
Dependencies:   LSM9DS0_self_riding_bike_LQR mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Mx28.cpp	Mon Aug 20 13:21:31 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1024 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Mx28.h"
+    unsigned char   Instruction_Packet_Array[15];   // Array to hold instruction packet data 
+    unsigned char   Status_Packet_Array[8];         // Array to hold returned status packet data
+    unsigned int    Time_Counter;                   // Timer for time out watchers
+    unsigned char   Direction_Pin;                  // Pin to control TX/RX buffer chip
+    unsigned char   Status_Return_Value = READ;     // Status packet return states ( NON , READ , ALL )
+//            Private Methods 
+void DynamixelClass::debugframe(void) {
+ for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
+  printf("%x,",Instruction_Packet_Array[i]);
+ printf("\r\n"); 
+void DynamixelClass::debugStatusframe(void) {
+ for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
+  printf("%x,",Status_Packet_Array[i]);
+ printf("\r\n"); 
+void DynamixelClass::transmitInstructionPacket(void){                                   // Transmit instruction packet to Dynamixel
+    unsigned char Counter;
+    Counter = 0;    
+    servoSerialDir->write(1);                                                          // Set TX Buffer pin to HIGH    
+    servoSerial->putc(HEADER);                                                              // Write Header (0xFF) data 1 to serial                     
+    servoSerial->putc(HEADER);                                                              // Write Header (0xFF) data 2 to serial
+    servoSerial->putc(Instruction_Packet_Array[0]);                                         // Write Dynamixal ID to serial 
+    servoSerial->putc(Instruction_Packet_Array[1]);                                         // Write packet length to serial    
+    do{                                                                                 
+        servoSerial->putc(Instruction_Packet_Array[Counter + 2]);                           // Write Instuction & Parameters (if there is any) to serial
+        Counter++;
+    }while((Instruction_Packet_Array[1] - 2) >= Counter);
+    servoSerial->putc(Instruction_Packet_Array[Counter + 2]);                               // Write check sum to serial
+    wait_us((Counter + 4)*11);
+    servoSerialDir->write(0);                                                          // Set TX Buffer pin to LOW after data has been sent
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::readStatusPacket(void){
+    unsigned char Counter = 0x00;
+    static unsigned char InBuff[20];
+    unsigned char i, j, RxState;
+    Status_Packet_Array[0] = 0x00;
+    Status_Packet_Array[1] = 0x00;
+    Status_Packet_Array[2] = 0x00;                                                      
+    Status_Packet_Array[3] = 0x00;
+    i=0; RxState=0; j=0; InBuff[0]=0;
+    Timer timer;
+    timer.start();
+while (RxState<3){                              // Wait for " header + header + frame length + error " RX data
+ if (timer.read_ms() >= STATUS_PACKET_TIMEOUT){
+        return Status_Packet_Array[2] = 0x80;                                      // Return with Error if Serial data not received with in time limit
+ }
+ if (servoSerial->readable()) {
+   InBuff[i]=servoSerial->getc();
+   if (InBuff[0]==0xff) i++;                                                            // When we have the first header we starts to inc data to inbuffer
+   if ((i>=(STATUS_FRAME_BUFFER-1)) &&(RxState==0)) RxState++; //read header
+   switch (RxState) {
+    case 1: {//Read header 
+            if ((InBuff[j] == 0xFF) &&  (InBuff[j+1]== 0xFF)){                                    // checkes that we have got the buffer
+                    j=2;
+                    Status_Packet_Array[0] = InBuff[j++];                                    // ID sent from Dynamixel
+                    Status_Packet_Array[1] = InBuff[j++];                                    // Frame Length of status packet
+                    Status_Packet_Array[2] = InBuff[j++];                                    // Error (char) 
+                    RxState++; led2->write(0);
+            }
+    } break;
+    case 2: {//Read data
+      if (i>Status_Packet_Array[1]+3) { //We have recieved all data
+            do{
+                Status_Packet_Array[3 + Counter] = InBuff[j++];
+                Counter++;              
+            }while(Status_Packet_Array[1] > Counter);                           // Read Parameter(s) into array
+            Status_Packet_Array[Counter + 4] = InBuff[j++];                          // Read Check sum   
+           RxState++; 
+        }    
+      } break;      
+   } //switch 
+   }
+  }//while..
+  timer.stop();
+//  debugStatusframe();
+  return 0x00;
+// Public Methods 
+ DynamixelClass::DynamixelClass(int baud, PinName D_Pin, PinName tx, PinName rx){ 
+    servoSerial=new Serial(tx, rx);
+    servoSerial->baud(baud);
+    servoSerialDir= new DigitalOut(D_Pin);     
+    servoSerialDir->write(0);
+    led2=new DigitalOut(LED2); 
+ DynamixelClass::~DynamixelClass(){
+    if(servoSerial != NULL)
+        delete servoSerial;
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::reset(unsigned char ID){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = RESET_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_RESET;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = ~(ID + RESET_LENGTH + COMMAND_RESET); //Checksum;
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }   
+void DynamixelClass::NewBaudRate(int baud) {
+//Change the baudrate on then MBED
+    int Baudrate_BPS = 0;
+    Baudrate_BPS  =(int) 2000000 / (baud + 1);                        // Calculate Baudrate as ber "Robotis e-manual"
+    servoSerial->baud(Baudrate_BPS);
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::ping(unsigned char ID){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = PING_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_PING;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = ~(ID + PING_LENGTH + COMMAND_PING);
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    readStatusPacket();
+    if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+    }else{
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+    }            
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::setStatusPaketReturnDelay(unsigned char ID,unsigned char ReturnDelay){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_RETURN_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = EEPROM_RETURN_DELAY_TIME;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = (char) (ReturnDelay/2);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = ~(ID + SET_RETURN_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + EEPROM_RETURN_DELAY_TIME + (char)(ReturnDelay/2));  
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }       
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::setID(unsigned char ID, unsigned char New_ID){    
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_ID_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = EEPROM_ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = New_ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = ~(ID + SET_ID_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA+ EEPROM_ID + New_ID);  
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }       
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::setBaudRate(unsigned char ID, long Baud){                      
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_BD_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = EEPROM_BAUD_RATE;
+//  if (Baud > 2250000){
+if (Baud >= 1000000){
+    switch (Baud){
+        case 2250000:
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = 0xFA;
+        break;
+        case 2500000:
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = 0xFB;
+        break;
+        case 3000000:
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = 0xFC;
+        break;
+        case 1000000:
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = 0x01;
+        }
+    }else{
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = (char)((2000000/Baud) - 1);
+    }
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = ~(ID + SET_BD_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + EEPROM_BAUD_RATE + (char)((2000000/Baud) - 1) ); 
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }   
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::setMaxTorque( unsigned char ID, int Torque){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_MAX_TORQUE_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = EEPROM_MAX_TORQUE_L ;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = (char)(Torque);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = (char)(Torque >> 8);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = ~(ID + SET_MAX_TORQUE_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + EEPROM_MAX_TORQUE_L + (char)(Torque) + (char)(Torque >> 8));
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }       
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::setHoldingTorque(unsigned char ID, bool Set){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_HOLDING_TORQUE_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_TORQUE_ENABLE;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = Set;
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }       
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::setAlarmShutdown(unsigned char  ID,unsigned char Set){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_ALARM_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = EEPROM_ALARM_SHUTDOWN;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = Set;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = ~(ID + SET_ALARM_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + EEPROM_ALARM_SHUTDOWN + Set);  
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }           
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::setStatusPaket(unsigned char  ID,unsigned char Set){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_RETURN_LEVEL_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = EEPROM_RETURN_LEVEL;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = Set;
+    Status_Return_Value = Set;
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }       
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::setMode(unsigned char ID, bool Dynamixel_Mode, unsigned int Dynamixel_CW_Limit,unsigned int Dynamixel_CCW_Limit){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_MODE_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = EEPROM_CW_ANGLE_LIMIT_L;
+     if ( Dynamixel_Mode == WHEEL) {                                    // Set WHEEL mode, this is done by setting both the clockwise and anti-clockwise angle limits to ZERO
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = 0x00;
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = 0x00;
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = 0x00;
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[7] = 0x00;
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[8] = ~(ID + SET_MODE_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + EEPROM_CW_ANGLE_LIMIT_L);
+    }else {                                                             // Else set SERVO mode
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = (char)(Dynamixel_CW_Limit);
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = (char)((Dynamixel_CW_Limit & 0x0F00) >> 8);
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = (char)(Dynamixel_CCW_Limit);
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[7] = (char)((Dynamixel_CCW_Limit & 0x0F00) >> 8);
+        Instruction_Packet_Array[8] = ~(ID + SET_MODE_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + EEPROM_CW_ANGLE_LIMIT_L + (char)(Dynamixel_CW_Limit) + (char)((Dynamixel_CW_Limit & 0x0F00) >> 8) + (char)(Dynamixel_CCW_Limit) + (char)((Dynamixel_CCW_Limit & 0x0F00) >> 8));
+    }   
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();
+        if (Status_Return_Value == ALL){
+        readStatusPacket();
+            if (Status_Packet_Array[2] != 0){
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+            }
+        }
+   return 0x00; //if no errors
+ } 
+ unsigned int DynamixelClass::setPunch(unsigned char ID,unsigned int Punch){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_PUNCH_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_PUNCH_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = (char)(Punch);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = (char)(Punch >> 8);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = ~(ID + SET_PUNCH_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + RAM_PUNCH_L + (char)(Punch) + (char)(Punch >> 8) );
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }   
+ }
+ unsigned int DynamixelClass::setPID(unsigned char ID ,unsigned char P,unsigned char I,unsigned char D){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_PID_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_PROPORTIONAL_GAIN;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = P;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = I;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = D;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[7] = ~(ID + SET_PID_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + RAM_PROPORTIONAL_GAIN + P + I + D );
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }
+ }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::setTemp(unsigned char ID,unsigned char temp){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_TEMP_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = EEPROM_LIMIT_TEMPERATURE;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = temp;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = ~(ID + SET_TEMP_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + EEPROM_LIMIT_TEMPERATURE + temp);   
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }   
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::setVoltage(unsigned char ID,unsigned char Volt_L, unsigned char Volt_H){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SET_VOLT_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = EEPROM_LOW_LIMIT_VOLTAGE;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = Volt_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = Volt_H;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = ~(ID + SET_VOLT_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + EEPROM_LOW_LIMIT_VOLTAGE + Volt_L + Volt_H);    
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::servo(unsigned char ID,unsigned int Position,unsigned int Speed){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SERVO_GOAL_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_GOAL_POSITION_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = (char)(Position);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = (char)((Position & 0x0F00) >> 8);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = (char)(Speed);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[7] = (char)((Speed & 0x0F00) >> 8);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[8] = ~(ID + SERVO_GOAL_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + RAM_GOAL_POSITION_L + Position + (char)((Position & 0x0F00) >> 8) + Speed + (char)((Speed & 0x0F00) >> 8));   
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::servoPreload(unsigned char ID,unsigned int Position,unsigned int Speed){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SERVO_GOAL_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_REG_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_GOAL_POSITION_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = (char)(Position);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = (char)(Position >> 8);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = (char)(Speed);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[7] = (char)(Speed >> 8);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[8] = ~(ID + SERVO_GOAL_LENGTH + COMMAND_REG_WRITE_DATA + RAM_GOAL_POSITION_L + (char)(Position) + (char)(Position >> 8) + (char)(Speed) + (char)(Speed >> 8)); 
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::wheel(unsigned char ID, bool Rotation,unsigned int Speed){ 
+    char Speed_H,Speed_L;
+    Speed_L = Speed;    
+        if (Rotation == 0){                         // Move Left                     
+            Speed_H = Speed >> 8;
+            }
+        else if (Rotation == 1){                    // Move Right
+            Speed_H = (Speed >> 8)+4;   
+            }   
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = WHEEL_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_GOAL_SPEED_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = Speed_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = Speed_H;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = ~(ID + WHEEL_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + RAM_GOAL_SPEED_L  + Speed_L + Speed_H);            
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }           
+void DynamixelClass::wheelSync(unsigned char ID1, bool Dir1, unsigned int Speed1, unsigned char ID2, bool Dir2, unsigned int Speed2, unsigned char ID3, bool Dir3, unsigned int Speed3){
+    char Speed1_H,Speed1_L;
+    Speed1_L = Speed1; 
+        if (Dir1 == 0){                          // Move Left
+            Speed1_H = Speed1 >> 8;
+        }
+        else if (Dir1 == 1)                     // Move Right
+        {   
+            Speed1_H = (Speed1 >> 8)+4;
+        }   
+    char Speed2_H,Speed2_L;
+    Speed2_L = Speed2; 
+        if (Dir2 == 0){                          // Move Left
+            Speed2_H = Speed2 >> 8;
+        }
+        else if (Dir2 == 1)                     // Move Right
+        {   
+            Speed2_H = (Speed2 >> 8)+4;
+        }
+    char Speed3_H,Speed3_L;
+    Speed3_L = Speed3; 
+        if (Dir3 == 0){                          // Move Left
+            Speed3_H = Speed3 >> 8;
+        }
+        else if (Dir3 == 1)                     // Move Right
+        {   
+            Speed3_H = (Speed3 >> 8)+4;
+        }       
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = 0xFE;         // When Writing a Sync comman you must address all(0xFE) servos
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = SYNC_LOAD_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_SYNC_WRITE;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_GOAL_SPEED_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = SYNC_DATA_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = ID1;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = Speed1_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[7] = Speed1_H;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[8] = ID2;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[9] = Speed2_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[10] = Speed2_H;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[11] = ID3;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[12] = Speed3_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[13] = Speed3_H;    
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[14] = (char)(~(0xFE + SYNC_LOAD_LENGTH + COMMAND_SYNC_WRITE + RAM_GOAL_SPEED_L + SYNC_DATA_LENGTH + ID1 + Speed1_L + Speed1_H + ID2 + Speed2_L + Speed2_H + ID3 + Speed3_L + Speed3_H));             
+    transmitInstructionPacket();
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::wheelPreload(unsigned char ID, bool Dir,unsigned int Speed){
+    char Speed_H,Speed_L;
+    Speed_L = Speed; 
+        if (Dir == 0){                          // Move Left
+            Speed_H = Speed >> 8;
+        }
+        else if (Dir == 1)                      // Move Right
+        {   
+            Speed_H = (Speed >> 8)+4;
+        }   
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = WHEEL_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_REG_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_GOAL_SPEED_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = Speed_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = Speed_H;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = ~(ID + WHEEL_LENGTH + COMMAND_REG_WRITE_DATA + RAM_GOAL_SPEED_L + Speed_L + Speed_H);             
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }       
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::action(unsigned char ID){
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = RESET_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_ACTION;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = ~(ID + ACTION_LENGTH + COMMAND_ACTION);
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }       
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::ledState(unsigned char ID, bool Status){  
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = LED_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_LED;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = Status;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = ~(ID + LED_LENGTH + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + RAM_LED + Status);   
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }   
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::readTemperature(unsigned char ID){ 
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = READ_TEMP_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_READ_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_PRESENT_TEMPERATURE;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = READ_ONE_BYTE_LENGTH;
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();
+    readStatusPacket(); 
+    if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+        return Status_Packet_Array[3];
+    }else{
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::readPosition(unsigned char ID){    
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = READ_POS_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_READ_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_PRESENT_POSITION_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = READ_TWO_BYTE_LENGTH;
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    readStatusPacket();
+    if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value                                          // If there is no status packet error return value
+        return Status_Packet_Array[4] << 8 | Status_Packet_Array[3];    // Return present position value
+    }else{
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);                           // If there is a error Returns error value
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::readLoad(unsigned char ID){    
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = READ_LOAD_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_READ_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_PRESENT_LOAD_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = READ_TWO_BYTE_LENGTH;
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();
+    readStatusPacket();
+    if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){                                           // If there is no status packet error return value
+        return ((Status_Packet_Array[4] << 8) | Status_Packet_Array[3]);    // Return present load value
+    }else{
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);                                   // If there is a error Returns error value
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::readSpeed(unsigned char ID){   
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = READ_SPEED_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_READ_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_PRESENT_SPEED_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = READ_TWO_BYTE_LENGTH;
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();
+    readStatusPacket();
+    if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){                                           // If there is no status packet error return value
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[4] << 8) | Status_Packet_Array[3];  // Return present position value
+    }else{
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);                           // If there is a error Returns error value
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::readVoltage(unsigned char ID){    
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = READ_VOLT_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_READ_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_PRESENT_VOLTAGE;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = READ_ONE_BYTE_LENGTH;
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();
+    readStatusPacket();
+    if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){                   // If there is no status packet error return value
+        return Status_Packet_Array[3];                  // Return voltage value (value retured by Dynamixel is 10 times actual voltage)
+    }else{
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::checkRegister(unsigned char ID){    
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = READ_REGISTER_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_READ_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_REGISTER;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = READ_ONE_BYTE_LENGTH;
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();
+    readStatusPacket();
+    if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){                   // If there is no status packet error return value
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[3]);            // Return register value
+    }else{
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::checkMovement(unsigned char ID){    
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = READ_MOVING_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_READ_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_MOVING;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = READ_ONE_BYTE_LENGTH;
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();
+    readStatusPacket();
+    if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){                   // If there is no status packet error return value
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[3]);            // Return movement value
+    }else{
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);            // If there is a error Returns error value
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::checkLock(unsigned char ID){    
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = READ_LOCK_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_READ_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_LOCK;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = READ_ONE_BYTE_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = ~(ID + READ_LOCK_LENGTH + COMMAND_READ_DATA + RAM_LOCK + READ_ONE_BYTE_LENGTH);   
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();
+    readStatusPacket();
+    if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[3]);            // Return Lock value
+    }else{
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+    }
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::torqueMode(unsigned char ID, bool Status){  
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = 0x04;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_TORQUE_CONTROL_MODE_ENABLE;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = Status;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = ~(ID + 0x04 + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + RAM_TORQUE_CONTROL_MODE_ENABLE + Status);   
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }   
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::torque(unsigned char ID,unsigned int Torque){ 
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = 0x05;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_WRITE_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = RAM_GOAL_TORQUE_L;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = (char)(Torque);
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = (char)((Torque & 0x0F00) >> 8);    
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[6] = ~(ID + 0x05 + COMMAND_WRITE_DATA + RAM_GOAL_TORQUE_L  + (char)(Torque) + (char)((Torque & 0x0F00) >> 8) );            
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();    
+    if (ID == 0XFE || Status_Return_Value != ALL ){     // If ID of FE is used no status packets are returned so we do not need to check it
+        return (0x00);
+    }else{
+        readStatusPacket();
+        if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[0]);            // Return SERVO ID
+        }else{
+            return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+        }
+    }           
+unsigned int DynamixelClass::readRegister(unsigned char ID,unsigned char Register){ 
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[0] = ID;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[1] = 0x04;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[2] = COMMAND_READ_DATA;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[3] = Register;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[4] = READ_ONE_BYTE_LENGTH;
+    Instruction_Packet_Array[5] = ~(ID + READ_TEMP_LENGTH  + COMMAND_READ_DATA + Register + READ_ONE_BYTE_LENGTH);
+    if (servoSerial->readable()) 
+      while (servoSerial->readable()) servoSerial->getc(); //emthy buffer
+    transmitInstructionPacket();
+    readStatusPacket(); 
+    if (Status_Packet_Array[2] == 0){               // If there is no status packet error return value
+        return Status_Packet_Array[3];
+    }else{
+        return (Status_Packet_Array[2] | 0xF000);   // If there is a error Returns error value
+    }