BufferedSerial for NUCLEO-F446RE forked from Veysel KARADAG and Sam Grove

Dependencies:   Buffer

Dependents:   Lab05_buffered_serial Lab05_Xbee_receive

Wed Jan 07 18:37:11 2015 +0000
updates to the constructor to enable expansion of the internal ring buffers and printf() buffer sizes

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 1
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 2 /**
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 3 * @file BufferedSerial.h
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 4 * @brief Software Buffer - Extends mbed Serial functionallity adding irq driven TX and RX
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 5 * @author sam grove
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 6 * @version 1.0
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 7 * @see
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 8 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 9 * Copyright (c) 2013
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 10 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 11 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 12 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 13 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 14 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 15 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 16 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 17 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 18 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 19 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 20 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 21 * limitations under the License.
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 22 */
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 23
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 24 #ifndef BUFFEREDSERIAL_H
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 25 #define BUFFEREDSERIAL_H
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 26
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 27 #include "mbed.h"
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 28 #include "Buffer.h"
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 29
ansond 7:6fa214b41d73 30 // Base Class
ansond 6:8287e83943f0 31 #define SERIAL_BASE RawSerial
ansond 6:8287e83943f0 32
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 33 /** A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 34 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 35 * Can be used for Full Duplex communication, or Simplex by specifying
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 36 * one pin as NC (Not Connected)
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 37 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 38 * Example:
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 39 * @code
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 40 * #include "mbed.h"
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 41 * #include "BufferedSerial.h"
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 42 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 43 * BufferedSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 44 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 45 * int main()
sam_grove 5:4d6a311fc8bf 46 * {
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 47 * while(1)
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 48 * {
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 49 * Timer s;
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 50 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 51 * s.start();
sam_grove 5:4d6a311fc8bf 52 * pc.printf("Hello World - buffered\n");
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 53 * int buffered_time = s.read_us();
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 54 * wait(0.1f); // give time for the buffer to empty
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 55 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 56 * s.reset();
sam_grove 5:4d6a311fc8bf 57 * printf("Hello World - blocking\n");
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 58 * int polled_time = s.read_us();
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 59 * s.stop();
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 60 * wait(0.1f); // give time for the buffer to empty
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 61 *
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 62 * pc.printf("printf buffered took %d us\n", buffered_time);
sam_grove 5:4d6a311fc8bf 63 * pc.printf("printf blocking took %d us\n", polled_time);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 64 * wait(0.5f);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 65 * }
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 66 * }
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 67 * @endcode
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 68 */
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 69
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 70 /**
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 71 * @class BufferedSerial
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 72 * @brief Software buffers and interrupt driven tx and rx for Serial
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 73 */
ansond 6:8287e83943f0 74 class BufferedSerial : public SERIAL_BASE
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 75 {
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 76 private:
sam_grove 3:6b76fcf27545 77 Buffer <char> _rxbuf;
sam_grove 3:6b76fcf27545 78 Buffer <char> _txbuf;
ansond 10:9ee15ae3d1a3 79 uint32_t _buf_size;
ansond 10:9ee15ae3d1a3 80 uint32_t _tx_multiple;
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 81
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 82 void rxIrq(void);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 83 void txIrq(void);
sam_grove 1:57a11fb5d529 84 void prime(void);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 85
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 86 public:
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 87 /** Create a BufferedSerial port, connected to the specified transmit and receive pins
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 88 * @param tx Transmit pin
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 89 * @param rx Receive pin
ansond 10:9ee15ae3d1a3 90 * @param buf_size printf() buffer size
ansond 10:9ee15ae3d1a3 91 * @param tx_multiple amount of max printf() present in the internal ring buffer at one time
ansond 7:6fa214b41d73 92 * @param name optional name
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 93 * @note Either tx or rx may be specified as NC if unused
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 94 */
ansond 10:9ee15ae3d1a3 95 BufferedSerial(PinName tx, PinName rx, uint32_t buf_size = 256, uint32_t tx_multiple = 4,const char* name=NULL);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 96
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 97 /** Destroy a BufferedSerial port
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 98 */
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 99 virtual ~BufferedSerial(void);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 100
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 101 /** Check on how many bytes are in the rx buffer
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 102 * @return 1 if something exists, 0 otherwise
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 103 */
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 104 virtual int readable(void);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 105
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 106 /** Check to see if the tx buffer has room
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 107 * @return 1 always has room and can overwrite previous content if too small / slow
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 108 */
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 109 virtual int writeable(void);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 110
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 111 /** Get a single byte from the BufferedSerial Port.
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 112 * Should check readable() before calling this.
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 113 * @return A byte that came in on the Serial Port
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 114 */
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 115 virtual int getc(void);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 116
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 117 /** Write a single byte to the BufferedSerial Port.
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 118 * @param c The byte to write to the Serial Port
sam_grove 2:7e8a450a9101 119 * @return The byte that was written to the Serial Port Buffer
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 120 */
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 121 virtual int putc(int c);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 122
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 123 /** Write a string to the BufferedSerial Port. Must be NULL terminated
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 124 * @param s The string to write to the Serial Port
sam_grove 2:7e8a450a9101 125 * @return The number of bytes written to the Serial Port Buffer
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 126 */
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 127 virtual int puts(const char *s);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 128
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 129 /** Write a formatted string to the BufferedSerial Port.
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 130 * @param format The string + format specifiers to write to the Serial Port
sam_grove 2:7e8a450a9101 131 * @return The number of bytes written to the Serial Port Buffer
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 132 */
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 133 virtual int printf(const char* format, ...);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 134
sam_grove 2:7e8a450a9101 135 /** Write data to the Buffered Serial Port
sam_grove 2:7e8a450a9101 136 * @param s A pointer to data to send
sam_grove 2:7e8a450a9101 137 * @param length The amount of data being pointed to
sam_grove 2:7e8a450a9101 138 * @return The number of bytes written to the Serial Port Buffer
sam_grove 2:7e8a450a9101 139 */
sam_grove 2:7e8a450a9101 140 virtual ssize_t write(const void *s, std::size_t length);
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 141 };
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 142
sam_grove 0:a977d0a3d81e 143 #endif