publish final code

Dependencies:   FXOS8700CQ Pubnub_mbed2_sync2 SoftSerial TinyGPSplus WNCInterface2 mbed-rtos mbed



File content as of revision 0:1092494506a3:

/* Library for the Sparkfun OBD2 uart - cloned from 

#ifndef __OBD2_H
#define __OBD2_H

#define NUL     '\0'
#define CR      '\r' 
#define PROMPT  '>'
#define DATA    1  

#define STRLEN  40


#define PID_SUPPORT00 0x00
#define MIL_CODE      0x01
#define FREEZE_DTC    0x02
#define FUEL_STATUS   0x03
#define LOAD_VALUE    0x04
#define COOLANT_TEMP  0x05
#define STFT_BANK1    0x06
#define LTFT_BANK1    0x07
#define STFT_BANK2    0x08
#define LTFT_BANK2    0x09
#define FUEL_PRESSURE 0x0A
#define MAN_PRESSURE  0x0B
#define ENGINE_RPM    0x0C
#define VEHICLE_SPEED 0x0D
#define TIMING_ADV    0x0E
#define INT_AIR_TEMP  0x0F
#define MAF_AIR_FLOW  0x10
#define THROTTLE_POS  0x11
#define SEC_AIR_STAT  0x12
#define OXY_SENSORS1  0x13
#define B1S1_O2_V     0x14
#define B1S2_O2_V     0x15
#define B1S3_O2_V     0x16
#define B1S4_O2_V     0x17
#define B2S1_O2_V     0x18
#define B2S2_O2_V     0x19
#define B2S3_O2_V     0x1A
#define B2S4_O2_V     0x1B
#define OBD_STD       0x1C
#define OXY_SENSORS2  0x1D
#define AUX_INPUT     0x1E
#define RUNTIME_START 0x1F
#define PID_SUPPORT20 0x20
#define DIST_MIL_ON   0x21
#define FUEL_RAIL_P   0x22
#define FUEL_RAIL_DIESEL 0x23
#define O2S1_WR_V     0x24
#define O2S2_WR_V     0x25
#define O2S3_WR_V     0x26
#define O2S4_WR_V     0x27
#define O2S5_WR_V     0x28
#define O2S6_WR_V     0x29
#define O2S7_WR_V     0x2A
#define O2S8_WR_V     0x2B
#define EGR           0x2C
#define EGR_ERROR     0x2D
#define EVAP_PURGE    0x2E
#define FUEL_LEVEL    0x2F
#define WARM_UPS      0x30
#define DIST_MIL_CLR  0x31
#define EVAP_PRESSURE 0x32
#define BARO_PRESSURE 0x33
#define O2S1_WR_C     0x34
#define O2S2_WR_C     0x35
#define O2S3_WR_C     0x36
#define O2S4_WR_C     0x37
#define O2S5_WR_C     0x38
#define O2S6_WR_C     0x39
#define O2S7_WR_C     0x3A
#define O2S8_WR_C     0x3B
#define CAT_TEMP_B1S1 0x3C
#define CAT_TEMP_B2S1 0x3D
#define CAT_TEMP_B1S2 0x3E
#define CAT_TEMP_B2S2 0x3F
#define PID_SUPPORT40 0x40
#define MONITOR_STAT  0x41
#define CTRL_MOD_V    0x42
#define ABS_LOAD_VAL  0x43
#define CMD_EQUIV_R   0x44
#define REL_THR_POS   0x45
#define AMBIENT_TEMP  0x46
#define ABS_THR_POS_B 0x47
#define ABS_THR_POS_C 0x48
#define ACCEL_PEDAL_D 0x49
#define ACCEL_PEDAL_E 0x4A
#define ACCEL_PEDAL_F 0x4B
#define CMD_THR_ACTU  0x4C
#define TIME_MIL_ON   0x4D
#define TIME_MIL_CLR  0x4E
#define FUEL_TYPE     0x51
#define ETHYL_FUEL    0x52
#define LAST_PID      0x52 

#define MAX_DTC_READ 5

// function prototypes 
char Init();
char stn1110_read(char *str, char size);
void stn1110_write(char *str);
char stn1110_check_response(const char *cmd, char *str);
char stn1110_compact_response(char *buf, char *str);
char stn1110_command(char *str, char *cmd);
void check_supported_pids(void);
char is_pid_supported(char pid);
char get_pid(char pid, long *ret);
char verifyECUAlive(void);
char Refresh(void);
bool dtc_read(void);
bool dtc_clear(void);

struct DTC_t {
    char code[6];

char isIgnitionOn;
char isEngineOn;
bool has_dtc;

char *strip_answer(char *s);
unsigned long  pid01to20_support;  
unsigned long  pid21to40_support;
unsigned long  pid41to60_support;
long tempLong; 
long engineRPM;
