mainline
+            # Run-time values
+            self.flags['ld'].extend(["--noscanlib"])
+            # Run-time values
+            self.ld   += ["--noscanlib"]
+            # System Libraries
+            self.sys_libs.extend([join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['ARM'], "lib", "microlib", lib+".l") for lib in ["mc_p", "mf_p", "m_ps"]])
+            if target.core == "Cortex-M3":
+                self.sys_libs.extend([join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['ARM'], "lib", "cpplib", lib+".l") for lib in ["cpp_ws", "cpprt_w"]])
+            elif target.core in ["Cortex-M0", "Cortex-M0+"]:
+                self.sys_libs.extend([join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['ARM'], "lib", "cpplib", lib+".l") for lib in ["cpp_ps", "cpprt_p"]])
+        else:
+            # Run-time values
+            self.ld.extend(["--libpath", join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['ARM'], "lib")])