code of robot bike

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem mbed

Fork of Robot_Bicycle by Chris LU

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jun 22 04:35:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jul 06 06:54:15 2016 +0000
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 //   |PH_0  | PA_1 A1|   ||ls |PB_5  D4  | PB_13|CK2
 //   |PH_1  | PA_4 A2|   ||le |PB_3  D3  | AGND |
 //   |VBAT  | PB_0 A3|   ||lw |PA_10 D2  | PC_4 |
-//   |PC_2  | PC_1 A4|   ||TX2|PA_2  D1  | NC   |
-//   |PC_3  | PC_0 A5|   ||RX2|PA_3  D0  | NC   |
+//out|PC_2  | PC_1 A4|   ||TX2|PA_2  D1  | NC   |
+//out|PC_3  | PC_0 A5|IR ||RX2|PA_3  D0  | NC   |
 //   |---------------|   ||   |-----------------|
@@ -44,9 +44,12 @@
 Ticker timer2;
 Timeout timeout;
+DigitalOut pin_pc2(PC_2);
+DigitalOut pin_pc3(PC_3);
 Serial BT(PC_6, PA_12);
-SPI spi3(PC_12, PC_11, PC_10);
+SPI SD_card(PC_12, PC_11, PC_10);
 //**** Variables from Arduino ****//
 int counter = 0;
@@ -85,8 +88,11 @@
 void attimeout(void);
 int main() {
+    pin_pc2 = pin_pc3 = 0;
-    setup_spi();
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    setup_spi_sensor();
@@ -95,11 +101,13 @@
     timer1.attach_us(&timer1_interrupt, 4000);//4.0ms interrupt period (250 Hz)
     timer2.attach_us(&timer2_interrupt, 4098);//4.098ms interrupt period (244 Hz)
-    spi3.format(8, 3);
+    SD_card.format(8, 3);
+//    fprintf_data(0);
     pc.printf("System ready.\r\n");
+//    lookuptable_steering(0);
@@ -108,7 +116,8 @@
             BTCharR = BT.getc();
-                case 's': lookuptable_pedaling(FIRST_POS);
+                case 's': reset_offset();
+                          lookuptable_pedaling(FIRST_POS);
                           pedal_state = 1; sys_state = L_PD; gamma_ref = 0.0;
@@ -126,17 +135,183 @@
             BTCharR = 0;
+        sensorG_read_3axis();
+        sensorX_read_3axis();
+        get_9axis_scale();
+        get_9axis_data(pedal_state);
         L_inver = 0.0063f * V_meas - 0.005769f;
 void timer1_interrupt(void)
+//    pin_pc2 = !pin_pc2;
     V_meas = ( * 3.3f) * IR_FILT_CONST + V_meas * (1.0f - IR_FILT_CONST);
+//    pc.printf("%d\t%d\t%d\r\n", filted_sensor_data(INDEX_ACCE_X, 1.8), filted_sensor_data(INDEX_ACCE_Y, 1.8), filted_sensor_data(INDEX_ACCE_Z, 1.8));
+    roll_fusion(axm,aym,azm,u3,u1,1);
+    x1_hat_estimat(axm,aym,azm,u3,u2,Alpha);
+    m_x1_hat(mx,my,mz,u3,u2,Alpha);
+    m_x2_hat(mx,my,mz,u3,u1,Alpha);
+    if(cosroll != 0)
+    {
+        droll_angle = lpf(u1, droll_angle_old, 62.8);
+        droll_angle_old = droll_angle;
+        dyaw_angle = lpf(u3/cosroll, dyaw_angle_old, 3.1416);
+        dyaw_angle_old = dyaw_angle;
+//        m_yaw_fusion();
+        ///cut off
+        if(m_sinyaw <= -1.0f)m_sinyaw = -1.0f;
+        else if(m_sinyaw >= 1.0f)m_sinyaw = 1.0f;
+        else ;
+        if(m_cosyaw <= -1.0f)m_cosyaw = -1.0f;
+        else if(m_cosyaw >= 1.0f)m_cosyaw = 1.0f;
+        else ;
+        ///Controller
+        if(sys_state == L_PD)
+        {
+            calc_PD(K_l, 0.0);
+            calc_Gamma(u,15,b_h);
+            gamma_rad = gamma_rad + L_PD_OFFSET;
+            dphi_hat = 0.0;
+            phi_hat = 0.0;
+            yaw_angle = yaw_angle_old + dyaw_angle * sample_time;
+            yaw_angle_old = yaw_angle;
+        }
+        else if(sys_state == M_PD)
+        {
+            calc_PD(K_m, 0.0);
+            calc_Gamma(u,15,b_h);
+            dphi_hat = 0.0;
+            phi_hat = 0.0;
+            yaw_angle = yaw_angle_old + dyaw_angle * sample_time;
+            yaw_angle_old = yaw_angle;
+            count2ztc_m++;
+            if(count2ztc_m >= CNT2ZTCm){sys_state = M_ZTC;}
+        }
+        else if(sys_state == M_ZTC)
+        {
+            if(count2straight < CNT2STRT){count2straight++;}
+            else{gamma_ref = 0.0; roll_ref = 0.0;}
+            calc_PD(K_m, phi_hat);
+            calc_Phi(K_mphi);
+            calc_Gamma(u,15,b_h);
+            yaw_angle = yaw_angle_old + dyaw_angle * sample_time;
+            yaw_angle_old = yaw_angle;
+        }
+        else if(sys_state == H_PD)
+        {
+            calc_PD(K_h,0.0);
+            calc_Gamma(u,15,b_h);
+            dphi_hat = 0.0;
+            phi_hat = 0.0;
+            yaw_angle = yaw_angle_old + dyaw_angle * sample_time;
+            yaw_angle_old = yaw_angle;
+//            count2ztc_h++;
+            if(count2ztc_h >= CNT2ZTCh){sys_state = H_ZTC;}
+        }
+        else if(sys_state == H_ZTC)
+        {
+            if(count2straight < CNT2STRT){count2straight++;}
+            else{gamma_ref = 0.0; roll_ref = 0.0;}
+            calc_PD(K_h, phi_hat);
+            calc_Phi(K_hphi);
+            calc_Gamma(u,15,b_h);
+            yaw_angle = yaw_angle_old + dyaw_angle * sample_time;
+            yaw_angle_old = yaw_angle;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            u = 0.0;
+            calc_Gamma(u,15,b_h);
+            dphi_hat = 0.0;
+            phi_hat = 0.0;
+            yaw_angle = 0.0;
+            yaw_angle_old = 0.0;
+        }
+        ///Anti-Windup
+        anti_wdup();
+//        calc_Gamma(u,15,b_h);
+        if(gamma_rad > 0.349f)gamma_rad = 0.349f;
+        else if(gamma_rad < -0.349f)gamma_rad = -0.349f;
+        else ;
+//        printf("%d   Roll:%9.6f   dRoll:%9.6f   u:%9.6f   phi_hat:%9.6f   gamma:%9.6f\r\n", sys_state, roll_angle, droll_angle, u, phi_hat, gamma_rad);
+        ///Show results or Send datas
+        gamma_degree = (short int)(gamma_rad*114.59f);
+        if(gamma_degree > 40)gamma_degree = 40;
+        else if(gamma_degree < -40)gamma_degree = -40;
+        else ;
+        ///Steering
+        if(s == 1)
+        {
+            if(state_count > COUN2_HANDLE_START)
+            {
+                lookuptable_steering( gamma_degree );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                lookuptable_steering( gamma_degree + HANDLE_START_BAL);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if(c == FIRST_POS)
+            {
+                if(state_change > 0)
+                {
+                    lookuptable_steering(HANDLE_STOP);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    lookuptable_steering(HANDLE_START);
+//                    lookuptable_steering(HANDLE_STRAIGHT);
+//                    lookuptable_steering( gamma_degree );
+                }
+            }
+            else  lookuptable_steering( gamma_degree + HANDLE_START_BAL);
+        }
+        ///print file
+        if(sys_state >= 1)
+        {
+            count_isr++;
+            T_total = (float)sample_time*count_isr;
+            ///Integrate Ax to get Vx
+            Vx = Vx_old - axm_f*sample_time;
+            Vx_old = Vx;
+//            if(Vx >= v_low && sys_state < M_PD){pedal_state = 2; sys_state = M_PD; gamma_ref = 0.0;}
+//            fprintf_data(1);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        roll_fusion(0,0,0,0,0,1);
+        gamma_degree = 0;
+    }
 void timer2_interrupt(void)
+//    pin_pc3 = !pin_pc3;
     if(s == 1)           // bluetooth start 
         i ++;
@@ -216,7 +391,7 @@
-                reset_pos();
+//                reset_pos();